My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 787 New Year’s Eve dinner hosted by Li Xiuman (Part 2)

In the past, between TV stations and brokerage companies, TV stations had the absolute dominance. Because all artists need ‘television’ as a channel for exposure, but with the development of the times, the exposure of artists is not just through television. Coupled with the influence of Hallyu idols gradually spreading around the world, the agency has occupied a high point in this game between the two parties.

Because the artists of a certain group have become popular, the program teams of various TV stations are scrambling to invite them to be guests on the show. After all, in this era, the program team is an interest group that only cares about ratings. Therefore, the competition between the program groups of various TV stations at the same time is very strong, which has also caused changes between TV stations and brokerage companies.

The three major brokerage companies control more popular celebrities, so TV programs still need to rely on artists from the three major companies to cooperate.

But now Zhang Pingan has given small and medium-sized brokerage companies a platform to showcase their trainees, and now all small and medium-sized companies have begun to look at the TV stations in turn. The National Women's Group, plus the National Men's Group that Zhang Ping'an said next time. Gradually, the three major companies will lose their absolute dominance in this invisible competition. So this program produced by Zhang Pingan can also be seen as a disguised suppression of the three major monopoly markets, right?

Although Li Xiuman also knew that Zhang Pingan had no such intention, he was indeed kindly reminding Zhang Pingan. Because he has unconsciously begun to create enemies in the entertainment industry. Whether it is the three major companies or those small and medium-sized companies that have no chance to debut, they will all have a certain amount of resentment towards Zhang Pingan. It's just that the relationship between Zhang Pingan and their S.M. is still very ambiguous... In addition, Li Xiuman has absolute confidence, so he doesn't care.

The sashimi and warm sake were served, and Zhang Pingan poured the wine for Li Xiuman from the jug. He poured it and said: "When the younger generation in China toasts the elder, it is the younger generation who takes the initiative to pour the wine for the elder. This is similar to the Korean wine table. The culture is just the opposite. In Korea, the elder pours the first drink for the younger generation.”

Li Xiuman said with a smile: "We are dining in private, there is no need to talk about polite etiquette. Today..." As soon as Li Xiuman said this, the mobile phone in Zhang Pingan's pocket rang.

Zhang Ping'an took out the phone, smiled at Li Xiuman, and then nodded to indicate that he would answer the phone first. Li Xiuman made a 'please' gesture. After all, Zhang Pingan is a very busy PD. It is impossible for him to have dinner with him and not answer incoming calls.

After all, everyone is in the entertainment industry, so each other knows that when a call comes from the entertainment industry, is it possible that it is a collaboration? So of course you can’t miss the call.

But the first sentence Zhang Ping'an spoke made Li Xiuman smile bitterly and shake his head. Zhang Pingan answered the phone and said, "Oh, Pani, what's wrong?"

Pani said: "I just heard from Xu Xian that you visited the set?"

"Well, I went to their set in the afternoon. Didn't you call me at this time to ask me to have dinner with you? I'm not free today. Teacher Li Xiuman and I are having dinner." Zhang Ping'an first told me about his itinerary. , and even used the name 'Lee Soo Man'.

Pani on the phone immediately laughed and said, "Haha, are you having dinner with Teacher Li Xiuman? Can you find a better excuse?"

Zhang Pingan said deliberately: "Don't believe it? Do you want to ask Teacher Li Xiuman to answer the phone?" After Zhang Pingan said this naughtily, he deliberately pressed the 'hands-free' button.

"Okay. Let Teacher Li Xiuman answer the phone." After Pani's words came out, Li Xiuman happened to hear them. So Li Xiuman said: "Pani, I am really having sex with Zhang Ping'an and having dinner."

When Pani heard Li Xiuman's familiar voice, she was stunned for a few seconds and then said: "Uh,

Really a teacher? Then I won't disturb your meal. "

Pani quickly hung up the phone and said to Taeyeon next to her: "He really had dinner with Teacher Li Xiuman. I thought he was joking with me."

"Maybe there is some work to discuss." When meeting Lee Soo Man, all Taeyeon could think of was cooperation. As for what the two were plotting, they didn't ask.

As for Pani calling Zhang Pingan, it was also because the Spring Festival was coming and they were going on vacation, so she asked Zhang Pingan if he had arranged anything? After all, the two of them spent the Spring Festival in China with Zhang Pingan last year.

Pani said: "Well, do you think Zhang Pingan will ask us to go to China to celebrate the Spring Festival together this year?"

"Probably not, he is so busy with the program here."

Yes, during this period Zhang Pingan’s programs were posted on the Internet every day. In addition to such a huge competition show, many trainees will not go home for the holidays, right?

If the trainees are not leaving, then Zhang Pingan, the chief PD, will definitely not leave either?


After Zhang Pingan hung up the phone with Pani with a smile, Li Xiuman did not wonder about the relationship between Zhang Pingan and Pani, because Girls' Generation no longer had a love prohibition order on them, and they were already "experienced". 'Now, I know how to weigh the pros and cons when it comes to love, so Li Xiuman doesn't need to worry about these. Unless the caller was Lee Soon Kyu, then he might ask a few more questions.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiuman raised his wine glass. After the two drank the first glass of wine, Li Xiuman picked up the jug and poured wine for Zhang Pingan. He used Korean etiquette and Zhang Pingan used Chinese etiquette. Anyway, they were pouring wine to each other.

Li Xiuman said: "This year, the cooperation between us is still very good. I hope we can work more closely with PD Zhang next year. By the way, didn't you ask me about Hong Beibei some time ago?"

Zhang Ping'an held the wine that Li Xiuman poured for him, raised his head and drank a toast, then ate sashimi while listening to him talk about their company's decision.

Li Xiuman continued: "I asked the marketing department about this matter, and they were also very hesitant about whether they should take over as the main editor this time? Logically speaking, there can be a main program using them, and it is still produced by you, PD Zhang, then It must be their blessing. It’s just that they are still a group of newcomers, and our company is not sure whether they can support this show.”

In fact, Hong Beibei has already gained quite a lot of popularity due to the song "Dumb. Dumb", so their company is thinking of taking advantage of the victory and letting Hong Beibei take root in the music industry first, so they need more Release a few albums, and then run some variety shows as guests. As for what Zhang Ping'an said about the main variety show, it would be better if they could delay it for a little longer and let them accumulate more experience, so that they would not suffer from poor results. , and cut the show too quickly.

After all, it is a main program. It would be a pity to abandon the main program and choose a TV show. But what makes their company most difficult is this main program... Zhang Ping'an requires the five of them to have their entire time! Rather than just one or two members being the anchors of the main series.

At this time, when Li Xiuman talked about this matter, he was asking Zhang Ping'an if he could suppress it for a while.

Zhang Ping'an said: "This time I designed a travel program. After all, Luo Yingshi and I have been studying the filming of travel programs for a long time, so I want to try it alone this time? After all, everyone's living standards have improved now, and we watch TV every day While pursuing delicious food...traveling will become the next big thing! ”

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the foundation of people's lives. Especially for young people today, it is almost very difficult to buy a house by "working", but it is not difficult to use the money earned from working to travel. Therefore, it is not wrong that the next highlight in Zhang Ping'an's mouth is 'travel'.

Lee Soo Man said: "How did you envision your program?"

Zhang Ping'an tilted his head and said: "Travel programs don't require any imagination, right? Travel in my eyes is a combination of beautiful scenery and delicious food. The scenery is beautifully photographed, the food is exquisitely photographed, and it is a completely casual travel program." This is not a slogan about traveling. In fact, there are various tasks every day like "New Journey to the West"!

It sounded like it was just a simple trip, which made Li Xiuman a little disappointed: "It's a trip~~"

Zhang Ping'an looked at Li Xiuman's eyes and laughed: "Teacher Li Xiuman, don't underestimate travel. A trip is often the cure for daily nervous viewers. Some viewers may not be able to travel overseas, so the program It also means "surrogate satisfaction". Isn't the term "surrogate satisfaction" very popular recently? Aren't food programs and food broadcasts an extension of "surrogate satisfaction"?

Li Xiuman shook his head and said: "I don't underestimate travel, and I actually like traveling personally. It's just because I have too many things at work that I don't have the opportunity to travel."

Zhang Ping'an nodded: "That's why the term 'agency satisfaction' appears. Let's see, if you here are really unwilling to shoot such a main story, then I will compensate the children with another drama."

Lee Soo Man smiled and said, "We are definitely willing to cooperate with PD Zhang. I will ask my agent to contact you about this specific matter? By the way, Lin Yoona has been receiving many invitations from China recently."

Lee Soo Man missed the question about the travel program and instead talked about Lim Yoon Ah.

Of course Zhang Pingan knows that Lin Yoona has a lot of work in China after the Spring Festival: "Her TV series should be released soon, maybe she has to attend some variety shows to cooperate with the promotion, right?"

Lee Soo Man said, "It should be. What do you think of Lim Yoona's TV series this time?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a wry smile: "I haven't seen the movie, how would I know? But... it should be very good. After all, the early publicity of this drama before filming had already whetted the audience's appetite. ”

"Hahaha, the rest depends on the reaction to Lin Yoona's TV series. I hope Yoona can have better development in China. Come on, have a drink."

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