My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 526 Yui Aragaki (2)

What I pursue, once I say it, it becomes a little 'cute'. So stupid and cute, few people would take it seriously when he said it in a joking manner. Unless those who want to get some benefits from Zhang Ping'an are willing to accept the offer, otherwise who will take care of you?

As for Yui Aragaki, in the face of such a thing, he has summed up a set of trump cards, ignore it, completely ignore it. After all, many artists in this circle have expressed their affection for her in this way of joking in the show, there are too many such people. There are so many Yui Aragaki who can't even tell how many times he has appeared. If you have to answer "I'm sorry" every time you encounter such a thing, you will feel very tired, right? So sometimes no answer is the best answer!

This lobster burger restaurant in Omotesando has a high score on Japanese gourmet websites, and the price is also within a reasonable range, so their burger restaurant can be said to be lined up almost every day, especially at noon and afternoon tea The time is prime time in their home. When Zhang Ping'an and Aragaki Yui came to this burger restaurant, there were at least twenty people in front of them.

Freshly made handmade hamburgers are time-consuming. Seeing the length of the line, Zhang Pingan could imagine that he would have to wait in line for at least half an hour. He turned around and said to Yui Aragaki who was queuing up, "Are you sure you want to line up?"

Even though Aragaki Yui looked at such a long queue, she still did not give up her enthusiasm for eating burgers. She nodded affirmatively and said: "Of course, this burger restaurant has been widely rumored on the Internet. Since I am here, I must try it." Is it really worth the half-hour-plus wait time it says on the website?"

"Are you not worried?" When Zhang Pingan said this, he raised his head and pointed to the team. Because there are too many people in line, will she be recognized standing in the crowd like this? This is what Zhang Pingan is worried about. She is a national-level actress in Japan, and she is also the No. 1 candidate for the 'wife' in the hearts of countless men. If he is found while queuing... Zhang Ping'an is a little worried.

Yui looked at Zhang Ping'an with a crooked smile and said, "There's nothing to worry about. On weekdays, I'll also line up to eat some gourmet restaurants. Let's see..." Yui raised her finger and pointed to the line, and continued: " How many people are queuing now are looking around, so even if I stand here, not many people will pay attention to me. And I am still wearing a mask and a hat."

Nowadays, with smartphones, the people in the queue can basically pass the time with their heads down holding their phones. How can they bother to care about who is waiting around? The only people who didn't have a mobile phone in their hands were those who were about to be in the queue. And those who have already bought it are all focused on the burger, either holding it in their hands to take pictures, or can't wait to enjoy the delicious food, no one cares about Yui Aragaki standing here!

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, you have persisted like this, what else can I say? I also want to see how this high-scoring burger restaurant tastes. Let me line up, and you go buy a drink."

"Oh~~" Yui Aragaki laughed again, because Zhang Pingan showed an expression that he didn't like queuing when he said that he was eating this burger, but at this time he took the initiative to say that he was queuing, which is quite interesting .

Yui asked with a smile, "Then what do you want to drink? There's Starbucks over there. Do you want coffee?"

"There's no need for any Starbucks, just give me a bottle of 'Sixteen Tea'."

Sixteen tea, a Japanese tea drink, and the spokesperson of this drink is Yui Aragaki. So when Zhang Pingan said 'Sixteen Tea', Yui immediately laughed: "?~~"

Zhang Pingan replied: "I drank coffee when I got up in the morning, and drank coffee when I went to talk about work. I drink it now. I'm afraid I'm taking too much coffee today. Just sixteen teas.

It's pretty good, and it's also the product you endorse. Don't you, the spokesperson, drink it on weekdays? "

Of course, Zhang Pingan lowered his voice when he said "spokesperson" later.

Aragaki Yui shook his head and said, "Occasionally drink it. All right, you wait in line, and I'll buy you Shiliu tea."


Lobster burger, fresh and plump lobster meat is sandwiched in the burger, the two chose the chairs by the street tree not far outside the restaurant and sat down. The leisure chairs provided for passers-by on the Japanese sidewalks, many people will sit and eat in these places. And Zhang Ping'an and Aragaki Yui, like the public, ate hamburgers on the side of the road.

Yui Aragaki looked at Zhang Ping'an while eating a burger and said, "Is it a habit to sit and eat on the street like this?" After all, Zhang Pingan's net worth is very high, and the last time I ate with him was at a high-end barbecue restaurant So today, sitting on the street eating hamburgers like this, Yui still asked.

Zhang Pingan hugged the hamburger and took a big bite. He showed it with his actions. Yui watched him eat so deliciously, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. This smile is even more heart-warming than the spring sunshine.

Zhang Ping took a bite of the hamburger and said, "Is there something you're not used to? Do you remember that there used to be a shop in front of our high school that made yakitori. After school, many students would buy two skewers and eat them while walking. I You have to buy five sticks."

Yui nodded and said, "That's right, that kebab shop is delicious, and I still remember the taste. The first time I ate Tokyo kebabs after coming to Tokyo was at the gate of the school!"

Zhang Pingan replied: "So there is nothing I am not used to."

The two chatted while eating: "By the way, do you remember 'Tabe Mikako' from our class?"

"I don't remember, what's the matter?" Zhang Ping'an had seen the graduation photo album, and the students in the class only knew Yui Aragaki, but the student she was talking about really didn't know.

"?~~ Don't you remember? She is also in our circle, and I chatted with her about you some time ago."

Zhang Pingan looked at Yui in surprise and said, "Talk about me? What do I have to talk about?"

Yui smiled and said: "You are very topical, and there are often news about you in Japan. I heard from her that some classmates confessed to you at the high school graduation ceremony before?"

Zhang Pingan tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "Is there? I don't even remember. Anyway, I don't remember having a girlfriend in high school or college."

After Zhang Pingan said this, he also finished eating the hamburger in his hand. After taking a sip of Sixteen Tea in his arms, he took out an individually wrapped wet wipe from his backpack and gave it to Yui. Put it in a food packaging bag.

Yui smiled and took the tissue from him, seeing his gentle and considerate appearance, she smiled again, and said, "I didn't date before, but now you have a rich love history."

Zhang Pingan responded: "Are you rich? I think it's okay, and there's nowhere to be rich. What about you, it's been another year, and you're still single?"

Yui nodded and responded, "Well, I'm single. Maybe it's because I'm too busy at work to think about love?"

Zhang Pingan looked at Yui suspiciously: "It's been so many years, have you really never dated a boy?"

When we talked about relationships last time, she said that when she was young, the company was not allowed, but when she grew up, she was busy and had no time to fall in love. But people's feelings can't be explained clearly. After all, she has cooperated with so many people, how can she never meet someone who makes her heart move?

When she first talked about their relationship, she was sloppy, and Zhang Ping'an also understood, after all, they were just classmates in high school. It is impossible to say everything. This time when we met again, I felt that the relationship became closer, so Zhang Pingan asked again. Maybe there is a different answer?

In the face of Zhang Ping'an's questioning again, Yui finally revealed some news: "It is confirmed that there is really no relationship. Ambiguous/ambiguous... I have met before, but in the end it didn't matter. Because I My character is not the kind of person who wants to be tired of being together all the time, and I am not a person who particularly likes to reply to messages. But this kind of character will become troublesome for two people who are just in an ambiguous relationship. Never mind."

Zhang Pingan nodded with a smile and said: "Indeed, during the ambiguous period, most of the time I used my mobile phone to understand the dynamics and thoughts of the other party. But when I meet you, a person who doesn't reply to messages, it is estimated that no matter how great the man's enthusiasm is, it will be wiped out." Right? A message was sent to you, are you free tonight? Have a meal together? Then the message disappeared. This will make the man suspect that the 'ambiguity' conveyed is just his own wrong intention?"

Yui said with his own thinking: "But I think if I don't reply, doesn't it mean that I am not free? If I have time, I will definitely reply, just like I replied to you. Do you think my reply to the message is Slower?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Didn't I send you a message when your movie was released last year, but you didn't reply."

Yui smiled and ate the last bite of the hamburger, and responded at the same time: "But you sent a picture of me at that time, what do I want to return? You didn't express what you meant by sending me the photo, I just I thought you just happened to pass by and saw the poster."

Listening to Yui's straight-forward 'love philosophy', Zhang Ping'an could only smile wryly and say, "Um, that's right, I just happened to see your movie promotion when I was shopping, so I took a photo for you."

Yui smiled and put the food packaging bag into the plastic bag Zhang Pingan was carrying: "So, you didn't express yourself clearly, what should I do?"

When Yui said this, Zhang Pingan couldn't find a reason to refute. He could only point to the restaurant where he bought burgers with a wry smile: "I'm going to throw out the trash."

There are no trash cans on the streets of Japan, so most people choose to pack up the garbage you generate on the road and take it home to throw away, but they are not far from the shop where you buy burgers.

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