My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 738 Li Zhien Shanghai Concert (2)

At the hotel gate, the fans who were waiting to see Lee Ji-eun when she left for rehearsal were a little confused, because they saw that the staff accompanying Lee Ji-eun had arrived at the hotel gate and got in the car and left, but Lee Ji-eun and her agent Hunter were not there? So a kind hotel employee came out and said to the fans blocking the door: "Don't wait, they have all left, someone took your star directly from the underground garage." Hearing "left"? The fans suddenly felt a sense of absurdity similar to "being fooled". But thinking back, they felt that they seemed a little stupid? Because when Lee Ji-eun and others came to the hotel, many fans who followed from the airport actually saw Zhang Pingan also joined them at the hotel. Of course, the anti-fans of China did not think it was strange for Zhang Pingan to appear in the hotel? First of all, China has the custom of "host friendship", and Zhang Pingan and Lee Ji-eun have a very good relationship, which is something that even they, as fans, know. So after Lee Ji-eun arrived, Zhang Pingan, as a local, met with Lee Ji-eun and had a meal, which was a kind of reception that should be given. But fans didn't expect Zhang Pingan to use his private car to take Li Zhien away from the hotel? Fortunately, Han Te was with him, otherwise what would this news become, no one would know?

When Li Zhien came to the garage, Zhang Pingan deliberately pointed out his license plate number to Li Zhien to show off, because the license plate was her birthday number! When Li Zhien looked at the license plate, she did not forget to roll her eyes at Zhang Pingan. Such a small move was very pleasing to her, but Li Zhien did not want to show it.

Rolls-Royce must be much more comfortable to sit in than the bus arranged by the hotel. Han Te also curiously asked what was the difference between this convertible and Zhang Pingan's one in Seoul? Zhang Pingan answered very straightforwardly. The difference is that one is a convertible and the other is a starry sky roof. The driving experience is the same. The vehicle looks big, but it is very easy and flexible to drive.

Soon the group arrived at the venue this time. Zhang Pingan's vehicle parked at the back door and entered the venue with Li Zhien and others. After entering, the staff went to the front desk to prepare, while Han Te, Li Zhien, the stylist, etc. went to see the waiting room first.

This is a large indoor venue that can accommodate 8,000 to 12,000 spectators, so the waiting rooms here are very large. In the middle of the large waiting room, there is a large table for storing things, and on the table are drinks such as Coke, Sprite, and mineral water. It can be said that there is everything. These items were prepared by the first batch of staff who built the stage. Of course, they also prepared snacks such as biscuits, potato chips, and bread for temporary hunger tomorrow.

Li Zhien took a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Zhang Pingan: "Oppa, are you waiting here for us to rehearse, or go back and rest for a while? We will definitely not be able to finish in two or three hours."

Because the stage inspection and the subsequent stage adjustment based on the rehearsal effect, etc., all take a lot of time. Besides, such a large venue concert must be very well prepared, and Li Zhien was worried that Zhang Pingan would be bored sitting here, so she asked him if he wanted to go back and rest, and come back when they were about to finish?

Zhang Pingan thought for a moment and said, "I'll follow you in the rehearsal. Although I don't know how you set up the stage, I can discuss it with your concert director this time."

Large-scale concerts must be equipped with a director, because the director needs to control the entire concert process. At the same time, he also has to guide the on-site shooting. After all, the venue is large, and fans sitting far away can only watch through the big screen, and the real-time feedback of the camera requires the director to decide which camera position to broadcast in the overall control.

"Well, I'll introduce you to the director of this concert later.

He may be at the front desk now." Li Zhien nodded and said.

The concert director is not a member of Li Zhien's team, because every director has a different pursuit of the stage effect, so every time Li Zhien's concert, she will look for different directors and artists to set up the stage for herself according to the size of the venue.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Well, let's see how your stage is built later. I'm thinking that when I'm free in the future, I can just guest star as your concert director. How about it?"

Li Zhien immediately shook her head and said, "I dare not ask you to be my director, and I can't afford it. The stage you require is notoriously expensive."

Zhang Pingan has a lot of variety shows, such as "Masked" and "Look at the Voice", which are all music-type programs, which involve stage construction. And Zhang Pingan is a person who has very high requirements for the quality of the program, so the public can see the stage effect he built through the program. The stage of the two programs has done a very good job in such a small venue, so the public can clearly know that the equipment and equipment he uses is just one word: expensive!

Maybe Li Zhien earned more than 10 billion or 20 billion won in large-scale concerts, but if she asked Zhang Pingan to be the director, he would have to spend at least 300 million to 500 million on the stage!

Zhang Pingan laughed: "How can it be expensive? I was thinking, should I let you hold a concert with a four-sided stage next time, with the stage fully open 360 degrees?"

Hent, who was standing next to him, immediately followed up Zhang Pingan's words: "A four-sided stage can only be held in a super large venue."

Zhang Ping'an said: "Actually, the Seoul Arena can also be used. If it is fully opened, it can seat 15,000 spectators. As for the display screen... it can be set up in the air. Isn't the NBA like to use this method? Below The free space can be used to build a four-party stage. Such an investment is a bit big. It is really a waste to open two games in a row."

Simply listening to Zhang Pingan's idea, Hunter felt that it was feasible. All the venues would be opened and display screens set up in the air for remote audiences from all directions. Just when Hunter was about to turn to look at Li Zhien, she immediately said: "Ignore it for now, I have a Yanjing concert next month."

Hunter could only smile and nod. Although he wanted to have such a large concert, Li Zhien had to agree to it.

At this time the director came in: "Zhienxi, the front desk can test it."

Li Zhien asked the director to introduce Zhang Ping'an. After the two briefly got to know each other, everyone walked towards the front desk. The rehearsal officially begins. The first step is the lighting test, microphone test, and music accompaniment test.

Then Li Zhien stood on the stage with three microphones and tried which one was more suitable for this venue? In the end, she chose the commonly used lavender microphone, which was also the first microphone Zhang Pingan gave her. Zhang Ping'an was the only one sitting there as an audience member in the oversized auditorium. He said to Li Zhien on the stage: "Sing a song of "My Old Story"."

Li Zhien smiled and nodded, holding the microphone and speaking to the sound controller: "Director of sound control, play "My Old Story"."

Zhang Pingan requested songs, and Li Zhien was testing the equipment while satisfying his personal desire to listen to songs. At this time, Hunter picked up the camera and walked over, pointing the lens at Zhang Pingan: "Here is "IU.TV" introducing the director responsible for the filming of the program this time, and he is a super famous director: Zhang Pingan xi, Please welcome~~!”

As Hunter said, he handed the "IU.TV" camera to Zhang Pingan, and Zhang Pingan took the camera and pointed it at himself: "This is Shanghai, Li Zhien's 'Shanghai Showcase Concert'. Zhien, is here Regarding the test track. Let me show you the auditorium and stage first. The entire venue can accommodate 12,000 people, but after the stage is built, it can only accommodate 7,000 people. The right-angle seats are not opened. "

Because the rehearsal of the sound track had begun, all the lights on the scene were turned on, so Zhang Pingan took the camera to shoot a circle of the audience seats before taking the camera to the stage. Li Zhien glanced at the camera and said: "Wait to go backstage to shoot. What rehearsal are you shooting?"

"Rehearsals are also backstage, aren't they? And your company is very stingy in that the camera is actually handheld. Let me tell you, it's long past time to switch to a handheld gimbal and Sony camera for shooting. The effect is much better than handheld."

Li Zhien stopped speechlessly and said, "Okay, okay, stop facing me, I have to rehearse."

Zhang Pingan then put away the camera and returned to the audience seat. He remembered that he seemed to need to buy some photography equipment, such as an aerial drone!

When Li Zhien comes over to prepare at noon tomorrow, he plans to go to the Cyber ​​City to buy some equipment for the upcoming trip.

Just like that, there were repeated rehearsals, rearrangement of dance moves, and improvement of stage lighting effects. The rehearsal lasted until eight o'clock in the evening and ended temporarily. They would come over to do the final equipment inspection after dinner tomorrow morning. .

For dinner, Zhang Pingan took the team members to have a meal of Haidilao. Li Zhien mainly accompanied everyone, but she didn't eat much herself.

After dinner, Zhang Pingan sent Li Zhien back to the hotel and drove away. He did not go upstairs to rest for a while or anything. Because so many staff members were there, it was not good for him to go to Li Zhien's room at night.

Early the next morning, Li Zhien and his team got up early and had breakfast in the hotel. After eating and resting for a while, they started heading towards the venue because all the clothes, cosmetics, etc. had to be taken away today. Especially for the concert costumes, after arriving, I had to take out each piece for Li Zhien to try on again to see if any final modifications were needed.

Zhang Pingan exercised a bit after getting up in the morning, and then went to the Cyber ​​City to buy some equipment...

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