My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1030: Eternal Girlhood!

Sika acted very indifferently and said that he met Yui Aragaki by chance in private.

In fact, Sika is the person she is most familiar with in her teenage years. To be precise, Tokyo is a more international city than Seoul. There are countless people from all over the world who go to Tokyo. And many foreigners are attracted to Japanese culture. But many foreigners don’t understand that the so-called ‘Japanese culture’ actually follows Chinese Confucianism!

Of course, their Confucianism was integrated into their local characteristics, and this local characteristics made Japan the... strange place it is today. Rather than saying it is tolerant, it is better to say it is indifferent! No matter what kind of monster you are, people around you will treat you with a nonchalant attitude and ignore you. It is because of this indifferent disregard that many people feel that Japan is very tolerant.

Sika didn't need to understand the social status of Japan. The Japanese women she came into contact with, even some mixed-race women, after living in Japan for a long time, developed a kind of thinking of Japanese women, which is 'tolerance'!

Japanese women are really tolerant, as if they can endure everything, and then greet their men with a smile. Of course, it is intolerable for men to have no money.

As we all know, there are too many places of entertainment and entertainment in Tokyo. Many women feel that it is not cheating if their husbands go to some sensual places to socialize. If you are from China or South Korea, and you know that your husband has gone to a sensual place, the quarrels will be minor, and there may even be a fight.

Sika is very aware of the difference between herself and Japanese women. Although she cannot be that 'gentle', she is not willing to change her personality.

Sika had a hypothesis. If his man, if he were Zhang Ping'an, would he choose a gentle person when it comes to choosing a 'wife'? Or choose a strong person? The answer is unquestionable. Men like women who are docile to them. Who wants to find a woman who quarrels with him? Women who want to be the head of the family make up the majority of ordinary families, or families of the same level.

But after entering a family like Zhang Pingan's, do you want to be the master? Do you know how much his family property is? There are tens of billions of dollars in the future. Do you have the ability to support this family?

Sika even manages her own brand in a fog. How can she be qualified to control such a large amount of funds? She would squander that money and use it to create more profits, but she really didn't have the ability.

Looking at the people around Zhang Pingan, whether it is Taeyeon, Li Zhien, or Yui Aragaki, none of them can support such a large fortune. Let's not talk about whether they have control over the money, but it is simply a fantasy for an ordinary celebrity to be the head of Zhang Pingan's family.

Then the problem comes back again. They are all a group of women who cannot control Zhang Pingan. So when Zhang Pingan has to choose between gentle women and women with a bit of strength like them, as long as he does not have a special 'masochistic' tendency, Then you will definitely choose a gentle woman!

They Korean women are very good at being gentle occasionally. But as Japanese women are always gentle, their 'ninjutsu' cannot reach that level.

So Sika has now figured it out and doesn't want to fight, because in that family none of them can take the initiative, so there is nothing to fight for. If a woman wants to completely control a man, the only way is to control the economy. However, if you can't control the financial power, then don't expect a man to be completely honest. Men with money in their pockets will always be turbulent. This has nothing to do with age, but with money!

Taeyeon likes to fight,

Let her fight. When Li Zhien and Taeyeon caused trouble on Instagram last time, Sika just happily sat aside and watched the fun. After she gave up the title of 'girlfriend', she felt that she wanted to be more free. This so-called 'freedom' was more of a calm mind.

Sika has been through it, so she knows it. It's not that just because you have the title of 'girlfriend', you will get more love. It's not the same thing at all. After going through so much, Sika discovered that Zhang Pingan would not just live with one person for the rest of his life. Turning around and thinking about the names of wealthy people in Europe and America that I have heard of, who has not been married three or four times? Who doesn’t have a little lover outside?

So, Sika knew very well, don't think about taking over Zhang Pingan's life alone. She'd tried it before, but it was impossible!

Now Sika didn't think so much, she just stood aside and watched relaxedly. She knew that one day they would fight to the death.


When they were young, they had a party in a Western restaurant they were familiar with. Pani prepared several bottles of high-end red wine for this party. Yuli held the wine bottle, looked at Biao and said, "Oh? Pani, you are really willing to give up. This bottle of wine costs more than three million won, right?"

Pani smiled and then said: "We haven't been together for a long time, so it's my idea to prepare some wine. Yuli, don't say I'm not loyal enough. I have stored a few bottles of Romanee-Conti in the United States for next time. I’ll treat you to a drink when you come to America.”

Pani is considered a rich person now, so this time she returned to the United States to buy some things that she wanted to buy before but was reluctant to buy, such as high-end red wine and high-end bags. The things I went back to buy this time did not even cost one-tenth of the interest the bank gave me.

At this time, Yuli, who had become a red wine enthusiast, listened to Pani's cellar. She smiled and said, "Oh? Then I will definitely take time to go to the United States. Even for this bottle of wine, it is worth my trip."

"Okay, I'll drive when you come."

The wine was placed in a decanter. The fruity aroma wafted out during the shaking, and everyone began to be intoxicated by the red wine. Everyone was poured the first glass of champagne at the dinner party, and everyone raised their glasses...but they all fell silent.

The eternal girlhood is no longer forever. So the slogan they use most often becomes a bit ironic at this time.

Taeyeon raised her glass and looked at everyone who was silent. She, the short captain, once again spoke of today's toast as the core of the team: "No matter where we go, we are Girls' Generation, Girls' Generation forever! "

With some sadness, everyone still followed the little captain's slogan and shouted: "Girls' Generation~~forever!"

After a brief sip of champagne, everyone sat down to enjoy the appetizers. At this time, Xiuying said: "I have reached an agreement with an outside agency. This time... I will not renew the contract. However, I will not forget that I am from Girls' Generation!"

After Sika publicly stated that he would not renew his contract, no one behind him has come out to express his position again. At today's dinner party, Xiuying took the initiative to speak out about her future plans. Because outside agencies specializing in film and television dramas will take more care of Xiuying. After all, she doesn’t have Taeyeon’s singing voice or Hyoyeon’s dancing, so the rest can only be honed and developed in her acting skills.

After Sooyoung revealed her future plans, no one came forward to accuse her of betraying Girls' Generation. Some of them are more understanding and blessings. After all, in ten years, Girls' Generation has come to an end. After ten years of hard work, they have stood at the top of the Korean women's group and are even called the legend of the Korean women's group. So there is no higher hall of honor in front of them to attack. As for the world's "Grammy", they are quite self-aware, that is impossible.

They have won all the awards they can win in Asia under the name "Girls' Generation". Moreover, their girlhood is about to enter their thirties, so everyone is running about their own future. This is the best way. At least they gave their best moments to their fans.

After Xiuying's topic started, everyone was silent. Everyone had their own thoughts and some nostalgia for the past. Scenes began to appear in their hearts.

When the atmosphere began to condense, Pani, the person with the most smiles in the team, took the lead and said: "It doesn't matter, because no matter where you go, when everyone mentions Choi Soo-young's name, the first thing that comes to mind is Girls' Generation's Choi Soo-young. ! Because Girls’ Generation is our lifelong honor.”

Soonkyu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, Girls' Generation is our lifelong honor together. Now that I think back to the time when I first met you, I sincerely thank you all for taking care of me!"

Soonkyu was the only trainee in Girls' Generation who did not practice with everyone. She was the missing paratrooper when the company decided on the name 'Girls' Generation'. Of course, Lee Soon-kyu, who came down by air at that time, still had good abilities, but it is something to be grateful for that her teammates were willing to accept her as an airborne soldier.

She has expressed this gratitude many times, but today's dinner party felt a little different, so she once again thanked everyone for their care over the past ten years.

Including Xu Xian is no longer the child who sat with his sisters and didn't say anything, only listened. At this time, she held her wine glass high and said to all the sisters: "I also thank my sisters for taking care of me all the time. I would like to toast all the sisters."

Listening to Xu Xian's toast, all the sisters laughed, and the one who laughed the happiest was Cui Xiuying, who was in the same dormitory. She smiled happily and touched Xu Xian's head next to her: "Hey~~ Our maknae Xiaoxian has grown up too, hahaha~~!”


Although they were all holding their glasses and laughing, Cui Xiuying's words... always felt a bit sour.

All the past events come to mind.

It turns out that they have never been forgotten, they have just been stored deep in my heart. Today, the phrase "grow up" emerged from the past, and even the appearance of Seohyun Sang when he was just in junior high school appeared in their minds.


so fast!

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