My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 550 Kim Jong Kook’s Thanks

The two people from the network studio left the room with the 50 million won in cash given by Zhang Pingan. In the elevator, they whispered to each other. One of them said, "Are Zhang Pingan and Kim Seolhyun really in love? I didn't realize that Kim Seolhyun from AOA is so beautiful before, and her figure is so good. Zhang Pingan is so lucky~~ There is Jessica, Seolhyun, and the members of Girls' Generation who he has such a good relationship with. I guess they may have something with him..." The other one responded, "Do you think everyone is like you, with women on their minds all day long? Stop talking nonsense here." The one who was obsessed with women muttered, "There are only two of us in the elevator... But , Zhang Pingan was quite generous, leading the trend and topping the hot searches. Usually, the agency would only give us 20 or 30 million yuan to do this, but he directly paid 100 million yuan! "

"It is generous, but this 100 million yuan is not so easy to get. If what we do this time does not achieve the expected results, 50 million yuan will buy out all our relationships! We may not even be able to take on his online platform in the future, just because this time the person in charge recommended us. Do you understand?"

Yes, it is because the person in charge of the live broadcast platform recommended it. If it is not done well, or it is not achieved, it either means that the person in charge who recommended them has a problem with his vision or there is something wrong between them. You have to know that the online live broadcast platform is originally a group of people who play with the Internet. If even the people he recommended can't do it well, then we can only doubt their ability and the hidden truth.

After understanding the meaning, the one in surprise said: "Uh...what's the trick between us? We just cooperate often..."

"Of course we know that there is nothing tricky between us, but does Zhang Pingan believe it? If we fail this time, it will destroy our reputation and future cooperation."

"Hiss...I thought Zhang Pingan was generous and easy to talk to, but it turned out to be just an appearance. It seems that this time we have to let Zhang Pingan see the strength of our studio."

"This is a must! Let's go back and tell everyone."


After the people from the network studio left, the person in charge in the room did not speak Chinese, but said in Korean: "Representative Zhang, in fact, such network water army can only make 20 million at most for a show. If it is done well, you can give 3,000. You offer 100 million...isn't it too much?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "It's okay. If the work is done well, it's okay to give a little more money."

You have money, what else can I say. The person in charge said in confusion: "Zhang, I still don't understand. How can you tell them that you have invested in FNC's stocks?"

"Let them buy. The more people buy, the higher the stock price will be. Although it is not as explosive as hype, the rise of hype will always return to normal. So only when the market is really invested can the stock price rise. If you have money, come in and buy. I will notify you when I am waiting to run away." Zhang Pingan didn't care how many retail investors wanted to come in. Anyway, he was ready to cut a wave and run away.

"I don't play stock investment. Thank you for your kindness, Zhang. If there is nothing else, I will go back to the company first. I think I will make an appointment with the people from "N Station" to have a cup of coffee in the afternoon."

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said: "Go, take the (50 million) on the table. Someone has to reimburse for the dinner."

After all, this matter is equivalent to the two of them doing it together without the platform. If it was before, Zhang Pingan personally held the platform, and he didn't have to be sneaky, but now there are shareholders in the platform, and he must be more restrained in doing things without the platform.

The person in charge on the Korean side hesitated when looking at the money on the table, and then he slowly looked up at Zhang Pingan. At this time, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Take it. This matter has exceeded your original job scope. It is reasonable to give you some extra bonuses." Zhang Pingan stretched out his hand and handed the money to him. This time, the person in charge did not act pretentiously. He accepted the bonus from Zhang Pingan, then stood up and said, "Mr. Zhang, I won't bother you anymore. Let's keep in touch." Everyone left the room, leaving Zhang Pingan and Kim Seolhyun. Today, Seolhyun wore super tight jeans, outlining her perfect figure. More than a month of shaping is no joke. The results she showed are still quite tempting. So when no one was around, the two began to make love. ...... The night outside gradually unfolded. After enjoying it, Seolhyun also changed her clothes from jeans and windbreaker in the morning to a long skirt and sweater. Because the skirt and sweater are more comfortable to wear, the hairstyle she had done at the beauty salon was also loosened. At this time, she put up a high ponytail and stood in front of Zhang Pingan without makeup: "Wouldn't it be strange if I didn't wear makeup?" After a long period of exercise, Kim Seolhyun's overall health is very good, and because of her health, her skin condition is also very good. Although she only applied some free moisturizing lotion provided in the hotel room, her bare face did not make people feel that she was haggard. At this time, her wheat-colored skin and high ponytail added to Seolhyun's sense of health.

Zhang Pingan smiled and walked closer, stretched out his hand and patted her hips: "Very good, there is not much difference between bare face and makeup, and the overall feeling of bare face is very healthy. I like you who are healthy, and I also like you who have a good figure!"

Good figure, three words, made Xuexuan's cheeks blush, and she smiled shyly. Because the two of them spent the afternoon in the room, they did many "experiments" in many strange ways and places.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Let's go, it's almost time to go downstairs, brother Zhongguo may be here soon?"

Today, I made an appointment with Kim Jong-kook for dinner, and at the same time, I also agreed to let Xuexuan eat sushi. It happened that the Japanese restaurant of Shilla Hotel operated sushi, and the sushi was made by a famous chef.

The two came to the private room of the Japanese restaurant. The private room is a four-person sushi counter. When you sit here to eat, you can also directly appreciate the chef's live hand-made skills. Of course, some sushi restaurants have no counters in the private rooms. The waiter will deliver the sushi after the chef has made it.

However, the Japanese cuisine of top hotels still pays great attention to details. Let the chef make sushi on the spot. From a visual point of view, the sushi made in front of you is more delicious.

When the two arrived, Kim Jong Kook had not arrived yet, so the two of them sat in the private room, drinking tea and waiting. Maybe about ten minutes later, Kim Jong Kook appeared, and with him came his former teammate Kim Jong Nam.

In a special episode of "Infinite Challenge" at the end of last year, the groups that had been disbanded were called together to resume activities, including the group "Turbo" that Kim Jong Kook used to be in. And this time, thinking of having a private dinner with Zhang Pingan, Kim Jong Kook brought his teammates with him.

Of course, Kim Jong Kook was just introducing the two in the middle. As for whether his teammates can become friends with Zhang Pingan and whether they can get help from Zhang Pingan, it all depends on whether Kim Jong Nam meets Zhang Pingan's appetite for making friends.

The moment the door of the private room opened, Kim Jong Kook looked at Zhang Pingan and Kim Seol Hyun sitting in the private room, and he immediately laughed: "You kid, I was wondering... why did you suddenly say you wanted to eat at Shilla Hotel today?"

When Kim Seol Hyun saw Kim Jong Kook coming in, she immediately stood up from her seat, and Zhang Pingan also stood up to greet Kim Jong Kook, and explained with a smile: "It's mainly because Seol Hyun has a commercial and pictorial shoot tomorrow, and after thinking about it, only sushi has a slightly lower calorie. For this commercial, she has been eating healthy meals for more than a month, so today she will let go a little bit."

"Sushi has a high calorie content, too. You can ask her for a sashimi, which has a lower calorie content. Since we're going to shoot tomorrow, I think it's best to hold on for another day, and it's also good to eat something else after the shooting is over." Kim Jong Kook is a fitness expert, he knows which foods have high calories, and rice is one of them!

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "It's okay. After dinner, take a rest and I'll take her to exercise."

"Okay." Kim Jong Kook nodded and introduced Zhang Pingan, "This is my teammate, Kim Jong Nam." Then Kim Jong Kook turned to Kim Jong Nam and said, "PD Zhang Pingan, I don't need to introduce myself, right?"

Kim Jong-nam immediately smiled and waved his hand and said, "No, no. I watch all of Zhang PD's programs." Then Kim Jong-kook said, "This is Seolhyun from the popular girl group AOA!"

Then Kim Seolhyun took the initiative to greet Kim Jong-kook and the others. She bowed and said, "Hello, seniors. I am Seolhyun from AOA."

Kim Jong-kook looked at Seolhyun's very formal greeting, and he smiled and waved his hand, "Don't be so polite. We can be casual in private."

After a simple greeting and introduction, the four of them sat down. The waiter also brought the menu. Zhang Pingan held the menu and said, "I want a sushi set and a sashimi platter. Wine... Jong-kook doesn't drink, right?"

Kim Jong-kook said, "Well, I won't drink today. You can be casual. Don't worry about me."

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and said, "Then I won't drink either. I have to go exercise later."

So, none of them drank. When the waiter went out to inform the chef, Kim Jong Kook said to Zhang Pingan: "Ping An, thank you so much for this show." Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Don't be so polite. When I can take care of someone, I will definitely think of my friends first." "Hahaha, Ha Dongxun was blaming you a while ago, asking you why you didn't arrange him to be in "Watch the Voice"." "Doesn't he have a show at the same time, the one with Seo Jang Hoon?" Kim Jong Kook smiled and said: "Yes, his show at the same time was suppressed by "Watch the Voice"... The ratings are about to fall below '3'."

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