My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 428 Awesome? Awesome!

Let the hotel's chef come directly to the venue to serve. This is the first time they have enjoyed such treatment as girls. But here in Japan, it is a normal service for hotel chefs to come to your door. As long as you have money, it is not uncommon for chefs to come to your door. In the past, when Girls' Generation held concerts in Japan, they basically had buffet style meals. This was the first time for them to enjoy such a chef making teppanyaki meat on the spot.

Of course, Zhang Ping'an was quite generous this time. Not only did he order the services of a Teppanyaki chef for everyone in Girls' Generation, but he also provided the hotel's buffet to the staff on site. You should know that under normal circumstances, the on-site staff receive lunch boxes. But today it was a high-end buffet, which the staff enjoyed very much.

Yoona, Xiuying, and the two master chefs were grilling meat for them, and they went to the buffet room next to them to get a few plates of food. Zhang Pingan and everyone from Girls' Generation sat together and enjoyed a high-end dinner. While they were eating, they said words of thanks to Zhang Pingan.

Seohyun, as the representative of Girls' Generation, said to Zhang Pingan: "Oppa, thank you so much for preparing such a sumptuous dinner for us today."

I don’t know since when, Taeyeon, the captain, has rarely spoken on behalf of the team, and even Pani, the official spokesperson, has gradually retreated behind the scenes. Recently, all the concluding remarks about Girls' Generation have been given to maknae Seohyun. I have to say that Seohyun has grown up really fast. When everyone talked about Seohyun in the past, what came to mind was her serious appearance. Or shyly.

But now Xu Xian has really matured, grown up, and is much smoother in dealing with situations and people. She has lost her serious face recently and has more smiles.

Although Zhang Ping'an couldn't tell whether her smile was 'commercial' or 'sincere', Xu Xian's smile was much better than her dull image. I wonder if the transformation carried out by her sisters was effective? Or is it that Xu Xian himself has been worn away by society for a long time? Xu Xian is really much more talkative now than before.

When Xu Xian thanked Zhang Pingan on behalf of Girls' Generation, he looked into Xu Xian's eyes seriously. Xu Xian's eyes were very moist, and there was a slight and comfortable smile on the corner of her mouth. When she saw Zhang Pingan staring at her, she raised her eyebrows gently. She was asking Zhang Pingan in this way. What's up'?

Pani, who was sitting next to her, noticed that Zhang Ping'an had been staring at Xu Xian. She immediately shouted: "Hey, why are you staring at our maknae like this?"

Zhang Pingan turned to Pani and said with a smile: "I think it's very interesting, because I saw the existence of love in Xiaoxian's eyes. Xuxian, have you been in close contact with a man recently?"

Xu Xian was a little panicked by Zhang Ping'an's sudden move. She waved her hands exaggeratedly and said, ", Oppa, please...don't talk nonsense."

Seeing Xu Xian's panic, Zhang Pingan nodded and smiled. The sisters who knew Xu Xian better immediately jumped up when they saw Xu Xian's expression: "Wow...Xiao Xian, are you in love?"

"No, no, really not."

The meal suddenly became lively due to Zhang Ping'an's words. Anyway, the barbecue master was from Japan, and they couldn't understand Korean. So they sat inside and started asking about Xu Xian's love news. Xu Xian, the eternal doormat, could withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of eight sisters. She was asked after three times. Recently, she was chatting with a certain man, but she was not in love. the point.

When they were questioning Xu Xian,

Taeyeon sat next to Zhang Ping'an and asked him in a low voice: "How did you know that Xiaoxian was with a boy recently? Did you see it by chance on the roadside?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said: "Where can I go to see it~~ Didn't you sisters give Xu Xian a love lesson this year? Xiaoxian is smart, and she will never be so stupid that outsiders are photographed. After all, you are all her 'role models'. If you take a photo of a girl's love, one will die."

When Zhang Pingan used the word 'role model' indiscriminately, Taeyeon hooked and punched the unsuspecting Zhang Pingan in the stomach. Zhang Ping'an made a muffled sound, holding his stomach and pouting. Seeing Zhang Ping'an in pain, Taeyeon embarrassedly stretched out her hand to rub his belly: "Are you okay?"

"Something's wrong, Yoona. Don't worry about eating. Call 120. I'm going to the hospital."

Yoona had been sitting nearby watching Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon chattering. She had just forked a piece of beef and put it in her mouth when she heard Zhang Pingan calling for help. She said with disgust on her face: "Do you have the strength to scream? Then you won't die."

Zhang Ping'an straightened up and faced Lin Yuner with a smile: "Lin Yuner, what are you talking about? Do you want me to die so that you can inherit my inheritance? Let me tell you, you haven't passed it yet."

Taeyeon, who was sitting next to her, couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Pfft~~! Hahaha~~ Yoona wants to inherit your inheritance?"


For a meal, as long as nine people from Girls' Generation get together, the atmosphere will be full of joy. If Zhang Ping'an is added to the meal, the joy will be doubled. Because his venomous tongue from time to time, or his hilarious words from time to time, would fill the atmosphere with chicken-blooded excitement.

Taeyeon enjoys his antics around her, because as long as he is around, she will feel at ease and fulfilled, and when he is around, the blooming smile on her face will never wither.

After the meal, Girls' Generation drank coffee bought by their manager. After taking a short break, they returned to the stage again. In order to have a perfect stage tomorrow, Girls’ Generation really needs to put in a lot of sweat and thought behind the scenes. Especially when it comes to things on stage, you need to be more careful. After all, singers are prone to accidents once they get too excited on stage.

Accidents sometimes happen on stage, so not only do they have to prepare songs, but they also have to mark their location and safety, etc...

The sky in Tokyo is completely dark, but the lights inside the venue are as blurry as a nightclub. Various slides flashed and flashed, which made my head hurt. The main problem was that the music played intermittently. They stood on the stage and adjusted from time to time. The music stopped and started playing again. This 'night club' was too unprofessional. I just got excited and wanted to jump on stage to make some noise, but the music stopped.

Girls' Generation's songs are all songs that make Zhang Ping'an feel calloused. There were no singing costumes and sparse dancing. At this time, they didn't have the professionalism of 'Girls' Generation' at all. Zhang Pingan really wanted to yell at them on the stage, 'You guys are really dancing! ’

The rehearsal stage was indeed a bit boring. It was so boring that Zhang Pingan couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only turn around and go back to the waiting room.

He sat alone in the waiting room and looked at the broadcast monitor. On the stage, they were still adjusting their dance and movements in accordance with the music.

Just like that, he stayed bored in the waiting room for more than an hour. The music outside stopped. He looked at them from the monitor and began to say thank you to the staff on site. Then Zhang Pingan walked quickly towards He trotted towards the stage.

When they got off the stage one after another, Zhang Pingan stood beside the stage and imitated them: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone, thank you for your hard work."

Sika came down from the stage and watched Zhang Ping'an imitating the attitude of the staff. She smiled brightly: "Are you bored?"

"It's just boring to sit there. You're all making moves and stuff. It's not a formal performance."

"Isn't there a performance tomorrow? Let's go." Sika smiled and took Zhang Ping'an's arm and walked towards the waiting room together.

Zhang Ping'an and the two fell at the end of the group. He whispered: "Are you going back to the hotel with everyone?"

"What? You still want to take me out for a walk?"

"Of course, I drove here." After saying this, Zhang Ping'an immediately changed his tone and put his arm around Sika's shoulders: "Beauty, let's play with my brother today."

"Pei~~ I learned weird things there." Although he said this, he was still very happy in his heart.

As the two walked towards the waiting room, Sika pointed outside the venue: "There are fans at the door. It's not convenient for the two of us to go out."

Zhang Ping'an curled his lips and said, "Why don't we just leave after they leave first and lure all the fans away. Didn't you skip classes in high school? Did you leave school in front of the teacher?"

"I'm a trainee. Even if I don't go to school, no teacher will bother me. Even if I'm in the middle of class, if I want to leave, I only need to say hello to the teacher and I can leave anytime and anywhere."

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