My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 544 The Disadvantages of Big Companies

Late at night, Uncle Hei’s INS account was updated. This is really a long-awaited update. However, the content of this update is not for marketing, but just like a long time ago, photos of the girl group during their singing session. Yes, there are only girl groups, because so far no boy group has been on Uncle Black’s Instagram. Of course, the photos of the girl group were edited by Uncle Hei. Every photo shows the beautiful side of the girl group.

Uncle Yilian sent a lot of photos of new girl groups, and the first one he sent was 'Girlfriend'. Zhang Ping'an also made two comments: "Nowadays, the girl groups in the music industry are all competing to see who can dress better. Well, the sudden appearance of the 'girlfriend' has a pretty youthful feel, at least it's not the same as shaking her butt and lying on the ground. Otherwise, I would have thought that the Korean agency was going to create a 'Korean version of Muscat.'

The second group to appear, 'LOVELYZ': "A girl group with a fresh and cute style. S.M's marketing is very mature in this aspect. Representative Lee can go and consult. After all, Mr. Lee Soo Man is the major shareholder of your company!"

The third one to appear is 'Red Beibei': "Teacher Lee Soo Man, has S.M owed wages to the beauty salon and stylist recently? Please change stylists quickly. The song is not bad, but I think the children's styles... are eye-catching. !”

For the three new girl groups that appeared on "Music Bank", Zhang Ping'an gave them three reviews in a row and won praises from countless fans. Since last year, most of the female idols in the music industry have started to follow the sexy route. At the beginning, everyone felt a little surprised, but as time goes by, it becomes a bit fatigued, and there are so many defenders now. After they admire it for a while, they will randomly report it. You have to accept this operation!

After the report, they stood at the highest point of morality and began to criticize these immoral things. After the Internet incident, the TV station had no choice but to comply with public opinion. In an instant, there were many girl groups who prepared extremely "sexy" dances and they were so pitiful. Their singing stages have been cancelled. Are you sad? Do you think it's hateful?

So girl groups, before they became famous, it was really hard to get along. No, you said you didn’t like it. I've shown it to you, your "saliva" is top notch, and I'm going to report it right away, what kind of trouble is this?

Zhang Pingan's question about "Hong Beibei" received support from countless fans of Hong Beibei. Compared with the two senior groups, their personal stage appearance is really much different! Fans who saw an obvious "different treatment" naturally came to help their idols fight for resources.


The night passed quietly, and this day Zhang Pingan slept alone on the sofa in the living room. Taeyeon and Pani occupied Zhang Ping'an's bed heartlessly.

The biological clock in the morning made him jump out of the sofa, wash up, and make coffee. Soon Taeyeon and Pani were both up. The two of them probably set their alarm clocks when they went to bed last night. After all, their girlhood will be back in a few days.

Breakfast is a cup of coffee, toast, a few fried eggs and luncheon meat, and vegetable salad from the supermarket. The three of them were sitting around the dining table, eating breakfast, and looking at the comments and comments on Zhang Pingan's INS last night.

After taking a sip of coffee, Pani said: "Uncle Hei's account is very influential, with more than 100,000 likes. Hong Beibei has the most replies, with more than 30,000 messages. Many fans are If you say so, please leave a message below to complain to Hong Beibei.”

Zhang Ping'an smiled and rolled up a piece of luncheon meat with an omelette and put it in his mouth: "What's the use of leaving me a message?

Go to S.M and leave a message. Besides, uneven resources are normal, especially in large entertainment companies. This is an inevitable disadvantage. I currently have a boy group and a girl group. Do you know why there are two companies? "

Of course, they must know that there is indeed uneven resources within the company, so they did not refute Zhang Pingan's words. Pani smiled and said: "You want to say that there will be no uneven resources in one company and one group." But why are so many trainees still willing to join the three major companies? "

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "Pani, we look at the problem from different perspectives. You are from the perspective of an artist, and I am from the perspective of an investor. Whether you are a trainee or an artist, there is nothing wrong with choosing a large company. . Because the background and reputation of large companies are the main factors that attract these countless children and parents, they are willing to do so even if the contract is harsh, just because large companies have an invisible success rate. "

"Everyone knows that big companies are good. Just like fresh graduates, they want to work in big companies. The truth is the same. But for investors, there are many disadvantages in larger companies. The more problems there are.”

Taeyeon tilted her head and smiled and said curiously: "In addition to the problem you mentioned, I think it is a problem of resource allocation."

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "You, like Pani, are just looking at it from the artist's point of view. For artists, a company is a good company as long as it gives them resources. But have you ever thought about it, if the company has more artists, the allocation of resources will also be poor." As a result, resources cannot be concentrated. However, our company only has one group, and all the staff in the company work together to support one group. We don’t have to think about it, whether it is resources or money. How to get the return resources, how to get the group resources.”

"Actually, there is a big problem. Your company's annual revenue is very high, but the actual profit is very small. The resources of large companies are easily dispersed, and the capacity of this market has led to extremely strong external competition. You cannot concentrate resources. Big things, like Hong Beibei at this time, and this is just the beginning... and there will be impacts from 'self-media' in the future, which will make the survival of large companies even more difficult. Did you know? Your company experienced two major stock price fluctuations last year, which caused panic among investors. When the company does not have more funds to promote the development of this huge company, the influence of Hallyu will inevitably decline. This is not just for you. A company problem!"

Zhang Ping'an's words made both Taeyeon and Pani frown. When the Korean wave became a cold wave... when the company's influence declined, Taeyeon looked worried.

When Zhang Ping'an saw Taeyeon staring intently at the coffee cup in front of her, he playfully stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her: "Why are you worried? You are Girls' Generation. The basic disk is there. That's No one can shake or influence it. Just like JYP relies on Suzy to support the company, there will always be two people in your company who can support the company. Just like me now, I would rather buy those small companies and spend money to cultivate them. My own group will not invest in your company, because I know that for a large company like yours, no matter how much I invest, it will be in vain!”

This was the first time Taeyeon and Pani heard Zhang Pingan analyze their company from a capital perspective. In the past, Zhang Pingan rarely talked to them about very formal things. Anyway, most of the chat content was about the entertainment industry. Although they knew that he had a live broadcast platform and that he had a management company, Zhang Pingan had always been a person who knew everything. No matter attitude.

This time Zhang Pingan's chat was rich in content. It was analyzed from the perspective of investors, and it was a very thorough analysis of the hidden dangers of their company. Of course, they are not capital, and there is no need to look at their own companies from the perspective of capital. Just like Zhang Pingan said, you are Girls' Generation, and this name alone is enough for them to live for several years.

After breakfast, Zhang Pingan drove the two of them to the company for practice. In the car, Pani smiled and said: "What do you think is the most profitable in the entertainment industry? Well, from the perspective of an artist, let alone investment works. "

Without thinking, Zhang Pingan answered directly: "A personal brand, with small investment and high profits, it is also convenient to use Girls' Generation's name to raise funds. Didn't you all invest in Sika? It would be great if the brand was built. The second thing is concerts. There is nothing more profitable than concerts. Taylor made 100 million US dollars last year. This was reported by the American media. But that was for you singers. For example, it’s all about concert preparation. It can accommodate up to 5,000 seats in Korea, but it can accommodate 50,000 seats overseas, just like your dome concert. Why should I negotiate with your company? The problem with Taeyeon's solo is so that she can have a solo concert in the future. So, Pani, go discuss the solo issue with the company. Don't say I didn't remind you, that's the best way for a singer to make money! With one album and ten concerts, the annual income can easily exceed 2 billion."

Zhang Ping'an's words really made Pani's eyes widen. Yes, for them, when preparing for a concert, whether it is 5,000 or 50,000 people, they prepare the same dances and songs, but their income is completely different between 5,000 and 50,000! If it's SOLO...

Pani digested it for a while before exclaiming: "I didn't realize it, so you made these little calculations for Taeyeon."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Of course, Taeyeon is a very important person to me, so naturally I have to make some plans for her."

Rather than planning Taeyeon's future? It would be better to say that Zhang Ping'an knew Taeyeon's temperament and let her live a life of asking for money, which would be even more uncomfortable than killing her. It's better to make some future 'planning' for her. Although if he doesn't plan, their company will take action, but now that he plans for her, won't it make her more dependent on Zhang Pingan? .

Therefore, Zhang Ping'an's burning operations are also done in a set way, which is very bad! !

After listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Pani looked at Taeyeon who was sitting in the passenger seat. She immediately rubbed her shoulders and said, "Looking at you two so early in the morning... I really can't stand it. Fortunately, the company has arrived, otherwise, I almost vomited!"

"Spit? Believe it or not, as long as you act like you are about to vomit, I will immediately cover your mouth and make you swallow it back!"


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