My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 765 Yui’s Christmas Party

Yui has really not thought about this issue so far. Zhang Pingan has always been a Chinese, and just now he was saying that in the upcoming 2016, his career focus will be biased toward China... which means that in the future he will He must have settled in China. Thinking about it again, Zhang Pingan's career layout in Japan is the least, and currently it is "zero". Without a career in Japan, it would be impossible for him to stay and settle in Japan in the future.

Because Yui and Zhang Pingan met many times in Japan at the beginning, even after the relationship was confirmed during the last 'fate trip', Zhang Pingan has been living in her house. So Yui had not considered whether she would follow Zhang Pingan to settle overseas in the future? Besides, doesn’t Zhang Pingan have a house in Tokyo? That property was also broadcast on the show, and because there was a property in Tokyo, Yui naturally thought that Zhang Ping'an might stay in Tokyo in the future.

Although his current job keeps him traveling between Korea and Japan. But no matter how you say it, the Korean entertainment industry is very close to Japan. After all, people in the Korean entertainment industry will come to Japan to develop. Therefore, it is not impossible for Zhang Ping'an to stay in Japan in the future. Doesn't he still have a comic adaptation in his hand?

When Zhang Pingan looked at Yui who was eating and heard the question of settling in China, he instantly became dull. He smiled and said, "Don't think so far away from my home. Shanghai is only a two-hour flight from Tokyo. This is closer than you can go back to Okinawa.”

After listening to Zhang Ping'an talking about the flight time, Yui instantly became a lot more relaxed, and then she smiled: "Uh...hehe."

The two-hour flight is indeed closer than her return trip to Okinawa, because it takes two hours and forty-five minutes from Tokyo to Okinawa. However, Yui doesn't go back often. After Japanese children become adults and become independent, they basically only go home to visit their parents during some traditional large-scale holiday festivals. But today's young people are quite busy, so busy that they don't even have time to go home during major holidays.

Looking at Yui's smile, Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "From now on, why don't we live in Shanghai and Tokyo? It's only a two-hour flight, not more than ten hours to fly to New York. When you have work arrangements, we Just come back to Tokyo and live in China when there are no work arrangements. When you no longer want to work and want to stay at home and rest, we can stay at home and rest. You can go wherever you like. Where you live is not important to me, what matters is that you are by my side.”

Anyway, it would be great if such sweet words can make women happy. As for what will happen in the future, Zhang Pingan doesn't dare to guess about the Shura field. Now Zhang Pingan just talks to people when they meet. Sweet words cost nothing and can please a woman, so why not?

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's sweet words, Yui couldn't help but smile. At the same time, she said, "What if I have work arrangements for the next year?"

Zhang Pingan responded softly: "If you have work, do it; if you don't have work, play. Now I ask you to put down your work and go to China with me to stay at home. I believe you are not willing to do it. At worst, I will just run in both directions as before." "

Zhang Ping'an's words made Yui very satisfied. She smiled happily and said: "Hehe... I really haven't thought about putting down my work yet. Let's wait. Maybe one day I really feel that working is not so good." If you give up, I will go to live in China with you, and I will take good care of you then."

"How do you take good care of it?"

Yui smiled and hooked her fingers at Zhang Pingan. After Zhang Pingan stretched his head over, she quickly kissed him on the mouth: "Is this the kind of care you want?"


A rainy day is perfect for lingering at home. Eat and use up your energy.

Go to bed when you are tired. This cycle is the ultimate meaning of a rainy day. There is nothing more wonderful than a rainy day.

For two days in a row, Zhang Pingan and Yui spent time in the hot spring hotel. They went out for a little stroll on the first day, but when the rainy day started on the second day, the two became crazy. Until they checked out and returned to Tokyo on the third day, neither of them stepped out of the room.

Christmas is here, and Yui invited friends to have dinner at home, so the two of them drove back to Tokyo from Lake Kawaguchi early in the morning.

On the highway, Yui looked at Zhang Ping'an and said with a smile: "This Christmas, I invited my sister and brother-in-law to come over for the holiday. This is the first time I have officially introduced you to my family."

Yui's sister has been busy taking care of her dog and lizard these days. After Yui comes back, she will definitely bring the dog back, and by the way, they will spend Christmas together. Moreover, Yui didn't entertain any outsiders, they were all friends in the circle, and the tone between them was still very tight. Therefore, even if he saw Zhang Pingan at home, he would not spread the news.

Zhang Ping'an thought for a moment and said, "I'll prepare two Chinese dishes then? I'll greet your sister personally."

Yui looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Abalone stewed chicken, grilled lamb chops? Well, grilled lamb chops have Chinese characteristics." The so-called Chinese characteristics, of course, refer to the use of cumin powder and chili powder. Is there anything more fascinating than the smell of barbecue?

Yui said: "In that moment, let's go to the supermarket first. They may come over in the afternoon. Is it too late to prepare at this time? If not, we can go to the restaurant to pack some and take them back?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me. I'll make sure it's well prepared."

During Christmas, the atmosphere on the streets of Tokyo is also quite lively. On this day, Taidi Xu's new album was also released with the advent of Christmas. On the way back, Zhang Pingan listened to the song on the car stereo.

After going to the supermarket, Yui bought some Christmas decorations, while Zhang Pingan browsed the ingredients in the cooking area.

After returning from Lake Kawaguchi early in the morning, they started to prepare. For lunch, the two of them simply bought bread from the supermarket, all for dinner on Christmas Eve.

Yui originally wanted to cook a few of her specialty dishes, but Zhang Pingan said there was no need for them, so he took care of them all. With Zhang Pingan doing the cooking, Yui could decorate her home with peace of mind.

The Christmas tree is decorated with some Christmas slogans and ornaments. When the lights on the Christmas tree are turned on, the living room is instantly filled with a festive atmosphere. Zhang Ping'an quickly prepared dinner, abalone and chicken stew, just put it on the stove and simmer it over low heat. Chinese cold dishes are also indispensable, such as cold shredded chicken, Sichuan-style saliva chicken, Zhang Pingan used chicken legs...

Because Japan has the habit of sharing meals, each person has a chicken drumstick. Boil some spices and mix the seasonings according to the help given by 'Du Niang'. It was when I was making red oil that the oil got on my hands. Fortunately, Zhang Pingan wore gloves.

Lotus root slices mixed with fungus, seasoned with soy sauce and horseradish, it tastes pretty good. Finally, there is the classic cold dish garlic cucumber! Two meat and two vegetable cold dishes, paired with a stewed abalone and chicken soup, and the main dish is oven-roasted lamb chops, perfect!

Zhang Ping'an has been marinating the mutton for a long time, waiting for people to arrive before putting it in the oven. Yui tasted the cold dishes prepared by Zhang Pingan when he was dividing the meal. She praised the strange-tasting cold shredded chicken very much. Bean sprouts, onions, bell peppers, and shredded chicken were mixed together. Yui gave it a thumbs up after taking a bite.

Yui also decorated the living room, and the two finally had time to sit down and rest. Zhang Pingan held a cup of coffee and drank it slowly. Yui looked around the kitchen and said with a smile after Zhang Pingan prepared the dishes. : "Wow... so many dishes, you prepared them all in one afternoon."

"They are all cold dishes. They don't take much time. They just need to be cooked in advance and then seasoned. Does it taste good?"

Yui smiled happily and gave a thumbs up and said, "That's totally fine. I think this is better than many Chinese restaurants."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said: "This can't be compared. These dishes I cook are just sneaky dishes. If you really want to cook some hard skills, I can't do it."

Just when these words fell, the doorbell rang, and Zhang Ping'an's muscles tensed instantly when the doorbell rang. Yui looked at Zhang Pingan's nervous look. She smiled, held his face and kissed him: "Relax! I'll open the door."

Yui stood up and opened the door. After a while, she heard Yui's voice calling her "sister" and "brother-in-law" from the entrance, and the sound of COCO's claws scraping the floor was also heard. After a while, COCO ran into the room first. Zhang Pingan reached out and touched the dog's head. Coco licked Zhang Pingan's hand. Maybe there was still a little fragrance left in his hand from the time when the front fabric was being processed?

Zhang Ping'an then stood up and waited for the arrival of Yui and her sister's family. After a while, Yui entered the house with her sister and brother-in-law. Looking at Zhang Pingan standing in the living room, Yui's sister smiled at Yui, and Yui introduced her: "This is my boyfriend, Zhang Pingan, he is from China. He is my high school student. classmate during the period.”

Yui introduced her sister and brother-in-law to Zhang Pingan again. Zhang Pingan bowed to Yui's sisters and greeted them according to Japanese etiquette: "Hello, my name is Zhang Pingan. Please take good care of me in the future."

Yui's sister looked at Zhang Ping'an: "Ping'an-san's Japanese is really good. Just by listening to her intonation, she doesn't feel like a foreigner at all."

After the news about Yui and Zhang Pingan came to light two days ago, Yui's sister also looked at his information and only knew that he was a very rich young man. Moreover, the appearance in the photo matches her sister very well. Looking at Zhang Pingan's height from close range, it is also ideal. All conditions are good.

When people in Japan meet for the first time, they rarely ask about Zhang Ping'an's personal finances and family situation, because it would be very rude to inquire about other people's privacy.

However, Zhang Pingan's information is also available on Yahoo, so Yui's sister knows about it. Today I mainly want to take a look at Zhang Pingan's character. The first impression is that Zhang Pingan is perfect in terms of appearance. .

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