My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 668 Return to Seoul

Among Mai Shiraishi's birthday gifts this year, the most satisfying thing was that Zhang Pingan spent unforgettable time with her at home. In the midst of both of their busy schedules, he was waiting for her to come home at the most beautiful moment. That touch will remain deep in his heart.

In the past, when life was tight, I felt that 'money' was the most important necessity in daily life. But after Shiraishi Mai became rich from the amount of her "salary slip", money became the most meaningless thing. Those things that I didn’t dare to think about or buy before have become less important now. What is really important is companionship, the warmth, warmth and tenderness of returning home after having a stable job.

Because she used to be busy surviving in the cold city of Tokyo, there were many things that she didn't dare to think about, but now everything that can be solved with money has become easily accessible. Naturally It becomes less important.

Whether it's nice-looking clothes or expensive bags, she can satisfy herself, so their expectations are lowered.

On the other hand, Zhang Ping'an's rare companionship at home became extremely warm. Especially after returning home and looking at the bright lights in the house and his gentle eyes, the fatigue of the day can be dissipated a lot. Maybe this is the 'warmth of home' that her family and elders often talk about.

At the Incheon International Airport, Zhang Pingan appeared in the reporter's camera wearing a T-shirt with a big 'Clover' on the chest. The media were already surprised that Zhang Pingan prefers products from the 'Adidas family'. And fashion magazines can't say that there is something wrong with Zhang Pingan's 'fashion'. You have to know that there are too many people in the world who wear sportswear. No fashion media can afford to offend such a large group of people, right?

Taking a taxi, Zhang Ping'an headed towards the city. On the way, he took his mobile phone and browsed the entertainment information from South Korea in boredom.

Because Zhang Pingan stayed in Japan for more than a month some time ago, he didn't know much about the recent entertainment industry trends in South Korea. It should be said that he only knows some of the news of people around him, such as Girls' Generation's return, Ji-eun and he have devoted themselves to the preparation of the album after returning from their trip, and the lively music war in the summer has begun, and each company is slightly Some well-known groups have begun preparations for their comeback.

Looking at the recent entertainment news in South Korea, Zhang Ping'an laughed. He sat in the back row and said to himself: "Isn't this amazing? 1.6 billion compensation?"

The search on Zhang Ping'an's mobile phone was "Kim Hyun Joong Incident". This incident started last year. From last year, it was just about domestic violence and forcing the woman to have an abortion. The woman complained five times, three of which were abortions and two of which were abortions caused by domestic violence. I have to say that Kim Hyun Joong is pretty awesome. He has actually ‘won’ five times?

And that's not all. Last year, the woman said she was pregnant again and refused to take away the child. Because it had been five times, whether it was miscarriage or abort, the total number of times was too many. The woman was worried that she might not be able to have children in the future, so she insisted on giving birth this time, and also insisted that the child was Kim Hyun Joong’s. .

Kim Hyun Joong insisted that the child was not his, and even threatened to have a paternity test. If it was not his child, then the woman would bear full legal responsibility. Now that the child is born, the paternity test result is ‘99.9’, confirming that it is Kim Hyun Joong’s. The recent news is all about Kim Hyun Joong.

Zhang Ping'an made a news about melon eater watching Kim Hyun Joong, but he had to admit that this guy was a bit powerful, could he win every time? And insist on ‘not wearing a helmet’? ‘Safety hat’ is a matter of common sense and a responsibility. It is a responsible attitude towards oneself and the other party.

Because Zhang Ping'an knows that many marriages begin with 'marriage with a son'.

But there are also many marriages where children are married. They may not necessarily have a happy outcome. In the end, the children become the biggest victims.

But now, neither Zhang Ping'an nor they have the energy to take care of the children for the time being, so he is well prepared for safety issues.


When the car was about to arrive in Seoul, Zhang Pingan put away his mobile phone. In the car, he looked at the comments from various parties on the Kim Hyun Joong incident, but in the end he just smiled lightly.

Because when the matter has nothing to do with them, most people even hope that it would be best for him to be completely cold. Of course, Kim Hyun Joong's domestic violence situation must be a serious problem. But Zhang Pingan made a new discovery after reading the comments? When talking about the mistakes made by Kim Hyun Joong on the Internet, the mistakes made by the Internet are so outrageous that it is difficult to describe them. Just watching the yelling and swearing seems to be a death sentence for him.

Especially those women who are very twisted themselves are speaking out on the website. The voice is really... I can only lament that there are too many psychologically twisted people on the Internet. They never want others to live better than them. , when they see the opportunity to step on those who are better off than themselves, they are more ruthless than anyone else!

Regardless of whether they are trolls on the Internet or those who are looking for a sense of presence, Zhang Pingan is very disgusted with those who use "cyber violence" because he is also a victim. Whether it was the previous scandals when she met Taeyeon and Pani, or the later exposure of her relationship with Sika, and the current 'breakup'. The shouts and curses from various fans under his personal scarf never stopped.

In addition to this recent hot topic, Zhang Pingan also saw a piece of news, A-Fen, will hold their second concert tomorrow? Zhang Pingan thought that if there was nothing special to do tomorrow, it would be nice to go and enjoy A-Fen's concert. Otherwise, he didn't know what to do after returning to Seoul, and everyone around him was very busy recently.

An hour later, Zhang Pingan returned home. The first thing he did when he got home was to call the housekeeper to come and clean up.

Before the housekeeper arrived, Zhang Pingan took a shower and changed into comfortable home shorts and shorts, then sat on the sofa, turned on his computer and started to look up the venue for A-Fen's concert on the Internet. It was the indoor venue of the fencing hall.

This fencing hall is basically used for concerts when there are no competitions. Most of the idols in Korea have held concerts here.

Such indoor venues are divided into seats and standing seats. Standing seats are the closest to the stage. Seats are the audience seats for watching the competition.

One is to appreciate the stage up close, and the other can only see their expressions through the big screen. However, it was very hot to squeeze nearly a thousand people into such a venue. If it was winter, it would be fine, but if it was summer, standing seats... it would be so hot that people would die.

In summer, Zhang Pingan personally still prefers open-air venues similar to Japanese concerts. Although it is hot, the air is good. This... Zhang Pingan will only choose seats.

So he posted a message on the second-hand trading website, "I want a ticket for Afen's concert, I need seats!"

While waiting for the scalpers to leave messages on the website, the cleaning lady arrived, and Zhang Pingan opened the door for them. While they were cleaning, Zhang Pingan sat in the living room and started to negotiate the ticket price with the ticket scalper.

In less than five minutes, the ticket price was negotiated and purchased at 2.5 times the original price. The seated tickets are slightly cheaper because they are far away from the stage. Those fans who like to get close to their idols prefer the standing seats next to the stage. Those people would rather squeeze in, even if it is a little hot, as long as they can watch their favorite idols up close.

It was agreed that the transaction would be made at Jiang/Nan Station in an hour. Because the cleaning lady just came, Zhang Pingan had to wait for them to finish cleaning.

Sitting at home and continuing to surf the Internet, Zhang Pingan saw that South Korea had launched a new function of binding bank cards to mobile phones. They did not use the "three-party payment" but the "NFC" function of the mobile phone in conjunction with the bank, which felt like China's "scan code" payment. In fact, their binding is very dangerous.

Because South Korea is accustomed to using credit cards, and small payments on credit cards are set to not require passwords. Although a signature is required, you can just draw anything for this signature. Anyway, Zhang Pingan would never dare to bind his bank card to the "NFC" function of his mobile phone.

Looking at the various flattering comments under this news message, Zhang Pingan could only shake his head and say: "I don't know where the Koreans get their sense of superiority? We Chinese have already used this "NFC" function on bus cards and access cards. They are really a group of people who don't go out to see the world."

I read a lot of news out of boredom, and then looked at the schedule of this year's "League of Legends" finals. This year's game is held in Europe. Now the number of game players is increasing year by year, and the scale of the game is also getting bigger year by year.

Moreover, this game will be pushed to the top next year, thus extending to some "women's team".

After all, the game is too hot, but after the emergence of the women's team, there are also constant chaos. Maybe many women think this is a shortcut to success? Because they appear on the competitive stage every week, and even feel a bit like a star?

After watching the game highlights, Zhang Pingan felt bored, so he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Li Zhien, because Girls' Generation was promoting a song today, and it was useless for him to send them a message.

"Are you in the recording studio? Let's have dinner together tonight? I'll pack it up later?"

Although Korean takeout can deliver everything, it takes a certain amount of waiting time, and the high-end Japanese cuisine that Li Zhien likes does not have a delivery service, so he thinks that it is the fastest way to pack it up and bring it to him.

Not long after the message was sent, Li Zhien replied: "Okay, you can send it over when the time comes. The studio plus me, four people."

"OK, got it, I'm cleaning the house now. It may be a little late!"

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