My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 524 Wife’s

When a woman is willing to give her life to you, then the man should be kinder. Whether it's because of money or something else, at least if you have the ability and if she hasn't made any 'mistakes', then don't be so stingy. Money, if not spent, is just a bunch of numbers in the bank. Only by turning it into corresponding substances can its value be reflected.

Tokyo, Mercedes-Benz store, Zhang Pingan and Araki Yuko entered the store together. The shopping guide who received the two of them last time greeted them with a smile. Zhang Ping'an didn't hesitate and directly stated his request: "G63, when can I pick up the car?"

The shopping guide heard it was a G63, and he immediately showed a look of joy: "Is it a G63? There is one of the current cars, but... well... someone ordered the car before and added some options. Later he No more, the car is in our hands. Mr. Zhang, if you don’t mind, can you go see the car first? If you think it’s okay, then we can give you some discount.”

Adding options to a vehicle is very troublesome in Japan because not everyone likes those options. If it is in China, there are very few big Gs, so it doesn't matter what options are available, as long as you have a car.

"Okay!" Zhang Pingan didn't expect to 'pick up' a current car? He knew that ‘Big G’ would have to wait a long time in China!

Zhang Pingan and Araki Yuko came to the middle of the exhibition hall together, and a big car stopped in place. Zhang Pingan pointed to the driver's seat: "Go and try it. The comfort and driving feel of this car are definitely worse than those of other Land Rover Range Rovers of the same class. However, the appearance is much tougher, which is why everyone likes it. One of the main reasons for this car is the classic exterior styling. The exterior is beautiful, but the driving comfort inside the car is neglected. I just don’t know when the interior of this year’s ‘S’ series will be available. ‘G’ series is on.”

When the shopping guide listened to Zhang Pingan's evaluation of 'G', he could only smile and say nothing. Because of the comfort ratio, it is true that the comfort and driving experience of this car cannot be compared to many luxury SUVs. But regardless of whether the interior is luxurious or not, it still does not affect it from becoming the most perfect dream car in the hearts of countless men and women.

After Yuko Araki got into this car, she immediately felt that her field of vision was opened up. Compared with the Ferrari she had been driving, her field of vision was completely different. She touched the steering wheel fondly and said, "It looks good."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "If you like it, buy it." Then he turned to the shopping guide and said, "Please help me drive the car out. Is it okay if we pick it up right away?"

"Of course, no problem. Please come to the VIP room!"


Araki Yuko felt that shopping with Zhang Pingan was not fun at all, because he didn't hesitate at all when buying things, and it was the same when he bought a car last time. I said it directly after I came in, paid the money and left. When I came in today, I didn't hesitate, I just picked up the car and left. Last time it was because there was no car available, but this time it happened that someone else didn’t want it and I wanted it myself.

When she drove the G63 on the street, her eyesight became higher. This time it became easier for her to go for a ride wherever she wanted, so she had a happy smile on her face while driving the vehicle.

At the traffic light, Araki Yuko happily turned to look at Zhang Ping'an and said, "An-chan, where should we go next?"

Zhang Pingan said: "You can send me to Sony Music. I will have work arrangements for the next time. You can go wherever you want, don't worry about me."

Araki Yuko nodded and said, "Do you want me to pick you up tonight?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No, you can drive to the countryside for a drive. However, I hope I am the only man in this car!"

"As I said, I will never look for another man except you."

Soon, Zhang Pingan came to Nogizaka. After saying goodbye to Zhang Ping'an, Araki Yuko set off in her 'Big G', not knowing where she was going for a ride. But it doesn't matter, Zhang Ping'an is a man with a "family" in Japan.

Naitu was filming today. When Zhang Pingan came to their company, there were no artists in the company. And Konno got the news yesterday that Zhang Pingan would come today, so as the person in charge, he received Zhang Pingan in the office.

In the office, Konno smiled and reported the good news to Zhang Ping An: "Ping An Sang, Mai's photo album has broken the sales record of 200,000 yuan. I really underestimated Mai's potential. When you first told the publishing house that it would be published in ten When I was writing 10,000 books, the publisher and I thought you were crazy. We never thought that Mai Shiraishi’s results would be so good that we couldn’t believe it.”

Zhang Pingan nodded and smiled: "I understand, because at the beginning of last year, I saw that your group published a team photo. At that time, your total sales were only 60,000 copies, so I asked Mai to print 100,000 copies. , it will definitely make you feel unrealistic.”

Konno said: "Yes, Mai's sales are very good, but it's a pity that Nishino Nanase's sales are not good this time. The first issue, 50,000 copies, has not been sold out yet."

Of course, after the success of Mai Shiraishi, Konno would not stop selling photo albums, because Mai Shiraishi's pictures were really profitable, so they then released a personal photo album of the second member Nishino Nanase. However, Nana Sai's photo album is in ordinary costumes, which is different from the sexy costumes mixed in by Shiraishi Mai, so the sales volume is not as good as Mai's!

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Nana Sai has great potential. Let's create another swimsuit book in the future. I believe the results will be very good. However, I am not here today to talk about photo albums with you."

Konno didn't expect Zhang Pingan to go straight to the topic. Originally, he wanted to work with Zhang Pingan to promote two more photo books. However, he doesn't seem to have much interest in taking pictures. Thinking about it again, the photo thing is too little money for him. You must know that his live broadcast platform can earn hundreds of millions of yen in one night. If it were replaced, he would definitely shift his focus in that direction.

Konno nodded and said, "I know you told me about the live broadcast last time, right?"

"Well, let them log in to our live broadcast platform. I can open a special 'Nogizaka' live broadcast room. I don't mean to let them live broadcast every day. I only need the 'seven' people standing in front of them to spare one day a week to do it." Just live broadcast, it’ll only last two to three hours.”

One day for each of seven people, exactly one week. Zhang Ping'an didn't want all seven of them to start broadcasting at the same time! As long as it is guaranteed to be prime time and members of the Seven Lucky Gods appear in the Nogizaka live broadcast room, it will be fine.

"It can be arranged to take one day a week..." After saying this, Konno turned his attention to Zhang Pingan, in fact, he was asking about the 'benefits'.

Zhang Ping'an said: "You also know that our platform has a lot of traffic. This will allow Naitu to develop better in China. You have to believe in the power of Chinese fans. They will never hesitate to buy albums. AKB's Huaxia Fans, you must have heard about it, right?”

"I have heard that Chinese fans have very strong purchasing power, and I admit it. But, let them do live broadcasts..."

You will definitely not be able to impress him just by relying on traffic, after all, he wants more. So Zhang Pingan simply stated his conditions: "A live broadcast signing bonus of 300 million yen a year! And we will split the commission she gets from the live broadcast 50/50! This is the biggest condition I can give. If you still don’t want to, then I can only go to AKB, after all, they have many members!”

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Jin Yema immediately smiled and said: "I didn't say I disagreed. We definitely want to cooperate with you. After all, we have a basis for cooperation, right?"

All members of AKB have signed contracts with their own agencies. Some members who are not well-known can go to Zhang Pingan's home to do live broadcasts without paying the signing fee as long as Zhang Pingan comes to visit. It’s for the ‘fans’ generated by Huaxia’s traffic. After all, Huaxia’s population base is too large. Even if you earn thousands of fans through live broadcast, this is something to be happy about.

Although Nodan has become somewhat popular in Japan recently, they are still far behind ‘AKB’. So faced with the signing bonus and Zhang Ping'an's cooperation method, he was still willing to agree. The Seven Gods of Luck only need to set aside one day a week to do live broadcasts, which can be arranged completely.

After all, not everyone of them has a full work schedule for seven days! Their company made money and traffic, which was a win-win for both parties!

Konno was finalized, and Naidan was finalized. Zhang Pingan also had a smile on his face when he came out of Sony's office. With the addition of a Japanese girl group, this will increase the valuation of the live broadcast platform a lot.

Pitcher Zhang Ping'an looked at the time. It was 11:10. He felt that he was not very hungry, so after coming out, he went directly to the cinema. After purchasing the movie ticket for "Song on the Lips", he took a photo and sent it to Yui Aragaki!

"I support it with practical actions!!" After Zhang Pingan sent a message to Yui Aragaki, he put away his phone, bought a box of popcorn, and a glass of Coke before entering the venue and waiting.

Yui Aragaki is famous for not replying to text messages for a long time, but today, when Zhang Pingan was sitting on a chair watching an advertisement playing in the cinema, she received a "quick" reply from Yui.

Although the reply was not instantaneous, it was pretty good to reply within ten minutes: "I'm at the Ginza Cinema. Thank you for your support!"

I don’t know if it’s close to lunch time, but today’s movie is completely ‘booked’. There are only three people in the entire hall including him, but at this moment...

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