My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 480 You are not qualified yet

AOA's manager felt his jaw dropped when he heard that "Mama Mu" in Zhang Ping'an's mouth was an artist from his company.

Why do you think so? Although their company's 'AOA' is the most popular girl idol at the moment, in terms of hot searches in the past two days, 'Mamamu' is the girl group that has received the most attention on the Internet.

The reason is that the mysterious "Uncle Black" who has a lot of fans' attention made "Mamamu" a completely unknown girl group instantly become one of the hottest topics on the Internet through his recommendation. one. Just because of Uncle Hei's recommendation, everyone is staring at "Mama Mu". Everyone wants to see if they have "monster" level singing skills as they said?

The people on the program team didn't expect that 'Mama Mu' was actually the child in Zhang Ping'an's hands? Originally, they had come to the program group yesterday to audition, and indeed their live ability was recognized by the entire program group. The program team has also discussed that their mother Mu Lai will be included in the recording of "Immortal Songs". Zhang Ping'an happened to come to visit again at this time. Isn't this tantamount to a favor?

When Zhang Pingan and the crew of "Immortal Famous Songs" were talking about Mamamu, the AOA manager standing aside heard that Mamamu was Zhang Pingan's girl group, she was thinking about another question.

Is there any chain of interest between the mysterious Uncle Hei and Zhang Pingan? To put it bluntly, did Zhang Pingan buy Uncle Hei’s recommendation this time?

But thinking about it, it shouldn't be the case, because Uncle Hei's first recommendation was EXID's Hani, and EXID was not an artist under Zhang Pingan's banner. But no matter how I think about it, I feel that the recommendation of 'Mama Mu' this time is a bit magical, because this recommendation is completely different from the last recommendation of Honey. The last recommendation was a video, and EXID's dance , it does have some "Xing" hints and provocative qualities. As a man, Uncle Hei, it is natural to recommend such a dance to fans.

Just like what Zhang Ping'an said earlier in Yoo Jae Suk's waiting room, 'Haney's recommendation is just an opportunity. ’

The agent guessed that maybe Uncle Hei himself didn't expect that the dissemination of his video would make Hani famous, right? Afterwards, EXID said on its official website that it would invite Uncle Hei to dinner, but Uncle Hei always refused. Later, some brokerage companies did send private messages to Uncle Hei, including FNC, hoping to get his recommendation.

At that time, Uncle Hei was annoyed by the private messages from his agency, and issued a warning on his personal INS to disclose his real name to his agency. This made the companies who sent him private messages temporarily stop using "Uncle Hei's recommendation" peep.

After that, the text recommendation of "Mama Mu" suddenly appeared without any video evidence. Uncle Hei also described their monster singing ability in great detail. This does make many companies confused?

Where did Mamamu become a girl group? Why did they suddenly get the recommendation from Uncle Hei? Is it really just a pity that your strength has been buried?

But in the Korean entertainment market, there are countless singers or idols whose talents have been buried. Why did Uncle Hei, who has a huge fan base, give them a recommendation position?

But today, Zhang Ping'an suddenly stood up and said that 'Mama Mu' was his child. This made AOA's manager wonder if they had a chain of interests?

Another thing that deepened her suspicion was that Uncle Hei's recommendation actually had support from Girls' Generation and Li Zhien, and the relationship between this group of people and Zhang Pingan was so close. They all remained silent in the last 'Hani' video, but this time they stood up to express their support. Did Zhang Pingan ask them to help speak out after getting the recommendation from Uncle Hei, or was this book designed?

AOA's agent planned to inquire about Zhang Ping'an from the side.

So she kept wandering around waiting for Zhang Pingan.

After Zhang Pingan went to get acquainted with the program team of "Immortal Songs", the program team said that they would definitely contact Mommu, and Zhang Pingan ended his visit to the variety show bureau. After coming out of the program team's office area, he walked toward the elevator alone. At this time, the AOA manager who was standing at the elevator entrance waiting for Zhang Pingan smiled and approached him again.

The feeling of an agent in a TV station is similar to that of a salesperson who comes to run business. Anyway, you have to be shameless to deal with others.

The agent smiled and said: "Representative Zhang, I didn't expect my mother to be your company's child? They have been discussed a lot on the Internet these days."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and raised his eyebrows and said: "No matter how much we talk about it, Mamamu is not as popular as Cao'e and Hani at the moment. I don't expect them to follow the route of idols, just do their essential job of singing. Hey. .Next, I have to do business for them. Representative Mom’s business level is not good. In the early stage, the children will have to do the business for me. "

The manager smiled and said: "Hotness is one aspect, but in the end you have to produce good works. By the way, doesn't Representative Zhang know how to compose songs? Give them a song like "IFYOU", so that they can open their hearts. Well-known.”

The main purpose of business is to increase or maintain the popularity of idols, but what is the fastest way to increase the popularity of idols? Good song! With a good song and Zhang Ping'an's business resources, Mamamu's future is definitely one to look forward to.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head: "I don't plan to make songs for my children anymore. I was hurt once. At the beginning, I composed "IFYOU" for my BTS children. As a result, Representative Fang My song was rejected. What’s wrong with it? And I really don’t know how to write a group song. If I really want to create a song in the future, I’ll give it to Taeyeon and Ji-eun. A great lyrical singer-songwriter.”

Zhang Ping'an smiled when he said this, then looked at the agent and said, "Your business is closed?"

Zhang Ping'an had no intention of becoming a well-known songwriter. Besides, as for 'plagiarism', he must have plagiarized programs to gain greater profits. As for Taeyeon and Ji-eun, that's because they have different weights in his heart.

The manager responded with a smile: "Well...every time I come to the TV station, I have to go to the program team. Build a good relationship with them, so that the program team will remember us AOA more."

Zhang Pingan understood the work of an agent, so he nodded and said: "Now is the best development period for AOA. Agents must work harder."

After saying this, the elevator arrived and went up. Zhang Pingan got on the elevator and walked towards the TV drama department upstairs. The agent was too embarrassed to follow her to the TV drama floor, so she pressed down. She planned to go to the lobby downstairs to grab coffee and wait for Zhang Pingan to come down from upstairs.


In the KBS lobby, AOA was holding coffee and waiting for Zhang Pingan to appear. It took almost half an hour for Zhang Pingan to come out of the elevator. When he saw Zhang Pingan, his manager greeted him again. She acted like it was a chance encounter, but in fact she had been waiting for it for a long time.

When Zhang Pingan came out of the elevator, he was talking on his cell phone. When the agent approached, he heard Zhang Pingan say: "I'll leave you with the fire protection issue. I'll come visit you again when I have time."

After the call ended, Zhang Pingan handed him a cup of coffee. Zhang Pingan reached out to catch the agent's business coffee. He nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you. I will contact MBC when I get back and ask your Cao'e to join." "Masked" guessing team."

In the weekend prime-time variety show "The Mask", even the judging panel positions are in short supply. After all, there are a lot of judging panel scenes in that show. She exchanged a cup of coffee for Cao'e's fixed position, which seemed to be a good deal. Of course, because Cao'e is a big trend recently, it is within normal limits to include her. After all, her joining the judging panel is also beneficial to the show.

The agent said with a smile: "Thank you, Representative Zhang. Thank you very much."

Although she really wanted to recommend other members to that fixed position at this time, Zhang Ping'an designated Cao'e immediately. This made her not sure how to negotiate the substitution in person, so she still said thank you first!

Zhang Pingan responded: "After all, AOA is the current trend! The image of Catwoman is indeed very interesting, go and do your work."

After Zhang Pingan said this, he was about to leave KBS and go to SBS to watch the scene, but his manager suddenly said: "Representative Zhang, can we chat for a while?"

Zhang Ping'an stopped and looked at AOA's agent, smiled softly, but said ruthlessly: "I am a businessman, you can also regard it as a capitalist. So when it comes to the exchange of interests, you and I are We can’t talk about it. And I have two brokerage companies in my hands. Do you think I can talk about it? Go ahead and do what you should do.”

Zhang Pingan's words made it very clear. If she wanted to discuss cooperation, her level was too low. Although she is AOA's agent, she is not a representative and she cannot make too many decisions. If she wanted to ask Zhang Pingan to take care of AOA, Zhang Pingan also made it clear that he still has two brokerage companies in his hands, and the 'children' of the two companies in his hands are waiting for him to take care of.

So don't think about getting more resources from Zhang Pingan! Giving Cao'e a fixed position is already giving the most care. Any more would not be greedy, but stupid.

After leaving these words, Zhang Pingan left with the coffee she gave her. The agent frowned deeply as she watched Zhang Pingan leave.

She knew that she was not qualified to sit down and chat with Zhang Pingan. Unless AOA can achieve the level of Girls’ Generation, is Girls’ Generation a level that AOA can achieve?

This...she didn't dare to hope for it, because they were too far away from their teenage years...

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