My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 60 The Urban Routine Is Really Deep

In the city night, different stories are told than in the daytime. Night is sensual, and it is easy to make people sensitive. People living in busy cities will always make people want to release their depression or sadness after nightfall, and the night market becomes the best place to have fun.

Nightclubs not only stage scenes of love between men and women every day, but also countless sad stories of crying and weeping. Of course, nightclubs also staged countless "comedy" every day, such as: the unconscious "dead corpse on the street". There are really too many stories like this. Drunk into a mess and thrown directly at the door of the nightclub, or too drunk to walk and fell asleep on the street. Such stories are staged in major cities.

At this time, Zhang Ping'an was at least ten meters away from the woman sitting on the curb retching, and he really felt too disgusted. Especially after I saw her perform a "waterfall" earlier, the "mellow" smell of wine was mixed with what she ate at night. The smell overflowed in the air, and Zhang Ping'an really felt like throwing up at that moment!

Drunk people, whether male or female, are disgusting.

What is the point of not feeling sick after being drunk on weekdays? And tonight, after keeping himself fresh, he witnessed the degree of nausea with his own eyes. He swore in his heart and said, 'If I drink like this in the future, I will be inhuman! It’s too disgusting to ride a horse, and when I’m on the street...vomit~~vomit~~’

I don't know if the night is too quiet, or the previous impression is too deep, or auditory hallucinations? The retching sound reappeared in his mind, and Zhang Ping'an instantly felt his stomach was overwhelmed.

After waiting for several minutes, finally a taxi with the 'empty car' light on came towards him. Zhang Pingan quickly pulled away from the co-pilot's seat and got into the car. Mellow' wine-smelling place.

But after he got in the car, the driver said something very inauthentic: "Don't run the watch at night, one hundred yuan, can you go?"

One hundred yuan if you don't use the watch? This is indeed a bit too much, but in order to leave quickly, it is estimated that the driver asked for a price of two hundred, and he agreed. Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Let's go, Tang Chen Yipin."

When Zhang Pingan gave his home address, the driver took another look at him. In his eyes, Zhang Ping'an was dressed 'very ordinary' but it was Tang Chen who spoke? This is a bit of a surprise. However, he was too lazy to care where he went, anyway, 'one hundred yuan' was the starting price!

The sound of the vehicle's motor revving far away at night allowed the woman sitting on the side of the road to hear the sound of the vehicle. In the next second, as if she had exhausted all her strength, she stood up from the curb. Then she fluttered to the left, and stood on the side of the road waving to the taxi.

The alcoholic appeared on the road swaying left and right, which was really scary. Fortunately, the vehicle was just starting, and its speed was not fast. The taxi driver slammed on the brakes and slid over slowly, while yelling at the drunkard, "Are you insane for riding a horse? You come on the road when you're drunk, you're looking for death, don't get me involved, go You're crazy~"

However, this woman who was already too drunk did not respond to such scolding at all. From the movement of her walking, it could be seen that her head was already spinning. If it wasn't for the support of the last reason, she would probably sleep with 'the sky is the quilt, the ground is the bed', right?

Maybe it was a 'buy it now' so the taxi didn't turn off the empty lights in time. So the vehicle slid slowly, and she felt that the car was coming towards her, trying to pick her up.

Anyway, the picture presented in her dizzy head was as if the car had stopped in front of her and was waiting for her to get in. All she knew was that she had hired the taxi that showed 'empty', and then she opened the back door of the vehicle.

Because the vehicle was sliding very slowly, she didn't know that much. Anyway, she opened the door, but her action frightened the taxi driver.. She stepped on the brakes and died.

A taxi is not a private car,

They don't lock any doors, even when there are passengers, so the drunkard easily opened the door.

After the back door was suddenly opened, the taxi driver of course did not dare to continue driving. If the opened door was hung upside down by this unstable person, many things would be messed up. So the driver stepped on the brakes and pulled up the handbrake. He turned around and was about to yell at the drunkard: "You are sick, aren't you? I'm not '120' you..."

The driver was really furious, and he scolded the woman for her behavior. It really almost scared his soul out, but before his scolding had time to enter the "Gao Chao" part, this woman actually got on the bus, and she jumped directly on the back seat, and then she died.

The swear words prepared by the driver fell silent after she got into the car. He and Zhang Pingan turned their heads to look at the alcoholic who was lying on the back and fell asleep at the same time. The same two words 'how to adjust? '

"This..." The driver was a little confused, he didn't know whether to call the police or call 120 for this one?

But no matter what the driver wanted to call, now that this person was in the car, he wouldn't dare to leave her on the side of the road and run away? Moreover, there is surveillance at the entrance of the nightclub, so whether he calls the police or first aid, he has to wait here for someone else to take over. If he dared to leave her in the car, then he would have a big problem!

Zhang Pingan supported his forehead and said very depressedly: "Take me home first!"

"But this..." The driver looked at the alcoholic in the back seat.

"Drive first, take me back. She..." Zhang Ping'an really wanted to say, "She cares about my business, you take me back first." After I get home, I will let you call the police or give first aid. These have nothing to do with me, okay? '

But if Zhang Pingan said so, the driver would definitely not send him back. So Zhang Pingan went on to say: "How about this, you drive me back first, I will go to the back seat to look for her mobile phone, see if I can contact her family and tell them to come and pick her up?"

Only then did the driver agree: "Okay."

If a taxi appeared behind him at this time, Zhang Ping'an would change cars without saying a word, but there was no car behind. He could only move from the co-pilot position to the back seat depressedly, and he squeezed into the back seat with great difficulty.

Zhang Pingan sat in the back and pinched his nose in disgust: "I saw her throwing up in front of me, so I stayed away from her. I really... what am I doing?"

The driver said with a smile: "You just take it as a good deed. It's not safe for a girl to sleep on the street, isn't it?"

"I...I'm too lazy to talk to you." Then he said to the woman who was lying on her side and sleeping paralyzed: "Let me tell you first, I'm not eating your tofu, I'm looking for your mobile phone, the driver uncle can testify."

Zhang Ping'an's one was completely filled with a very reluctant expression, but she still started to touch her trouser pocket. After Huaxia opened mobile payment, most people who go out can do it with a mobile phone.

But under normal circumstances, women would bring a bag when going out, and I don't know if she brought it or not. Anyway, Zhang Pingan didn't see that she had a bag. Can only search on her pants.

She fell asleep on her side, so Zhang Ping'an patted the upper pocket first, and there was none. Then he touched the pocket of her trousers, where the phone was. So he said: "Master, slow down, her mobile phone is pressed in the bottom pocket of her trousers, let me lift her up."

Because she was holding the phone on her side and the car was moving, Zhang Pingan was at the end of her feet when she got into the car. It was impossible for him to get out her phone without his hands, so he could only pull her from the sleeping position. Get up, let her sit so that he can take out the phone.

There were no cars on the street at night, so the vehicle was driving very stably. The driver brother didn't slow down much. Zhang Pingan began to drag her to sit up with great effort, but a drunk person was soft. Zhang Pingan felt disgusted and at the same time didn't want to be called 'eating tofu', so he didn't reach out to hug him, he just used dragging method to pull a weak person, because there was no supporting point, and she didn't support herself The strength of Zhang Ping'an is really strenuous.

After finally pulling it up, before he reached out to touch the phone, a turn...she fell back again.

Zhang Ping'an had a terrible headache, so he couldn't continue pulling. Zhang Ping'an was smart this time, he dragged her up and let her lean on his shoulders, but thinking of her "waterfall" in front of him, Zhang Ping'an felt disgusted...

The woman who was dragged several times by Zhang leaned on his shoulder, and Zhang Pingan kept praying and saying: "Beauty, please don't spit on me."

Although Zhang Ping'an prayed in a low voice, he was overheard by the driver. At this time, the drunk man was vomited in the car, and the smell couldn't be released all day. The people who drove the day shift didn't know how to curse him. So he sped up the car slightly and set off towards Zhang Ping'an's house.

Originally, it only took 20 minutes in the middle of the night, but he abruptly shortened it to fifteen minutes.

Zhang Ping'an, who was sitting in the back, managed to pull her up, but her legs were bent and her trousers were very close-fitting, so he took out the phone with great effort. Before he had time to turn on her phone, the driver's vehicle stopped, and he said to Zhang Pingan behind him, "Here we are!"

"Oh, oh." Zhang Pingan opened the door and got out of the car first, then took out his wallet from his trouser pocket and gave the driver the fare. Not sure if he was affected by the parking, the woman began to retch again.

This frightened the driver quite a bit. He hurriedly got out of the car and said to Zhang Ping'an, "Pick her out of the car and vomit, don't vomit in my car, I still have business."

So Zhang Pingan and the driver dragged the girl out of the car from left to right. It may be that when the two of them helped her get out of the car, her stomach rolled again, so after getting out of the car, the girl wobbled to the side. Started to vomit 'vomit'.

The driver said to Zhang Ping'an at this time: "Look at her, I'll get paper towels and water."

After saying this, the driver ran back to the cab, then the rear brake light came on, the handbrake was released, and he ran away..

Zhang Pingan looked at the passing car, and he yelled at the taillights of the car angrily: "Ah, ah, you bastard, you don't have a chrysanthemum heart for having a baby!!"

The vehicle disappeared on the road, leaving behind Zhang Pingan and the woman lying on the side of the road after vomiting. Zhang Pingan grabbed his head and shouted: "Wow, the urban routine is really deep!!"

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