My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1023 Favored Canary

The actors like to invite them to have a drink together at home after hard work. This drinking party includes the friendship between the crew and the social relationship between the actors. Especially during the filming period before the series started airing, when the crew had not yet been broadcast by the film and television drama, and when they were not chased by broadcasters, the crew members had relatively frequent dinner parties.

If you are just building a team, then a dinner party is the fastest social setting to condense the atmosphere of the entire crew. This is why the crew likes to have dinner parties, because after a dinner party, everyone will gradually start to get familiar with each other. Once they are familiar with each other, there will be less barriers during filming, and then the filming will go much smoother.

Yui has been in various film crews for so many years, so why not drink? Even the good boy Seohyun started drinking after being involved in movies and TV dramas, right? Moreover, Yuri and Yoona, after they have been around the crew for a long time, they have become alcoholics. Yuri is even more addicted to alcohol than the most drinkable Lee Soon Kyu!

The ‘wine culture’ in the entertainment industry is even more popular. In the past, when Zhang Pingan was not at home, Yui would be very restrained in drinking. She never dared to get herself drunk. Even if the atmosphere was very good, she still did not dare to drink too much. It was not because she was afraid of losing her temper after drinking, but because she had no one to take care of her when she returned home, so she rarely drank indulgently.

The atmosphere at the wine table yesterday was high, and all kinds of funny things were mixed together. While drinking, I listened to all kinds of anecdotes, so the wine in front of Yui was also one glass after another. Because Zhang Ping'an was by her side, she could feel at ease and drink freely. So after drinking until she finally got home, she was completely broken.

The next day after being drunk, she could sleep comfortably until she woke up naturally in the morning, and when she woke up, she had prepared hot soup and rice. This was what warmed Yui the most.

Isn't the most perfect part of love such care? When I need you, you are there.

This is the first time Yui has eaten Korean-style spicy beef soup with rice after waking up in the morning. The breakfast diet of Japanese families is very light, but today Zhang Pingan made Korean-style spicy soup.

Yui took a bite of spicy rice soup and a bite of sour pickled radish cubes. She nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's the first time I woke up in the morning and ate rice soup with chili peppers. This is really a way of eating that I have never tried before. That's what Korea has to offer. Do you always drink spicy soup every morning?”

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Not necessarily, it's just that people who drink alcohol like to drink spicy soup. Because the hot soup base will make you sweat quickly. And they think that hungover people will feel better when they wake up in the morning. I don’t know if there is any scientific basis for this. But after drinking too much, you will have no appetite the next morning, but kimchi with spicy rice soup is still very appetizing.”

Yui nodded and said, "Yeah, the top of my head is already sweating, and I feel much more relaxed."

"After eating and resting for a while, shall we go to Kyoto Prefecture for two days?"

Listening to Zhang Ping'an suddenly saying that he wanted to go to Kyoto, Yui said doubtfully: "Huh? Why do you think of going to Kyoto? Are you planning to go there to see the cherry blossoms?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Sakura, isn't there still a while? Let's go to the Aman Hotel to stay for a few days. Don't you like the pace of life there very much after you went there last time?"

"I quite like it. Why don't you come and visit the company this time?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Let's go when we get back. During this period, the company's investment cases were all sent to me by email.

Company personnel are currently following up. There is no need for me to come forward specifically, just wait until I come back to check the income. "

"Okay." In fact, no matter where he is or where he goes, Yui feels very comfortable as long as Zhang Ping'an is by his side. For Yui, it doesn't matter whether she goes on vacation to the Aman Hotel or just relaxes at home every day.


The slow life at the Aman Hotel and the hot springs there allowed the two to be well healed and recuperated. Every day, they leisurely looked at the sea and sky in a beautiful place, or memorized scripts with Yui, or went for a walk in the mountains. The two stayed at the Aman Hotel for five days before returning to Tokyo.

They originally planned to stay in a hotel and wait for the cherry blossoms to bloom around them, so the two of them would enjoy the cherry blossoms in the hotel. However, Yui had an advertising update shoot for GMO Securities, so the two had no choice but to come back early, and this time Yui had to go to Hawaii to shoot this series of ads. It took four days to shoot back and forth.

Just four days after Yui left, Zhang Ping'an could pamper his canaries.

On the same day, Zhang Pingan returned to his home. The home is still filled with a strong atmosphere of life, with fashion magazines stacked on the table in the living room and thin blankets that are not folded on the sofa. Fortunately, Mai Shiraishi didn't open the fire at home, otherwise the sink at home would have piled up many dishes and chopsticks.

Last year, Shiraishi Mai still published a photo album that sold quite well, but this photo album was no longer co-published with Zhang Pingan. Shiraishi Mai became completely popular after Zhang Pingan's first version of the photo came out, so their company abandoned Zhang Pingan as the 'discoverer' and contacted the publishing house themselves.

Of course, Zhang Ping'an doesn't look down on this small amount of money. How much can he earn from taking photos? It only cost a few hundred million yen per day. If the unit was converted into US dollars, he would still be interested.

But in the entire entertainment industry, there is no one else who can earn hundreds of millions of dollars a year except Taylor who does all the concerts throughout the year. Taylor made 100 million US dollars completely without liver damage, with two shows every weekend! The whole year was spent on touring. Do you really think running around the world is not tiring?

Zhang Ping'an sorted out the fashion magazines scattered on the table. He laughed at himself: "You can't stand a business worth hundreds of millions of yen? Am I inflated? Or is it because I feel that after I don't have enough money... Is it meaningless to live a life of making money just for the sake of making money?”

After sorting out the magazines, Zhang Pingan stood on his own figure wall and admired the figures on the wall. He opened the cabinet door and took out his beloved 'Rem': "It seems that it is necessary to go to Qiu." Ye Yuan, Rem, I don’t know how many new models have been released recently.”

Yui is not here, and Shiraishi Mai is too busy at work and has no time to stay home, so Zhang Pingan can only spend the day alone, and Akihabara is the best place for a man to go shopping alone.

Zhang Ping'an looked at the room and saw that there wasn't much dust. It was probably someone Mai Shiraishi had called to do some cleaning during her recent break. Zhang Pingan went into the bedroom, took the car keys and went out. The Mercedes-Benz SUV had not been driven for a long time. The biggest advantage of the big car at this time is that it can be loaded. Zhang Ping'an made up his mind to buy a lot of 'Rems' today.

Sometimes a man can live a happy life without the company of a woman. For example, at this time, Zhang Pingan was driving a dirty Mercedes-Benz on the street, but his mood was very beautiful, just like the sunshine today, so brilliant. very. Who says that men need women to accompany them all the time?

Zhang Pingan's favorite two recreational spots in Japan are Akihabara, where he buys action figures, and Fuji Speedway! Today I had no intention of going to the track, so I just went shopping alone and bought figures that many people thought were childish and useless to satisfy my own preferences.

Akihabara, buy, buy, buy, men's happiness can also be very simple.

The trunk of Zhang Ping'an's car already contained a lot of Rem. With a full sense of happiness, Zhang Ping'an returned home, and then placed them one by one on the long dining table and slowly admired these figures.

Then he once again posted a picture on his scarf: "Rem Collector, I bought a bunch of Rem today, which one do you like?"

A lot of otaku anime fans instantly gathered under Zhang Pingan's scarf, and Rem's figure quickly attracted many people with the same preferences. But there are still more people who don’t understand, why do the wealthy second generation play with anime figures? Wouldn’t it be nice to play with a woman with the same figure in the figure?

Zhang Pingan's afternoon was very fulfilling. After night fell, Zhang Pingan went out again. He sent a message to Mai Shiraishi in the afternoon and asked her when she would get off work. Shiraishi Mai responded that today was the filming of a variety show, and it would probably end at seven o'clock in the evening. Zhang Pingan said that they would have dinner together.

Zhang Pingan booked a high-end sushi restaurant through the concierge of the Aman Hotel before returning. Originally thinking that Mai Shiraishi didn't have time today, he called Canary to eat sushi together. Finally, Mai Shiraishi had time, so they made an appointment to meet at a sushi restaurant. After she finished her work, she went directly to the sushi restaurant to wait.

The two of them wanted a private room. Although they couldn't watch the chef making sushi on the bar, they needed to enjoy the quiet. After all, Mai Shiraishi's popularity has been really high recently. So she had to be careful when going out to eat with Zhang Pingan.

In the private room of a high-end sushi restaurant, Mai Shiraishi arrived early and sat in the private room waiting for Zhang Ping'an. She waited for about ten minutes before he slowly arrived. When the waiter opened the door for Zhang Pingan, Shiraishi Mai stood up from her seat to greet him. She smiled sweetly at Zhang Pingan: "Here we come."

Although the waiter looked at Mai Shiraishi in the private room with strong curiosity, there were some things that could not be spread out. Otherwise, she will lose her job. It is hard to find a job with a good environment in Tokyo.

Zhang Ping'an first told the waiter that the food could be served, and then after watching the door close, he turned to Shiraishi Mai and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you in half a year, she's beautiful!"

Mai Shiraishi smiled gently: "Hehe. Thank you for the compliment."

Zhang Ping'an sat down and said, "Is work still so busy recently?"

"Well, since the release of my first photo album, my career has been steadily rising, and our team has been getting better and better recently."

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