My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 930 Los Angeles

If you ask which city is best for driving a convertible, then the first choice is definitely Los Angeles, because the weather here is so suitable for convertibles. After coming out of Pani's house, Zhang Pingan drove the BMW 5 Series convertible that Pani had left at home. At the same time, he opened the shed to face the sunshine and wind of Los Angeles, as well as the azure blue and white clouds in the sky. Everything was so beautiful. of comfort.

The volume of the stereo in the car was turned up, and Zhang Pingan was playing "Whistle" by 'b.p'. The strong drum beat gave people a strong sense of resonance. Pani, who was sitting in the passenger seat, kept singing along with the song. When she came out in the afternoon, Pani had her hair tied up in a bun and found a long, fluttering dress comfortably. Pani, who had long hair, didn't let her hair down because the two of them hadn't taken a shower since getting off the plane, so it was best to tie up their greasy hair so that it wouldn't be easy for people to notice that they hadn't washed their hair.

When entering the bustling and bustling urban area from a residential area with few cars, Zhang Pingan closed the hood of the vehicle and turned off the music at the same time. Otherwise, if you open the hood and sing loudly, you will be like a Chinese will-o'-the-wisp boy. The car didn't say anything good, and it was carrying a low-quality stereo that made it crackle, which was annoying.

Pani smiled and said: "What do you think of 'b.p'?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "They are the younger members of the girl group that I have seen with great potential. I personally like their unique style. There is a Thai member named 'lisa' in 'b.p'. I After watching their practice room version of "Whistle", I found that her dancing ability is really good! It's even better than Hyoyeon's."

Pani said with a smile: "Oh? I thought you were going to say 'Jenny' or 'Zhixiu', and I have seen them in real life, and they are much more beautiful in private than in the camera."

Zhang Ping'an responded: "There are too many beautiful people in the world, and Lin Zhenna was also selected as the 'most beautiful in the world'. I don't think her beauty has reached the level that I would not marry her. If If I really have to say who makes me feel heart-throbed and amazed at first glance, it is currently Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada.”

Zhang Pingan only said "Anne Hathaway" at this time because she is a safe card now. After all, everyone has been married for several years. Even if Zhang Ping'an talks about his feelings for her now, there won't be any intersection.

In fact, there are many idols in Korea who like to say this "safety card" when asked what type of women they like. Many of them like to talk about big-name European and American stars. Of course, there are also people who are talking about Yoo Jae Suk, Kang Ho Dong, Lee Soo Geun and other married people. Anyway, these people are absolute safety cards.

This was the first time for Pani to hear Zhang Pingan talk about her favorite star. She smiled and said: "Anne Hathaway? I also watched her in "The Devil Wears Prada" at that time, which was not a movie. At that time, she didn't make a particularly deep impression on me. It wasn't until 2012 when she appeared in "Batman" that her popularity soared to the top. At that time, she made a much deeper impression on me."

Maybe men have a different perspective? Pani had not yet debuted when they watched the movie "Queen Prada".

What they may care more about is the aura displayed by the 'Queen' inside. After all, they are all women, and of course they also want to play the role of 'queen' themselves in the future. As for the errand boy played by Hathaway, it didn't attract their attention that much.

However, for male viewers, although the Queen is full of aura, Anne Hathaway's beauty is the key to impressing men to watch this movie. Hathaway, with her big eyes, can control both pure and sexy styles. After all, young and beautiful women are the fundamental reason why men find this drama interesting. Well, to be precise, it’s more about the people than the movie itself!

Zhang Ping'an continued Pani's words and said with a smile: "It was only '06' when I first watched this movie. I remember that I was still studying in Tokyo at that time. What I was exposed to on weekdays were anime from Japan, or A large-scale commercial film in Europe and America. Later, I accidentally heard about this movie, so I rented the DVD to watch it. "

Zhang Ping'an deliberately said "2006", which was actually an indirect expression that this happened ten years ago. Even if I say it now, it should be harmless. After all, it is unreasonable for a woman to be jealous.


The two found a parking lot in the city center and parked the car. After getting out of the car, Pani asked Zhang Ping'an: "Should we look at clothes first? Or should we go to the supermarket first?"

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "Let's go to the clothes first. If we go to the supermarket first, if we buy meat and put it in the car... there is no air conditioning in the parking lot, will it not deteriorate? After buying clothes, let's go to the car market first. Look, it’s only a few kilometers away from the car market. I’ll come over here to buy food.”

Pani nodded and said, "Okay, let's go look at the clothes first. Do you want to buy some sportswear?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Of course I will buy it. I plan to exercise when I get up in the morning."

Zhang Ping'an has no special preferences when it comes to buying clothes. Anyway, he follows Pani from one store to another, from luxury goods to sportswear. While browsing a well-known brand, Zhang Ping'an discovered a lavender sweater and cardigan. When he saw this piece of clothing, he was immediately attracted by it. Because this was Li Zhien's favorite color, he would have bought it for Li Zhien right away if Pani hadn't been by his side.

Every time when Zhang Ping'an went shopping and saw lavender clothes that suited Li Zhien's hobby, he would buy them for her and give them to Zhien after he went to South Korea. It's just that this time Zhang Pingan has Pani by his side, and he will have to wait until around November to go to Seoul, which is still close to a month. In other words, Zhang Pingan must watch the finals on October 30 before going to South Korea.

Zhang Pingan stood in front of this lavender sweater and cardigan and stopped. Pani followed Zhang Pingan's gaze in confusion and said, "Why did you fall in love with this dress? I don't particularly like purple, and Taeyeon doesn't like it either." Same. Oh, by the way, I sent a message to Taeyeon at the airport. She is currently on vacation and has to wait until November for work arrangements. Do you want to invite her to come over? "

Pani has occupied Zhang Pingan's time for half a month, so it would be good to ask Taeyeon to come over after arriving in Los Angeles. After all, she never told Taeyeon that she went to China, and Taeyeon thought that Pani had been in the United States. And isn't Zhang Ping'an coming to Los Angeles just to watch the game's finals? So it was normal for her and Zhang Pingan to meet in Los Angeles.

Listening to Pani talking about asking Taeyeon to come with him, Zhang Pingan thought for a while and responded: "I don't care. If you really call Taeyeon, don't say anything about me being partial to Taeyeon!"

Pani said depressedly: "I...I...forget it, it's all your business whether you ask her to come or not! Let's go in and look at the men's clothing."

Zhang Pingan followed Pani towards the men's clothing section, and at this moment, Zhang Pingan suddenly remembered that he still had a 'VIP' card from a department store in South Korea in his wallet. He took out his phone and called the 'VIP' group.

Zhang Pingan deliberately landed a little further behind Pani. When she was choosing clothes for herself, Zhang Pingan said to the people in the VIP group in Korea: "Hello, I am Zhang Pingan, please. The purple sweater and cardigan was delivered to the Laimeian Apartment Building in Longshan District. I’ll ask someone to come over and pay for it later.”

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, do you need anything else?"

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and said, "Well, can you send a sample picture of purple-related products, whether it is sportswear or brand clothing, to my kakao? My kakao number is my phone number."

"Okay, I'll use my work phone to add your personal kakao later!"

The ‘VIP group’ service in department stores in Korea is so comfortable. Later, a TV series was specially filmed to tell the story of the VIP group in a department store. The TV series tells about the VIP group. In order to attract customers to spend money in their department store, their service is the best!

After all, South Korea's department stores are not only Samsung Group's New World, but also Lotte, Hyundai and Galleria. With more department stores, competition among companies for customers will increase. Because those high-end world brands are not only available in your department store. If your service is not good, of course I, as a consumer, can choose another department store.

So what Zhang Pingan said on the phone, including door-to-door delivery, sending pictures, etc., are the most basic services. Even if you ask that I need a ‘fashion show’, the department store will satisfy you and hold a show for you alone!

After Pani picked out her clothes, she saw Zhang Pingan talking on the phone from behind. She shouted to Zhang Pingan, "Hey, what are you doing? Why don't you come over?"

Zhang Ping'an looked at a casual white shirt that Pani picked. He nodded and said, "Okay, this is it. I personally prefer casual shirts like this. By the way, help me choose two sweatshirts. I want it." hooded.”

Pani nodded and handed the shirt to the shopping guide beside her, then continued shopping for casual pants. At the same time, she pretended to be relaxed and said: "Call Taeyeon?"

Of course Zhang Pingan would not confess stupidly that he was calling Li Zhien to buy clothes. He smiled and said: "No, I called my friends in China to ask if they could help me find tickets for the finals, because the tickets are two It was sold online months ago.”

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Pani nodded and said, "That's it. I'll help you ask my friends in the United States later, right?"

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