My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1,118 I rarely wanted to pretend to compete, but...

The working day in Shanghai is busy and fast, but it is also leisurely. People who come to work here are always chased by the fast pace of the city, and the efficiency they pursue at work is gradually becoming an anxiety for contemporary young people. No matter what your profession is, what you pursue in this city is "fast". Even those who order takeout for lunch also hope that it will be delivered to you as soon as you turn off your phone.

But Shanghai is also laid-back, because it attracts countless people from all over the world to travel to this modern city. There are very modern skyscrapers here, as well as European-style buildings left over from the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty. Of course, there are also antique tourist destinations like Yuyuan Garden, as well as a new world of leisure and infinite leisure. Shanghai is also a leisure city for those who come to travel.

Although it is not as leisurely as Chengdu, the scenery of the city always makes people sigh.

In Zhang Pingan's eyes, Shanghai during the day is always a little less charming. This city is most beautiful only when the night unfolds.

Not long after Fatty left, Zhang Ping'an also drove back in his own vehicle. Because it's boring to stay here alone, especially when it's only seven in the morning. He thought about going home, changing into sportswear, and then going to the hotel gym to exercise. After all, this time is too early, maybe those who go to work have just woken up from their sleep.

At seven o'clock, the traffic in Shanghai's urban area was still very smooth. Zhang Pingan stopped at the traffic light, and a Lamborghini Maverick parked next to his left hand. And this Maverick took advantage of the parking time to empty the gas pedal. Zhang Ping'an took a look, pressed the set racing mode, and opened the exhaust valve. He also pumped the gas pedal. The M5's violent engine crackled with a backfiring sound.

Next to Zhang Pingan's driver's seat was Maverick's passenger seat. This beautiful woman with the window open was startled by the sound of Zhang Pingan's engine. Seeing the 'Maverick' carrying the girl, Zhang Pingan guessed that the two people in the car might have had breakfast after playing all night, and then the girl followed the brother who drove the sports car to the hotel to rest. .

Otherwise, at seven o'clock in the morning, who would be driving a sports car out to hit the streets? There were only those who went up to play last night. As for whether the driver drank or not, Zhang Ping'an didn't know.

Mavericks, you can’t beat the ‘BMW M5’ with straight lines. But the price of the vehicle is such that you can buy two ‘M5s’. Just after Zhang Pingan stepped on the empty gas, the person sitting in the cab bent down and looked at Zhang Pingan's car window. Because Zhang Pingan did not open the window, he did not find out who was driving, so the young man in the cab raised his middle finger towards Zhang Pingan.

The red light in front of him still had more than twenty seconds left. After seeing the middle finger, Zhang Ping'an shifted into gear and cut directly in front of Mavericks. Then he opened the car door and got out.

The two young men in the car were shocked when they saw Zhang Ping'an's actions in the car: "What, what is this person going to do?"

Zhang Ping'an was wearing a baseball cap, and the vehicle was relatively close, and they were very nervous. Neither of the two people in the car could clearly see their faces when they got out of the car. Zhang Pingan came to the driver's seat of Mavericks and knocked on the window. The driver did not open the window because he was nervous and didn't know what Zhang Pingan was going to do.

The girl sitting next to him said: "Call the police, call the police."

"Tell me, sister, I can't even pass the alcohol test." Because the traffic police hadn't gone to work yet in the morning. The boy who spent the whole night in the nightclub last night had not completely dissipated the alcohol, so it was definitely impossible to call the police.

Zhang Pingan knocked on the car window again. The man finally opened the car window and bent his head to look at the man in the hat and said, "That brother... um..."

The young man who originally wanted to apologize or give some money to settle the matter,

After bending down and seeing the face under the brim of the hat, I was instantly speechless...

After opening the window, Zhang Ping'an smelled the alcohol emanating from the car. He raised his fingers towards the car owner and said, "Turn off the engine and get off."

There is nothing you can do about it as a young car owner, you have offended someone you shouldn't have offended. Who knew that Zhang Pingan was sitting in that BMW? If he had known that Zhang Pingan was sitting inside, he would not have dared to raise his middle finger to death. At this time, his scalp was numb.

The young man unbuckled his seat belt and muttered in a low voice: "It's over, it's over, it's over now."

The Internet celebrity beauty sitting in the passenger seat could not see Zhang Pingan at this time. She did not know that it was Zhang Pingan standing outside. She whispered: "Give me some money."

Zhang Ping'an listened to the female voice coming from the car and said that he wanted to give him money. He held his hand on the roof of the car, smiled and bent down to look in: "Oh? What, you want to give money to solve the problem? Okay, Taking out 10 million and donating it to the Shanghai Traffic Law Enforcement Team would be considered a good deed. "

The young man said: "Brother An, that's not what I meant..." Then the young man opened the car door and got out of the car. Then he looked at Zhang Pingan with a constipated expression and said, "Brother An, I really didn't know it was you who was driving. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Weren't you very angry just now? You stepped on the gas again and gave me the middle finger. What, if we meet at night, you can't drag me into a fight?"

"I'm really sorry, I was wrong, Brother An. For the sake of my ignorance, please forgive me this time."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "What do you do at home? Are you so angry?"

"Do some small business." The young man said with a bitter smile. At this time, the girl in the co-pilot also quickly got out of the car. Who knew that he would meet Zhang Ping'an this early in the morning? Take money to settle the matter? Is Zhang Pingan the owner of the money? Giving Zhang Pingan the middle finger is simply asking for death.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "A small businessman? My family is willing to buy you a calf. This business seems to be quite big, right? OK, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Just call the police yourself and say you were drunk driving." "

"Brother, brother, forget it, I'll kneel down for you." If you call the police and report drunk driving, won't you lose the ability to drive in the future?

As he spoke, he was about to kneel on the ground. Zhang Pingan reached out and grabbed the young man: "If you do something wrong, you will bear the consequences. It is a law not to drink and drive. And you are carrying people, you If you don't want to die, why do you still want to hold this little girl on your back? Look, there are more and more people around. Am I not condoning you? Hurry up and report to the police and admit to drunk driving. Just don’t make any mistakes next time during the exam. Adults have to pay for their actions!”

Because Zhang Ping'an's BMW was blocking the Maverick, all the pedestrians passing by, as well as some drivers, etc., came to watch the show. Especially when the word "drunk driving" is heard, everyone knows that this matter is probably not going to go well. And at this moment, someone had already started recording with a mobile phone. The young man looked at the people recording around him, and he knew that there was absolutely no way Zhang Pingan would let him go...

Looking at his appearance, Zhang Ping'an gave him a slap on the shoulder: "You're a grown man, if you're wrong, you're wrong! Do you still want to take chances? Okay, call the police yourself, don't let the people around you Call the police. doesn't seem necessary..."

Because at this time, the police car's "Ula-Ula" sound was heard from far to near.

The young man squatted on the ground all of a sudden. He knew it was over and he was in trouble... The disadvantages of the sports car were fully reflected at this time.

In order to pick up girls at night, I drove a "sports car" to have a drink. If I hired a driver, who would sit in it and accompany me? Let the surrogate driver drive away with the woman he just met? Or leave the woman alone and leave? Some people like to take risks, thinking that no police would dare to drive their cars after drinking so early in the morning.

After the police arrived, they looked at a Lamborghini and a BMW M5 blocking the traffic: "What's going on? Did an accident happen? Even if there was an accident, it should be moved to the side to solve it. What are you doing blocking the road?" Well?"

Zhang Pingan said to the young man squatting on the ground: "Speak for yourself."

At this time, the people watching the excitement shouted: "Driving a Maverick, you are drinking!"

Hearing the person next to him say "drinking", the policeman said: "Driver's license, driver's license. Hey, isn't this Zhang Pingan?" Another policeman who was accompanying him went to the car to get an alcohol detector.

Seeing the police call out his name, Zhang Pingan immediately said: "I didn't drink. I was on my way to the gym."

"Driver's license, driver's license, please cooperate with us."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay. I'll get it from the car." Zhang Pingan went to the BMW and took his two IDs and gave them to the police uncle.

After checking Zhang Pingan's ID, the police officer said: "What happened? There was a collision?" Seeing that the car with Zhang Pingan was in front of the Mavericks, the policeman thought that this little brother who was drinking had died. After getting into the car, he wanted to escape. Who knew that Zhang Ping'an's car was an M5?

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No, we were waiting side by side at the red light, and this guy gave me the middle finger. I stopped him. Who knew he was drunk, so I asked him to call the police himself. There were so many people around. Many people saw it.”

Another policeman came over with a detector. The officer handed it to Zhang Pingan and said, "Please cooperate."

Zhang Ping'an took it and blew it. The policeman checked it and found it was fine. Then he handed it to the man squatting on the ground and said, "Blow it too."

"Drinking and driving will result in 12 points. Zhang Pingan, blocking traffic will receive three points and a fine of 200. If you have any questions, you can."

Zhang Ping'an looked at the police uncle extremely depressed and said, "Do I also have to deduct points?"

The policeman pointed to Zhang Pingan's car and said, "Shouldn't you deduct points?"

"Okay, okay. Good job, comrade police."

The policeman handed the ID back to Zhang Ping'an: "Well, you go first, don't be stuck."

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