My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 997 Encountering the Ex (Part 2)

After the two separated, they had no contact. Even when she was doing live broadcasts on his platform, Zhang Pingan rarely visited her live broadcast room. Later, Yin Suwan thought about it. After all, it is impossible for these second-generation rich people to really marry and have children with them. Moreover, Zhang Ping'an's platform took action, with a billion dollars, and his family's background was subsequently exposed, etc.

Yin Suwan only saw these reports. Only then did she understand that she and Zhang Pingan should not have started in the first place. Perhaps it was best to stay friends. Seeing his career success and the fact that the women around him began to move towards top celebrity idols, Yin Suwan naturally let him go.

But what she didn't expect was that suddenly today, his account came to her live broadcast room and rewarded her with 50 million won, and it was a one-time reward. Five hundred thousand star balloons, this seems to be the first time such a level of reward has appeared since the establishment of ‘Africa TV’. Usually there are balloons worth 10,000, 20,000, and 50,000, but gifts of 500,000 at one time have never appeared...

The platform was shocked, and the people watching the live broadcast in Yin Suwan's live broadcast room were dumbfounded. Only Yin Suwan was silent when she saw the username of this account, and she didn't even say "thank you". Yin Suwan didn't show any excitement. Instead, she showed a frowning expression of confusion, and then sat there in silence without saying anything.

The water friend began to remind Yin Suwan: "Sister, I gave you a one-time reward of 50 million won, and you don't even say thank you?"

Yin Suwan stared at the netizen's speech, and she reluctantly said: "Thank you, friend of this account 'P.An'."

Just a painless thank you, and then the account disappeared from Yin Suwan's live broadcast room. Then Yin Suwan continued to chat about the previous topic: "After today's shooting, I will post it on Instagram later. When the time comes, please remember to help like it." As she continued to chat with netizens, Yin Suwan's eyes caught sight of someone who looked like Zhang The safe man walked toward the door with a Starbucks paper bag in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, she turned off the live broadcast on her mobile phone and chased Zhang Pingan without saying hello to her water friends.

Yin Suwan, who chased her all the way out, looked at the Ferrari parked next to her car. Zhang Pingan was opening the door at this time. And she stood a few steps up the stairs and called him: "Zhang Pingan!"

After hearing the sound, Zhang Pingan looked up and looked at Yin Suwan standing at the door of the cafe. He smiled at her: "Long time no see, Suwan, are you out for brunch so early?"

Yin Suwan, who was standing high up, frowned and said, "What do you mean? That 50 million reward just now."

"It's not interesting. Why are you standing so high? Come down. It's been a long time. Let's chat?"

"What's there to talk about?" Although Yin Suwan said this, she still walked down the stairs. When she came to the front where she was eye level with Zhang Pingan, she stared at Zhang Pingan for two seconds, then looked down at the shopping bag he was carrying, which contained a cup of coffee and some coffee beans.

Zhang Pingan pointed to the vehicle: "Get in the car."

When Yin Suwan saw Zhang Ping'an about to get in the car, she immediately said, "What are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I'm not going anywhere, just sitting in the car. Shall we stand on the street and chat? Get in the car." After saying that, Zhang Ping'an got in the car? Yin Suwan curled her lips and followed him into the vehicle.

After getting in the car, Zhang Pingan took out his coffee from the paper bag and handed it to her: "Here you go."

Yin Suwan shook her head and said, "No? I just had a drink? You drink it yourself."

Zhang Ping'an didn't force it on her.

Instead, he took a few sips of it himself. After putting down the coffee? He looked at Yin Suwan and said, "How are you doing lately? I haven't paid attention to live broadcasting for a long time."

Yin Suwan responded: "Not bad? I gained a lot of fans during my live broadcast in China. Although I recently returned to South Korea for live broadcast, there are still many people who have climbed over the wall to watch my live broadcast. What about you, are you busy with work recently?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "I'm busy. Now I'm fully devoted to program production. Now here, now where? I'm busy every day. Do you still live there? I remember when you moved there When? Is it a two-year full lease?"

Yin Suwan shook her head and said, "No, I bought a house near here when I came back."

There are many small buildings built by oneself in South Korea, some with three or four floors. Some of them use the downstairs as a facade, and rent out the upstairs if they cannot live in it themselves. Zhang Ping'an didn't carefully inquire about the pattern of "dong" in her mouth.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "That's great, isn't it? This trip to China is quite meaningful. If you have any trouble in the future, tell me. My number has not changed? My kakao has not changed either. You have it anyway."

Yin Suwan immediately said: "My old number? It's useless. I...I don't have your number."

Even if she changes her phone, the numbers she once saved will be transferred to the new phone? Unless she specifically deletes Zhang Pingan's number. However, her hesitation made Zhang Ping'an guess that she didn't delete it at all, but just said it deliberately.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Really? Okay, if not, there won't be any. Anyway, if there is any problem, I know you can definitely contact me. Why did you get up so early today? Are you filming outside?"

Yin Suwan nodded and said, "Well, I'll be filming outside in a moment." Originally, Yin Suwan wanted to ask, 'Why are you here?' but she couldn't.

"Wherever you go, I'll take you there."

Yin Suwan responded: "No, I drove the car."

"Okay, then..."

Yin Suwan looked at Zhang Pingan and said seriously: "Well, I'm leaving first. You... don't come to my live broadcast room to give gifts. I don't want to accept any more gifts from you."

Zhang Ping'an laughed when he heard Yin Suwan's words: "Oh? Are you tough? Okay, I won't come if you don't come. Give me your phone number."

She turned to stare at Zhang Pingan and said, "What are you doing?"

"I want your new number. Didn't you say you changed your number?"

"You...what do you want my number for??"

"Why not." After Zhang Pingan said this, he looked at Yin Suwan like that. She was very depressed when Zhang Pingan looked at her. Then she opened the car door and got out of the car. At the same time, she said: "I'll tell you in a moment." Here you go. Come on, go on."

"Okay, why are you so gentle now that you're gone? Let's go!" As she spoke, Zhang Ping'an started the engine, and Yin Suwan, who was next to her, closed the car door and turned around to get into the Porsche next to her. Then she whispered in a low voice: "I'm sorry for you. What’s so gentle?”


When they met again after breaking up, although the two didn't have a heated conversation, they couldn't get along like ordinary friends. As for the 'number', maybe it was just a prevarication? After all, there is no such thing as being friends after a breakup, right? Those who say they can be friends probably have a desire to film "Sword" and "Attack the City"!

Zhang Ping'an started the vehicle and reversed out. After watching Yin Suwan's Cayenne start up with him, he walked away with a smile.

Within two steps of the car, Zhang Pingan received a call from Lin Yuner. She was very casual on the phone and said in Chinese: "Where are you?"

Zhang Pingan said in surprise: "Itaewon, are you calling me so early to treat me to brunch?"

"What are you going to Itaewon for?"

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile: "I'm here to go on a date with a foreign beauty. Okay, let's get down to business. You didn't even call me when you had nothing to do, Lin Yuner, I remember you didn't even send me a greeting during the Spring Festival this year. . Let me tell you, I am very vindictive now.”

On the other end of the phone, Lin Yoona immediately smiled and said carelessly: "Hahaha~~ I forgot, I forgot, it's already the second day of the new year when I think about it. Today I heard sister Taeyeon say that you are in Korea, so I immediately told her You called and wanted to repair our relationship."

"Repair the relationship? Okay, treat me to a meal, and a big meal? You have to treat me to a three-star Michelin meal to repair my fragile heart."

Lin Yoona immediately said: "If you can book a place, I will treat you to eat."

"As you said, I can make a reservation at 'Luoyan' at any time." Luoyan, a three-star Michelin star in the Shilla Hotel, is a traditional Korean meal. However, the taste of their home is really not that good...

Yes, Zhang Ping'an's energy can really make you order food at any time at Luo Yan. Lin Yuner immediately said: "Well, what are you going to eat at Luo Yan? Didn't you say it's not delicious there? I'll treat you to something delicious."

Zhang Pingan immediately said: "Okay, I want to eat the top-grade Wagyu beef from the Japanese teppanyaki cuisine at the Park Hyatt Hotel."

Lin Yoona was silent for two minutes on the phone and then said: "Okay, you come to our house first and call me when you get to the gate of the community."


Zhang Pingan hung up Lin Yuner's phone in confusion and drove directly towards her home. Anyway, Zhang Pingan was sure that Lin Yuner called him because he had something to do.

Soon, Zhang Ping'an arrived at the gate of Lin Yun's community, and then sent her a message, 'I'm here. ’ Yoona quickly replied, ‘I’ll be down right away. ’

Lin Yoona appeared five minutes later.

Today, Lin Yoona is wearing a white coat, a white sweater, a pair of black casual pants, and a pair of women's short boots. After she saw Zhang Pingan's vehicle, she trotted over with a bright crocodile smile on her face. She opened the passenger seat and sat in.

Zhang Pingan pointed to the coffee: "I just passed by the coffee shop and bought it for you. It's hot."

Lin Yoona said while buckling her seat belt: "Thank you oppa."

After Lin Yuner fastened her seat belt, Zhang Ping'an looked at her and said, "What on earth are you going to do?"

"Hey, I bought a new car. I originally called Taeyeon sister, but she said she was not free today, so she asked you to go."

Hearing that Lin Yoona wanted to buy a car, Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "It turns out that you are familiar with it? Do you have any ideal car in mind?"

"I don't know much about cars. As long as they are easy to drive and look good, that's all."

"You need to have a good waist and look good at the same time? Do you want a sedan or an SUV?"

Lin Yuner thought for a while and said, "Let me take a look."

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