My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 398 Sayuri’s new home (Part 2)

The next day, Sayuri had to film a show, so after her information was reviewed by the management company, she did not have time to get the key, and everything about the new house was handled by Zhang Pingan who was idle at home. Zhang Pingan readily paid Sayuri's one-year rent, 6 million yen. Then he contacted the furniture store to deliver the goods. As for the soft furnishings, Sayuri had originally selected her own things, but she did not give Zhang Pingan the notes she had recorded.

So Zhang Pingan directly found the people from the advertising company that promoted him and asked them to introduce a well-known interior designer. In addition to the furniture, which had been selected yesterday, the soft furnishings inside the house were all matched by the designer. After the designer came to see the structure of the house, he and Zhang Pingan went shopping for soft furnishings for a day. I have to say that the designer is very powerful. In just one day, Sayuri's new home has become full.

Although there are not too many soft furnishings, each object always gives people a sense of appropriate embellishment. Nordic is originally a simple and simple style. The designer added some Japanese-style soft furnishings on the basis of Nordic style, such as the use of dried flowers, table lamps and floor lamps, murals, etc., which added infinite colors to the room.

In the two-bedroom apartment, Sayuri originally wanted to keep one room as a guest room, but in the hands of the designer, the remaining guest room was directly changed into her cloakroom, and the planned bed was occupied by the corner of the wardrobe. At the same time, there was a floor-standing fitting mirror, a small cabinet for storing accessories, and a small sofa. This small sofa is actually a sofa bed. Even if guests come, they can sleep in the cloakroom for one night by pulling out the sofa.

Sayuri's home has become fashionable in the hands of the designer. Simple, refreshing, practical, and fashionable, this is Sayuri's new home. At night, they finished shooting around ten o'clock, and Sayuri brought Mai Shiraishi to her new home. Seeing that the new home was basically completed, Sayuri widened her eyes, and even Mai liked this simple style.

"Kawaii~~" This Japanese woman's favorite word kept appearing in Sayuri and Mai's mouths.

Listening to their exclamations, Zhang Pingan said with satisfaction: "I spent the whole day today, running around. The home appliances will be delivered tomorrow, because I have been busy running around the decoration store today, and I can't stay at home waiting for them to deliver the goods. So I arranged to deliver the goods at 12 noon tomorrow. Do you have any schedule tomorrow?"

"No. Thank you so much, An-chan. I like you~~" Sayuri added a word of "like" at the end and said it in front of Shiraishi Mai. Mai also understood Sayuri's words of like at this time. Maybe there is a certain element of like, but at this time it is more of an expression of gratitude.

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Are you going back there today, or are you staying here?"

There were only two sets of pajamas made of high-quality fabrics that Zhang Pingan bought for her. The rest of her clothes were not brought over from her original home, but this did not stop Sha Yuli from moving in.

After all, the decoration style of the house and the night view here were so beautiful. She smiled and said, "I will live here today. I want to feel the new home. Hehe, I can't wait to live here when I see the decoration here. Thank you so much, An-chan."

"Okay, you stay here. Tomorrow morning, you should get up early and go back there to pack up. I saw that you don't have anything to move over there. I will rent a car to accompany you to move."

"Got it, got it."


The next day, Zhang Pingan rented a large SUV to help Sayuri move. There was nothing to move in her house, so she just threw away everything she didn't want. She just brought the clothes and comics over. At noon, all her home appliances were delivered, including a TV, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, coffee machine, vacuum cleaner... With these appliances, Sayuri's home was completely complete.

Looking at this luxurious home, Sayuri's eyes were filled with tears. She turned to look at Zhang Pingan and said, "I never thought I would live in such a luxurious home. It's like a dream."

Looking at Sayuri's tears of joy, Zhang Pingan gently reached out and wiped them away for her: "What will you do when you make more money in the future? Oh, I forgot to give you a gift." Zhang Pingan said, and turned around to pick up his backpack, and then he took out an Apple phone from the backpack and handed it to Sayuri.

"I wanted to give you a 6P as a gift, but I thought that phone was too big and it might be inconvenient for you to use, so I chose a small one."

Sayuri looked at the phone and laughed happily: "Hey~~ I've always wanted to buy it, but the phone in my hand can still be used, so I didn't change it. Thank you, thank you so much. You have been so busy with my affairs these two days, and I haven't expressed my gratitude yet. You are giving me a gift now, I feel embarrassed."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Seeing your smile is the best reward. Come, I'll insert the card for you." Zhang Ping'an started to help Sayuri tinker with the new phone.

After finishing the new phone, Sayuri took a picture of the view from home with the phone. Whether it was this new home or Zhang Ping'an's gift, she felt very happy. So she took advantage of Zhang Ping'an sitting on the sofa to make a surprise attack, and she kissed him on the cheek: "This is my thank you."

"Let's go, it's time to pick Mai up from work. We promised to have dinner together in the evening. By the way, and..." Zhang Pingan took out a thick 'brick' cash from his bag, which was another 10 million yen. . Sha Youli looked at the money Zhang Pingan took out. She looked at him with wide eyes: "What??"

Zhang Pingan put the money on the table: "I paid you the rent for a year. You can use this money for your daily life. You can eat and buy what you want. Don't be stingy. Don’t forget to reward yourself. Pay it back slowly when you earn it in the future.”

Sha Youli stared into Zhang Ping'an's eyes and said movedly: "You have already paid me a year's rent. On weekdays, my subsidy is completely enough for management fees and daily life. Just take this money back, I really can't Yes. I know you spent more than 10 million to get this house."

"Why take it back? I got this specially for you. Take it. I also hope you can live a better life."

Sayuri glanced down at the stack of money on the table, then looked up at Zhang Pingan and said softly: "You have given me too much."

Faced with Sayuri's words, Zhang Pingan just smiled and didn't answer anything. He reached out and patted her head and rubbed her head: "Put it away, it's time to set off."

This stack of money was a bit heavy. Originally, Sayuri thought that he could stay by his side quietly like Shiraishi Mai, but when he really took a step closer to him, the material he received exceeded what his heart could bear. Because of his kindness, Sayuri wonders what he can give him in the future? Even if she gave him her heart, she felt it was not enough.

My heart suddenly became a little heavy.

She followed him to pick up Mai after getting off work, and the three of them went to a high-end sushi restaurant together. Zhang Pingan ate two dishes and drank two glasses of wine: "I will go to Karuizawa tomorrow."

When she heard that Zhang Ping'an was going there tomorrow, Mai said "huh?" and then looked at him in surprise.

Zhang Pingan gently reached out and held her face, and said with a smile: "Is there anything strange? You don't think that when the red leaves are shining, there are still vacancies for us in the hotel, do you?"


This brings us to the problem. There is definitely no shortage of wealthy people in Tokyo, so when the red leaves are in full bloom, many people will definitely go to Karuizawa for vacation. If you want to get a room at the best time of the red leaves, the only way is to go in advance and occupy the room.

Zhang Pingan continued: "I checked Twitter last night, and many people updated photos of Karuizawa. The red leaves there have already turned reddish. It is expected to reach deep red next week, so I I just wanted to go there and book a room early. Otherwise, there will definitely be no vacancies at Hoshinoya when you take a break next week.”

Mai then nodded and said, "Okay, you can book two rooms after you get over here."

Zhang Ping'an said: "Well, when the time comes, you should see if you want to invite someone to come with you. Anyway, two rooms can accommodate four people."

"Let's talk about it then."


Karuizawa, the back garden of Tokyo, is a quiet foothill plain surrounded by mountains. It is extremely rich in forest resources and water resources, which also makes Karuizawa extraordinarily beautiful.

Zhang Ping'an used to come to Karuizawa in summer because it is located in a high mountain area and the daily summer temperature is more than ten degrees lower than in Tokyo, so coming here to escape the heat in summer is the best choice. This is Zhang Pingan’s first time to come to Karuizawa in autumn. He always thought that Kansai, where Kyoto Prefecture is located, is the most beautiful in autumn. It wasn’t until he came to Karuizawa today and saw the autumn here that he discovered that Karuizawa’s Autumn is more beautiful than summer! !

Driving into Karuizawa, the dense and graceful mountain scenery unfolds, the leaves in the forest turn yellow and gradually red, the mountains and lakes, and the winding paths are quiet. There are not only gorgeous red maples here, but also calm ginkgo trees!

The oily yellow ginkgo combined with the light red leaves, and the extremely quiet asphalt road all around make everyone who enters Karuizawa feel its elegance. The natural environment in front of you is so beautiful that you feel suddenly enlightened. The extreme silence is a kind of healing. Your heart is also opened by it here.

Zhang Ping'an, who just went to Kyoto Prefecture not long ago, knows that Kansai is full of people during the autumn leaf season.

But the red leaf season in Karuizawa still maintains the tranquility of the mountains. Sitting in the shuttle bus heading to the hotel, Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but say: "It would be great if I brought Taeyeon here..."

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