My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 463: One wave of scandal after another (Part 2)

Last night’s hot news searches haven’t dropped yet, but now there’s something wrong with breakfast again! The two of them ate in the breakfast room of the same hotel, which was a big problem. Because this is more hype-worthy. After all, we are staying in the same hotel. Who knows if anything strange happened last night? After all, the entertainment industry has always had a "chaotic" psychological implication in the hearts of the public.

There's no such thing as an affair, right? Not to mention celebrities and entertainers, there are countless such things in the lives of ordinary people. Even though S.M made a statement before, Sika also stood up and responded. But all the turmoil has not passed yet, and Zhang Pingan and Lin Yuner have not even arrived in Hangzhou yet. News about the two has once again become a hot search topic in South Korea.

This time it was deliberately put on the hot search list by the gangster fans in Korea, because of the foreshadowing of the previous 'couple model', plus the fact that the two of them had an intimate meal in the hotel breakfast room at this time, and the two of them When I came out of the hotel, I was photographed dragging suitcases and so on. How to explain this?

Zhang Pingan is a Chinese living in Shanghai. This is something that all Chinese netizens know, and his house is located on the edge of the Huangpu River. After all, his three super sports cars are parked in an underground garage in a high-end community, so where Zhang Pingan lives is really not a secret in China. Basically, everyone who knows him knows that he lives in Tomson Yipin!

The hotel where Lin Yoona is staying, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, and Zhang Ping'an's home are in the same district, and the two are not far apart. Why didn't Zhang Pingan go back to his home, but stayed at the hotel with Lin Yuner? There are some ulterior secrets hidden in it, which has attracted netizens to wonder.

The two were photographed coming out of the hotel together, each carrying a suitcase. Moreover, the two of them were photographed carrying suitcases together into the community where Zhang Ping'an's home is located. This... is simply indefensible! If the two of them are not in love, then they are having an affair. The photos that Sika posted earlier are almost like a joke when you look at them at this time.

Why did he leave the hotel and go to Zhang Ping'an's house? Because he finally chose to drive to Hangzhou! He had to go home and drive, so he simply asked Yoona to leave his luggage at his home. Who knew there were paparazzi in China? Well, to be precise, in this era, everyone is a paparazzi. Mobile phones have increased the pixels of cameras, and ‘paparazzi’ has become more popular!

Moreover, Zhang Ping'an and Lin Yuner did not cover up anything when they came out of the hotel. The two of them did relax their vigilance at that time, because they thought that the hot search last night had just passed, and didn't their company also provide an explanation? It doesn't matter even if it's photographed, right? Who knew that someone was deliberately hyping up this matter, and Zhang Pingan instantly rose to the top of the list of Chinese scumbags! !

At this time, the speed at which the principal changed girlfriends had not been reported yet. Zhang Ping'an's speed at changing girlfriends seemed to have given him a revelation?

Countless SONEs on China's scarves left messages under Zhang Ping'an's account: Scumbag.

But there are also many people who left messages saying: I am a scumbag based on my ability. You actually want to be a scumbag, but you don’t have the capital to be a scumbag! No woman is willing to give you a scumbag!

After a while, the Internet began to formally discuss the basic conditions of a ‘scumbag’. Scumbags also need capital, either appearance conditions or financial conditions, both of which are the basis of being a scumbag! do you have it? If not, why are you such a scumbag? People who don't have the ability can't be a scumbag even if they want to!


After Zhang Pingan became the number one scumbag in China, his vehicle had just passed the toll station in Hangzhou. As he was driving towards the film and television investment company in Hangzhou, Lin Yoona received a group message from Girls' Generation. She took out her phone, read the message, and quickly opened 'N Station'. Then she turned to look at Zhang Ping'an with a sad face and was about to speak when her phone rang. The caller was 'Sister'!

This is not a teammate's sister, but her biological sister. Lin Yoona smiled bitterly and answered her sister's call: "Unnie, are you calling because of a hot search on the Internet?"

"Well. Yoona, don't you think about it more? Even if he breaks up with Sika, will the timing of the exposure of the two of you be... inappropriate?"

After reading the online news, Lin Yoona's biological sister really felt that Yoona and Zhang Ping'an might be in love. Those "couple models" that were rumored to be serious now seem to be real now.

"Onie, the rumors on the Internet are completely false. I really came to China this time because Zhang Pingan knew the investor, and he introduced me to this TV series."

Sister Lin Yoona asked: "I know you went to China this time because of the TV series, but are there other members in your team who are also studying acting? Why didn't he recommend Xiuying or Yuli? Have you ever thought about this problem? And did Zhang Pingan really break up with Sika? "

Lin Yoona was speechless: "Ouni, I don't know how to explain it to you. Anyway, don't believe the rumors on the Internet. Zhang Pingan and Sister Xika are very good, and they have not broken up. Weren't we all here a few days ago? From the Maldives? Because of work, I went to China with him, and they went back to South Korea.”

"Okay, I believe it. But, you... forget it, forget it, if you say no, then there will be no." Lin Yuner's sister felt that it was better not to ask about what happened last night, even if Lin Yuner really and Zhang Ping'an Something happened, and it was also a matter of love between a man and a woman.

"I'm really speechless. I hang up and tell my dad not to believe the rumors on the Internet."

Listening to the chat between Lin Yoona and her sister, Zhang Ping'an thought they were still talking about the news last night, so after Lin Yoona hung up the phone, he smiled and said, "Your family is still so concerned about your scandal?"

"Oops, I'm really bored. Oppa, our news has been updated."

Zhang Pingan said nonchalantly: "What has been updated? How come our news has been serialized by the media? Has it been updated?"

"In the morning, when we were having breakfast at the hotel, I don't know which diner sent us a photo again. Now the Internet says that we stayed together last night!"

Zhang Ping'an didn't know the seriousness of the problem at this time. He said with a smile: "We did live together last night. We stayed in the same hotel. Isn't this also living together?"

"Oppa, are you going to piss me off to death? When I said we were written about living together by the media, it was written that we lived in the same room last night!"

Zhang Ping'an slowed down the speed of the vehicle, glanced at Yoona and said, "Isn't it?"

Yoona said with a bitter look on her face: "What's not the case? South Korea's 'N Station' has updated our news, and my head is getting big now. My family just called me, thinking that we are really dating."

"Wait a minute, I got off the highway..." Because Zhang Ping'an didn't dare to occupy the emergency lane on the inner ring road, he could only drive with peace of mind.

Twenty minutes later, after getting off the expressway and arriving at Chengdu Road, Zhang Pingan pulled the vehicle over. He and Lin Yoona watched the news from South Korea together... Sure enough, the news about the two of them was updated on the N station. The two of them had dinner last night and were photographed staying in the same hotel in the morning. It seemed that their "love" was confirmed.

Zhang Ping'an tilted his head and looked at the Korean website and said, "What should I do about this?"

"I don't know either. The company has already issued a statement. So in the face of this news, I will definitely not say anything again."

Zhang Pingan was also depressed after seeing this news, because everyone who knew him knew that he was used to staying in hotels, and Sika knew that he was used to staying in hotels. In his words, it is convenient to stay in a hotel, have food and accommodation. But not many netizens understand this habit of his, and now that the news has broken out, he feels that it doesn’t make much sense to explain it himself, right? After all, netizens only believe some strange rumors.

"Forget it, let's wait until it happens like this. There is no point in talking more now. I will also make a statement on my scarf. As for the online discussion, let it be. We can't stop it, and we can't stop it."

Zhang Ping'an couldn't stop other people's 'online propaganda', so all he could do was make a statement on his personal account: "I stayed in a hotel with Lin Yoona last night, but we didn't stay in the same room. If we stayed in the same hotel Scandals can also be spread in hotels, so all Internet influencers are invited to go to the hotels around major shooting bases to capture photos. There are various celebrities staying in the same hotels. I believe they must have had an affair in your photos! Yes! Go ahead and shoot more, so that more people can search for it!”

Even Zhang Pingan himself couldn't tell whether Zhang Ping'an's statement was of any use. Anyway, some people just liked confrontation, so there was nothing he could do about it. But some sensible people also recognized Zhang Ping'an's explanation. It is indeed not true that people live in the same hotel!

After putting away the phone, Zhang Ping'an shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Every country has some Internet gangsters. There is really nothing we can do about it. Let's go, don't let things on the Internet affect your mood. We should eat and play. It doesn’t matter what the netizens think. Anyway, it won’t affect your work income.”

Lin Yoona said: "Oppa, don't underestimate these Internet rumors. Sometimes some Internet rumors can really squeeze out the advertising in our hands?"

“Yeah, your ad fell down, I’ll pay it to you!!”

"You? You're not a physical person."

"...I'm asking you to advertise my live broadcast platform, right? And my platform will be launched in South Korea soon."

"Doesn't South Korea have a live broadcast platform?"

"If there is only one, we can't compete. Is it like Samsung is the only one making mobile phones in South Korea?"

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