My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 394 Lunch Chat

Qingshan, an "American and French fusion" restaurant called "Sky City". The difference between American and French cuisine is that American cuisine is about filling, while French cuisine is about presentation. The reason why this store is called "Sky City" is because it is located on the top floor of a twelve-story building. In fact, the simplest name is "roof garden restaurant" because no one in the surrounding single-family residential buildings would. It is built on the twelfth floor, so the view from its location is very good.

After Zhang Pingan and Araki Yuko entered the restaurant, the sun quietly peeked out from the clouds, and the golden sunlight scattered in the roof garden made people feel more comfortable. In particular, the restaurant has built a swimming pool on the top floor, which is sparkling in the sun. It seems that during the summer they may often launch some night parties or something.

Looking at the sunshine, Araki Yuko gently raised her hand to block the sunlight, and her smile was even more refreshing under the sunlight. She was already very beautiful, but she became even more charming under the autumn sunshine. Such a beautiful scene and such a beautiful person made Zhang Pingan's heart flutter for a moment. After all, people will have primitive instincts towards beautiful things or the opposite sex in an instant.

Although the sun was shining brightly outside, Zhang Pingan did not choose to sit on the large terrace because the wind in autumn was still quite strong and the temperature was relatively low.

The waiter guided the two of them to a seat by the window, so that they could enjoy the beautiful scenery while eating delicious food. After the two sat down, they picked up the menu on the table. Zhang Pingan said: "You choose what suits your taste." The two took the menu and started ordering...

After the two chose their meals, the waiter asked: "Sir, what kind of wine are you using?"

Zhang Pingan raised his hand and pointed at Yuko Araki politely with his fingers together: "I don't need it, I drove here, just give me water. Can I ask the lady what you need?"

The waiter turned to look at Yuko Araki. She shook her head and said, "I don't need it either."

When Zhang Pingan came in, he saw the bar, so he politely said to the waiter: "Make some non-alcoholic cocktails for this lady, thank you."

After the waiter nodded and left, Araki Yuko looked seriously at Zhang Ping'an, who was dressed casually today. Yesterday, he was dressed in a formal suit, a bit like a young CEO, but after taking off his suit today, his casual clothes combined with his favorite round shape shaped glasses, which made him look more youthful.

While waiting for the food to be served, Zhang Pingan and Araki Yuko chatted: "By the way, you said earlier that you were an actor. How many years have you been in the industry?"

Araki Yuko said: "The first work was in 2008, and then there were some roles every year. However, so far, I have not played an important supporting role in some well-known dramas."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "It's been six years since I debuted.

It’s been almost seven years. If you don't mind, can I ask what year you are from? "

"Ninety-three years."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Oh, 21 years old?"

Araki Yuko waved to Zhang Pingan with her bright smile and said, "No, no, I am 20 years old, and my birthday is in December."

Zhang Pingan wanted to ask, is there a difference? Maybe it’s like that in Japan, the calculation of the next age doesn’t begin until after the birthday? In other words, women are very concerned about their age, and they have to figure it out even if it takes a day or a month?

"Okay." Zhang Pingan responded helplessly. Then he said: "Isn't it normal for me to star in a TV series at the age of 14 and still not get the main supporting role today? Not every actor has the luck of Nagasawa Masami or Aragaki Yui. And your appearance is very beautiful. , a silly and sweet person who is not suitable for a morning drama heroine.”

Because the legendary duo got leading roles in some TV series and movies when they were in middle school and high school, their careers have been smooth sailing so far.

There is no such adjective as "Si Tian Bai" in Japan, so when Zhang Pingan said it, Yuko looked at him in confusion and asked, "What is Silly Tian Bai?"

"She is a weak woman who looks cute and cute every day, smiles sweetly, is harmless to humans and animals, and has no scheming. She needs the protection of the male lead at all times. This is a word used on the Internet in China to specifically describe A heroine with no personality, this is also very suitable for Japan's bloody morning drama heroine, isn't it? "

Zhang Pingan's sudden burst of humor made Yuko Araki feel the charm of another side of him, especially his description of the number one heroine of the morning drama, which was so apt that she, an actress, couldn't help laughing. : "Hahaha~~"

Looking at her brilliant smile, Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but laugh: "By the way, smile more. Your smile is so beautiful, why should I be stingy with your smile? As far as I know, many female artists, Whether you are Korean or Japanese, you have to practice smiling in front of the mirror every day. Only by practicing in front of the mirror can you show your most beautiful smile in various situations. "

Yuko tilted her head and looked at Zhang Pingan cutely and said, "Hehe, do you still need to practice your smile?" After saying that, she spread her smile.

At this time, the waiter came over with water and drinks. After he put them down, Zhang Ping'an and Zhang Ping'an thanked him, and he continued: "Of course you have to practice. A very good friend of mine told me that being an artist is a challenge. The only expression allowed in front of the camera is to smile. Even if your mood has hit rock bottom at that time, even if you are experiencing menstrual pain, you still have to smile when facing the camera, because your profession is to lead the public to be positive. No matter how tired, irritable or painful you are, you must never show it in front of the camera. This is professional quality, so they use a mechanical method to practice their smile to a very natural state."

After saying this, Zhang Pingan took a drink of water from the water glass and continued: "There is another singer and host that I like very much. She used to always show a cheerful smile in the camera, but in the past two years, She fell into a depressed state, so she put down all the hosting work in order not to bring her negative emotions to the audience, let alone make the fans worry about herself.”

Zhang Pingan's words did not make Araki Yuko feel anything. She just said lightly: "Listening to you talking about it, I feel that the artist industry is really tiring."

Because she is not famous at this time, she can even walk on the streets without restraint and go shopping. So she had never felt the "tiredness" in Zhang Ping'an's mouth. She just couldn't understand what "tiredness" was like by listening to it. Only after she has personal experience will she fully understand.

Zhang Ping'an looked at her expression, shook his head slightly and said: "Being an artist is a very tiring profession. Although you make more money, you also have more places to spend money. Before you became famous, you were still good at choosing clothes. Wear a Uniqlo, but after you become famous and everyone’s eyes are following you, can you still wear Uniqlo? And you are still a model, so I won’t go into detail about what you wear. The most important thing is that you become more famous. There is a layer of external constraints. How to balance the person you are in front of the camera with the person you are in real life? This is a dilemma that every celebrity needs to face. "

Yuko also understood that what Zhang Pingan said was something that all artists must face, but after all, the things that required her to measure herself were too far away from her. Although she has come a long way since she was a young actress, it took her six years and she is still at the same place.

So she smiled bitterly and said: "It may take a long time for me to realize the troubles you mentioned, right? Now I have very few job opportunities, even though the agency has worked hard to recommend me. But in the actor circle , the modeling industry is very competitive and not every audition will give me the results I want.”

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Take your time, you are so beautiful, you will definitely have good development in the future."

Future, future, future, she has actually heard this word countless times, from the company, from the agent, and now to Zhang Pingan. This made her say even more bitterly: "The future? You are all talking about the future, but how long do I need to wait for that 'future'? I have been working hard for six years! It will be seven years in the blink of an eye!"

Seeing her burst out like this made Zhang Pingan laugh. Because this has a completely different vision from the gentleness of Japanese women in his impression.

Women with bad tempers can be seen in China and South Korea, but this is the first time Zhang Pingan has seen it in Japan. Although there are occasionally one or two women with venomous tongues in Japanese variety shows, such images are not very pleasing to the audience.

Because in the eyes of all Japanese men, women should be gentle. Occasionally making small complaints may make the audience laugh, but applying the image of complaints to female artists will gradually make people feel very annoying.

Looking at Zhang Pingan's smile, Araki Yuko also knew that she was a little out of control. She quickly said to Zhang Pingan: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Zhang Pingan just smiled and then changed the subject: "By the way, what firm do you work for?"


Stardust Communication, Japan's top artist agency. Zhang Ping'an raised his eyebrows and said: "Oh, this is a large agency. Your agency is very tolerant of artists, but this company is not good at using the media, let alone dealing with the media. Compared with the first-line brokerage companies in South Korea, Said, your company’s publicity is more than a little lacking.”

"Our company rarely interacts with the media because representatives feel that any publicity cannot compare to being down to earth."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "It's a good thing to keep your feet on the ground, but how long should you keep your feet on the ground as an artist? After all, artists cannot be top-notch, and their career span is very short."

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