My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 548 The director’s confusion?

Finally, Kim Seolhyun signed an endorsement contract with SK Telecom, which is valid for one year! This endorsement contract is the most direct reward for her hard work in fitness for more than a month, because after getting the contract, Kim Seolhyun will benefit from it. As for whether Zhang Pingan can do the things in the gambling agreement signed by her, it really has no effect on her.

Because she only needs to use the stores of "SK Telecom" all over the streets and alleys of South Korea for publicity, Seolhyun's agent can already imagine that after the advertisement is broadcast, waiting for the posters of Seolhyun's endorsement to be posted in each business hall, which is equivalent to giving Seolhyun an overwhelming publicity. As for the things in the gambling, whether they can be done or not, Seolhyun has been promoted.

The same is true for the "telecommunications company". Whether the gambling agreement succeeds or fails, they can benefit from it. On the surface, who is the person who loses the most in this gambling agreement? Zhang Pingan?

After signing the agreement, the director looked at Zhang Pingan and said puzzledly: "This agreement is signed in your personal name. I think it is a thankless task. Whether it succeeds or fails, I don't see where your personal profit point is? Is it true that you are dating Ms. Xuexuan as written in the news?"

Because of uncertainty, the director here politely added the honorific "Ms." after Xuexuan's name.

He really couldn't figure out why Zhang Pingan was doing this? Even if Zhang Pingan and Kim Xuexuan were dating, what did he get by trying so hard to support Kim Xuexuan? Just for her good-looking skin? If it was just to get, he didn't need to do his best and even sign a gambling agreement! Five billion? It would be better to just spend five billion on her, which is more direct!

And this director didn't believe that five billion won couldn't break the legs of a little artist like her!

The director can also be called a director. People who can reach his position first consider the relationship of interest. Talking about other love affairs can only deceive ordinary people. Zhang Pingan was born in a family with top capital. He knew much more clearly than anyone present. If you say that a person born in a top capital family does not care about interests but only about love, then he is almost crazy!

Zhang Pingan smiled and did not hide anything. He directly explained to the director: "I am indeed dating her. As for the profit point... I have been bored recently and I want to see if I can hype up the stock price of the brokerage company, so I invested in her brokerage company. I plan to do a 'quick'."

The agent sitting next to him was a little confused when listening to Zhang Pingan's words, because Zhang Pingan invested in their company just because he felt bored, so he came out to hype up the stock price of their company? Of course, she also knew about the relationship between Zhang Pingan and Kim Seolhyun. After all, the representative was so nervous about Seolhyun, she couldn't have failed to notice it, but some things could not be clearly stated.

The director finally got the answer at this time. It turns out that Zhang Pingan's purpose in pushing Xuexuan is not only to establish a "lover" relationship, but also to invest in their company: "I said, why... However, isn't the stock price of the agency too slow? Recently..." The director stopped talking here, and said to Zhang Pingan with a smile: "Let's talk about investment another day." Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Uh, you'd better not ask me about investment. I studied business management, not finance. I'm okay with some small investments, but if you want to go big, you'd better ask Li Hejun." The director smiled and responded: "Hahaha, I don't have the funds to go big. Personal investment, purely personal investment." "Personal investment? If it's personal, then invest in FNC. I'll notify you before I make a move." "Okay, then I'll take advantage of Representative Zhang this time. I'll treat you to dinner next time." ...... Zhang Pingan after leaving the telecommunications company 's mood was pretty good.

He turned to Seolhyun and said, "Your ad won't be up until mid-April. There's still half a month left. During this time... you don't have to work out so hard. You can relax a little bit in terms of diet, but you have to maintain your current figure."

Seolhyun nodded to show that she knew: "Yes, I know. We're shooting the ad tomorrow. Do you really want to come to the scene?"

Zhang Ping'an said, "Yes, of course you have to come. I have to discuss the subsequent production issues with the advertising department." After saying this, Zhang Ping'an turned to look at the agent: "Go get the car. I won't take you there. I have to go to the company. There are still some subsequent arrangements for Seolhyun's affairs. Otherwise, this gambling agreement cannot be completed. Seolhyun, come with me today, is that okay?"

The agent had to go back to the company with the contract to report. As for Zhang Ping'an's decision to take Seolhyun away, she had no control over it, and the representative also said that she didn't need to care. So she nodded and said, "No problem, I'll go first." Before leaving, she said to Seolhyun, "We're going to shoot a commercial tomorrow, don't be too extravagant with your dinner."

Under normal circumstances, artists will start to strictly control their diet a week before the photoshoot, and even drink water in moderation, in order to lose weight quickly and shape their bodies. Seolhyun has obviously worked hard for more than a month, so don't let her gain three or five pounds during the official shooting tomorrow, otherwise it will be a failure.

Don’t think that if you don’t eat three to five kilograms of food after dinner, you won’t gain three to five kilograms of weight? If you eat high-calorie and high-fat foods freely, even if you only eat one pound of food, the fat you will rebound will be beyond your imagination!

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will supervise her. I will take her to exercise with me after dinner."

"Then please leave it to Representative Zhang. I'll be waiting for you at the set early tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow, I will call you. Please drive to pick me up. I made an appointment with Kim Jong Kook for dinner tonight..." Dinners between artists inevitably involve drinking. The meaning of Zhang Pingan's words is that he may If you get drunk, it will be inconvenient for you to drive the next day.

"Okay, just ask Xuexuan to contact me early tomorrow morning." After saying that, the manager bowed and left. Zhang Pingan and Seolhyun walked towards the parking lot together.

After getting in the car, Seolhyun looked at Zhang Ping'an: "Oppa, are you going to 'B.H Entertainment' now?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No, I'm going to 'Panda TV'. I'm going overseas tomorrow afternoon, and they have to leave the rest to them. The most critical part still has to be left to my company. Done, it’s definitely not possible to rely on your agency alone. Moreover, your company’s network department and my platform’s network department are completely different concepts!”

Seolhyun was a little confused when she heard this, because she didn't understand the issues within the company's organization at all. An artist is an artist, how can he know so many internal affairs of the company? Especially when it comes to the Internet department, she is a complete outsider. So Kim Seol-hyun also used the simple "oh" as a universal word in her response.

Seeing her response, Zhang Pingan just smiled and continued driving towards the platform.

As for tomorrow's overseas trip, it is because Zhang Ping'an has to go find Yui Aragaki as promised. If you follow the normal way, guess where Yui Aragaki will go during her trip? No one would have guessed. But Zhang Pingan really knew where she would go. A long time ago, Zhang Pingan watched a program in which Yui Aragaki personally talked about traveling overseas alone, so he knew that the destination she chose was. ..

Seolhyun looked at Zhang Ping'an who was driving seriously: "Oppa, I think you really know a lot of things. Is it because you have good academic performance?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Miscellaneous studies are not a matter of academic performance, but that this era is the Internet era, and all kinds of information on the Internet are very explosive. If you look here and there, you will naturally understand more. Although they are all It’s just a bit superficial, but it’s enough. As for those things that are too profound, I don’t understand them! More professional than me!”

Seolhyun said: "But I still think you are very powerful. At least I have not seen anyone as powerful as you. You can succeed in whatever you do now. But for many people, success is very far away."

"Well... I feel embarrassed when you say that." In fact, under the premise of "having the financial resources" and "having the background", success is really much easier than ordinary people.

Of course, it’s also because ordinary people’s definition of ‘success’ is simpler than that for people with backgrounds like Zhang Pingan.

Just like in the eyes of ordinary people, if you start a small business and your monthly income reaches over one million, you are considered successful. But for Zhang Pingan, "earning one million a month" is definitely a failure, because he only earns one million a month after using so many resources and support? What a joke. At least the monetary unit of success in his eyes is measured in ‘hundred million’.

While chatting, the two quickly arrived at the platform's branch in Seoul. Because many major Korean anchors have chosen to return to China, and many small Korean anchors have recently poured into the platform, it is natural to establish a Seoul branch.

The company is in a business building. This business building is not a very high-end one. It is just a very ordinary six-story building on the street. The company is on the third floor.

Because the Seoul branch does not need platform maintenance, they are only responsible for managing some problems that Korean anchors encounter during daily live broadcasts, and also driving the 'atmosphere' of some Korean anchors during live broadcasts. To put it bluntly, they have a group of long-term collaborators. Navy.

In the office of the person in charge of the Korean branch, Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I'm here this time to tell you something. Please prepare a group of 'flood troops' from Korea. It's best to contact a network studio. , can you get in touch?”

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