My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 706 Live streaming software for idols

Did Pani really not expect that the mobile live broadcast software ‘V.APP’ was jointly produced by Zhang Pingan and ‘N Station’? Recently, this software has been used by idols. Basically, idols who have released albums are using this software to promote before the release. It is also occasionally used for idols to communicate face-to-face with fans.

Especially Apink, they have been using this software frequently recently.

It seems that Apink members will start live broadcasts and interact with fans online whenever they have free time. As long as there is no schedule, you can see Wu Xiarong, who is addicted to games, live broadcasting and interacting with fans online every day.

Also because they frequently interact with fans and build a good rapport with each other, the number of registrations for their official cafes has been rising rapidly recently.

Of course, all this is due to the ‘game idol’ Wu Xiarong. On weekdays, she stays in her dormitory playing games with her fans. They even broadcast live broadcasts backstage at the concert. During the period before fans are waiting to enter, Apink will start a live broadcast in the afternoon to interact with fans online in the background, so that fans who arrive in advance will not be so bored before waiting to enter.

A fan, I have benefited from being online frequently. After seeing this, other agencies followed suit. When the album was released, everyone began to promote it online. This also made fans feel closer to their idols, thus stimulating an increase in sales. Even Taeyeon also conducted a live broadcast promotion on ‘V.APP’ this time, which shows that this software is widely used in the Korean idol world!

However, this time, Zhang Pingan and ‘N Station’ produced this APP, and he did not hold much of the shares, only 30%. Because there is no difficulty in making this thing, and ‘N Station’ is the largest portal in South Korea, Zhang Pingan does not hold too many shares. After all, if he wants more, others will not give it to him. If the negotiation breaks down, it will cost more money to compete with each other. This is the last thing both parties want to see.

Zhang Pingan also chose to take a step back and asked for 30% of the shares. He would not participate in management or operations. He could cash out and leave after two years. Moreover, with the blessing of idols, this software has a very good prospect in South Korea. Many investors in South Korea think this software is very good, but Zhang Pingan knows that this is because the 'INS' software has not yet opened live broadcasts. After 'INS' also opens user live broadcasts in the future, this 'V .APP' feels a bit...purely for work!

Therefore, Zhang Ping'an didn't think about holding on for a long time. Two years of growth could completely double his investment tenfold. He invested 5 billion won in the early stage, but when he left the market, the product had the support of idols. How could he sell it for 50 billion won!

Because this software is still a live broadcast software after all, and the live broadcast market in South Korea currently has two major live broadcast platforms, 'Africa TV' and 'Panda TV'. Although Panda will withdraw from South Korea next year, for now, those who do live broadcast, Not many people choose outdoor live streaming on mobile phones. Currently, games and dance are the main ones. It will take some time for outdoor live streaming to be available!

Why is there so little outdoor space in South Korea? It’s because they lack labor unions! The vast majority of anchors in South Korea are individuals who sign contracts with the platform. Those who drive luxury cars to do Didi outdoor work and hook up with beautiful women do not exist in South Korea because there is no "Didi" in South Korea. The taxis called by their taxi app are all taxis from regular companies!

(PS: Make sure it is not a private car like Didi, but a taxi! After Uber was launched in South Korea, it took away the taxi business and made a big fuss, so Uber was removed from the market. In fact, Uber failed in Asia because there are so many taxis in Asia, unlike in the United States where there are very few.)

In Korea without Didi, there are no union anchors. Those who can afford to drive luxury cars are busy picking up girls every day.

Where do you have time to do live broadcasts to entertain the audience? Some trade unions in China will provide anchors with some luxury cars for outdoor use. Of course, there are also many anchors who buy sports cars themselves after making money, and then do things in outdoor mode, etc.

Therefore, 'V.APP' has not attracted many anchor resources. Now Zhang Pingan is waiting. When Panda withdraws from Korea, the anchors will be free, and then the product will appreciate.


Pani, who was sitting in the car, listened to what Zhang Pingan said, and she laughed inexplicably: "I see that you don't do much on weekdays..."

Zhang Ping'an understood what Pani meant, so before she could finish her words, he interrupted her: "What do you mean I didn't do anything? I don't do anything, how can the show be filmed? I don't do anything, I Why do I go to the TV station every day? Do I go to the TV station to have fun? Or do I go to the TV station to see female idols?”

Pani immediately defended: "I'm talking about business matters. For example, your live broadcast platform, I didn't see how you managed it at the beginning, and your agency didn't manage it either, but... I felt like you were silent. It feels like it’s done right? You know... that’s a weird feeling?”

Zhang Pingan said: "Aren't there professionals? When we first cooperated on this software, the person in charge of the live broadcast platform in Korea went to discuss the cooperation intention with 'N Station'. I told him the cooperation model in my mind, and he talked about it around this model. Anyway, it can't be lower than my bottom line. As for whether they can get a higher share, it depends on their ability. To put it bluntly, it's that simple. They talked about it, and finally I signed and reached an agreement. You know, I basically don't participate in the operation of the company."

Tiffany smiled bitterly and said: "Then why did you notify you to attend the meeting today?"

Zhang Pingan said: "I am the second largest shareholder, there must be something important that requires my participation. Maybe the product needs financing, or I hope to invest again, or it may be a summary report?"

Tiffany said: "This software has been used frequently by idols recently, and there are many users, right?"

Zhang Pingan said: "It's okay, because of the idol's promotion, there are currently tens of millions of users."

Offshore, mobile software is open to the world, and there is no problem of "climbing the wall". Therefore, this software is used by users who like k-pop in various countries. For software, user usage rate is actually "money"!

Along the way, Zhang Pingan and Tiffany talked about this mobile phone software and what are the benefits of using this software. After the two of them got together, they had a wide range of topics to talk about, so as they talked, the topic extended to the ultimate goal of "money".

Speaking of "money", Tiffany said very vulgarly: "You are so rich, why don't you wear many world-famous brands?"

"I have talked about this issue many times, I don't think it is necessary to talk about it again, right? Don't you think I don't shop much? Okay, I will show you my shopping method in the afternoon."

Tiffany said: "Your shopping method? It won't be the kind that appears in TV dramas, this, this, this, all wrapped up for me?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and kept it a secret: "Haha, you will know in the afternoon."

Soon, the two came to "N Station". After receiving the temporary entry permit, Zhang Pingan really took Tiffany to the company's cafeteria. It was Tiffany's first time to come to the cafeteria of the largest portal website in South Korea. The catering in the cafeteria is very good. There are Western food areas and Korean food areas, and employees can choose according to what they want to eat today. Of course, the menu is set. For example, Western food today provides pasta, steak, and salad. What about Korean food?

Tiffany and Zhang Pingan appeared in the employee cafeteria of the portal website, which made many employees take out their mobile phones to take pictures of them, but no one came forward to disturb their meal. Everyone was very curious, why did Zhang Pingan and Tiffany from Girls' Generation come here to eat? The photos uploaded to the Internet also caused countless netizens to be puzzled?

In the afternoon, Zhang Pingan took Tiffany to a meeting. Zhang Pingan explained that he diluted half of his shares to Tiffany.

Rich stars are developing side businesses, but most of them are doing cafes, restaurants and the like. Tiffany invested in mobile phone software? The software department was very confused, but they didn't ask much, why did Zhang Pingan transfer shares to her?

In fact, today's meeting is to report on funding issues, how much was spent, how it was spent, and how much money is left in the company account...

This is the first time Tiffany has attended such a business meeting. In fact, the content is nothing special, but Tiffany can't see what is hidden in it.

After leaving the company, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "After listening to the financial report, do you have anything to say?"

"I don't know, there's nothing to say."

"So you are not suitable for starting a business. When you looked at the report, didn't you find that one company, Jinshi Advertising Company, appeared too frequently? It is normal for an advertising company to participate in product promotion, but it is not normal for a fixed company to appear in multiple places. Billboards, flyers, video ads, mobile ads, TV ads. This company covers too many areas, so it is not normal. This advertising company may be run by an executive within the software, or by the family of an executive within the company. You know what I mean. "Pani finally understood what Zhang Pingan meant, and she asked in confusion: "Why didn't you say it on the spot?" "Why should I say it? Isn't the company's largest shareholder 'N Station'? Do you think they really can't find out? Maybe they just think this person is useful. These are the unspoken rules in business that will not be said explicitly. When there is a problem with the company's accounts, someone will be needed to take the blame. Do you really think that the shareholders of this software are only me and 'N Station'? In fact, there are many people's interests involved, and the things inside are complicated. That's why I'm too lazy to manage the company, and I'm even more lazy to deal with these messy things! ! "

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