My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 400 A dream?

On the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Karuizawa, Yuko Shinki sat in the carriage and looked out the window a little absent-minded. In fact, after nightfall, she could not see any scenery outside the window because of the reflection in the carriage. After she got on the train, her heart began to become entangled. This was a battle between herself and herself. Today she sent a message to Zhang Pingan, just to get in touch with him further.

And Zhang Pingan's response was also very straightforward. He was in Karuizawa, so you can come over. I don't know if it was because she was moved by hearing the holiday resort of "Karuizawa", or she was mentally prepared? So she embarked on the Shinkansen to Karuizawa.

But after getting on the train, her heart began to struggle, because she knew very well what would happen when she went to Karuizawa this time. But Zhang Pingan's attitude towards her had been very obvious in the previous two contacts. It was impossible for them to develop a deeper relationship, and she could not become Zhang Pingan's girlfriend. Even if Zhang Pingan broke up with Jessica of Girls' Generation, it would be impossible for her to have anything to do with it.

Because the relationship between Zhang Pingan and Shiraishi Mai was well hidden, if the editor-in-chief hadn't revealed some information, she would never have known that the popular Shiraishi Mai had Zhang Pingan's support behind her! In Korea, there is Xika, and in Japan, there is Shiraishi Mai. This is just what she knows, and there are definitely more than two young and rich men like Zhang Pingan, which Araki Yuko is very sure of.

Because if a man is loyal, it is impossible for the current situation to happen. But once such a situation occurs, it is definitely impossible for there to be only one or two. Whether it is his excellence in career or his excellent appearance, he is very attractive to the opposite sex.

If Zhang Pingan is a very loyal man, it is possible for her to get promoted as she fantasizes, with a 0.1% chance. As long as she maintains a close friendship with him during his relationship, and waits for her to take the initiative and work harder after he breaks up with Xika, then there is really a slight possibility. But the reality is that Zhang Pingan is not such a loyal person. Women actually know in their hearts that men, if the conditions are good, want him to be 100% loyal? That's impossible!

So she was a little hesitant sitting in the car, and at the same time she was thinking about what she could get from Zhang Pingan on her trip to Karuizawa this time?

Get his feelings? Even Araki Yuko herself knew that this was not realistic. Then the only thing she could get from him was money! In fact, compared to money, she wanted more of a scandal with him, because after the scandal came out, she would get more exposure. But he even hid Mai Shiraishi so well, how could he have any scandal with her?

The last time the scandal with Sayuri appeared, it was a sensation. She speculated that Zhang Pingan and Xica might have had a quarrel or something. After all, girlfriends definitely hope that their boyfriends are loyal. So after the scandal appeared, no matter whether the content was true or it was a problem of the shooting angle as he explained, it would make Xica angry. It is normal logic for women to quarrel with each other when they are angry.

Because of the last scandal, it was almost unrealistic for her to create a scandal with Zhang Pingan by being photographed by the media and spread some scandals. Even if she made this request, Zhang Pingan would definitely not cooperate. Then the rest, what she could get from Zhang Pingan was money. But if she took money from him, she would feel like a prostitute, and this was her dilemma!

She couldn't get what she wanted, and she couldn't get over the fact that she could get it!

Unconsciously, the arrival information "Karuizawa" sounded on the radio in the car. Arriving in Karuizawa suddenly, she and Zhang Pingan only wore a set of clothes suitable for the Tokyo climate.

The last time she saw Zhang Pingan, he was dressed very casually. She thought that Zhang Pingan's clothes were mostly casual in private, so this time she wore casual clothes to please him.

Tight jeans, round-neck jacket, and hooded sweatshirt inside, which was similar to Zhang Pingan's last outfit, but she didn't choose a flight jacket as the jacket.


When she came to Karuizawa in casual clothes, she wanted to be closer to Zhang Pingan in clothing preferences, but Zhang Pingan was wearing a sports suit. The Adidas logo was on the chest, without any luxury.

When she saw Zhang Pingan, she showed her confident smile: "Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time, right?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "It's okay. I just arrived not long ago. After you sent me the train information, I calculated the time to come here. Let's go."

The two of them left the station and got on the hotel shuttle bus. In the car, the two of them sat in the back seat and didn't have much language communication. Maybe some things were inconvenient for the driver to hear?

After two minutes of silence, Yuko Shinki asked, "Why did you suddenly want to come to Karuizawa?"

Zhang Pingan responded, "Come here to enjoy the red leaves. Although the red leaves have not turned deep red in the past two days, there may be no rooms when they really turn deep red. So I came here early to book a hotel. By the way, there are some work that requires some quiet environment to think about. The environment here is very suitable."

Yuko Shinki nodded and smiled, "Karuizawa, I've been here with my family before."

"I used to come here every summer, so I might have met you accidentally." The two simply chatted about Karuizawa, just like friends. But both of them knew very well that tonight they were more than just friends.

Arriving at the hotel, the temperature difference was immediately apparent after getting off the car. Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but rub his shoulders: "It's really cold. I see you don't wear much, are you cold?"


The two quickly entered the lobby. After being warmly wrapped, Zhang Pingan asked Araki Yuko to take out his ID to register. After registering, Zhang Pingan asked: "Can I ask for room service at this time?"

"Kaiseki cuisine is no longer available. Currently, you can have sukiyaki. The top-quality Shinshu beef we use costs 18,000 yen per person."

"Okay, bring it to the guest room. I live in room xxx. By the way, give us a glass of sake."

"Sake has..." The front desk mentioned a bunch of brands, and Zhang Ping'an chose Dassai's Mozhixian. It wasn't the most expensive, but it was definitely not cheap either.

When heading from the lobby to the room, Zhang Pingan's pace quickened because the temperature in the mountains at night was very low and his clothes were relatively thin. Soon the two came to the room, and the warm breath in the room blew away the cold. Zhang Pingan breathed a sigh of relief: "I have always felt that Japanese women are the most frost-resistant in the world."

Araki Yuko smiled and said, "Why?"

"Because my legs are bare in winter." Zhang Pingan said as he entered the room and put away the computer and tea set on the table.

Yuko Araki sat on the edge of the sofa and looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile and said, "Don't girls in China and South Korea go bare-legged in winter?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "Except for Japanese girls, I have never seen a woman with bare legs in winter. Chinese and Korean women have to wear bottoming pantyhose even if they wear skirts in winter. I remember it used to be I heard that Japanese girl say, just keep your upper body warm, are your legs okay?”

Araki Yuko shook her head and said: "Actually, women are very cold in winter, and their legs are frozen when exposed to the outside. It's just that in junior high and high school, most of the time was indoors, and the classmates didn't wear pantyhose. If anyone did, they would They are despised because everyone thinks they are not cute if they wear them. But as adults, people still wear pants more in winter because it is really cold, or just long skirts?”

"Long skirts, don't they have the same effect? ​​The wind penetrates from below, but it's still cold."

Araki Yuko said: "It's better than a short skirt, right?"

"That's for sure. You take a rest while I go to the bathroom."

Zhang Pingan ran to the bathroom to do errands. The room service brought the sukiyaki pot, and Araki Yuko opened the room door.

When the food was served, Zhang Pingan and Araki Yuko sat across from each other. The light kaiseki meal in front of them did not make him full, so he ate with her at this time.

While the two were simmering beef slices, Zhang Pingan said: "Yuko, when I sent the message earlier, I didn't think you would come, so before you came, I also thought about what I could give you, because I I feel like I can’t give you any help in your career.”

Being unable to help her with her career means that all he can give her is money, so their relationship cannot be emotionally involved.

After Zhang Pingan picked up the warm wine bottle, Araki Yuko immediately said: "I'll do it."

The person serving the wine at the Japanese wine table is definitely a woman. This is their tradition.

In today's world, there is no concept of male superiority and female inferiority, and there is no concept in Zhang Pingan's heart, so he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, in my eyes, men and women are equal. It does not necessarily mean that women are equal. You have to take care of the housework at home and know how to cook.”

As he said that, he poured a glass of wine for Araki Yuko first, and Araki Yuko held the glass in both hands and took Zhang Ping'an's wine. After he filled it up for himself, he raised his glass, had a drink with her, and then said, "I won't advise you to drink. Just drink in moderation."

Araki Yuko smiled and said, "Heian-san, you are really gentle."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and poured himself a glass: "Thank you, but gentleness can sometimes be a fatal trap."

Araki Yuko didn't know what he meant. She just lowered her head and blanched a piece of beef and put it into the bowl of egg liquid. She said with a bright smile: "I will work hard on my career, and I won't bother you in the future." life, so you don’t need to have any burdens.”

I don’t know if she is retreating in order to advance, or is this night really just a dream?

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