My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 535 Chinese Cuisine

That night, Mai Shiraishi returned home at about half past nine in the evening. She originally thought she would go home and wash the clothes she had piled up today, but when she opened the door, a happy smile appeared on her lips when she saw the neat and new home. This can mean that someone came to clean the house today, and the only people who can enter the house are himself and Zhang Ping'an. Because the security downstairs will not let in any visitors unless they can contact the head of the household at home.

After Mai Shiraishi searched for Zhang Pingan at home, she did not see him at home. Some of her piled-up clothes had been hung to dry in the clothes drying room, and some were missing. They must have been sent away. Laundry.

Fortunately, she is a little sensible and washes her underwear with her own hands every day when she changes out of it. Otherwise, Zhang Pingan might throw it away to her!

When Zhang Pingan was not found, she hesitated whether to send a message to Zhang Pingan? Just when she was hesitating, there was the sound of entering the password at the door. With a cheerful smile, she ran to the entrance to welcome Zhang Ping'an home.

When Zhang Pingan opened the door, Shiraishi Mai was already standing at the door with a smile on her face, greeting her respectfully: "You are back."

This is the gentleness of Japanese women. Zhang Pingan looked at Shiraishi Mai. Although she had a smile on her face, her smile did not suppress the fatigue. Zhang Pingan put on the slippers she had prepared, put his arm around her waist and entered the room: "Okay, you look like the dark circles under your eyes are about to fall to the ground. Go to bed early."

Mai responded with a gentle smile: "I'll put the bath water in for you."

Zhang Pingan stopped and said, "No, I'll just take a shower today. If you want to take a bath, go ahead. I still have some work to do." Japanese people like to take baths, while Chinese and Korean people like to take baths. Most of them mainly take showers, and only take baths when the weather is very cold.

Shiraishi Mai looked at Zhang Pingan and said, "Do you still have a job?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Well, the program I produced today will premiere in South Korea at 10:30. I have to see the results of the premiere. Don't worry about me, go and rest by yourself. There is no point in watching it with me. After all, you don’t understand what the show is saying. Why not spend this time catching up on sleep? When will you go out tomorrow?”

Zhang Pingan's words were extremely heart-warming, and he did not necessarily ask her to stay with him just because he came back. Because she has been really busy at work recently and has very little sleep time, so she has always been in debt. She got off work early today and had finished cleaning the house, so she could make full use of today to catch up on her sleep.

Mai smiled and said: "I will be at the TV station at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will go out at eight o'clock at the latest. Then I will go to bed first. I have been very busy recently."

"Go ahead, I'll go to bed after watching the premiere."


In Seoul, Zhang Pingan's new program "Battle of the Rivers and Lakes", a program that purely introduces Chinese cuisine, is officially broadcast. There are 60 live guests, as well as hosts and auxiliary guests. The auxiliary guests are some Korean chefs and food columns. Writers, this program has opened up everyone's new understanding of Chinese cuisine! !

Live cooking demonstrates fire control, cooking techniques, and more. The viewers in front of the TV set protested to SBS TV station. Why, because the show was broadcast at '10:30 at night', every viewer who watched the show picked up the phone and called the nearby Chinese restaurants, asking for takeout.

In the first episode, the chefs from the "four sects" on site prepared eight exquisite Chinese dishes for the audience, hosts and guests. Whether it's the sight and taste of the food, or witnessing the chefs cooking live, it's simply an enjoyment. When the program was broadcast, all Chinese restaurants received ordering calls.

But this time someone actually asked about the dish in the show, eight-treasure dish!

However, generally 50% of people who ask about this dish will not order it, because the eight kinds of delicacies and seafood used in this dish are already very expensive. If you add the production fee...this dish You can make as many fried noodles as you want. But 50% of people still ordered this dish. It has to be said that Babao dishes are expensive for a reason. Combining seafood and mountain delicacies, this dish is as fresh as it gets!

The program is broadcast on the Chinese live broadcast platform ‘Korean Variety Show Channel’ at the same time. Many people are saying that Zhang Ping'an is giving Korean Amway Chinese cuisine this time, showing these bumpkins what Chinese cuisine is! After the show aired, "Battle of the Rivers and Lakes" was a hot search in South Korea. On China's neck, Zhang Pingan's Korean show was also on the hot search!

It was already late at night when the show ended, so Zhang Pingan simply took a shower and went to sleep. He didn't bother Mai Shiraishi that day because he could see that she was too tired.

By the time he got up, Mai Shiraishi had already gone out. She was shooting at nine o'clock and had to leave home at eight o'clock at the latest because she had to prepare for makeup and other things, so her wake-up time was around seven-thirty. When her alarm clock rang, she quietly got up alone without disturbing Zhang Ping'an who was sleeping.

Zhang Pingan's biological clock woke up at around 8:30, and by that time Mai Shiraishi had already left home. After he got up, he went for a run around the Imperial Palace and came back. With his coffee in hand, he read the comments about last night's program.

Reviews of the program are mixed, with some Korean keyboard warriors directly attacking the TV station. Why not air Korean cooking programs? Are they broadcasting Chinese cooking programs? There are also those who told Zhang Pingan to go back to China. Anyway, this is what Korean keyboard warriors say all the time, and Zhang Pingan has long been accustomed to ignoring them.

It's like you're standing on the ground looking at an airplane in the sky, and you feel like it blocks your sunlight and makes an obnoxious noise. So you stood on the ground and roared at the people on the plane. But the people sitting on the plane don't care about you standing on the ground at all.

Of course, more viewers think Zhang Pingan's program is pretty good this time, because Chinese cuisine has existed in South Korea for who knows how many years, but the public's understanding of Chinese cuisine is too shallow. This program just allows the audience to understand the Chinese food culture. Food is the most important thing for the people. Eating is always a big thing. The broadcast of Chinese cuisine gives them more food choices!

After the show aired, many Chinese restaurants received reservation calls. The most frequently asked question was whether they could cook the dishes in the show "The Showdown" broadcast last night.

While Zhang Pingan was watching the online comments, he received a call from the embassy. Because the program's publicity seemed to be very successful, the embassy told Zhang Pingan to keep working hard! There is also the ‘Chinese Travel Program’ he filmed with Luo Yingshi’s team that he mentioned last time. He can help Zhang Pingan finalize the filming permit for the show!

Although the ratings of the program are not that high in terms of the broadcast time period, the program's publicity effect is very strong, because after the program is broadcast, there is a translation of the program on YouTube!

Real Chinese cuisine began to enter the eyes of the public in Korea. After Zhang Pingan got the refueling call from the embassy, ​​he laughed. He immediately took out his phone and contacted Luo Yingshi, asking him when the filming of the second season of "Three Meals a Day" would be finished?

Because he planned to personally take writers Luo Yingshi and Li Youzhen on a field trip! Luo Yingshi responded that the last shooting will be on the 13th of this month. After the shooting, he and Zhang Pingan can go to China for inspection.

After hanging up Luo Yingshi's call, Zhang Pingan's phone rang again. After the show aired, Zhang Pingan's phone number became a hotline. The show ended late yesterday, so no one called to give blessings or inquires.

So since the morning, Zhang Ping'an has been busy checking online comments and answering the phone. The number that came in at this time was Lin Yoona: "Oh, Yoona."

Lin Yoona's voice was very cheerful: "Oppa, congratulations, your program is successful again. It was broadcast so late in the evening and got a ratings of close to 10%."

"Did you watch the premiere yesterday?"

Lin Yoona responded with a smile: "Of course, I watched it with my sisters in the dormitory. Can't you change the broadcast time of your show? It's really annoying. As a result, we had to order takeout to watch the first broadcast!"

"I'm ordering takeout. What's for food? Fried noodles? Sweet and sour pork?"

"fried chicken!"

"..." Zhang Pingan never expected this answer. He said depressedly: "Ah, can't you order Chinese cuisine?"

"Sister Pani said, eat fried chicken. By the way, I'm going to China tomorrow."

After Zhang Pingan helped Lin Yuner sign a contract for the TV series, he handed over the task of taking care of Lin Yuner to the person in charge of the Huaxia Brokerage Company branch. As for translation, Zhang Pingan really doesn't have to worry about it, because many Korean anchors on their live broadcast platform have returned, and those previous translators can always find one to take care of Yoona during this trip.

But he didn't expect it to be so soon: "So soon? Is your TV series ready to be launched?"

"That's right, didn't you know? Is the 'Yang Fan' who contacted us responsible for my itinerary?"

"Well, that's right. He is responsible for your work schedule in China, and I have also equipped you with a translator. Wait, I will ask first, and I will call you later. Don't worry, I will definitely take care of it for you. Okay, I think I’ll go back to China early tomorrow morning. When will your flight take place tomorrow?”

"It's morning."

"That's it. Then I'll go back tonight and pick you up early tomorrow morning. I'll pick you up in person, right?"

"Hehe, actually it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"I have to take good care of you so that I can feel at ease. By the way, how many bodyguards does your company provide for you when you travel?" Artists really have bodyguards when they travel, mainly to stop some crazy fans.

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