My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 415 New cooperation?

The relationship between Zhang Pingan and MBC is indeed in a honeymoon period, but the TV station can't give him more time to produce, right? After all, the TV station also has a bunch of producers. How incompetent do they have to be for the TV station to give all their time to a freelance producer?

Zhang Pingan bought a time slot by himself and collaborated with a prime time slot. For the TV station, this was the limit of what it could give him. So even if Zhang Ping'an approached their TV station to cooperate again, they would have to think twice before doing so.

The director responded to Zhang Pingan with a smile: "Your weight in my heart is no worse than that of our variety show bureau's ace PD Jin Taehao. If there is any cooperation in the future, you must consider our station in advance."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Absolutely, definitely, in the future... um, no need in the future. Now I have some ideas to cooperate with you, I wonder if it's okay? Spring Festival special program..."

When the director heard the word 'Spring Festival', his eyes widened instantly. I wonder if Zhang Pingan’s appetite is getting bigger and bigger now. He wants special programs every time he opens his mouth? This is very difficult for the director to do. The special broadcast time during holidays is very precious. During this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the TV station deliberately stopped "Idol Games" and gave time to "Masked", which they collaborated with Zhang Pingan...

Although the response to "The Mask" was indeed great after it was aired, and the advertising price doubled again and again, for the TV station, the income is half and half with Zhang Pingan. The last time TV stations were willing to reduce holiday revenue was because both programs and TV stations could gain more reputation during the holidays.

If it is during the Spring Festival and Zhang Ping'an wants to go to this prime time, it will be a bit difficult for the director to do it. After all, the advertising fees at a specific time will definitely be several times higher than on normal days.

When Zhang Ping'an said 'Spring Festival', he saw the director's face became very ugly, so he immediately said: "Director, what about this cooperation? You just need to give me the special time of the Spring Festival. I don't want the copyright or the Advertising revenue."

It’s rare to hear Zhang Ping’an say he gave up his copyright? So after hearing this, the director's face immediately changed. His expression was very exciting: "Oh? You don't want anything, just a Spring Festival broadcast time? How can you be embarrassed? Can you first talk about your new program idea? If it is feasible If so, then I will make the decision to give you the Spring Festival time."

Zhang Pingan didn't care how quickly the director changed his face after hearing the word 'make money', because Zhang Pingan just wanted to achieve his own goals. He said, "You know I built a live broadcast website in China, right? This Spring Festival Broadcast... I am thinking of combining my live broadcast platform to make a variety show. Because celebrity idols almost never use live broadcasts to directly respond to fans’ questions? So for this special broadcast, I just want them to Interact and communicate with the audience through live broadcast. The biggest highlight of the program is the live broadcast without editing and face-to-face communication."

The variety show "My Little TV\

,"It has opened up a new way for celebrities to communicate directly with their fans during live broadcasts. What Zhang Ping'an wanted was not to bring his live broadcast platform to South Korea, nor did he want to compete with Africa TV for the traffic of live broadcast sources in a place as big as South Korea.

What he wants is to use his own platform to start live broadcasts of celebrities, just like the ‘V.Live’ app!

It’s just that the ‘V.’ APP has not yet appeared, because it was 15 years ago that live broadcasts were launched on mobile phones. So what he has to do is to let Korean idols habitually promote their comeback live broadcasts on their own platforms before the emergence of 'V' APP, and then jointly develop this celebrity live broadcast software with 'N' station . This is the main purpose of Zhang Pingan's Spring Festival program "My Little TV".

As the director of the TV station, he must have understood the new media's "live broadcast platform", but how to put it into the program in the form of live broadcast? How do you say this? Because the Spring Festival program must be recorded and broadcast. However, the live broadcast platform is a real-time broadcast mode, so there is a time difference between the two.

If the show is recorded two days in advance, this is a very short period of time for later editing. However, it was recorded a week in advance, and when the program was broadcast during the Spring Festival, it was live content that the public had seen a week ago. Therefore, such a program made the variety show director a little confused. How to do this program?

The director said: "I know about the live broadcast platform. It is a real-time communication mode, but the program is in post-production... so when the program is broadcast after the editing is completed, the contacts of the fans who have watched the live broadcast have already been memorized. Once they are familiar with the live content, will they still watch the show?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded with a smile and said: "Don't doubt how crazy the fans are. Even if they have seen the star's performance in front of the camera during the live broadcast, when it is broadcast on TV, they will still cheer for their favorite star and watch again. Just like now, aren't there still circulating on the Internet the CUT of the variety shows that idols once participated in? And many people watch it every day, watching it over and over again, it's a bit like never getting tired of it. ."

Zhang Ping'an continued: "And the celebrities talked to them during the live broadcast. Even if the idol star read out their ID, it would make the fans excited, so they will definitely watch the show again. In terms of ratings, you can There is no need to worry at all, after all, the recording time of the program cannot be arranged on the weekend when everyone is off, we can arrange the recording during the working hours of the public and the class hours of the students."

Those who do live broadcasts usually choose prime time when the public is resting, but for recording programs, in order to reduce excessive exposure of the program, they choose to record during work and school hours. This will attract more fans to watch the program when it is broadcast.

The director thought for a moment and said, "Well... I will discuss the program with the PD as soon as possible and give you an accurate answer within a week."

For the variety show director, this model is still a bit too bold, so he has to ask his own PD before deciding whether to invest in filming. He also understood why Zhang Ping'an didn't want the copyright for this show, because he planned to let his live broadcast platform enter South Korea? And he also used their MBC to promote his platform, which is of course a mutually beneficial promotion.


As soon as he came downstairs from the variety show bureau upstairs at MBC, Zhang Pingan met Lee Soon Kyu.

Seeing her listlessly holding a cup of coffee, Zhang Ping'an greeted her with a smile: "Why are you here so early for a meeting?"

Lee Soon-gyu broadcasts at MBC from 8 to 10 pm. She nodded and said, "Well, it's a meeting. What about you? Come to watch the recording?"

Zhang Ping'an said relaxedly: "I'm going to ask the variety show bureau for a special broadcast time during the Spring Festival."

Li Soonkyu immediately looked at Zhang Pingan with a surprised expression: "Wow... it is indeed Zhang PD, who is very popular recently. Even Kim Taeho had a hard time getting up during the special broadcast time. You wanted to ask for Mid-Autumn Festival this year, and now you want to ask for it again It’s Spring Festival? It’s amazing~~”

"Kim Tae-ho doesn't want it to be troublesome. If he doesn't occupy the first place in the ratings during the special broadcast time, he will definitely be scolded. As a free man, it doesn't matter to me. If you can give me the best, I won't give it. Bad. By the way, I forgot to ask you yesterday, how was your stay in "Roommate"?"

Lee Soon Kyu tilted his head and said, "That's it. Anyway, the show is filmed once a week. I don't live there in Seongbuk-dong every day! The ratings of the show are very poor now, and maybe the show will be canceled!"

Zhang Pingan explained: "The model of this show is based on Japan's "Second Floor Apartment", but Japan shoots amateur love variety shows. And you can't tell whether this show is a talk show? a reality show? or something else... in short I watched two episodes and couldn't find the focus. Is it just the daily record of your life in the room? When the first season of the show was aired, it still felt a bit fresh, but after a long time, it felt boring. It is inevitable that the ratings will fall, because there is nothing special about this show! It would only be interesting if the 'guest' revealed his love. But idols and celebrities, how can they dare to reveal their love so easily, don't you think? "

Soonkyu responded: "You are thinking too much. A program is just a program. This has nothing to do with love. No one will put their personal feelings into the program, not even "My Knot"!"

"That's right. Okay, no more chatting. I have to go to SBS. I'm going to ask if I can cooperate with them on their special Spring Festival broadcast time?"

When Li Shunkyu heard Zhang Pingan's words, he couldn't laugh or cry and said: "No, do you want to get all the Spring Festival special broadcasts of the three TV stations?"

"MBC didn't agree to it right away, so I had to go look for SBS. Didn't I also say it during dinner last night that I wanted to produce a food program. If possible, I would like to cooperate with SBS."

"Eh. Don't you have a better relationship with MBC? Why do you think of cooperating with SBS? Isn't it because they didn't give you a special broadcast time, and you feel unhappy?" Lee Soon Kyu covered his mouth and lowered his voice after talking about working with SBS. The volume was so loud that only Zhang Pingan could hear it.

Zhang Ping'an imitated Shun Gyu's covering of his mouth and whispered: "If MBC gives me another program to be broadcast for three days, and I alone occupy half of the week's variety show broadcast time, you ask MBC's producers What should we do? Do we want them all to be laid off?"

"Hahaha~~ That's awesome, PD Zhang. Next time you make a travel show, remember to ask me to be your MC."

Zhang Ping'an said: "The main MC's job is to watch others travel in the studio and provide travel commentary. Are you willing?"

"Forget it, forget about the commentary. You'd better let us go on the trip."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "I won't be producing travel programs for the time being. I have several program plans that I need to slowly discuss with the TV station. I'm going to go to the meeting without disturbing you. I'm going to SBS. .”

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