My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 464 Lin Yoona’s Remuneration

The old film and television investment company in Hangzhou has many works invested by the company on the walls of their company. Zhang Pingan is also aware of some of the works, such as "New Water Margin" and "The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", which were filmed by their company. They can say It is a very old film and television investment company in China. Zhang Pingan brought Lin Yuner to this old company today, basically acting as an agent.

In a spacious conference room, Zhang Pingan, Lin Yuner, and several senior executives from the other company were sitting across from each other. After a brief introduction, the person from the investment company looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Mr. Zhang, didn't Ms. Lin Yuner's agent come with you this time?"

Because the word "miss" has other meanings in China, in order to avoid unnecessary things, most people are addressed as "ma'am" in official business discussions.

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile: "When I came here this time, her Korean agency entrusted me with full authority to discuss China's activities. I can fully represent Lin Yoona and their company to handle any of her activities in China in the next year. Everyone If you have any questions, just contact me. By the way, this is their company's power of attorney." As he spoke, Zhang Pingan took out a Chinese and Korean bilingual power of attorney.

Lin Yoona is a contracted artist, and all her schedule arrangements must go through the agency, otherwise it will be a breach of contract. So this time she came to China to carry out activities. Although S.M. has a branch in China, her company still handed over all the event arrangements to Zhang Pingan to act as agent. The most important thing is that Zhang Pingan does not charge any agency fees. .

And S.M is also very relieved, because Zhang Ping'an doesn't like the small money at all, so he will 100% not tamper with the signed contract. Besides, Zhang Pingan himself said it was Zhang Pingan who asked Girls' Generation to launch activities in China this time, so they felt confident and boldly opened a power of attorney to Zhang Pingan.

With this "power of attorney", Zhang Ping'an can handle Lin Yuner's itinerary on his behalf, which can be regarded as a basis, which can also reassure various investors.

The investor looked at the power of attorney and returned the document to Zhang Pingan. Then they took out the outline of the script and handed it to Zhang Pingan: "There is no translation of the script yet. I don't know if Ms. Lin Yuner can understand the script?"

Zhang Ping'an held the script and looked at the title of the play "Martial God Zhao Zilong" with a smile on his lips: "Don't worry, if the script is given to me, I will find someone to translate it into Korean. And Lin Yoona has been learning the Chinese pinyin recently, Now it’s probably at the first or second grade level of elementary school. By the way, I heard that all TV dramas are dubbed now, right?”

The investor nodded and said: "The drama is dubbing, but in the drama we invest in, it is impossible for the actors to make expressions and say '1.2.3'. Do you understand what I mean?"

Today's TV drama shooting is becoming more and more meaningless. As investors said, many self-proclaimed young people shoot TV dramas just standing there and posing as if taking a photo.

Then the line is to read '1.2.3...'.

As an actor, if you don’t memorize your lines or say them, and you still get paid a lot of money, can you still call him an ‘actor’? Chinese TV dramas are also being trampled on by people like this who are slowly trampling on the 'actor' profession.

But, why are there more and more people taking the art exam now? Why are there so many people now willing to accept the unspoken rules of investors? Just because the entertainment industry has become the fastest-growing professional circle to make money.

In the past, countless people envied the CEOs of large companies, but today’s CEOs are nothing. Even the CEOs of large international companies do not earn as much as top Chinese artists in a year!

It is because the income from the entertainment industry has become the ‘TOP1’ among Chinese professions that people with a little bit of good looks want to develop into the entertainment industry. All kinds of news are reporting on the entertainment industry's ability to attract money, which is getting stronger year by year. This has also led to more and more ‘street scouts’. As for those street scouts, are they real? Then it depends on whether you are meeting a real performing arts company.

There are many performing arts companies on the street who may be "selling sheep's meat", and the news has long broadcast "entertaining company scams" where many girls have lost their money and virginity.

Zhang Ping'an naturally knew about the chaos in the entertainment industry. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, since Lin Yoona wants to come to China to develop, then she will abide by the basic rules for actors. After the formal contract is signed, I will find someone to translate it, but maybe During the filming, Yoona’s lines were in Korean, so that’s okay, right? At least the emotions were put into it, and they were definitely not expressions.”

The investors also understand that if they hire a Korean actress like Lim Yoon-ah to film a movie at this time, it would be almost impossible to ask her to speak Chinese during the filming. But being emotionally invested and making expressions in the play are two different concepts, so the management nodded and said with a smile: "Well, there is nothing we can do about it. She is not Chinese after all. It is difficult for a foreigner who has just arrived to speak Chinese. Now. Can Ms. Lin Yoona change into costume? Let’s ask the director to take a look..."

"Okay." Zhang Ping'an turned to Lin Yuner and told Lin Yuner about changing clothes, and Lin Yuner nodded in agreement.

Auditions are usually about trying to interpret a character, but Lin Yoona couldn't understand the script printed in Chinese. What was the plot of the story? Zhang Pingan couldn't explain it for a while, so the only thing she could try now was to set the makeup.

Lin Yoona was taken to the fitting room, and Zhang Ping'an let her follow him with confidence. Because it was winter, she wore thermal underwear while trying on makeup. Moreover, even pinhole cameras in this era have not yet achieved such pinholes, so Zhang Pingan is completely at ease.


While Lin Yoona went to change clothes, Zhang Pingan was sitting in the conference room chatting with people from the investment company. The investment company smiled and said: "Boss Zhang, I heard that your company has invested in works in China?"

Although Huaxia Land is big, things in the entertainment industry are only so big, so what happens in the investment circle cannot be hidden.

Zhang Pingan nodded with a smile and said: "Well, this is our first investment in a work 'adaptation of a web text' and we are cooperating with another company. Our company does not have any entertainment background in China, so it is best to choose cooperation. Way."

The investor said: "Don't you have a good relationship with the principal? Their family has been a top investor in the entertainment industry for the past two years. Why haven't you thought about working together on a filming or something?"

"Movie... I haven't seen any good scripts yet, so we are not interested in film investment for the time being. What I invest in is quality, and what they invest in is quantity. We have different philosophies and we can't work together. It would be great if something happens in the future. Let’s talk about the script. Our company has not thought about investing in film works for the time being. Our company is currently focusing on film and television works!”

The investment company nodded and said: "They have the support of the cinema. After investing, it can basically be said that they will not lose money."

When the movie is released, the theater takes 50% of the commission, so their investment will not be lost at all. If it sells well at the box office, they will also make a profit! !

The investment company continued: "Movies are indeed too expensive, and not every investment is "Little Times." Therefore, our company does not have much ambition at the moment. We think it is safer to make TV series. Even if the film does not sell alone You can make a lot of money by selling the broadcasting rights to TV stations around the world.”

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded. At this time, Lin Yuner changed into Chinese costumes and came in. After Lin Yuner, who was already smart, tied up her hair and exposed her forehead, her eyes looked even more elfin without the bangs blocking her eyes.

When the investors saw Lin Yoona coming in, they couldn't help but praise her: "It is indeed the face of Girls' Generation."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Oh, do you still know about 'facade'?"

"Isn't this how she is introduced online? Her appearance is all about her appearance! She is indeed beautiful!" In fact, the investors had already decided to cast her before Lin Yoona came. After all, with her joining, the drama would become a topic. The makeup this time was also based on whether she looked like a Chinese woman. After seeing her wearing ancient clothes, I realized that there was no difference.

In fact, it is difficult to distinguish people from South Korea, Japan, and China unless they have very special looks. The only thing that can make people clearly distinguish is their dressing habits. But now that Lin Yoona is wearing Chinese costumes, without the fashion bonus, it really feels like there is no difference.

Lin Yoona sat with them in ancient costume, and the management took out the prepared preliminary contract and started discussing it with Zhang Pingan.


After negotiating the formal contract from the company, Zhang Pingan and Lin Yuner came out together. He stretched tiredly and sat talking for a whole morning, two or three hours, always striving for the best for himself around the terms of the contract. Benefit. Zhang Ping'an really helped Lin Yuner get a good deal!

Lin Yoona was still in shock at this time, because she thought that the Chinese film salary this time might reach one billion won, but Zhang Pingan got her a salary of close to 3.5 billion won (20 million Chinese dollars). In the end, The key is that the remuneration is after tax! !

Her share contract for this Chinese event was 50/50 with the company, because Zhang Pingan negotiated the remuneration for her. This means that if she divides the profits, her net income will be over 1.7 billion! The discussion was actually after tax. Lin Yoona really felt that Zhang Pingan was so awesome. This was the first time she had received such a large salary!

Lin Yoona got into the car with Zhang Ping'an and asked when there were no other people around: "Oppa, is the real salary 3.5 billion won?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "The investor's settlement is 20 million Chinese dollars! Not Korean won!"

Lin Yoona nodded and said, "I know, but in terms of exchange rate, it's about 3.5 billion, right?"

"Yeah, almost. I think the pay is a bit low. I can't help it. This is your first time shooting a work in China. It might be better to shoot a few more movies. Um, I forgot to call Lee Soo Man..."

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