My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1084: I was very sorry at the time.

Sayuri and Nanamin were stunned when they knew that Zhang Pingan was going to marry Yui Aragaki. Because with the popularity of the TV series "Escape", Yui Aragaki dominated Japanese news pages at the beginning of this year. As Japan's national actress, if Yui Aragaki announces her marriage... the news will be a huge bomb.

Getting married is fatal to an idol's career. But for actors, there may be a certain impact, but it won't be as fatal as idols. Moreover, Yui Aragaki is 29 years old this year. Her choice to get married at this age seems to be a matter of course. Although Yui Aragaki is a national actress, she can't become a nun and never marry, right?

So when she chooses marriage when she is close to thirty years old, maybe she will receive blessings from some fans. Moreover, there were rumors that Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki did not choose to get married without any warning. At most, the previous news was brought out again to stir up speculation.

It's just that Japan's national actress chose China's Richest Man II... which may make some fans feel a little angry and regretful.

Silence, the room fell into a kind of silence. If Zhang Pingan announced that he was getting married, it might not have a big impact on them. But the marriage partner was Yui Aragaki... This was the point where they felt the impact.

Seeing that both of them were silent, Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Hey, why are you so stunned? Are you surprised that I got married?"

Sayuri nodded and said: "Well, it's just a bit unexpected, and it's also our national actress: Yui Aragaki."

In the past, Sayuri only knew that Zhang Pingan was quite rich, until later "Forbes" announced that Zhang Pingan was Asia's richest young man under the age of 30, and also directly announced that Zhang Pingan's family property was one billion U.S. dollars, which was calculated as one billion dollars. One hundred billion yen, and that’s nothing. Finally, Zhang Pingan’s family background was made public. A world-class investment company, and isn’t it evaluated by the media? Zhang Pingan's family wealth is at least 20 billion US dollars.

It turned out that Zhang Pingan was born into a wealthy family in China. This made Sha Youli understand one thing. Even if Zhang Pingan gets married in the future, he will have nothing to do with her. Even if she liked him, she wouldn't be able to marry into that family.

However, as Japan's top national actress, Yui Aragaki's beauty is impeccable, and her career achievements are also very high. So in Sha Youli's opinion, Zhang Pingan is a good match for her.

When Zhang Pingan heard the unexpected words from Sayuri's mouth, he just smiled. In fact, both of them knew what happened between Zhang Pingan and Shiraishi Mai, but they didn't know what to say at this time, including Zhang Pingan... didn't know what to say.

Nanamin was silent for a while and then said: "After you decide the wedding date, please inform me. I will be there to bless you then."

Sayuri also nodded and said, "Yes, we have known each other for three years. If you get married, we will definitely come to give you our blessings."

When he heard the two of them talking about sending blessings, Zhang Pingan just smiled and shook his head, because he had not thought about holding this wedding in public, so he could only accept the blessings on behalf of Yui Aragaki.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Thank you. Oh, by the way, Sayuri, are you 25?"

Sayuri curled her lips in depression and said, "It's very impolite to tell a woman's age."

"Okay, stop pretending in front of me and put away your acting skills." After Zhang Pingan said these words, Sayuri said with a smile: "Yes, I am 25, and I have been in love since 12 years." Dou, I have been in this industry for five years. Sometimes I feel that five years go by in a blink of an eye.”

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Your group has developed well in the past two years.

Your schedule is quite busy every day, so you naturally feel that time flies by faster. You have held so many concerts, but I have never come to see one live. "

Sayuri smiled and said: "Around the end of this year, we will have a concert at the Little Arena. Come and see it then. I will prepare the tickets for you."

Zhang Ping'an took a sip of coffee and said, "Well, if I have time then, I will definitely come and see it. By the way, I will ask Konno in two days, how about letting your group perform a concert in China?" Your fans in China have been growing very fast recently.”

Sayuri was very surprised and said: "Us? Can we go to China to perform?"

After Sayuri put away the food bought by Zhang Pingan, she came to the living room and sat with the two of them in the living room to chat closely.

Zhang Pingan said: "Of course, your popularity in China has been very high recently. It's just that some fans have trouble getting visas to come to Japan, so many fans who want to come to Japan to chase stars don't have the chance to come, so I just wanted to invite you to China."

Sayuri asked: "Are you going to An Jiang's hometown, Shanghai?"

There are a lot of videos about "Shanghai" on YouTube. Shanghai's prosperity is also very famous around the world.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Well, go to my hometown. Because artists from South Korea cannot enter China recently, this is a good thing for the Japanese entertainment industry."

Sayuri didn't have that much thought to care about the issues between China and South Korea, so when she heard Zhang Pingan's words, she said doubtfully: "Why?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "Some problems between countries, haven't you noticed that more people from China are traveling to Japan this year? Because none of the Chinese travel agencies can go to South Korea."

Nanamin nodded and said: "Didn't I go back to Hokkaido soon after the New Year? Although there were many Chinese tourists visiting our hometown in winter in the past, there are especially many today."

Zhang Pingan said: "The good relations between our two countries will promote more cultural development. So I think it is a very important thing for your group to get out of Japan. I will talk to Konno in two days. Sayuri, you are extremely popular in China, and your 'Silly Apple Army' is very kawaii."

"Hehe." Sayuri smiled stupidly, then looked at Zhang Pingan with a bulging face and an innocent look, her look was pretending to be pitiful. Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but make a fake move, stretching out his two fingers to poke her eyes.

This made Sayuri laugh. Seeing Sayuri's laughter, Zhang Pingan couldn't help but shook his head, and then said: "I am really happy to see your career succeed again. I'm really happy. I was sorry for you at the time, and I made you bear such a heavy burden. I thought too simply at the beginning... so I never took good care of you. Now that I think about it, I feel sorry for you. I’m really sorry.”

Both of them knew that Zhang Pingan was talking about the "Bunshun" incident, even though Mai Shiraishi in the team had repeatedly stated that it was fake news, and she was also present that day. But what's the use of just knowing the truth within the team? Fans don't seem to believe this explanation. In the end, Sayuri resisted everything alone.

Sayuri smiled and said: "Don't sound so sad, it's been so long, and I have never blamed you. I think I am quite satisfied to know you. Besides, you helped me a lot ”

Of course, what Sha Youli said about helping her meant that Zhang Pingan gave her a lot of money, including this house, which was all money Zhang Pingan 'lent' to her. Moreover, she has not spent all the money Zhang Pingan gave her yet. Because she didn't buy any luxury goods and had to work on weekdays, her biggest expense was food.

"As long as you don't hate me, it's fine. After what happened, I thought I wasn't someone who relied on fans anyway, so I... didn't explain too much, but it hurt you."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's apology, Sayuri smiled and said, "Hey, don't talk about these things, it's all over. Sometimes these experiences are also precious to me, and don't you only see rainbows after going through wind and rain? So, don't you see the rainbow after going through wind and rain?" , the rainbow I see now is beautiful.”

"Okay, I won't talk about the unhappy things either. "

Sayuri smiled and said: "An Jiang, you are getting married soon. I have a question to ask you."

"Well, you ask."

"Did you like me back then?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said, "Of course I like it. Sayuri is so cute, how could I not like it?"

Liking is the basis for being willing to get in touch. If you don't have any feelings of liking at all, then you won't even want to have contact with her. Just like Satomi Ishihara, whom Zhang Pingan met by chance, he didn't have any affection for her, so even though her number was saved in his mobile phone, Zhang Pingan never contacted her.

Sha Youli nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, as long as you say this." Because it is meaningless to say more now. After all, Zhang Pingan is getting married, and she only needs to know that he once liked her. .

Zhang Pingan said: "If you have any questions in the future, you can contact me. I can help you with anything within my capabilities."

Sayuri said: "Aren't you afraid that if I call you in the middle of the night, Yui Aragaki will be jealous?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "She won't."

Nanamin looked at Zhang Ping'an and said with certainty, she smiled and said half-jokingly: "When I saw the news about your relationship with the Korean idol, I thought you would marry the Korean idol, but I didn't expect it in the end. But she is married to Aragaki Yui-senpai. She is the most ideal wife chosen by countless men in Japan. "

Listening to Nanamin's words, Zhang Pingan seemed a little hesitant. He was quiet for maybe two seconds before he said: "Well... I feel very lucky to be able to marry Yui."

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