My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 522 Satomi Ishihara?

The advantage of the live broadcast platform as an emerging industry is that the employed personnel are relatively young people, mainly because the younger generation has a relatively strong ability to accept new products produced by the Internet, and because there is not much difference between youth and age , so when we get together, the content of everyone’s chat is relatively close.

In fact, there is very little chat content among men, at most they only talk about three things: cars, houses, and horses!

Cars and houses are standard equipment for Chinese men. When you were in college, you didn’t have a house or a car, but you could still find some simple love. But when you enter society...especially for people like Zhang Ping'an who are about to enter their thirties, houses and cars have become necessities in life.

And ‘Mazi’ is also the character who appears the most in men’s chats. In fact, women are indispensable topics when men get together. They can stop talking about women when they can’t afford a car or house. But when men get together, they don’t talk about women? This is almost impossible.

At this time, Zhang Pingan and Liu Hao were sitting in the coffee shop chatting. Moreover, the chat categories are all teachers and photo idols. After all, they are both studying in Japan. For example, who's photo idol is awesome, and which 'teacher' is classic, etc. These became topics of conversation in the coffee shop in the afternoon. Because they are probably the people who will be contacted the most through their live broadcast platform.

The cups of coffee in front of them were all empty. Zhang Pingan and Liu Hao stopped talking with the teachers. He said: "The company's office address will be finalized as soon as possible. I have to go to Naituan tomorrow to check the situation. Last time I talked to Konno about letting them join the platform. With the news about this Korean live broadcast, I believe he won’t refuse, right? Chinese traffic!”

"Okay, I'll sign the contract office and replenish the staff as soon as possible. About... when can we meet with 'Takizawa-sensei'?"

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "Let's make an appointment tomorrow...the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. I'll go talk to Naituan tomorrow, and I'll go see a movie "Song on the Lips" in the afternoon."

"I saw the promotion, it's the new movie of 'Gakki'." Speaking of 'Wife', many Chinese fans are very emotional because she has an almost invincible smile!

At this time, Zhang Pingan immediately pretended to beeping and said: "Well, I also made an appointment with her for dinner."

Liu Hao looked at Zhang Ping'an in surprise and said, " made an appointment with Gakki for dinner?"

Looking at Liu Hao's envious eyes, Zhang Pingan nodded with satisfaction and said: "Is it weird? She and I are classmates, and I am also working in the entertainment industry in Korea. It is not strange for us to have dinner together, right? ? Do you want me to get you an autograph?"

Liu Hao kept nodding and said: "If it is convenient,

Please give me an autograph, thank you. "

"Okay, I'll get an autograph for you then!" Zhang Pingan has already thought about it. This time he and Yui Aragaki will have dinner together, and he must take a photo with her, and then send it to his Huaxia scarf number, so that countless people can Chinese wife fans are jealous of me! As for those Internet "greetings" Zhang Ping'an used to respond with photos of Girls' Generation, Lee Ji-eun, etc.!

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Is Mai Shiraishi very popular recently?"

Liu Hao said: "In Japan, they are extremely popular, especially their handshake meetings. Mai Shiraishi's team can be said to be beyond your imagination! Now many Chinese fans have also noticed Nodan, and there may be more teams starting this year. Some Chinese fans came to participate in the handshake meeting, and I bought a photo book of Mai Shiraishi not long ago. You and Sayuri were in "Bunshun", right?"

Zhang Pingan nodded with a wry smile and said: "That's really unjust. I think she and I really have something, and I can accept it a little bit. But I... forget it, this matter has passed. It's because Sayuri and I have Because of "Bun Chun", they didn't appear in the "Red and White Song Festival" this year. Well, wasn't this my news last year? Wasn't it... that you were in Japan all the time?

Logically speaking, if he was in China, he wouldn't know that he was on "Wenchun", right? After all, only people who like the Japanese entertainment industry will pay attention to this magazine. But he just said he bought Mai Shiraishi's photo album?

Liu Hao said: "Well, I have always been in Japan. When the platform recruited Japanese managers this time, I applied for it."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "No wonder, you are wearing professional attire. If you have been back to China for many years, you will definitely be used to the clothes in China. After all, it is more relaxed that way."

Liu Hao said: "There are only two technicians from the Huaxia headquarters. Do you want to meet together today?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Okay, let's have dinner together tonight. Let's have sushi together tonight. I'll book a table here in Roppongi."

"Okay, I'll call them and tell them to come out at that time, because they haven't found an office recently... They have been working from home these days, and renting a house has also taken them a few days. You also You know, it’s difficult for foreigners to find suitable housing in Japan.”

Although Zhang Pingan does not have to rent a house by himself, when he was in college, he heard international students from China say that it is difficult to rent a house. He nodded and said: "I know, but there is nothing I can do. Many seniors from China, After renting a house, it left a bad impression, which makes it very difficult for many international students to rent a house. "

Liu Hao nodded and said: "Well, it is obviously an extremely isolated behavior...but it is the Chinese people who bear the consequences!"


After the coffee was over, the two of them walked in the alleys of Daikanyama after coming out of the cafe. Zhang Ping'an said: "Last time I met a pretty good Sakura girl here, but it's a pity that I didn't leave her number, otherwise I could contact you this time. She’s going to be the anchor.”

Liu Hao suggested: "In fact, we can also ask the UP owners in Japan who play YouTube and ask them if they are interested?"

"You can ask, but you have to wait until the company address is confirmed. Otherwise, if people ask to visit our company, it would be like we are lying. At least there is a brokerage company in Korea, but we are nothing in Japan. nothing!"

In South Korea, because Zhang Pingan's reputation is very useful, and many Korean anchors have joined Zhang Pingan's agency, the reputation is guaranteed. There is neither a brokerage company nor an office address in Japan. This will definitely give others a fake feeling, right? Moreover, it is impossible for Zhang Ping'an to appear in just one interview and prove it by his own facial recognition. Therefore, the company's address is to give those who want to become anchors an intuitive credibility!

"Well, I will handle it as soon as possible. A week at most, at most!"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "I know there was some delay in registering the company in the early stage, but we have to speed up. Let's arrange the recruitment as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll do it as soon as possible. Hey... does the one taking the photo look like Satomi Ishihara?"

There is a good chance of meeting celebrities in Tokyo, because it is such a spacious place, and celebrities will go shopping on weekdays. This is a very normal thing. Moreover, when they go out on the streets on weekdays, they travel privately without any assistants or agents. Moreover, even if the Japanese discover a big celebrity, they will basically not bother them, as long as they don't appear in a crowded place.

In a relatively quiet and leisurely place like Daikanyama, it is quite normal for celebrities to appear because there are many designer stores here.

Zhang Ping'an listened to Liu Hao's exclamation, and he also looked up at 'Ishihara Satomi' who was taking pictures in front of him. Then the two of them smiled sweetly and left from the side of them who were taking pictures. Where is Satomi Ishihara, just tourists taking pictures here imitating her makeup. When Zhang Ping'an and Zhang Ping'an walked past her, they heard her talking in Taiwanese-style Mandarin.

After walking away, Zhang Ping'an muttered: "I noticed there is something wrong with your eyes. Is it called Satomi Ishihara if you look like that?"

Liu Hao smiled and said: "Hahaha, what I'm talking about is the feeling at first sight. Daikanyama's generation is relatively quiet, and many artists like to come here to buy clothes and the like. And spring is coming soon, and those who pursue fashion It’s time for female celebrities to go out and change their clothes, right?”

Zhang Ping'an immediately said: "Don't you know that celebrities and entertainers buy their clothes in advance? Only us men will buy clothes in the current season... Uh, Rimi Ishihara!"

Liu Hao immediately looked for Ishihara Satomi: "Where? Where?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to a 'tourist girl' in front who was taking pictures of the street scene with her mobile phone: "Well, I saw it wrong. I think this one is much more similar than the one just now."

Liu Hao said: " don't know her, right?"

Zhang Pingan tilted his head and said, "Should I know her? What does she do?"

"The host of Mango Channel, the one who played the role of manager in "I Am a Singer", his name is Shen..."

"Oh~~I didn't notice that he was wearing a hat." Zhang Pingan looked at the host seriously as he said that, and then the host's eyes also followed the direction of Zhang Pingan and Liu Hao.

After she saw Zhang Pingan with a surprised expression, she nodded towards Zhang Pingan. Zhang Ping'an nodded in return and left without any conversation.

Many celebrities and artists from China like to come to Tokyo when traveling for leisure, because luxury goods here are relatively cheap. If you come here to play, you can bring back a bunch of luxury goods. You know the ability of Chinese artists to purchase luxury goods. That's pretty impressive.

Liu Hao said: "I didn't see Rimi Ishihara, but it can be regarded as meeting a star, right?"

ps: I have recently discovered that a lot of people are subscribing based on the chapter names, so I am going to do a headline party. When you find out that there is no "Ishihara Satomi" in the whole article, do you really want to hit me? Hahaha~~! !

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