My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 974 Taeyeon wants to find a personal hobby?

During lunch time, Zhang Pingan returned to S.M's underground garage again. After receiving Zhang Pingan's call, Taeyeon came down from the stairs. When she entered the car, Taeyeon saw the McLaren car model. For Taeyeon, who already loves cars, racing models like this are still very attractive. Taeyeon said "huh" in confusion and picked up the car model placed on the back seat.

Taeyeon held the car model in her hand and admired it: "Oh? How did you figure out buying a racing car model? Logically speaking, shouldn't you buy the car directly? Oh, this model is a bit exquisite."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Can the models made by the Seiko craftsmen who make watches not be exquisite? Seat belts, let's go."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Taeyeon said very puzzledly: "Is the watch made by Seiko? Then you really have nothing to do?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Haha, actually I got a watch as a gift, a joint model made by the watch manufacturer and McLaren. Recently, watches have begun to launch some co-branded models with car manufacturers. Ferrari also has co-branded models."

When Taeyeon heard that Zhang Pingan bought another watch, she just smiled and said, "The watch is here, let me take a look."

"Glove box."

Taeyeon opened the glove box and took out the shopping bag. When she saw the brand, she just smiled slightly. She didn't know Richard before. This extremely expensive watch was Zhang Ping'an who let her know that this thing that looked like a 'toy watch' actually reached a sky-high price.

When Zhang Pingan appeared with them, there were no magazine introductions. It wasn’t until this year that a fashion magazine highlighted this upstart watch brand, and netizens also jokingly called the brand ‘a ticket to the rich’.

Taeyeon took out the watch from the watch box. When she looked at the 'elastic' strap, she put it on her hand with a wry smile: "We used to use 'plastic' watch straps, but now we have elastic ones? How much does it cost?" "

"Twelve!" Zhang Pingan just said a number without mentioning the unit. Twelve, you can’t use ‘ten thousand’ as the unit, right?

Taeyeon took the watch and looked at the precision-machined parts inside, then pouted and said, "Have you counted how many watches you have?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Twenty something... seems a bit much. How can you have 10 billion won?"

Taeyeon smiled and said: "The media reported that you own three watches worth two billion won, and I also know that there is one more than the media, and there are several watches worth more than one billion won, ten billion? I think it’s all one hundred and fourty-five, right?”

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "I buy these things to look cool while wearing them, and as collectibles at the same time."

Taeyeon was a little speechless and helpless when Zhang Pingan collected these unreasonably expensive watches. She was speechless because the watch was so expensive and she couldn't appreciate it. It's helpless because they are actually collectibles. This year you bought them for 2 billion won, but next year they might increase by 2.1 billion won? The year after next it might be 2.15 billion. Anyway, the price of watches with collectible value is really rising.

If Zhang Ping'an is just a second-generation rich man with a certain degree of vanity? Then what is the real need for him to collect these things? Collecting is something you do when you have spare money, and those second-generation rich people have at most one hundred thousand or a little more than two or three hundred thousand in pocket money a month. They wear a multi-million-level watch, which is because they are full of food.

But how much cash does Zhang Pingan have in his pocket? Taeyeon knows it well.

This time she and Pani were with her when she sold the Bitcoin in Los Angeles. Zhang Ping'an now has a billion US dollars in deposits? Cash deposits. So he bought a million-dollar collection watch? To him, it’s really nothing. One billion US dollars is money that many people will never earn in their lifetime.

When she and Pani got the $100 million, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep, and they didn't even dare to tell their families too much. But after Zhang Pingan received one billion US dollars, he was still the same as before. He went to work when he needed to work? When he needed to be lazy, he was lazy. He didn't feel lost at all. Maybe all this is because Zhang Ping'an was born in a different family? The meaning of looking at 'money' itself is also different.

One hundred million U.S. dollars, one billion U.S. dollars, or even the tens of billions of U.S. dollars that are rumored to be inherited, he is not too moved. He is still the same person, not much has changed.

Didn't he say that he would enjoy all kinds of luxurious life after having one billion US dollars? His biggest hobby has not changed much. He likes to play with cars, but he does not collect cars, so he buys several cars a year. The only collection he likes is watches? This is a habit he has maintained since they met Zhang Pingan.

Taeyeon took off the watch worth 1.2 billion from her hand and put it back into the box. At the same time, she said, "I don't know now. What do I like? I once thought about making money by myself." Do you have enough money? I want to buy this, and I want to buy that. But now that I have reached the financial level, I suddenly feel that the things I wanted to buy before have become less interesting, so I can’t tell now. Should I develop a collecting hobby?”

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Find your own preferences and find the collection you want. This question needs to be found slowly when you have a rest. You can try baking, trying painting, trying sports, Try driving in a sports arena, try deep-sea diving, or even try flying a plane. As for collecting, you don't need to learn from other people's collection of famous paintings or antiques, because those who are not academically specialized can easily be fooled. What are your favorite things? If you like jewelry, then collect jewelry. If you like bags, then collect bags. I even saw someone collecting lipstick.”

Zhang Pingan continued: "Collecting really depends on what you like. You also know that many boys also collect basketball shoes. Although I don't know the meaning of their collecting shoes, I never deny other people's hobbies. . So it doesn’t matter what the collection is, it just depends on whether you like it or not. For example, if you are exposed to a lot of cosmetics, you can buy all the best-selling products on the market and try them. The feeling after applying them will be like many beauty bloggers. It's the same. You can also try a certain product alone, because the foundation colors are different, and you can talk about its effect and the feeling after applying the makeup in detail. There are so many brands of lipsticks, so many colors and different colors. Texture, what kind of makeup is suitable for what kind of lipstick, and the texture of the lipstick, you can try to recommend it to your fans.”

Zhang Pingan passed some ideas on selling goods online to Taeyeon, while Taeyeon sat beside her and kept digesting Zhang Pingan's words. Because when she is resting, she really needs to do something she likes to pass her vacation. It can be traveling, makeup, racing as Zhang Pingan said, etc. These can make fans see the difference. of her.

Whether it is online live streaming or the celebrities themselves are the ‘UP hosts’, it will grow rapidly in the next two years. Especially Japanese and Korean celebrities, people with low incomes are beginning to turn to the Internet, because the restrictions on the Internet are much looser than those on TV stations, and the themes can be customized according to your own preferences. As long as there are no illegal crimes, the Internet is relatively tolerant.

So Taeyeon is hesitant to pick up the camera again and make her own ""?

Taeyeon's "" and Lee Ji-eun's "" are completely different in nature. Taeyeon records her private life, while Lee Ji-eun records the behind-the-scenes work.

(PS: Later, Taeyeon stopped doing "", but started live broadcasting to communicate with fans live. Lee Ji-eun also started his live broadcasting career during the epidemic.)

Soon, the two arrived at the chef's restaurant. When the two arrived, the restaurant had passed the peak dining period. The chef standing in the open kitchen saw Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon coming to eat together, and he walked out with a smile.

The chef is Lee Won-il from "Please Take Care of the Refrigerator". He mainly specializes in fusion Korean food. After more than one or two years of performing "Please Refrigerator", he actually learned a lot from the experiences of other chefs.

Nowadays, the number of reservations in the restaurants of these so-called celebrity chefs is very satisfactory.

He put down what he was doing with a smile and walked out towards Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon: "PD Zhang, after receiving your order call, our kitchen is a little nervous." After greeting Zhang Pingan first, he smiled She said to Taeyeon: "Hello, Taeyeon xi, I cooked for Sunny in the show last time. I saw that some of the ingredients you put in the refrigerator are more seafood-flavored?"

Zhang Ping'an responded first: "I'm not a professional food critic, so there's nothing to be nervous about."

Taeyeon smiled and said, "During our comeback, we spent more time eating fresh food because it has lower fat content."

After Li Yuanri personally arranged for Zhang Ping'an and Taeyeon to sit down, he said: "I will prepare the food for you first."

The waiter also came over at this time to ask if he wanted to pair with wine. Zhang Pingan waved his hand and refused because he had work in the afternoon.

Zhang Pingan asked for a glass of lemon soda water, and Taeyeon asked for mineral water.

Although the restaurant has passed the peak waiting period for dining, there are still four or five tables of customers sitting in the restaurant, so when Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon appeared, many people looked at them. Some even acted secretly, taking out their mobile phones and taking pictures of the two of them.

However, Taeyeon didn't care about people taking pictures with their mobile phones. She took a sip of water and said, "Why do you remember dining in such a popular restaurant? You want to try the chef's skills. Is it like the one in the show?" Are you rated so highly?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and whispered to Taeyeon about the upcoming new show...

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