My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1,080 Who stipulates that only one marriage is allowed?

Early in the morning, Zhang Pingan felt bad when he saw the news. Sitting on the bed, Zhang Pingan picked up his cell phone and said on his scarf: "Oh, why is it the news about me and Gu Lina again? Are you annoyed? Didn't I just have a meal at Yong Yiting's yesterday? Have we met? This also involves me and her. At, Gu Lina came out and said, it’s none of my business to break up?”

Then Zhang Ping'an was angry but posted a second article: "How come the Chinese news agency also learned to activate the 'fishing' mode like the Korean and Japanese gossip agencies? Did we hold hands in the photo? Or did I go to her room? Eat? We just met each other and fell in love? Then if I have a lot of female artists in Korea and Japan, wouldn’t I be in love with everyone? Can you please stop writing about me and Gu Lina? Let’s try someone else. Okay? Let’s just write about me, Lee Ji-eun, Kim Taeyeon, and Yui Aragaki. Oh, what about Huaxia? I’d also like to write about ‘at Pangdi’ who’s been busy lately.”

Zhang Ping'an's two consecutive articles revealed that he and Gu Lina had a bored attitude towards the news. Many people believed Zhang Pingan's words when they saw the explanation of the scarf sent out early in the morning when everyone had just woken up.

Everyone thinks that Zhang Ping'an may not really have a romantic relationship with Gu Lina, but it's hard to say whether there is any other shady relationship. After all, Zhang Pingan is too rich, and he is also engaged in the entertainment industry.

However, in the second piece of news, Zhang Pingan directly ‘at Fat Di’, which made countless fans of Fat Di very dissatisfied, saying that Zhang Pingan was taking advantage of Fat Di’s popularity. Because the most popular female artist in China right now is Pang Di!

Pang Di very interestingly replied to Zhang Pingan with three "???" on his scarf. Then Pang Di replied to his fans: "An Geer himself is the biggest heat maker, so... he needs to rub me The heat? No need. At Zhang Pingan, you owe me a meal.”

After Zhang Pingan gave an explanation on Huaxia's scarf, he issued a statement on 'ins': "A chance meeting at a meal is also love. Then the person at the same table with me... If you still need photos, I still have them." Zhang Pingan He posted many photos of eating together, including him and Taeyeon, him and Lee Ji-eun, and him and Yui Aragaki.

Then Zhang Pingan uploaded photos on his scarf, nine photos, nine people, Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon, Pani, Sika, Yoona, Lee Ji Eun, Kim Seol Hyun, Ishihara Satomi, Aragaki Yui, the principal . Among the photos of the nine people, there is also one of Ping An and the principal eating together. This is the real deal.

Netizens looked at Zhang Pingan's photo and directly left a message: "You are so hot, you actually have a picture of the principal? Gary is so proud." "At principal, you and Zhang Pingan... this is really hot."

Zhang Pingan lost his temper on his scarf early in the morning, which made many people think that Zhang Pingan and Gu Lina really had nothing to do that. The most critical comparison is that there are many female stars who are rumored to have affairs with Zhang Pingan on weekdays. Especially after the news about Zhang Pingan, Li Zhien, and Kim Taeyeon came to light in South Korea, he has never lost his temper, and every time They all asked reporters to get evidence!

All fans know that there must be something going on between Zhang Ping'an, Taeyeon, and Lee Ji-eun, and didn't some netizens analyze that the three of them are now in a love triangle? As for how Zhang Pingan can balance in this state, no one knows. But it is certain that the relationship between the three of them is definitely not simple.

So every time news broke about the relationship between the three people, Zhang Pingan would either remain silent or ask reporters to get evidence.

Only today, after the news about Zhang Pingan and Gu Lina came out again, he jumped out uncharacteristically and said a lot.


For breakfast, Zhang Pingan and his parents sat at the dining table, simple millet porridge and some brown sugar cakes. Millet porridge has the effect of clearing away heat and calming dryness at the beginning of hot summer. Those who imagine that rich people's dining tables are extremely rich are all nonsense. In fact, the richer people eat healthier and lighter meals.

Zhang Ping'an casually took a brown sugar cake and gnawed it. Zhang's mother smiled and said, "How are you busy with your affairs in Hangzhou?"

Zhang Ping'an responded: "It's okay. The pre-preparation for the show is mainly about setting up the venue, which is a bit cumbersome. The weather in Hangzhou is quite good, and I think the city's planning is much more comfortable than in Shanghai. I'm all thinking about it. Don’t want to buy a house in Hangzhou?”

Father Zhang smiled and said: "Actually, cities are the same everywhere. Didn't you go to Chongqing last time? What do you think of that city?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "A city with great potential for development."

Zhang’s mother said: “The old first-tier cities are actually overdeveloped. In terms of development potential, especially for small and medium-sized development companies, these central cities actually have greater opportunities because local support is much stronger. But it’s hard to find talents in such a city because many people are unwilling to take root in such a city.”

Many companies are clustered in the first-tier cities of "Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen", which has also led to many talents to seek opportunities in such developed cities. However, in the central region, developing cities such as the "Chongqing-Rongcheng" twin cities are more First-tier cities are relatively lacking in talent. But as the country plans for the future, major cities will become better.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "After I went to Chongqing, I really thought that city was good, but I heard that it is extremely hot in summer."

Father Zhang responded with a smile: "That is a well-known furnace city in China!"

Mother Zhang smiled and slowly finished the millet porridge in front of her. She put down the bowl and chopsticks and looked at Zhang Pingan: "When do you plan to get married? You are already thirty!"

Regarding the topic of 'getting married and having children', it is definitely the top priority for every family in China. And Zhang Pingan is the only child, so getting married and having children is more important.

Zhang Ping'an thought that this time his mother suddenly called him back, this was probably what happened. Yes, he is already thirty. If the family conditions are ordinary, a thirty-year-old man may find it difficult to find a partner. After all, getting married involves too many financial factors. But Zhang Pingan's conditions in all aspects are extremely superior, and Zhang's mother also knows that there are many women around him, so getting married is not difficult for a person of his condition.

Zhang Ping'an shook his head bitterly and said: "Well... well, I... I don't know. I haven't thought about it that much yet. How about a few more years?"

Zhang's mother stared at Zhang Pingan, looked at him with a 'worthless' look in her eyes and said: "What are you waiting for? What's there to wait for? Don't you have a girlfriend? Haven't you ever told your girlfriend about getting married? question?"

Zhang Ping'an said depressedly: "It's not...this..."

"You have too many girlfriends and you don't know who to marry?" Zhang's mother said with a smile, "Do you think getting married will destroy the balance of getting along now?"

After Zhang Ping'an heard his mother express his difficulties, he nodded subconsciously, then immediately shook his head and said, "Well... let's wait a little longer."

Mother Zhang said with a smile: "Although China's rule is monogamy, China has never limited the number of times you can get married. You can get married fifty times if you have the ability, as long as you don't get married at the same time."

Listening to his mother's words, Zhang Pingan looked at her with wide eyes. Of course, Zhang Pingan also knew this method, but he never knew who to speak to first.

Zhang Ping'an's mother continued: "Marriage does not have to be glamorous. Maybe it is enough to have a meal as a family."

Zhang Pingan looked at his mother dumbly and said, "But is there really no need to hold a wedding?"

Mother Zhang said with a smile: "Who knows, how to get married, it depends on your own discussion, whatever your father and I think is fine. If you want to do it in a beautiful way, then we will prepare it in a beautiful way. You It needs to be handled in a low-key manner and we should cooperate actively. Anyway, I want to see my grandson, that’s all I ask!”

Listening to his mother's words, Zhang Pingan couldn't help but smile, and could only reach out to cover half of his face. Really, he never thought that these words actually came from his mother's mouth?

Looking at Zhang Pingan's appearance, Zhang's mother smiled slightly and said: "Okay, stop pretending in front of me. You are my son. Don't I still know the little things in your heart? I am today I'm just giving you a suggestion. It doesn't matter if you get married or not, but I think it's our family's responsibility to take care of the rest. Ah, that Japanese girlfriend of yours is very nice, I saw her photos.”

Zhang Pingan said: "Yui Aragaki?"

"Well, Yui, she's very beautiful! And she has a gentle personality."

Zhang Pingan immediately retorted: "You can't bully others just because she has a gentle personality."

Mother Zhang's eyes widened, and she immediately became angry: "Am I bullying her? I think it's you... Forget it, anyway, you can either bring me a grandson next year, or at least there will be pregnancy news. Let's go, I'm going to work ”

Seeing that his mother was about to go out, Zhang Pingan grabbed a hard-boiled egg in his hand and stood up: "I'm leaving too."

Missing the end of the morning rush hour at 9:30 in the morning, Zhang Pingan went out with her mother, and she took a car to the company. Zhang Pingan drove the vehicle in the direction of his home. As he drove, he was thinking about the 'order' given by his mother.

In fact, it's not that Zhang Pingan has never thought about getting married, but he has never thought of the best solution. Because after all, men have been married too many times, Zhang Pingan was still worried about what his family would say, but he did not expect that his mother would suggest that he marry them all, which was an explanation for them.

As for how to deal with life after marriage, this is Zhang Pingan's problem.

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