My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 447 Come and start this live broadcast

Zhang Pingan said what he should say to the anchors present. Many anchors began to ask him questions, and Zhang Pingan answered them carefully. The main choice is to stay in South Korea and China. What advice does Zhang Pingan have? As for live streaming on mobile phones, we can slowly explore it.

What suggestions could he have? He still felt that everything was up to them? When they return to South Korea, they need a translator, but this company is not responsible, because there are also many Chinese students in South Korea. As for how much it costs to translate a scene there, that needs to be discussed by the anchor himself.

Also, most of them rented houses in Seoul, but now that they can return to Seoul, they face problems with renting houses, computer assembly, software installation, etc. These need to be considered by themselves. It is relatively simple to install the software. Anyone who knows Chinese translation can help them install it. The main thing is to search for a house. What kind of house is suitable?

So when they face the possibility of returning to South Korea, they are still a little confused. Zhang Pingan also told them at the meeting that if the anchors want to return to South Korea, they can report to the Korean agency in advance, and they can find a house for them in advance. As long as they tell them where they want to live, the price of the house, etc., they will contact the real estate agency to find it for them.

There are only so many conveniences that the company can provide. Whether they stay here or return to South Korea depends on them. Anyway, some of their people will definitely come to China to participate in next summer's 'C.J' event.

After Zhang Pingan left multiple-choice questions for these anchors, he and Lao Wang returned to the company. The anchors all gathered in the coffee shop to discuss whether they should go back?

This is a very difficult choice! Because you will definitely lose part of your "outside water" when you go home. After all, water friends won't have time to go to Korea to meet them! It depends on what they think about their hometown and Qian Cheng.

After returning to the company, Zhang Pingan learned that the staff had signed a contract with Big Fatty and the money had been sent to him. Zhang Pingan felt relieved. As for the audit, there is no ending yet.

Zhang Pingan sat in the office and started communicating with the TV station in South Korea. Because the mobile live broadcast wanted to go backstage to interview the artists who were preparing, the TV station needed permission. SBS, the Gayo Daejeon held on the 31st agreed to Zhang Pingan’s request for a backstage live interview. On this day, Girls' Generation will also participate in their performance. It just so happens that after Zhang Ping'an finishes the interview, he can go to the airport with them to take a chartered flight to the Maldives.

After getting permission for the backstage interview, Zhang Pingan began to think about who to call for the interview? The first thing to consider is to be fluent in bilingual skills and understand certain entertainment trends. The first person who came into Zhang Pingan's thinking was Zhang Yu'an, a Chinese who was relatively popular in Korean dramas during this period.

Lao Wang watched Zhang Pingan frowning after hanging up the phone.

He asked: "What? Did the Korean TV station refuse this backstage interview?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "Is that time? The TV station has agreed to the interview. But I am thinking about who should be interviewed? You need to understand the entertainment trends and also know how to drive the live broadcast. So... I can't think of any at the moment. What a suitable candidate.”

Lao Wang suggested: "What about the Chinese people who are idols in Korea?"

Lao Wang finally made a good suggestion, but Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "It's not appropriate, because idols may not necessarily understand how to promote live broadcasts, and they may even be unable to withstand the sharp 'greetings' themselves."

Lao Wang smiled and said: "Then why don't you just come and start this live broadcast? Anyway, the main purpose of this time is not to interview, but to let everyone know that mobile phones can live broadcast. And as the end of the year, if you appear in the live broadcast, we will It’s easier to do side promotions. This can be considered a gift to the fans of the platform. If you get some personal items from idols, it would be even better as a reward for the fans.”

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "Yes, the main reason is to promote the live broadcast on mobile phones. Okay, let the artists make the promotional posters. I am going to South Korea in two days."


On this day, Zhang Pingan stayed in the company waiting for the answer from the accounting company. But the accounting company said that they need to work overtime and complete the accounts within tomorrow. Because it is still relatively difficult to check for vulnerabilities, after all, those are things that are deliberately hidden.

Zhang Pingan spent Christmas Eve in the company.

He came to the company again on Christmas the next day. Foreign-funded companies may have a holiday on Christmas, but for Chinese companies, Christmas is not a public holiday, so it has to fall on the weekend to be a holiday. If it's not the weekend, you still have to go to work honestly.

This is very depressing for the platform's network supervisors, because supervisors are on a 24-hour rotation, and those who work the night shift cannot spend the holidays with their girlfriends even if they have girlfriends.

At Christmas, the accounting company finally found some questionable expenses, totaling nearly hundreds of thousands of loopholes. Of course, the meeting that day was very simple. The hundreds of thousands of Huaxia coins that disappeared were either returned or the police were called. There was nothing to forgive.

Christmas, a festival that is meant to be carnival, has some of the middle layer taken away. This is the first ‘Christmas Night’ on the platform. Outside there is a festive atmosphere of carnival, but inside the company there is a murderous atmosphere!

On Christmas Day, after dealing with a borer, Zhang Pingan went to visit Pang Di's crew. When he was in Korea, he and Pang Di were photographed shopping in Myeongdong, so it was no surprise to meet in China. Although people around him thought that the relationship between the two was unusual, people in the circle were all discerning and would not talk nonsense. After all, they couldn't figure out Zhang Pingan's background.

It was the first time that Zhang Pingan met "Tang Yan", an actress who was hailed as one of the four little beauties with Mimi. When he admired her up close, she looked beautiful, but... her boyfriend was here, and Zhang Pingan just nodded and greeted her after Pang Di's introduction.

The visit to China was really a pure visit. Unlike Korea, you had to bring coffee and other things. The visit to China was just a walk around, after all, you couldn't delay the normal filming.

Zhang Pingan also told Pang Di that he would be returning to Korea soon and might not come back until after the New Year. Pang Di also expressed his understanding very generously, after all, Zhang Pingan's main work was there. Recently, he has invested a lot in programs there, and she must understand it.

Just like Zhang Pingan understands her work!

On the day of returning to Korea, it was December 28th. There were two anchors returning to Korea with Zhang Pingan. They took two days off to find a house in Korea, and then planned to start broadcasting in the New Year.

When they came out of the airport, Zhang Pingan did not go with them because someone came to pick them up. It was not Xika who picked them up, but Xiao Shuijing!

In the underground parking lot, Zhang Pingan saw Xiao Shuijing, and then he stared at Shuijing and said, "You drove to the airport by yourself? I have seen "J.K" filmed by you and your sister. Your driving skills..."

Zhang Pingan's eyes and tone made Xiao Shuijing very dissatisfied and said, "I drive well now. If you don't believe it, you can look at it next to you when you go back. I have been practicing driving every day recently, and I drive out to buy groceries with my mother every day."

Zhang Pingan still said doubtfully, "Crystal, how about...I should drive?"

Xiao Shuijing rolled her eyes and said, "Oppa, why don't you trust people? I really I have practiced a lot. "

Zhang Pingan smiled and put the luggage on the back seat of the car, then said: "It's not that I don't trust people, but I saw on the show that you drove the car on the road without even turning on the rearview mirror. You are such a great driver! You only look in front, not on the left and right?"

"That's because you are not familiar with the car when you just got it. Now I am familiar with it. Really! Get in the car. If you think I'm not driving well, I'll take your place. Is that okay? Think about it, if my skills are not good, how can my mother let me drive to the airport to pick you up?"

The last sentence is quite convincing. Zhang Pingan nodded and sat in the co-pilot seat.

In fact, Shuijing's mother didn't know where she drove to, and she didn't tell her mother that she drove to the airport to pick up Zhang Pingan. She practiced driving on weekdays, but she always went shopping with her mother. This was the first time she drove a car boldly, and she drove to the airport alone!

What little Shuijing lied to Xika was that she practiced driving with her agent today. So Xika told Shuijing boldly about Zhang Pingan's flight information. I also told Zhang Pingan that Xiao Shuijing would pick him up.

After fastening his seat belt, Zhang Pingan still held the handrail with some concern, and went on the road with Xiao Shuijing. Zhang Pingan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, watched her driving without saying much. Although some operations made him very confused and depressed, he tried not to nag.

The most feared thing for a novice driver is that the person next to him keeps nagging, so Zhang Pingan might as well not say anything and let her drive boldly. Anyway, she was using a Land Rover, not a Korean domestic car.

The vehicle drove smoothly all the way, as it was the airport highway. There were many lanes and not many vehicles, so it was smooth all the way into the city.

In the city, little Shuijing said with a smile on her face: "How is it? My driving skills are good, right? How is it compared to my sister?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "Your sister may be better than you, right?"

"Of course, she has been driving more than me. I just got my driver's license not long ago. You don't know, she bought a car after getting her driver's license, and she crashed the same day. She didn't pay attention when reversing, boom, her butt was directly broken. I was so scared that I didn't dare to ride in her car for several years. At least I haven't had any scratches yet."

Just when little Shuijing was proudly saying that she didn't have any scratches, the car next to her overtook and cut in. Zhang Ping'an shouted: "Right front, car car car... brake, brake..."

boom..! !

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