My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 492: Group Party (Part 2)

PS: (Thanks to ‘Rogue Rabbit’ for being the leader of this book! The additional chapter will be put later, and it may be a little late.)

After meeting Zhang Pingan last time, the principal did think about buying Tara. As Zhang Pingan said, their group is too popular in China. Maybe in the Korean market, they didn’t have much effect after the event because of the problems caused by a certain member and the stupid company executives.

But it doesn’t matter at all. As Zhang Pingan said, losing the Korean market is not terrible. Because the Chinese market is big enough, and the income from attending events in China is much higher than that in Korea.

So the principal invited them to the scene as performance guests on his birthday this time. This is a kind of inspection. After the inspection, he had the idea of ​​setting up an agency. Of course, Zhang Pingan still had something hidden that he didn’t say, and he couldn’t say it. After all, it was something that would happen in the future, and he wouldn’t even remind him.

Zhang Pingan and the principal sat in the lounge and chatted for a while about the dynamic news of the Korean entertainment industry. After all, he didn’t have time to cultivate his own artists, so he had to use the simplest and crudest way to ‘buy’ them. Zhang Pingan also gave him some advice about the new group EXID, since he would buy all of them in the future anyway. However, it would be a good idea to buy the EXID group in advance at this time, as he could make a lot of money.

After a brief chat, the party officially started tonight. No host was invited, so the general manager of the company came on stage to start the day. The general manager stood on the stage amid applause and simply said some New Year's greetings and the impressive achievements made in the past six months. The general manager did not say anything when he came on stage. The summary time of at most five minutes was over, and then he said: "Next, let our platform's president, Mr. Zhang Pingan, say a few words."

Zhang Pingan was also invited to the stage. After he came on stage, he smiled at all the employees below the stage, and also faced the live broadcast cameras of the anchors. He began: "First of all, we have to say thank you to those network department staff who are still sitting in the office to maintain the security of the platform. Thank you for your hard work and perseverance tonight, so that most people can attend the group party. There is no way, we are not a physical store, nor can we close half a day in advance so that everyone can come. So I thank you on behalf of the platform, and I also say sorry." Then he continued: "I am a new media, an emerging network industry, and I can be considered a self-media. This year, I have been preparing for the platform for half a year, and I have been operating for half a year, but the results are very good. So I thank all the workers again, everyone has worked hard. Well, I won’t say much in summary. Here, on behalf of the platform, I send a New Year’s blessing in advance to all employees and their families, as well as the water friends who are watching the live broadcast. I wish everyone a happy New Year! ! ! "

Amid thunderous applause Zhang Pingan waved his hand and said, "OK, no more nonsense, let's go straight to the first part of today, the lottery, the special prize! Everyone drew a lot when they came in, including the anchors. Although the iPhone 6 has been out for a while, some people have not changed. Whether you have changed to this phone or not, the special prize is this. If you have changed, you can take it back to your family. It's not a lot of prizes, ten, because this is just a special prize. There will be first, second and third prizes later. As for what the prizes for the first, second and third prizes are, I won't tell you for now, let's draw this first! Um... so, two anchors come up, Fatty Park, MISS, please draw five each, and we will open the prize on the spot!!" The lottery is always accompanied by countless calls. One by one, the notes were drawn out from the hands of the two anchors, but the anchors' luck was not very good, and the company's employees won the prize. After the lottery, Zhang Pingan said, "Okay, the special prize, ten digits have been drawn, and we'll start eating. For the first, second and third prizes, we'll continue the lottery after half an hour after everyone has a drink."


The group party of a group of young people was not long-winded, and they went straight to dinner after a simple opening. This is not like some corporate leaders who will never finish standing on the stage without talking for half an hour.

With the pace of the Spring Festival, the group party is always cheerful. Zhang Pingan served white wine to express his gratitude at each table today. Fortunately, the white wine cups were very small, and Zhang Pingan drank one glass at a table. In fact, sometimes no one would say anything if the leader drank water.

After a round of toasts, Zhang Pingan had been gone for half an hour. After sitting down, he ate some dishes to suppress the alcohol. It was almost half an hour, and he went on stage again to open the prize!

Zhang Pingan came on stage again and said: "Brothers, today's second lottery is here. The third prize is for five people, each with 10,000 yuan in cash. The second prize is for three people, each with 50,000 yuan. The first prize is for one person, with 100,000 yuan in cash!! The money was originally supposed to be used to invite some performance guests, but I think it would be better to give it to everyone through lottery. Don't you think so?"

"Yes!" Hearing about the lottery, and the cash, everyone present burst into high emotions.

"Okay, please ask our financial director to bring up the cash. Let's start the lottery, and draw it all at once. Who wants to go on stage to draw the lottery, raise your hand."

The people below raised their hands enthusiastically, and Zhang Pingan simply said: "We have a total of 14 tables, but the rewards are not so much. Each table will send a representative to play rock-paper-scissors, and the nine winners of the rock-paper-scissors game will draw."

With the cash reward, the people at the scene became very lively. Although there were no performers at the party, their enthusiasm for participating in the lottery was no less than that of the stars. The joyful atmosphere of the New Year also broke out at this time. A total of 300,000 cash, plus this meal tonight, etc., there are hundreds of thousands of expenses.

The third prize was 10,000 cash, and only Big Nose won it among the anchors.

The second prize was won by Mr. Park, one of the three anchors.

The first prize was won by an ordinary employee of the technical department, and none of the officials won it. Zhang Pingan was quite happy to see it. After counting the money in stacks and giving it to the employees on the spot, he asked everyone to take a group photo together. When this employee came down with 100,000 cash, everyone at their table shouted "treat".

Zhang Pingan said: "Today's lottery is over. Everyone, eat and drink well. As for those who want to change places, they can leave at any time."


This year's party ended after the lottery. The principal said to Zhang Pingan: "How about finding a KTV room to play later? Call the anchors together."

"Okay, principal, you book a seat."

The principal took out his mobile phone and started to make a call to book a seat. Soon, the principal led a group of people to the KTV. This time, Zhang Pingan took the principal's car. Because he drank so much white wine before, it was definitely impossible for him to drive his Ferrari at this time.

The anchors also followed the principal to the KTV to play, but they all took taxis. Because they all knew that they had to drink today, those who came with cars did not choose to drive.

The KTV in China is much more high-end than the practice rooms in South Korea. Whether it is the degree of decoration, or the supply of drinks and food, etc., everything is available. After the anchors arrived, the principal sat in the middle of the anchors, because some new faces came one after another, these were those who were not invited to the party before. Mainly because the principal asked them to bring some beautiful girls, so some small anchors came.

Countless anchors came to the private room and turned off the live broadcast. At this time, Zhang Pingan ordered a song "Only.My.Railgun" (the theme song of Pao Jie)

After Zhang Pingan sang this song in pure Japanese, everyone present applauded. The principal said, "You still like anime? That's right, you're studying in Japan, right?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said, "Actually, I was on my way to the IFC today, and I didn't know where the song was played, it was a Mandarin song. The rhythm and other things are very similar to this song... I immediately remembered the anime I watched when I was in school. I don't know who sang it, I don't know if it was a cover or something?"

"You mean this, I know, a group of little boys sang it, when the song came out, anime fans were still very annoyed, it was obviously a plagiarized song, but the songwriter insisted that it was not plagiarized."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Yes, anyway, the cost of plagiarism in China is low. I want to make a few plagiarized singers, anyway, plagiarizing some overseas songs will make you famous quickly."

The principal nodded and said, "That's true, I often criticize those plagiarizing bands on the Internet. China hasn't had any new generation of creative singers for a long time. Just look at JJ, Jay Chou, and the older generation who support the Chinese music scene."

Zhang Ping'an responded, "It's different, so the songs I created are not published in China. My songs were published by top Korean singers, After the release, my copyright income was close to 100 million won in more than three months. Although 100 million won is not much, it is only 500,000 or 600,000 won, but the copyright of this song will always be recorded. Well-known songwriters earn a lot overseas. Japan, South Korea, these well-known creators also have more than several million in income a year, and this is only the income from the copyright of the song. But Huaxia bought out a song for 30,000 yuan, is this considered a good sale? If I make a living by composing lyrics and music, I might as well change my career. Moving bricks makes more money than composing. The singers are famous, but the creators suffer. Who will create then? "The principal smiled and said: "The Chinese market is such that creators don't get the respect they deserve. It's also because the Chinese public is used to listening to music for free, and there are various factors." Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "The cost of plagiarism is extremely low, which will make plagiarism in the music market more rampant and serious in the future. Perhaps only when everyone begins to pay attention to the copyright issues of creators will there be more good music?" "These things are not our concern. The music industry itself doesn't pay attention to them. We just need to be a quiet spectator." "Well, watch slowly while cracking melon seeds." Zhang Pingan nodded, picked up the wine glass and took a sip of beer.

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