My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 640 Hypocritical apology

The cartoonist left the coffee shop. Zhang Pingan did not negotiate the rights to adapt the comics at once. Although Zhang Pingan promised that the comic adaptation will be released in the Japanese market (in line with the Japanese market). However, because the comic has not been completed so far, the cartoonist has to think again, because she herself does not know whether giving out the adaptation rights before the work is completed will affect her subsequent creation after producing the TV series. influential?

Although her current work "Escape is Shameful But Useful" is not a hit that dominates the sales list, it still has a lot of regular readers because the setting of the story content is very close to reality. Moreover, the work itself has received a lot of praise from the 'female' side. The cartoonist is very worried that the work will be modified after the adaptation rights are given out, which will be said to be more harmful than gain for her subsequent creation.

Zhang Pingan knew that people in Japan were very cautious, so he never thought that he could discuss this work in one go. It seemed that this matter would need to be worked on twice more. The first meeting was just an intention, and Zhang Ping'an also gave the cartoonist time to think about it.

The cartoonist left, but Zhang Pingan still stayed in the coffee shop and sat alone, with not a single pastry in the afternoon tea set in front of him being touched. He reached out and picked up a piece of strawberry cake and put it into his mouth. The sweet cream and the sweet and sour taste of strawberry mixed... he can only say: It is indeed an eternal classic among pastries!

The reason why Zhang Ping'an stayed alone in the coffee shop was because he didn't know where to go next? Should you go home and sleep with the air conditioner blowing in, or should you sit here and kill time alone? Whether he is in South Korea, Tokyo, or even back in China... Zhang Pingan feels that spending time alone is very sad.

So he would rather stay alone in a cafe outside and watch people coming and going on the street than go home and face an empty room alone.

The sweetness of the strawberry cake did not eliminate Zhang Ping'an's feeling of loneliness. He sat on the sofa and looked at the passers-by outside the window, and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh~~ Why is it even more lonely with the coming and going of people. "

Just when Zhang Ping'an was talking about loneliness, his mobile phone on the table vibrated because he had specially adjusted his mobile phone to vibrate mode when they were talking about things earlier. A brief vibration on the phone indicated the incoming message. He picked up the phone and looked at the letter. Ishihara Satomi said: "I'm sorry, I asked you to have dinner with me last night, and something like this happened. Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Zhang Ping'an here in Japan does not have channels where he can speak out publicly like he does in South Korea or China.

Only in Japan he does not have a public platform to speak on his behalf. After the news broke out this time, for him, it was just some online scolding at most, but Zhang Pingan had already experienced the baptism of the Internet, and he had become self-immune to the scoldings from the unruly people on the Internet.

So after the scandal between him and Satomi Ishihara broke out, he really didn't have much of a problem. Anyway, when scandals break out between men and women, generally speaking, it’s not the men who suffer. In addition, during this period of time, the outside world knew that Zhang Pingan and Sika had "broken up", so now he is in a single state, so which actress he wants to meet is his business, and it does not matter to the public. If it is related to his cheating, at most he will be known as a "philanderer" like the principal.

But the word "flower heart" is a fact to Zhang Ping'an. What does it matter whether it is worn on the head or not?

Besides, the vast majority of people in this world, both men and women, actually have a "love heart". It’s just that the game of ‘Huaxin’ requires a certain cost, and not everyone can afford it.

Either you have an advantage in appearance, or you have an advantage in your pocket. Only when you have all kinds of advantages can you be qualified to bother!

Isn’t this what ‘love’ is all about in this day and age? Forehead,

Especially in first-tier cities, men and women who have an advantage in appearance will always think about finding one or two spare tires, trying to find a better one. But in the end, when it comes to marriage, it still faces a game between family and family!

Especially those women who dream of finding a second-generation rich man will probably be severely beaten by reality. Even if you have the ability to win over the second generation of rich people, once it comes to getting married and inheriting their family’s money in the future, they will still face the scheming rich generation, which becomes a difficult point!

The rich generation who have experienced intrigues are not so easy to fool. If you say it's true love and you want to get married, you can sign a prenuptial agreement, have your property notarized before marriage, and even ask you to give up any form of financial subsidies after divorce. So even if he finally entered the rich second generation's home, he would still face a real beating. Because you can't please your husband, then in the end you have to accept his flirting. Can't you accept it? Then let's go. Anyway, after signing the agreement, they won't lose anything.

There are some realistic issues that even novels dare not write about like this, but this is the reality. In today's society, everyone's money is precious. Only when the family is well matched will there be no property notarization. Once the gap between the rich and the poor becomes large, property notarization becomes a necessity before marriage!

When you are in love with a rich second generation, you can do anything, but when you get married, especially to a rich second generation? Then we can only, haha, because the parents of the rich second generation are not easy to deceive!

Of course, there are also those who have integrated well into the families of the second generation of rich people, but such cases are really pitiful. As for those who only have looks but no brains, they either stay at home honestly or leave in disgrace.

As for men, ordinary people without money and looks, the cost of pursuing women in today's society is too high. Especially in this era, women in this era are easier to find jobs than men. And the salary is not lower than that of men. When the woman has the basic conditions, the cost of love rises rapidly. Obviously, the man is paid 5,000 yuan, but the other party wants to have a relationship with you with a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan.

So men humbly learn the dog-licking mode, and only by being a dog-licking can you please people. Of course, this statement is only for ordinary people!

Don't be a dog-licking? Either you are so handsome that people can't close their legs, or you have a certain foundation, an excellent and stable job, or your parents have a way.

For an extremely ordinary family, if you don't lick, you can stay single. Because this society with a serious imbalance between men and women is not short of dogs-licking the most!

Women are not stupid. When choosing between a licker and a non-licker man, as long as the basic conditions of the two men are similar, she will control the financial power of the family in the future if she chooses a licker! Women are in charge of the family and have financial power. All men understand, right?

In addition, the marriage of ordinary families costs the parents' life savings, and it is not even enough! If the elderly do not get sick, it will be fine. Once anyone gets sick, especially those serious diseases, it will not only crush the young couple's family, but also involve the family of the other party's parents.

The marriage of ordinary families is so cruel. If there is no serious illness, it will be fine. Once a serious illness occurs, it will be a problem for three families! !

Uh... I'm getting off topic.


Ishihara Satomi looked at Zhang Ping'an's reply and felt so relaxed. There were only two words "nothing", which made her raise her eyebrows slightly. Turning her head, she thought that maybe Zhang Ping'an had told his girlfriend about having dinner with her in advance after returning home last night. Only if he reported it in advance, he would be so relaxed after the news report appeared today.

Ishihara Satomi had a wicked smile on her face, and she quickly edited a message to Zhang Pingan: "I'm really sorry, I didn't know there were reporters following me yesterday, I'm really sorry! I don't know how to express my guilt!" Zhang Pingan frowned slightly when he saw Ishihara Satomi's message, and muttered to himself: "Shouldn't I tell your company to issue a statement to calm down this news?" Looking at Ishihara Satomi's apology message, Zhang Pingan couldn't help shaking his head without feeling any guilt. If there weren't so many beauties around him who broadened his horizons, he might have forgiven her after she apologized, and even took the opportunity of her contacting him to confirm the next time he would have dinner with her. Zhang Pingan thought for a moment and replied: "It's okay. It doesn't matter as long as it doesn't affect your career."

Ishihara Satomi replied: "It doesn't affect me. I've been in this circle for so long that I'm used to it. And the Japanese media likes to write some groundless stories to attract the public's attention."

Zhang Pingan replied: "I understand. After all, the media also have to eat."

There are indeed many media that make groundless stories, and most of them have the ability to "write stories based on pictures." Last year, when Girls' Generation participated in "MAMA" in Hong Kong, all kinds of strange news were flying around, such as Taeyeon fell into a garbage dump after getting drunk, and Yoona and PSY secretly dating in Hong Kong.

If Zhang Pingan didn't know Taeyeon, he would have been fooled by those media. However, those media also knew that when they published the news, Girls' Generation had already returned to Korea. When the news was transmitted back to Korea and they responded, the newspapers had already earned enough traffic. So for the newspapers, the "truth" really doesn't matter. Even if they ask for an apology in the end, they will just issue an apology.

Seeing Zhang Ping'an's understanding, Ishihara Satomi smiled and nodded, then she hesitated for a while and put away her phone. She couldn't be too proactive, maybe the next time she asked for dinner, she would have to wait three or five days. It definitely wouldn't work today, even she knew that if she sent an invitation to dinner today, the possibility of being rejected was very high, so she would wait, she had plenty of patience to play with Zhang Ping'an.

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