My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1130: Christmas

December 24, Christmas Eve, Tokyo, overcast. After Zhang Pingan got up early, he ate breakfast and went to the embankment to exercise with 'COCO'. As for Yui, she doesn't want to get up until around eleven o'clock when she doesn't have a job. Yui's work is very hard on weekdays, so Zhang Ping'an couldn't bear to disturb her rest, so he took the puppy out after breakfast.

The two returned home after exercising on the embankment for more than an hour, and then he took Yui's car keys and went out to buy bread, because the freshly baked bread in the morning is very good..

Yui, who was sleeping, heard Zhang Ping'an's soft call, and she slowly opened her eyes. In a lazy state that she didn't want to get up, Yui pouted cutely and said, "Isn't it still early?" Although she doesn't know what time it is, Yui always feels that she hasn't slept enough.

Hearing Yui's shameless words, Zhang Ping'an smiled softly, then leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, then patted the position of Yui's legs: "Okay, it's almost time to get up for dinner, it's already 11 o'clock , still early?"

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's words, Yui reached for the mobile phone next to the bed to check the time. At the same time, she muttered, "It's 11 o'clock? But I don't think I've slept long."

As a result, Yui looked at the time, and it was really eleven o'clock. Maybe it's because I did some exercise last night, so I woke up this morning still a little tired? Or maybe it was because Zhang Ping'an was at home, which gave Yui, who was a bit timid on weekdays, a sense of solidity and peace of mind, that's why she slept so comfortably.

Seeing Yui's cute appearance that didn't wake up, Zhang Ping'an smiled softly: "Get up, I've already prepared brunch for you. I'm going down first, so get up quickly."

Yui nodded and responded, "I know, I know, I'll get up right away."

In less than ten minutes, Yui Aragaki came down from the stairs. She simply combed her hair that was curled up due to sleep with water. She was completely bare-faced and matched with short hair. Really, it is hard to believe that a 30-year-old A woman can still be described as 'cute'. There is also Yui's warm smile like the sun, which just drives away the cold in winter.

Zhang Pingan cut the bread slices, brought the garlic shrimps off the stove and put them on the mat of the dining table. Yui Aragaki looked at the perfect brunch, she smiled and said with clasped hands: "Shrimp in garlic oil? Hehe~~ I'm starting~~"

Garlic shrimp, fried eggs and bacon, fruit, bread slices, coffee, a very hearty brunch.

Yui dipped a slice of bread with garlic oil, and swallowed it down. She was so happy that she couldn't help laughing: "With you at home, I don't think I'm envious of any top resort."

Zhang Pingan sat across from Yui with a cup of coffee, enjoying brunch with her: "You just want to bully me, don't you?"

"How can it be bullying, this is obviously happiness. Hahaha~~" Yui laughed as she said, because she really felt that she was the happiest person. You must know that in Japanese families, women do Rice is a routine. Although modern men are gradually starting to cook more and more, but men always have some fantasies of "wives" getting up early to cook for themselves, right? But Zhang Ping'an rarely asked Yui to get up to cook in the morning, and she couldn't get up even on weekdays.

After eating a prawn, Yui nodded in satisfaction, and the rich aroma of garlic was soaked into the prawn meat: "By the way, didn't you say yesterday that you would go out to play today? Did you wait to go out in the afternoon, or go out after dinner? "

Zhang Pingan replied: "Let's go out after dinner. Aren't we going to visit your house in two days? I plan to go to the department store and prepare some gifts to bring there."

For a formal door-to-door visit, it must not be empty-handed, Yui also nodded and said in agreement: "Well, let's go shopping in a while, and we will see what we can eat outside in the evening.



After eating lunch, Yui went upstairs to change clothes. In winter, it is actually very friendly to artists. Because if there are more packages, it will not be so easy to be discovered. Yui wears a peaked cap, then a mask, and a scarf to cover her appearance. After all, she must pay more attention when going shopping in a department store.

After feeding 'COCO' at noon, they set dinner time on the timing feeder and the two set off. Zhang Pingan drove Yui's car to the department store on the Ginza side. After arriving at the department store, Zhang Pingan stood hesitantly at the door of the elevator, looked at the floor guide map and said, "What should I buy?"

Yui said to Zhang Pingan: "Just buy some cosmetics, she will also use them on weekdays."

Gifts should not be too expensive in Japan, because too expensive gifts will cause them a psychological burden. Even if it is for Yui's family, you can't choose an overly expensive gift, so Yui mentioned the most practical cosmetic set.

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you and give your mother a set of cosmetics. Where's your father?"

Yui thought for a while and said, "It's not bad to give Huaxia tea, and it also represents Huaxia's cultural heritage."

"Tea? Let's go and have a look first."

The two entered the department store together, from cosmetics counters to luxury bags, this time shopping... Yui and Zhang Pingan visited the entire department store. Of course, not only bought some items for Yui's family, Zhang Pingan also bought some clothes for himself and Yui.

Yui personally prefers to wear parka coats in winter, so Zhang Pingan chose a branded parka coat for Yui. When Yui was trying on the clothes, she pulled the scarf a little bit, exposing her cheeks, and was recognized by the shopping guide in an instant. However, due to her working relationship, the shopping guide did not exaggerate like a fan meeting a star. After being surprised, she quickly recovered and continued to serve, but her enthusiasm became more obvious during the service.

After the two walked around the department store, Zhang Ping'an's clothes were all bought, because he was going to visit Yui's house, especially this time when he was going on such a formal occasion, he must wear more formal clothes when visiting.

Although it is not as good as those custom-made suits in China and South Korea, Zhang Ping'an's personal figure has been maintained very well for a long time, so after he put on the formal suit, Yui gave him a thumbs up to express his praise.

After shopping around for an afternoon, the two came to the coffee shop and chose to sit and rest in the corner. Zhang Pingan looked at the shopping bags around him and said, "By the way, I said don't buy any tea, let's just choose one." Give the 'Couple Watch' to your parents."

Hearing the word 'watch', Yui immediately thought that she still had a watch given to her by Zhang Pingan at home... and it was a watch that she didn't dare to take out because the price of that watch was too expensive. And Yui knew very well that Zhang Ping'an had the habit of collecting top-level watches, so she immediately refused and said, "No, no, this is too expensive."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "We will buy a slightly more common price, um, a few hundred thousand yen will do. After all, your parents are willing to marry such a precious daughter to me, and I also need to send a decent price." gift from me?"

Hundreds of thousands of yen. Although the price fluctuated greatly, Yui was still within an acceptable range. And Zhang Pingan wanted to express his gratitude, Yui thought about it and agreed: "Then buy a cheap watch, don't buy too expensive one."

"Well, we can just buy intermediate brands, not too high-end ones."

After the two drank coffee, they went to the watch store downstairs. The watch brands in the department store were all considered luxurious. Zhang Pingan chose Rolex. Of course, they are all basic styles. Men’s Submariner (Water Ghost) and women’s women’s log, these two models are very basic styles. The two watches together cost more than 2.2 million yen.

After Zhang Ping'an swiped his card to check out, Yui looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Didn't you say you bought hundreds of thousands?"

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile: "As you can see, all I buy are basic models. Well, don't get entangled in these things. I think the choice of something, the brand actually represents a kind of heart."

After the two went shopping, Yui Aragaki put the clothes in the car, but she insisted on packing the watch in her bag. Because in her opinion, the price of watches is really expensive, and even the parking lot is not easy and safe.

After shopping for an afternoon, the two drove to find a barbecue restaurant at night. There is a chain of "Xuxuyuan" in Roppongi. I chose this place because it is facing the street. After the lights of Roppongi are lit, you can enjoy the beautiful street view here. And there are comfortable and spacious private rooms here. Many high-end barbecue restaurants have small private rooms.

Although 'Xuxuyuan' is not a top-notch barbecue, the taste and meat quality of such a chain brand are still very good, otherwise it would be impossible to open so many branches in Japan.

Some people say that the most familiar taste is the scariest. For Yui, Xuxuyuan is also a barbecue restaurant that meat lovers like her are willing to go to.

Although there were only two of them, they requested a private room for four. After the two sat down, Yui took the menu and ordered beef tongue. The two of the tenderloin did not choose to order a set meal, but ordered a la carte. Then Yui called for wine again. After all, it was Christmas Eve, and it was a holiday, so what if I didn't drink some wine? Car, just ask for a driver later.

The appetizer beer was served quickly, and the two clinked glasses and wished each other a "Merry Christmas".

After taking a sip, after drinking half a glass of beer, Yui smiled and said, "It's officially Christmas tomorrow, do you still want to come out to play?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "If possible, I even want to go to Hokkaido. Have you ever been to Hokkaido in winter?"

Yui responded with a smile: "I must have been there, I have been there before when I was filming. But if you said you traveled to Hokkaido, then I really haven't been there. The winter in Hokkaido is really too cold~~ "

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