My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1102 Girls' Generation 10th Anniversary (Part 4)

At the end of the 10th anniversary meeting, everyone in Girls' Generation had tears on their faces. Because there are some things they cannot say in front of their fans. Even though they all knew it, they really couldn't say it. Several people on the stage will no longer be able to stand on this stage and face fans under the name "Girls' Generation" after this singing competition ends...

So when they face the ten years of support from fans, each of them is deeply moved and grateful. Humans are all animals with emotions, and it is undoubtedly the support of fans that has brought Girls' Generation to where it is today. There is no doubt about this. Part of the income of idols is the hard-earned money of fans. Without the support of fans, Girls' Generation would not be what it is today!

So before they were about to bid farewell to the name 'Girls' Generation', they couldn't help but shed tears of emotion. Ten years of companionship, ten years of memories, and every detail of the ten years, including some tasks that made them very impatient, turned into a string of tears today.

After the performance, everyone from Girls' Generation took the curtain call on the stage, with tears in their eyes and no 'encore'. Because fans all know that Girls' Generation will start to prepare for singing, which is very tiring.

Although fans felt that the meeting was unsatisfactory, they still left quietly. Zhang Pingan did not follow the fans out of the stage, but entered the backstage from the stage. Then when they were waiting for them to return from the stage to the backstage one by one, Zhang Pingan and many staff members applauded their performance today and said at the same time: "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Pingan handed the water in his hand to Jin Xiaoyuan, who was the first to come in, because she was the one at the front... After the performance, they could finally drink big gulps of water. After all, if you drink too much water while standing on stage, it’s easy to go to the restroom.

Everyone from Girls' Generation entered the backstage, and they themselves applauded, and then thanked the staff behind the scenes and said, "Thank you everyone, for your hard work."

The manager said to everyone in Girls' Generation: "Hurry up and clean up. It's time for us to go to the restaurant. All the staff are waiting for today's celebration party."

None of the staff on site has had dinner yet, everyone is waiting for the celebration banquet tonight. Of course, Zhang Ping'an also wanted to attend their celebration banquet. At this moment, Zhang Pingan followed Girls' Generation towards the lounge. Sika, who was walking next to Zhang Pingan, saw Zhang Pingan following them all the way. She stretched out her hand to stop Zhang Pingan: "Where are you following us? "

Zhang Pingan said naturally: "Aren't you going to the lounge to clean up?"

Sika said angrily: "Yeah, let's go clean up in the lounge. Why are you following us? Watch us change clothes?"

"Uh..." Zhang Ping'an looked behind them at this time. It seemed that no staff members were following them to the lounge, but they were packing up their equipment. Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Then you go and clean up, I'll go to the bathroom."

In their lounge, if no one else is in it, the nine of them can change clothes on the spot very casually. This will speed up their tidying up, otherwise everyone would have to take their casual clothes to the bathroom?


After nearly an hour, the staff of Girls' Generation and Today gathered in a barbecue restaurant. All nine of them poured wine and thanked the staff: "Thank you everyone, thank you for your hard work."

As they spoke, the nine people bowed together to express their gratitude to the staff on site, because this was their last collaboration.

There will be no 10th anniversary concert in the future, and this meeting will be the last face-to-face moment with fans. There are many stage staff behind the scenes who have worked with them for many years, so a word of thanks and a bow express their gratitude to the people behind the scenes for ten years.

Although there are some words that they can't even say to the people behind the scenes...but the gratitude expressed by bowing is true!

With nine people standing and inviting drinks, all the staff raised their glasses, and the agent who couldn't drink also picked up his water glass: "Thank you for your hard work~~!!"

After the invitations, everyone officially started the meal, and Zhang Pingan and Girls' Generation sat together. On his left and right are Sika and Yoona, and opposite him are Taeyeon and Pani. The barbecue restaurant table for the dinner is a long dining table for six people (a very common pattern in Korean dramas.)

When Zhang Ping'an looked at a super-large rice dumpling made by Lin Yuner, he widened his eyes and said, "Ah, Lin Yuner, can you be gentler. If you swallow a rice dumpling as big as your fist... um..."

Before Zhang Pingan finished speaking, Lin Yuner stuffed the rice dumplings into her mouth, and finally used two fingers to scoop up the rice dumplings and put them all into her mouth. Seeing Zhang Pingan's dumbfounded look, Taeyeon, who was sitting opposite him, laughed: "Hahaha, haven't you seen Lin Yoona's crocodile mouth?"

With rice in her mouth, Yoona shouted incoherently: "Unnie~~"

The dinner party was very lively. Just after taking two bites of food, someone else immediately took the lead and raised a glass... and there was another wave of congratulatory messages for Girls' Generation's 10th anniversary. Then one after another, the directors behind the scenes came to Girls' Generation and started to congratulate. Zhang Pingan finally understood why Lin Yoona made a big rice dumpling and stuffed it into her mouth. Then the dinner party started... Before we even had a chance to take a bite of the barbecue, someone came to toast us.

Faced with these blessings and the toasts of these behind-the-scenes staff, wouldn't they drink? But if you start drinking without eating something, you can easily get drunk. Girls’ Generation’s contestants who are very drinkable, Lim Yoona, Yuri, Soonkyu, and Pani, they are all representatives of the team and the contestants who received the toast. So after summing up experience, Lin Yoona learned wisely and filled her stomach first before each department started to toast.

During today's dinner, many staff members noticed one thing, that is, Sika was actually sitting next to Zhang Pingan? And some people discovered that Sika was filling Zhang Ping'an with meat and rice. Of course, the people behind the company won't ask anything, they just think this scene is strange. Because in the eyes of outsiders like them, Zhang Pingan and Sika had broken up.

But after the breakup, Sika was still able to take care of Zhang Ping'an like this, even sitting next to him at dinner parties? Apart from doubts, I can only say that Zhang Ping'an is a sincere person! !

You must know that most couples nowadays cannot become friends after breaking up, but Zhang Pingan and Sika sit at the same table to eat as if they are nothing, and their ex-girlfriend takes such care of her ex-boyfriend? This really subverted many people's thinking.

After rounds of toasts, the dinner went into a peaceful period of eating. At this time, Taeyeon also asked Zhang Pingan: "We will start singing soon. What about you, what are you planning to do recently?"

"I...I...will be here in Seoul for the time being." In fact, Zhang Pingan didn't know what he was going to do next, because after they entered the singing period, it was the busiest time for the entire group. And Li Zhien is also busy starting the final recording of the record. Even if he wants to use Pani or Sika as a 'preliminary experiment', he has to wait until they finish singing.

He couldn't think that they were the busiest and had very little time to talk about this even during their breaks, right? After all, something like this will definitely affect their mood at work in the future. So Zhang Ping'an felt that even if he wanted to say something, he should wait until the end of their return to say it. At least he should be an individual, right?

So during this period, which was at least a month of song promotion, Zhang Pingan had nothing else to do in Seoul. Apart from waiting for them to finish singing, he really had nothing to do in Korea.

While eating barbecue, Pani asked Zhang Pingan: "Have you been in Seoul recently? This is not a summer resort. By the way, when will your filming in China start?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "The shooting is expected to be at the end of the year, or the beginning of the year. As for summer vacation, Seoul and Shanghai are similar. Anyway, there are fewer people wandering on the streets during the day. When I go back to Shanghai, or in Seoul, it's actually both Just like that, you can't go out to play in such a hot weather when you're at home with the air conditioner blowing on and then playing computer games or something."

Lin Yoona said: "How is it impossible? Isn't summer the time to go to the water world?"

"In Tokyo, I quite like going to the beach in summer." Zhang Ping'an just said this and didn't go on. Because ‘Old Snake Skin’ all knows that the swimsuits worn by Japanese girls are bikini style, but here in Korea they are actually long-sleeved swimsuits? Of course, everyone has their own beauty, but Zhang Pingan still prefers bikinis.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Sika stared at him and said, "You are really..."

Sika has been to Tokyo for a long time, so she certainly knows what Japanese women's swimsuits are like. There are also people wearing bikinis in Korea, but relatively speaking there are fewer.

And Pani told an even more exciting news: "Did you know that in the south of France, people there like to bask in the sun, and they do it with their upper body naked?"

(PS: This is true. There are many people in southern France who like to bask in the sun. Of course, those people are older!)

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Hey, I didn't expect you to know such news. However, I heard that the naked people over there are all older, so I still like the beach in Santa Monica, Los Angeles."

Pani rolled his eyes depressedly and said, "Then what are you doing in Seoul if you don't go to the United States?"

"Yes, I just don't know when to go. Let's wait for now. When I am in a good mood, I will go to Los Angeles. Oh, 'Tour Guide', next time, we will go together."

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