My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1133 The meeting in Okinawa is cancelled!

Yui Aragaki's refusal even issued an order to evict Zhang Ping'an, which he had never expected. Because Yui has always been very gentle on weekdays, but who knows that her heart is extremely firm. Firmer than Taeyeon, firmer than Li Zhien.

Of course, her resolute refusal does not mean that her love for Zhang Ping'an is less than that of the two of them, it's just that everyone has different choices when facing such a thing.

Perhaps Li Zhien and Taeyeon have always been 'competing' with each other in South Korea, so they both feel that each other is their 'old enemy', so they have a feeling in their hearts... Zhang Ping'an may At some point in the future, it will be difficult because of them.

In a sense, the two of them actually accepted each other's existence in their hearts. So when faced with the "marriage" method proposed by Zhang Ping'an, they had a strong sense of resistance at the moment, but in the end they were not as firm as Yui.

After all, Yui Aragaki has always enjoyed Zhang Pingan's exclusive favor in Japan. To be precise, after Mai Shiraishi started to get busy with her own business, Zhang Pingan had more time to be with Yui Aragaki . Later, the main reason why Zhang Ping'an came to Tokyo every time was that Yui Aragaki was resting, otherwise, he might not have come to Tokyo yet.

So Yui firmly refused after hearing Zhang Pingan's "marriage method". After Zhang Ping'an came out of Yui's house, he stood guard at the door of Yui's house, and then sat alone on the steps...and all the sounds in the room were cut off after the door was closed. Although Zhang Ping'an didn't know what was going on with Yui inside, he could probably guess that she was already in tears at this time.

Half an hour later, Zhang Ping'an raised his hand several times to enter the password on the combination lock, but Zhang Ping'an couldn't press it after the password number was displayed. Sitting outdoors was getting colder and colder, Zhang Pingan hesitated for a while and chose to leave here.

There are no taxis coming in where Yui lives, because the place where she lives is considered a place where rich people live, and every household has a car, so unless you are lucky, you meet someone who comes in by car. Otherwise, you will never see 'empty cars' coming in to pick up passengers when you walk on the street, and the nearest subway station around you will have to walk for at least 20 minutes.

At the beginning, Yui chose to live here mainly because the surrounding environment is very quiet, but the public transportation here is not so convenient. Of course Yui Aragaki can drive by herself, so traffic is not a problem for her.

There was no way, Zhang Ping'an could only walk towards the subway station. Because the closer it is to the subway station, the more convenient it is for him to take a taxi.

On this day, Zhang Pingan met a taxi when he was approaching the subway station. He took a taxi and went to Aman Tokyo Hotel to stay. In the early morning of the next day, he returned to Yui's home again.

When he opened the door of the room, COCO came to welcome Zhang Ping'an. He quietly entered the living room, looked at Yui who was asleep on the sofa, put the thick clothes he was wearing on her thin blanket, and then increased the temperature of the air conditioner.

Looking at Yui's sleeping posture, Zhang Ping'an sighed helplessly. I didn't have a good rest last night, let alone Yui Aragaki? After all, she must have suffered a much more severe blow than herself. Zhang Ping'an went to draw the blackout curtains and asked Yui to rest in the living room for a while. And he sat alone in the living room, made a cup of coffee and waited for Yui to wake up.


After waiting, Zhang Pingan waited from morning to noon, and it was around 12 o'clock when Yui woke up slowly. She looked at the clothes on her body, and she slightly raised her head to see that she was sitting in the restaurant. Staring at Zhang Ping'an, she withdrew her gaze the moment she saw Zhang Ping'an, and then she said softly: "I called home yesterday,

Said that I will not go back this year. "

It seems that Yui has decided to reject Zhang Pingan's so-called marriage at this time, but Zhang Pingan has no choice but to nod and say, "Got it, I'll make lunch, let's have lunch together."

"No, I don't want to eat."

Regardless of Yui's words, Zhang Pingan got up and approached the kitchen. The materials he took out last night were still where they were yesterday. Especially if the pork is put in the air-conditioned room, is it broken?

Zhang Pingan took a look at Yui and said, "You didn't eat anything last night, you have to eat anyway, and why are you blaming me, you have to eat to have that strength."

Zhang Pingan took the pork and sniffed it. It seemed that it was not bad, but he was not too sure. He started to cook a simple meal for noon in the kitchen.

The lunch was very simple. Zhang Pingan made two bowls of noodles and served them on the table. For the topping in the noodles, what Zhang Pingan stir-fries is a beef brisket, which is fried with Huaxia bean paste.

After the noodles were served, Zhang Pingan looked at Yui still sitting in the living room and didn't think about coming over to eat. He went to the living room with the noodles again, and he put the noodles in front of her: "Eat more or less."

Yui looked at the noodles in front of her, hesitated for a while, and started eating. After Yui finished eating the noodles, Zhang Pingan went to clean up the kitchen, and then left home.

After seeing Yuyi eating, Zhang Ping'an went back to the hotel to rest, and waited for the afternoon to pass. Zhang Ping'an came to Yui's house again when it was close to dinner. At this time, Yui was sitting on the sofa with her knees hugged in a daze. Although the TV was on, her eyes did not stay on the TV. Zhang Pingan didn't say anything after seeing this, but simply prepared a dinner for Yui..

Chinese mapo tofu, fried shredded pork with green peppers, tomato and egg soup. After it was done, Zhang Pingan didn't stay at home for dinner. He arranged the dinner and said, "Remember to eat." Then he left again.

For the next few days, Zhang Ping'an would come over every morning to prepare brunch for her after waking up, and then come to prepare dinner for her in the evening. The refrigerator at home had run out of fruits and vegetables, and Zhang Ping'an would come over, but after coming, he didn't even chat with Yui, but left after cooking.

In the first two days, Yuyi didn't eat much of Zhang Ping's food. Every time Zhang Pingan came back the next day, he would heat up the food she hadn't eaten and eat it herself, and then make fresh ones for her.

Yui didn't stop Zhang Ping'an from coming over, because the password at her home hadn't been changed. During this week, the two were under the same roof, but they were silent without any conversation.

The week of Christmas passed quickly, and on New Year's Eve, Zhang Ping'an still came to Yui's house to prepare dinner on this day. He bought some top quality beef and red wine.

He originally planned to leave after preparing a steak for Yui, but after a week, Yui finally said: "Don't leave today, let's have dinner together."

Zhang Pingan nodded and agreed: "Okay."

Under Zhang Ping'an's hard work, Yui finally loosened. But Zhang Ping'an is very clear that if he mentions that matter again at this time, the answer is still the same, and Yui must still refuse. So this day when the two sat at the same table for dinner, Zhang Pingan didn't take the initiative to talk about the marriage.

Zhang Ping'an and Yu Yi raised their goblets and touched each other lightly. The wine glasses made a pleasant and crisp sound. Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Happy New Year." hapiness'.

The originally planned family meeting between the two parties in Okinawa was cancelled, but the New Year's Eve of the two was together.

Yui, after drinking two sips of red wine, cut the steak and said to Zhang Pingan: "When are you going to leave?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "I don't know, I won't leave for the time being until you forgive me."

Yui chuckled lightly: "How can I forgive you?"

Yui's rhetorical question made Zhang Ping'an's hand holding the wine glass stop in the air. After thinking for a while, he put down the wine glass and said, "I...I don't know either."

Yui smiled and drank the red wine in his glass, then slowly refilled himself, and at the same time said to Zhang Ping'an: "You don't know, so what do you want me to do?"

"I..." Zhang Pingan was at a loss for words again, not knowing how to answer. What he wanted her to do, of course Zhang Ping'an wanted her to accept such a thing, but he knew that if he said that again, he would still get the same answer, so he still couldn't say it out of his mouth.

Looking at Zhang Ping'an's appearance, Yui shook her head and said, "Then think about it after you go back. I still say the same thing. When you are in love, you are more carefree. I can accept it. Marriage... I may not be able to accept that kind of marriage model." .”

Sure enough, Yui still couldn't accept such a thing, maybe this was her last insistence. Zhang Ping'an didn't know how to persuade Aragaki Yui, and he couldn't convince him either. Maybe...this matter can only be left like this.

This New Year's Eve, the two had been watching the "Red and White Concert" until the early hours of the morning before going to rest. Zhang Pingan did not leave Yui's house today.

The two slept together again after a week

On January 1, 2018, the beginning of the new year, Zhang Pingan took COCO for a walk on the river bank after getting up early, had dinner with Yui in the afternoon, and watched a movie at home together in the afternoon. After dinner, Zhang Pingan opened Watched Huaxia's Penguin video and watched "Huaxia's PD101" with Yui.

During the New Year, Zhang Pingan stayed at home with Yui for a day.

And in the next week, Zhang Ping'an and Yui got along very peacefully. Except that they didn't mention the marriage, the relationship between the two seemed to return to the previous mode.

Yui's sweet smile can always be seen in the ordinary life, but both of them know that there is a wound between them that they don't want to mention.

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