My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 494 The holiday that scumbags fear most: Valentine’s Day

PS: (Well, I owed a chapter to 'Persistence' before, and now I owe a chapter to 'Rabbit', two chapters in total, as I remember. I'm sorry to say that I owe you the debt first, I really haven't saved the manuscript. I’ll make up for it next month during my break!)

After the meal, Sika went back to her company, and Zhang Ping'an also breathed a sigh of relief. There is no way, what scumbags fear the most is holidays, especially Valentine's Day, which is even more deadly. It's a trivial matter to have the money to buy gifts, but the main thing is that I don't have enough time to do it. However, Zhang Pingan felt a little better than the average scumbag. That's because they all knew in their hearts that Zhang Pingan was a scumbag, but they didn't show it.

If it were an ordinary person, or a scumbag like a high-level white-collar worker, he would probably explode, right? No, in that case, you should have said before falling in love, ‘My mother’s birthday is Valentine’s Day? I have to go home to celebrate my mother’s birthday, so we won’t have dinner together. ’ What if I want to go along to celebrate my birthday? Or does it have to explode? This is a question worth studying.

Anyway, Zhang Pingan, the scumbag, will have a slightly easier time. Because Taeyeon knows it, Li Zhien also knows it, and those in Japan and China also know that Zhang Pingan has been busy preparing for the show during this time. And everyone is in the entertainment industry, so they are more aware of the dynamics of the entertainment industry. As long as it is not a statutory holiday, as for this Valentine's Day? Don’t expect a vacation!

Besides, no country would make Valentine's Day a legal holiday, right? So a couple wants to go on a date, okay, let’s get the work done first! If you haven't finished your work and should work overtime, you still have to work overtime.

But Valentine's Day is a strange thing in Japan, because it is mostly a day for men to collect chocolates. There are Honmei chocolates (given to lovers, people who like them, to express love) and giri chocolates (gifted to friends, to express friendship). And March 14th, Japan’s White Day, is when men return the favor.

And the concept of 'Valentine's Day' seems to have been a promotional event organized by the chocolate manufacturer? This evolved into Valentine's Day, of course this is just one of the sayings!

Zhang Pingan breathed a sigh of relief after getting in the car. He looked at the two jewelry bags lying quietly in the glove box of the vehicle and was really relieved. If Sika didn't drive out and was sitting in the passenger seat, the scene... might put both of them in an embarrassing state, right? Even if Sika doesn't get angry, even if she knows it in her heart...but, this is two different feelings from witnessing it with her own eyes, right?

The scumbag Zhang Ping'an started the car and took out his phone to call Taeyeon first: "Where is it? Dormitory? Come downstairs and I'll be there in five minutes."

Taeyeon came out of her room after receiving Zhang Pingan's call, because Zhang Pingan said she would be there in five minutes when she hung up the phone. When she came to the living room and saw that it was empty except for herself, Taeyeon sat and looked at the living room with peace of mind. At the same time, there was a gift box in her hand. This was prepared by Taeyeon for Zhang Ping'an. It was not a particularly high-end gift. It was a tie that she went to a men's clothing store to select for him personally.

Of course, this gift is not particularly valuable for Taeyeon’s income group.

What’s important is that you put your heart into it, but it’s still a luxury product, Hermès.

After nearly five minutes, Taeyeon wrapped herself in a long down jacket and went downstairs. Just as she was walking downstairs, Zhang Pingan's car came over. She opened the door and looked at the things placed on the passenger seat. Taeyeon smiled, picked up the shopping bag and put it on the armrest before sitting in.

Sitting in the car, Taeyeon handed the gift in her hand to Zhang Pingan: "The gift I selected for you."

Zhang Pingan held the gift box and said with a smile: "Thank you, can you open it?"

"Of course." After Taeyeon nodded, Zhang Pingan opened the gift box first, took out the tie and compared it to his collar: "I like it very much. I will wear it when I wear formal clothes. This is a gift from me. Yours." Zhang Pingan handed the gift bag on the armrest to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon also opened the necklace box in front of Zhang Pingan. Van Cleef \u0026 Arpels, a jeweler, has three commonly used series of models, four-leaf clover, flower, and butterfly. Zhang Pingan chose a necklace with a dancing butterfly pendant for Taeyeon. He smiled and said, "Because your signature is in the shape of a butterfly, I chose this necklace."

After seeing the gift, Taeyeon did not show an excited expression like Sika, but sighed and said: "Next time, don't buy such a jewelry necklace with diamonds, because it is not easy to wear it on weekdays. In fact, it is an ordinary necklace." More suitable for my daily wear. ”

There are a lot of people in Korea who hate the rich, especially celebrities! If a celebrity attends an event and is photographed wearing a watch worth 100 million won (more than half a million), he will definitely be scolded. This kind of thing has happened before.

If this is something unbelievable in China? Because every second-tier female artist in China is carrying a Hermès Birkin bag. Because of the different size and material, the value of this bag is no worse than a 100 million won watch.

Not to mention celebrities’ watches, who doesn’t have millions on them? In China, a ‘half a million’ watch on a star’s wrist? Are they even too lazy to wear them?

Not to mention jewelry, no matter how exaggerated it is, because the jewelry worn by celebrities attending events is all sponsored. To put it bluntly, sponsorships are ‘disposable’ and you have to return them after wearing them. However, Zhang Ping’an’s gift is not one-time use. Should Taeyeon only wear it once?

This was the first time she was photographed wearing such a high-value jewelry. She could use "sponsorship" as a cover, but what about the future? Do you still want to wear it?

A decorative necklace worth nearly 20 million won? How do you take her out? If you take him out, won't you be scolding yourself? That’s why Taeyeon said that the regular model is more suitable, because the regular model without diamonds costs several thousand Chinese coins (that is, hundreds of thousands or close to a million).

Most girls have a few types of jewelry at this price, and it is normal for female celebrities to have a few types. Besides, women naturally like shiny things like jewelry, and they have the ability to spend at such a level. .

But luxury jewelry like this... something worth 100,000 Chinese coins can only be classified as luxury jewelry. Don't think it's diamond-encrusted. Anything worth 100,000 yuan is a collection. If you resell such luxury jewelry and pawn it, the price will be cut off by at least half! Because these things are inlaid with broken diamonds, and everyone knows that broken diamonds are worthless! The only remaining value is, to put it bluntly, the brand value, but it’s still worthless! !

Collectible jewelry, one hundred thousand Chinese coins? Don't be ridiculous, you can't even add two more 'zeros'! Just change the unit into ‘USD’ and it’s almost the same! !

Therefore, jewelry worth 100,000 Chinese coins is really not practical for Taeyeon. It is not even as good as a jewelry necklace worth 2,000 yuan! Two thousand yuan, she can still carry it with her at any time, this...

But why did Sika smile happily when she received it? Because in addition to being an artist of Girls' Generation, she is also the owner of a brand. As the owner of a fashion brand, it is normal for her to wear an accessory worth about 100,000 yuan. After all, her brand has already been valued by Korean media. After Girls' Generation joined Sika's brand, the brand will be worth at least 20 billion won. This is the brand value of Girls' Generation!


Zhang Ping'an thought that Taeyeon would smile like Sika, but who knew that after receiving this gift, she would not smile with joy, but with a sad face. However, Zhang Ping'an turned sideways and opened the corners of Taeyeon's mouth with his thumb and index finger, forcing her to make a 'smiling face'.

Taeyeon finally laughed after being teased by Zhang Pingan. She smiled and turned to look at Zhang Pingan: "What are you doing?"

"Just laugh. What you said is not a problem to me at all, okay? When asked by the media, they said it was my New Year's gift to you. Why don't you accept it? Come to me if you don't accept it. If someone really wants to hurt me , then my answer is simple, I have money, I like to give such things, do you care? I spent your money? Why don’t you allow me to spend it?”

Taeyeon listened to Zhang Pingan's words to protect her, she smiled sweetly, and then said to him: "You are such a scoundrel!"

When the news about Taeyeon's relationship came out, it was because no one was there to protect her, so the Internet really started to criticize her. Fortunately, Zhang Pingan gave her a lot of comfort, which is why Taeyeon was willing to stand behind him.

"For you, what does it matter if I am regarded as a scoundrel by the world? As long as I am not a scoundrel in your eyes."

"I don't think there is any difference. Anyway...ah, hahaha~~you~~" Before Taeyeon could finish her words, Zhang Pingan took action and hit her waist directly. Being touched suddenly on the waist was very itchy, Taeyeon Being deliberately tickled by Zhang Pingan, she squirmed in the car and laughed.

After finally stopping, Taeyeon slumped down in her position as if the two of them had 'done something' just now.

Taeyeon finally calmed down and put away her smile. She turned to look at Zhang Pingan and said, "Are you going to the TV station later?"

"I'm sure, I will be recording "I Saw Your Voice" in collaboration with M-net tomorrow." Zhang Ping'an has been a scumbag for a long time, and even lying has become more sophisticated, and has become fresh and refined? And I didn't feel panic at all.

However, the recently produced TV programs did give him a lot of help in the future, because as insiders, they all understood that as a producer, he was running three programs at the same time, so he must be very busy, so Zhang Pingan was able to It operates within the narrow confines of this festival and is very smooth.

Taeyeon stared at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Where's MBC's Spring Festival special program?"

"the day after tomorrow!"

In fact, the show scene has been set up, and people from the platform network department have also come to contact MBC, so Zhang Pingan can basically ignore it. Because the recording of that program is not interesting at all, it is better to watch the live broadcast at home.

Recently, the people in South Korea didn’t know that they could enter China’s live broadcast platform, but they knew they could when it was being recorded the day after tomorrow. When the Korean anchors come online in the evening, can Zhang Pingan arrange a wave for the Chinese tycoons and Korean tycoons to collide?

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