My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1065 News? novel? stupidly can not tell

Chapter 1074 News? novel? stupidly can not tell

After hanging up Li Zhien's call, Zhang Pingan turned to look at Taeyeon. She also ended the discussion call with the company and turned to look at Zhang Pingan.

Zhang Pingan nodded with a smile and said: "I think the response your company has said is a very good choice. Your SOLO career cannot be affected by this news for the time being."

Although S.M knew that Taeyeon and Jang Pingan had an unclear relationship, the company still proposed the response method of 'denying the news'. I have to say that their company is really good at talking nonsense, because the news that broke out this time is not about 'love' but 'cohabitation', so they strongly suggested to 'deny' this news, just say Zhang Ping'an I just went to her house as a guest.

Of course, Zhang Pingan understands that once the news about an artist's "living together" spreads, the impact on the artist will be much greater than that of "love". Although it is very normal for couples in society to live together after falling in love, from the perspective of traditional moral thinking, "unmarried cohabitation" is not so advocated.

So Zhang Ping'an suggested to Taeyeon and simply followed the company's suggestions. Because her solo career has just begun, denying the news at this time is the best choice.

Zhang Ping'an continued to say to Taeyeon: "If this time we were just photographed and said we were in love, then I think it would be okay to accept it, but the impact of 'living together' as your company said is different. "

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Ping'an and said softly: "Personally, I don't think it matters. I can accept whatever the news writes about me, but I'm worried about you..."

Before Taeyeon finished speaking, Zhang Ping'an shook his head and responded: "Worried about me? What do I have to worry about? As a person like me, the last thing I care about is online reviews. No matter what kind of online reviews, I won't be right. I have no influence. On the contrary, your profession will have a great impact on the news of "cohabitation". Okay, I decided to handle this matter according to your company's response. "

Taeyeon really doesn't think it matters. In fact, she thinks she can deny living together and admit the fact of being in love. Isn't this a confession to her fans? However, Zhang Pingan feels that it is better not to affect Taeyeon's solo development for the time being. Although the sales performance of her first regular album is very good, if she admits to being in a relationship and living together at this time, then Taeyeon and Lee Ji-eun will look like There seems to be a big gap.

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "It's really okay with me."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "It doesn't matter to me. In fact, fans have almost guessed our relationship, but sometimes we need to give fans a reason to comfort themselves. Let's wait a little longer. One day fans will think that we are It's almost time to explode,

Shall we talk then? If you deny it this time, it will not affect your upcoming concert schedule. "

As he spoke, Zhang Pingan took out his mobile phone, and then he found a night view photo taken at his home in Longshan District among the pictures on his mobile phone.

Immediately afterwards, he also posted a photo of the night view on his 'ins', and also denied the statement: "The night view is beautiful, and I can enjoy it with you. Living together? This news is even more magical than a 'novel'. You take a picture The photo just said that we live together? You also said that it was natural for me to enter Taeyeon’s password. I laughed on the spot. I don’t want you to post the photo of me entering Taeyeon’s password. You just need to tell me which floor and room Taeyeon lives in. , I admitted it without saying a word. Don’t write fiction, write news with facts.”

Taeyeon followed Zhang Pingan's 'ins' and published her own news: "The media does not write novels in a day or two. They only took photos of Zhang Pingan going to my house. Why not release a photo of him leaving half an hour later? Oh, that's right. , you won’t be able to write novels if you release it?”

S.M immediately announced the news: "There are media reports that Zhang Pingan and my artist Kim Taeyeon are living together. After confirmation, the report is not true. Please don't spread rumors randomly."

Then Zhang Pingan wrote another message: "Dear friendly media, would you like me to provide you with a photo to write another novel? How about changing the protagonist to Li Zhien or Yui Aragaki this time? By the way, also There are Kim Seol-hyun and Son Na-eun, write them all.”

When Zhang Pingan posted the first photo of his 'Ins' ​​response, some netizens immediately pointed out: "The night view photo posted by Zhang Pingan, the location seen from the room is the location of the 'Longshan Laimeian' apartment" ”

Laimeian Apartment in Longshan District? Didn't Li Zhien buy Laimeian Apartment last year? So some netizens immediately speculated: "I suspect that the purpose of Zhang Ping'an posting this photo is to tell everyone that he took it at Li Zhien's house? Otherwise, why would he suddenly say that he would let reporters write reports about him and Li Zhien? 'Woolen cloth?"

Immediately, some netizens continued the story above: "It is very possible that Li Zhien bought a property in Lai Mei'an last year. This is known to all fans of Li Zhien. And the photo posted by Zhang Ping'an at this time happened to be a The photos taken at Lai Mei An Apartment. And didn’t everyone notice that he placed the name ‘Lee Ji Eun’ in a very subtle position?”

I have to say that fans are really good at interpreting things too much. Zhang Pingan sent a photo taken from his home just to confuse everyone's vision and make everyone think he has gone home after seeing the photo. He had no idea that a night scene photo would be able to be accurately captured by someone. It was taken in Lemen? I really have to say that today’s netizens are very powerful.

Interpretation from netizens: "After we Zhien saw the news, the word 'novel' suddenly appeared, and then Zhang Ping'an posted a photo of Li Zhien's house? And what did he tell reporters about changing the protagonist of the story to Li Zhien? As for what happened later? All the 'names' are used to cover up his true intentions?"

"Reporter, didn't you say that Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon are living together? Why don't you post more photos of him entering and leaving Taeyeon's community? Just one photo says that the two are living together? This is phishing, you garbage reporter!"

"It must be a rubbish reporter. It's obvious that he used headlines to fish. We are just stupid and believed that the headlines clicked in and increased his traffic."

"If there is conclusive evidence, instead of saying in words that Zhang Pingan entered Taeyeon's home password naturally, we should post more photos of Zhang Pingan entering the community to prove it."

"Nowadays, the headlines are getting more and more scary. Are the 'living together' titles coming out? Next time those exposed couples photographed in the garage of the community, just use the title 'living together'. This title is used for fishing. It's really cool." So powerful,"

Because many couples in the industry are photographed in the underground garage of someone's home. After all, it is easy for reporters to catch some news squatting in the garage of an artist's home. Some news agencies even ask people to work in community property management, as garage cleaners or something, in order to capture evidence of an artist's relationship.

After Lee Ji-eun joined the hot news search, the news became turbid, followed by triple denials from Zhang Ping'an, Taeyeon, and the company, which comforted Taeyeon's fans. Especially what Zhang Pingan said, as long as the reporter could tell "which floor" Taeyeon's family lived on, he would dare to admit it. But after all the fans refreshed the page and waited for the news for half an hour, they still didn’t see any news that the news website had made any changes.

Because no reporter could answer which floor Taeyeon lived on. I don’t even know how to answer it, why should I randomly pick up a number and try to get lucky? And then wait for Taeyeon to show off her house copy and slap her in the face for the number she pulled out?

And with the powerful brainpower on the Internet automatically guessing Zhang Ping'an's intention in sending the photos, this matter is getting more and more confusing.

Although Taeyeon's fans got a satisfactory official answer, they can comfort themselves and fall asleep late at night. But fans forgot to read the statement from ‘S.M’. Because the denial made by ‘S.M’ this time is very artistic. He just denied that this ‘news information’ is not true.

But what is written in the news this time? It says "living together", but it doesn't deny the love between Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon.

Even if some fans pointed out this doubt after dawn, the matter has already subsided among fans. And it is impossible for S.M to come out and deny the love news again.

It is enough to deny the news agency's report. As for the doubts raised by netizens, there is no need for the company to come forward.

That night, Zhang Pingan fell asleep with Taeyeon in his arms. The next day, early in the morning, Zhang Ping'an got up early and made breakfast, and he and Taeyeon got up to eat a simple Korean breakfast. The two of them ate while watching today's news.

The trend of the two living together is still not going down, but the news of 'denial' has been pushed up. It says 'cohabitation' on the top and 'deny' on the bottom. At the same time, the third hot search was "Li Zhien is dissatisfied with the news?" ’

Those office workers who went to bed early last night saw such a big melon when they woke up this morning, and immediately picked it up and ate it.

Zhang Ping'an, Kim Taeyeon, Lee Ji-eun. The relationship between the three people was once again confused by netizens?

"There is a big secret in this. Let's not talk about whether the news is true or false, but the attitude of the three people is a bit interesting. I always feel that the 'grievances' between the three people are not that simple. This is definitely a typical triangle that often appears in TV dramas. love."

"She loves him and he loves her?"

"What if it's her who loves him and he loves her?"

"It's not so exciting, is it, a love triangle? Where do you put Yui Aragaki? Don't forget, there is a Japanese national actress standing behind the two of them. Let me tell you, Yui Aragaki is not interested at all. Lost to Lee Ji-eun and Kim Taeyeon, and Japanese women are so gentle.”

"Hey, Zhang Pingan's relationship is a bastard, unless you catch a photo of them kissing on the spot. Otherwise... no one can 'convict' him. This may be the privilege of the rich."

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