My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1,116 1 The flying phoenix 9

In Japan, after the families of both parties hold a "meeting ceremony", they will start to promote the marriage. Because the Japanese country's emotional issues such as love and marriage are similar to those in the West. They never interfere with their children's love and marriage. But things are different in China and South Korea, two countries with strong traditional Confucianism.

Regarding the matter of 'marriage' in China and South Korea, it is not a matter between two people, but a matter between two families, so the concept of 'being a good match' is still very important in China and South Korea. Even if this era has slightly lowered the level of sectarianism, different families have different views and understandings of money and material things, which may lead to a series of conflicts in money concepts.

People who are not born in the same class have different views. It’s true that rich people marry common people. Isn’t this the case with the princesses of the Samsung Group? The younger daughter found a racing driver and committed suicide after the family intervened. The second one is the second princess, who wants to marry her own bodyguard. Because there were lessons learned from the past, the family did not dare to intervene again this time.

As a result, I raised a white-eyed wolf. It's easy to get married, but once you get rich, you start messing around. Now, if she wants a divorce, she has to pay several hundred million US dollars for the Samsung Princess to give up, otherwise she will drag on and keep litigating. You must know that the profits from the properties that the second princess manages after her marriage must be included in the calculation of the property after marriage!

I'm going too far... However, meeting both families in China does not necessarily mean that they can get married. It may be a love that is determined to lead to marriage, but whether the marriage can be achieved in the end depends on the final decision of the children. And the game between both families. Why use the word game to describe it? Because the ‘bride price’ is a very important link in most families. If this most critical step cannot be reached, or if there is something wrong with the other party's family, it is very likely that the marriage will be abandoned.

However, there is no problem with Zhang Pingan and them about betrothal gifts. First of all, they themselves are very profitable. As long as their families feel that after their daughter marries into Zhang Ping'an's family, they will not be upset because of financial problems. Therefore, the appearance of Zhang Ping'an's family is a very important sign.

Zhang Pingan said to his mother: "Mother, the situation of our family has been exposed by the media. Their families all know what our family does. If you and your father can condescend to go to Okinawa, you can also With Seoul and all, this is actually an expression of our family. We don’t act condescendingly, this is the greatest comfort to their family."

Zhang's mother smiled and nodded Zhang Ping'an's forehead: "You just have many evil ideas."

Because Zhang's mother knew very well what Zhang Ping'an meant when he said "don't show off". In fact, it is a kind of promise given by the family, ensuring that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will not bully their daughter in the future.

It's okay here in Japan, because after getting married in Japan, it means that the children will have their own independent families. They can help the family if their ability allows, but more often than not their new families are independent individuals. If one's personal abilities are insufficient, the elderly care of parents in Japan is also their own business. This idea is very Western...

And it is our obligation and necessity for China to take care of each other's families! This is because it is often the case that both parties are only children.

In South Korea, it is more the son's responsibility to take care of his parents' elderly care. If the daughter's conditions permit, she can help take care of it, but more of the obligations are left to the son. So in Korea... there is actually a bit of patriarchal preference! But it is not absolute. After all, this social problem cannot be explained clearly.

Because every household's situation is different.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Lao Ma, when you saw it, did you..."

"Okay, okay, I understand. Even if you are like this... forget it. Since she is willing to marry you, then what qualifications do we have to show off." Originally, Zhang's mother wanted to say a few words about Zhang Ping'an's messy words. It's about emotional issues, but she also thinks that this is her son. He has the ability to make so many women follow him wholeheartedly, what else is there to say? And it’s not like his family can’t afford to support so many people.

Isn’t every mother like this? If someone else's son had done such a bastard thing, he would probably look down on him, but when it happened to his own son, the mother would feel, 'Well, her son is really capable. ’


Zhang Ping'an drove away after having dinner with his parents at home. He went home and put his extremely conspicuous 'Big G' in the garage, and then took the keys to the 'BMW M5' and set off. . Why choose BMW? Because if you look at this car from the front and side, it looks like an ordinary 5 Series with a sports bag. Unless you go around the back and look at the rear of the car, you can't see the 'M' logo. Driving this BMW, Zhang Pingan set off towards Fat Di's home.

In the afternoon, while Zhang Ping'an was still chatting with his mother at home, Fat Di's agent called and delivered the keys to Fat Di's home. At this time, Zhang Pingan took the room key and opened the door of Fat Di's house directly.

The house was very clean and refreshing after the agent hired someone to clean it. After Zhang Ping'an came to this small living room, he sat on the sofa and looked at the TV hanging in front of him, a little at a loss. He doesn't like watching domestic TV series that much. Fortunately, Zhang Pingan has made preparations in advance.

Because when Zhang Pingan came here, he was carrying his own bag, which contained pajamas and a computer. After all, Fatty himself couldn't tell when they would finish working for the day. He expected that he would be at home doing nothing after coming over. So he brought his computer with him. At least one computer could help him kill a lot of time.

After Zhang Pingan turned on the computer, he first clicked a few likes on Taeyeon's 'ins', and then left a message under Li Zhien's 'ins'. Finally, Zhang Ping'an closed 'ins' and logged into Huaxia's bib account, and saw that someone had posted his garage. He posted on his account: "Can the guy who took the photo cover my license plate when the photo is posted?"

After Zhang Ping'an's scarf was published, countless car self-media and the like started leaving messages below: "Mr. An, can I borrow your vehicle for filming?"

Of course, Zhang Pingan would not read those messages and turned off his scarf. Zhang Pingan opened the "Animation Website" and started watching... Well, Zhang Pingan, who once studied in Japan, still likes anime. I don’t know how long it took to watch the anime episode after episode, but the doorbell rang.

Zhang Ping'an got up and opened the door to the room, only to see Fatty standing at the door wearing a hat and a mask. The moment she saw Zhang Pingan, she immediately put her hands around his neck. Zhang Pingan stretched out one hand to hug Fatty's waist, closed the door with one hand, and responded with a smile: "I'm back. Come in first.”

In the past, Zhang Pingan could take Fatty shopping and eating in various places in Shanghai, but now Fatty has grown to the point where he can no longer go out shopping. Because her casual appearance on the street might cause unnecessary commotion.

Zhang Pingan put his arm around Fat Di's waist and closed the door to the room. After the door was closed, Fat Di pulled down his mask and gently tapped Zhang Pingan's lips. She smiled brightly at him: "Hold me in. "

Zhang Pingan hugged Fat Di with a princess hug. She refused to let go of her hands around Zhang Pingan's neck. The moment she was picked up, Fat Di laughed happily: "Hahaha~~ Is it heavy?”

Zhang Ping'an, as a "love veteran", of course knew what to say at this time. He hugged Pang Di and deliberately weighed it before saying, "You've lost weight. The filming has been very hard recently, haven't you?"

Carrying Fatty to the living room, Zhang Pingan did not put her on the sofa, but sat on it himself. At this time, a cartoon was being played on the computer... Fat Di reached out to close the computer and sat up from Zhang Pingan's arms. He was lying on the sofa, and Fat Di was sitting on his lap, holding Zhang Pingan in his arms. Zhang Pingan's face was kissed again..

After a long kiss, when Zhang Pingan was preparing for the next move, Pang Di said: "I haven't taken a shower yet, take me to take a shower."


After the strong wind blew, the two of them lay on the bed, with only a bedside lamp dimly on. Fatty leaned sideways on Zhang Ping'an's arm, looking towards him. Her big eyes carefully appreciated everything about Zhang Pingan, and her hands kept stroking Zhang Pingan's perfectly maintained abdominal muscles.

Fatty leaned forward again and kissed Zhang Ping'an on the cheek and said, "I miss you. You don't even know how much I miss you."

Fatty has been working really hard this year. It has been ten months since the TV series was aired and she has not had a day off. Every day I wake up and shoot, shoot, shoot... I always have an endless schedule. The ultra-intensive work schedule is actually really tiring.

But who can she tell when she is tired? Protest to the agent? Or tell it to your parents? Or is it to tell colleagues about their hard work?

What if you were telling your colleagues how hard you have been recently? If you really say this, you may arouse resentment from others. After all, people in this circle know that only popular people are qualified to receive jobs. What do you mean by saying it? show off? then what?

Tell your family? It seems that Chinese people have the habit of reporting good things but not bad things. No matter how hard and tiring they are working outside, they will never tell their families.

Protest to the agent? Haha, she will probably say, if you don't seize this opportunity to get a solid front-line position, what are you thinking about?

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