My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 928 Autumn

When Zhang Pingan said jokingly, "I want it all," Pani, who was sitting next to him, glanced at him: "What, you still really want to 'want it all'? We just treat it as a game. You tell me. What are the 'Top 10' looks in the Korean entertainment industry right now? Taeyeon?"

Pani tried to throw out two beauties, because Taeyeon's appearance definitely occupied a place in Zhang Pingan's heart. And Lin Yoona is called by the Korean media as the most beautiful goddess of the third generation group! There is no doubt about Lin Yoona's appearance. Whether it is compared to the girl groups of their era or compared to today's rising stars, Lin Yoona has a beauty that is not inferior to anyone. After all, she gives people the impression of being 'clean and transparent' of the forest deer'.

Zhang Ping'an put down the iPad in his hand and said to Pani strongly: "Don't do this, I won't be fooled. Do you really think I'm stupid? If I say something about 'top10' now, then you can't Are you talking to me for a long time? That’s not ‘Topten’ but my ‘headache’!”

Zhang Ping'an used the Chinese word "headache" in the last sentence. Because Pani and Zhang Ping'an have been in China for half a month, they occasionally come across one or two sentences in Chinese, and 'headache' is one of them. After all, this word is commonly used, with a sense of ridicule. of a vocabulary.

After Zhang Ping'an said the words "head hurts", he immediately changed the topic of Pani's so-called "beauty pageant". He would not be fooled by this. Zhang Ping'an immediately continued: "You mentioned Yoona, I read the recent Internet news in South Korea. Yoona, in "K2" this time, her personal Her acting skills have received a lot of praise. Once her acting skills are recognized, Yoona’s future acting skills will become wider and wider.”

When Zhang Pingan talked about Yoona's TV series this time, Pani rolled her eyes at him and said: "When I was watching "K2" two days ago, I asked you to watch it together. You said you wanted to play games. Didn’t you see it?”

Zhang Ping'an smiled and stood up and walked towards the kitchen, while responding to Pani: "I'll just read the comments. I haven't even watched the TV series I invested in recently, not to mention that this TV series was not invested by our company. Want coffee?"

After living with Pani, who grew up in the United States, coffee at home is definitely indispensable. The freshly brewed American coffee tastes good. When Zhang Pingan was pouring coffee, Pani nodded and said she wanted a cup too, and then she said: "You seem to have very little time to watch TV dramas and variety shows. I really don't know where the variety show inspiration you absorb on weekdays comes from. of?"

On the National Day, because the two of them didn't go out much during the rainy season, Pani and Zhang Pingan stayed at home together for a week without watching Zhang Pingan watch TV series or variety shows to absorb 'nutrients'. While he was holding the computer, he was either playing games or looking at some work documents, and occasionally watching anime. On the contrary, Pani has never seen Zhang Pingan open any Korean variety show or Japanese variety show on his computer. I have opened music software and games many times!

Zhang Pingan, who came over with coffee, handed the coffee to Pani.

He picked up his mobile phone with a smile, lit up the mobile phone screen and pointed to the 'Youtube': "This is the best source of inspiration. Things shot by some online creators will become inspiration for our creators, I can I'm not talking about copying other people's ideas! For example, what can you see in a video? "

Of course, Pani knew that there were a lot of interesting videos produced by individual photographers on YouTube, so when Zhang Pingan said that he was looking for inspiration for variety shows on YouTube, Pani smiled and said, "Oh? Are you going to give it to me?" Am I going to class?"

Zhang Pingan took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: "Class? That's not enough. I just want to say that we can't focus all our attention on the programs that are already being broadcast. Because there are always only a few programs that are broadcast, and there are Many writers' wonderful ideas are not accepted by TV stations, but there are no such concerns on the Internet. Now online video creators are very creative, and we must also learn from the advantages of online video and make some. Adjust accordingly. Just like my creation of "Three Meals a Day", everyone used to think about how to amuse the audience, but they ignored that both "rest" and "calm" can be made into variety shows."

Pani curled his lips and said: "There are many videos on the Internet now. I think they are too fake, and there are obvious traces of production."

Of course, Zhang Pingan knows very well that video creators like to create some "fake videos" to gain click-through rates. For example, if you use a luxury car to pick up girls, you may drive an ordinary family car to strike up a conversation at first, but they will ignore you. After the person walks away, you will immediately switch to a Lamborghini, and the woman will instantly change her attitude and start talking to you. Looking at these so-called ‘slap in the face’ short videos from a producer’s perspective, the traces of production are too obvious.

Zhang Ping'an watched these fake videos "many years ago" with great enthusiasm. Later, after some people did some popular science, they found out that these videos were all deliberately fake videos!

So when Pani said 'fake', Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "I'm afraid you have never seen what is called real 'fake'? Any variety show that can arouse the audience's emotions, no matter how bad you do it." There are still many people who like to watch it. Especially some variety shows that create conflicts! For example, I think the biggest attraction of "SMTM" is not the song production, but the mutual diss. Every time Up to that segment, the ratings are the highest, because it’s all about ‘human nature’!”

In today's world where money is dominant and material flows everywhere, many people's humanity has gradually become ugly and distorted. Looking down on other people's good deeds, taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, or being socially indifferent... have all become part of society.

Especially after a series of bad things happened, such as "cannot help" and "touch porcelain", there are fewer and fewer enthusiastic people. Moreover, the education of very ordinary families also has such a situation: "You should not do anything brave" and "You should not do anything kind". Ordinary life is the daily life of ordinary people.

Precisely because there are too many dull things in life, those videos that look particularly 'fake' will make more people like to watch them. The video that Zhang Ping'an found most funny was "Testing Girlfriend". Although the production traces of this video are also obvious, there is a universally recognized truth in the world: the human heart must not be tested! !

Because no one's 'heart' can withstand the temptation. If he resists the temptation, it means that the price you offered or the charming woman sitting next to you just did not meet his/her psychological expectations.

Then the rich ‘Brother Qiang’ couldn’t resist the temptation? Therefore, all tests are based on whether the price you offer meets other people's expectations.

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's words, Pani tilted his head and said: "Human nature? Why did it suddenly come to the topic of human nature? Isn't the purpose of making a program to see whether it can attract audiences?"

Zhang Pingan didn't want to have an in-depth discussion about people's hearts and human nature with Pani. He smiled and said: "Indeed, as long as the program can attract the audience, it is a good program. The weather is getting cooler and cooler. Look, why don't we go out and buy some What autumn clothes? I see that the clothes you hang in the cloakroom are all about skirts and shorts. It’s rare for us to go out for a walk today, isn’t it?”

Pani looked at the gloomy weather outside. She sighed and said, "'s really rare to see sunshine during this period."

"Isn't it normal for there to be no sunshine during the rainy season in autumn? Do you want to see sunshine? How about we go to the United States? It just so happens that the "League of Legends" finals are being held in the United States."

Pani said: "Do you have a US visa?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Of course, I have applied for it many times in ten years."

Pani nodded and said: "In that case, let's go to the United States. We have stayed in China long enough."

"Let's go as soon as we say. Don't accept any clothes or anything else. We'll book a flight ticket right away." After saying that, Zhang Pingan took out his mobile phone and started browsing the flight ticket information. Because there are indeed many places in China where it is not convenient for Pani to appear in public, but in the United States, there are not so many worries. Although there are paparazzi in the United States, they don't have much interest in Pani.

Moreover, the "League of Legends" global finals are being held in the United States at this time. Zhang Ping'an also plans to go to the scene after passing by. Although he has never thought about running the team, it does not prevent Zhang Pingan from going to Los Angeles to watch the finals. Moreover, Pani has more freedom in the United States. He and she can also walk openly on the streets and have fun.

As soon as they left, the two quickly booked flights to Los Angeles and set off towards the airport. If Shanghai is Zhang Ping'an's base, then Los Angeles is Pani's base. So this time Zhang Pingan went to Los Angeles with her, and Pani was very happy.

On the maglev ride to the airport, it was the first time for Pani to set off with only a backpack like Zhang Ping'an. She smiled and said: "The first time I returned to the United States, I didn't bring anything with me."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Isn't everything sold over there? I'm just wearing this. I can just buy it when I land. Besides, it's much cheaper to buy clothes in Los Angeles than in China."

Of course, the "cheap" mentioned by Zhang Pingan here refers to those luxury goods. The luxury tax in the United States is not that high, and there is another thing Zhang Pingan likes very much, that is, there is no tariff when buying a car in the United States. This time, Zhang Pingan was thinking about buying a car for fun.

Pani listened to Zhang Pingan's words and shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Yes, for you, the clothes over there are cheaper than those in China!"

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