My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1015 LOEN (Part 2)

Chapter 1024 LOEN (Part 2)

Among the music works released by Zhang Pingan, he has only written songs for two people. Although very few people have received the songs he produced, he has to admit that the results of the music works he produced are quite good.

The lyrical type he is most good at is a perfect choice whether it is left to the 'OST Queen' Taeyeon to sing, or to the 'sound source overlord' Lee Ji-eun to sing. After all, after the two of them sang Zhang Pingan's work, the result was clearly there.

However, various gossips about Zhang Ping'an, Kim Taeyeon, and Lee Ji-eun are endless on the Korean Internet. Anyway, there is no conclusive answer now. However, recently, few fans and media have tried to get to the bottom of it. First of all, the media people saw the class exposed by Zhang Pingan. Faced with such a top rich man, no media in South Korea was willing to offend him.

The reason is very simple, because behind the Korean media are operations of various consortiums, and these consortium families are inseparable from the Chinese market. Therefore, they held on to the idea of ​​"not offending" and did not follow up on Zhang Ping'an's information.

As for fans, they can only see what Zhang Pingan wants them to see. So even if they want to understand Zhang Pingan's backside, they don't have the ability. Who has had enough to eat all day and has nothing to do to follow Zhang Pingan? It's hard enough to survive in a place like Seoul. Did they choose to give up their lives and jobs to track Zhang Ping'an? They are not media reporters, and they are not paid for their 'following'.

In Korea, they understand the meaning of ‘class’ better. At most, ordinary people can say bad things about Zhang Pingan while drinking and chatting, and they can also express some envy of Zhang Pingan's "femininity"... and so on. But when Zhang Pingan stood in front of them, no one dared to make irresponsible remarks to his face? You should know that there are many people who nod and bow to Zhang Pingan on weekdays.

So today, when fans of Li Zhien watched Zhang Pingan enter the place they dreamed of so easily and freely, they didn't know what else to say except envy.

Zhang Ping'an came to the office. This is an office area divided by the company for Li Zhien's team. In this area, all personnel revolve around Li Zhien, which is what Li Zhien often calls "my team" on the show.

After Zhang Ping'an arrived, Li Zhien had a sweet smile on his lips the moment he saw him, and then said half-jokingly: "You're here? You came empty-handed?"

Zhang Ping'an followed Li Zhien's joke and retorted: "I said you guys, LOEN, are too stingy, right? I come to work, and your company doesn't pay me any wages, but you still want me to treat you to coffee? It's so sad, really. "

Listening to the jokes between Li Zhien and Zhang Pingan,

Hunter, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said, "I'll find someone to buy it right away."

At this time, Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien said at the same time: "It's just a joke, don't bother."

After the person said the word 'joking' at the same time, the two looked at each other and laughed. Zhang Pingan said to Hunter: "Just give me a bottle of mineral water."

When the maknae of Li Zhien's team went to get mineral water, Hunter smiled and said to Zhang Ping'an: "I saw the news trending search for 'Bae Joo Hyun' when I woke up this morning."

Li Zhien quickly informed Zhang Pingan: "Hunte is a huge fan of Hong Beibei."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded: "I know. Didn't you give Hunter the signed album that Hong Beibei gave me at my house last time?"

Li Zhien smiled and handed the iPad to Zhang Ping'an. The iPad contained this album's styling, including 'costume' design and makeup design. Only, this time the iPad does not have their singing stage design.

Because Li Zhien does not have any songs in this album, he can completely save on stage investment.

Zhang Ping'an looked through the clothes in the 'MV' of Li Zhien's title song this time and said, "It's like what's written in the lyrics? Zhien likes simplicity these days?"

The looks in the album not only include clothing that caters to current fashion, but also the most simple and relaxed clothing. White T-shirt, jeans. This is the simplest fashion look, and it is also the so-called safe look, a look that you can never go wrong with.

When you don't know what to wear, a white T-shirt and jeans are the safest fashion outfits. In spring and autumn, if it is slightly cold, you can wear a jacket on top of this. And it can be any color and any style of jacket. Whether you pair it with a formal suit or a casual jacket, it can be combined with the basic combination of a white T-shirt and jeans.

The stylist smiled and said: "PD Zhang, have you heard the song "Night Letter"? Then what kind of combination do you think is suitable for such a lyrical song with a sense of relaxation?"

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "I will shoot according to the clothing style of the title song this time. I don't need to change too many outfits, one set of fashionable clothes and two sets of relaxed clothes. The clothes are what I asked for in the fashion part. The color is bright red, and white is suitable for casual wear. Because white is the cleanest and refreshing color, when paired with Ji-eun's clean singing, people who watch the 'MV' will feel comfortable with red as the beginning and end. As for the shooting location, I think a traditional Korean house is enough. The decoration structure inside is simple and refreshing. In fact, you can find some traditional restaurants, which can save a lot of scene construction costs! By the way, you can also check out Hanok B\u0026Bs, as long as they are clean and tidy and decorated simply.”

Li Zhien's team recorded what Zhang Pingan said. After finding a place where they can shoot, they need to show it to director Zhang Pingan to make a decision.

At this time, the maknae came over with a pack of sucked jelly. He said awkwardly: "There is no mineral water in the lounge. This is the only one I found."

Zhang Pingan pinched the sucking jelly, glanced at the maknae and said, "Is this serious? Give me this?"

A makeup artist assistant in Li Zhien's team said to Zhang Ping'an: "This is jelly."

Zhang Pingan put the jelly in his hand on the table, and then said: "I remember when I first came to Seoul, a friend heard that I came from China, and he asked me curiously, do you have this in China? ? Is there that? But my answer is simple: We have everything except the US military. "

After Zhang Pingan said these words, the people present instantly became embarrassed. Zhang Pingan's words were obviously mocking the makeup artist.

What era are we in now? Doesn't Zhang Ping'an still know that it is jelly? Besides, what kind of family does Zhang Pingan belong to? The things he has seen must be much more comprehensive than what the makeup artist has seen. Does he need her to explain whether this is jelly?

Zhang Pingan's words made the scene quiet down. After it was quiet, only Li Zhien came forward. She smiled awkwardly at Zhang Pingan, because these were team members who had been following her for a long time. Li Zhien could only act as a moderator in the middle. She smiled and changed the topic to Zhang Ping'an: "Oppa, let's have dinner together at noon today?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said: "Okay, let's meet at noon later. You guys are looking for a shooting location first. I have something else to do and go to the TV station."

After Zhang Pingan said this, he left Li Zhien's company. It took him less than twenty minutes to go in. Before the fans at the door had time to disperse, they saw Zhang Pingan come out of the company and get on his The luxury car left.

After Zhang Pingan left, the eyes of the staff in the office focused on the makeup artist who said the wrong thing. Hunter said to her: "Why did you say that suddenly? Do you think Zhang Pingan can't hear the hidden meaning in your words?"

The makeup artist said: "I'm not hiding anything behind my words, I just want to express that jelly can actually quench thirst."

Facing the makeup artist's excuse, Li Zhien thought for a while and said, "Okay, stop arguing, let's end this matter here." After that, Li Zhien also left the office area.

Hunter looked at the makeup artist's assistant and said, "You should go back and rest for a while recently. Please don't follow Zhang Pingan's MV this time."

The assistant said with a hint of tears: "I really didn't mean to hide anything behind my words."

One of the stylists said: "Maybe you don't think about it that way, at least it sounds a bit strange to us. Does he need you to educate yourself on whether that is jelly? Do you think he has never seen it before, or something? Originally, he asked for mineral water , if you say no, it’s understandable even if you don’t bring anything. Or it’s perfectly fine to say sorry after you come over, and then go out to buy coffee. Who knew that the maknae just brought a jelly to him? I really don’t know, what are you thinking?”

Hunter said to his assistant: "No matter what you are thinking about, you should go home and rest for a while." After saying this, Hunter stood up and left the office area to find Li Zhien.

In the practice room, Hunter found Li Zhien, who was sitting on the sofa for rest. He walked over with a smile and said to Li Zhien: "During lunch, I went to apologize to PD Zhang. I didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly."

Although it seems like a small thing, there is a contemptuous attitude hidden inside? Although Zhang Pingan has an easy-going smile on weekdays, he is not someone who can be treated casually by everyone.

First of all, if you bring jelly over, it's a perfunctory and disrespectful gesture. Then you follow up with a popular science saying, is this jelly?

how? I feel like Zhang Pingan really doesn’t know this is jelly, has he never seen it before, or something?

Since you don't respect me, do you still want me to look good on you? Zhang Pingan went to shoot Li Zhien's MV for free because of his relationship with Zhien, rather than because he wanted to borrow Li Zhien's name and it also depended on their faces.

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