My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 555 Seolhyun broke out

Zhang Ping'an's remaining "Seventy" shares were packaged and sold for one billion U.S. dollars. This price is a bit high for now, so no one in the market will take action after receiving the news, including Penguin, who is not short of money! Everyone remained motionless and continued to observe the live broadcast industry, but Zhang Ping'an knew that the beginning of the chaos was the beginning of each platform's competition to see who could burn more money. The attention of capital also ushered in an eruption period in the live broadcast industry. , he just needs to wait quietly!

The influx of major capital has stimulated the development of the platform, and the traffic of major anchors in Zhang Pingan's hands has stabilized the platform, allowing it to occupy the position of the 'first platform', so he does not need to do anything, just sit back and wait. As long as the platform appreciates in value, live streaming will definitely explode this year!

With the influx of funds and some stupid and arrogant second-generation rich people, the number of anchors gradually began to expand. Coupled with the opening of outdoor, many anchors also joined the outdoor industry. Singing, dancing, outdoor dripping, etc. In one year, with the promotion of Zhang Pingan, the ‘live broadcast’ finally became a hundred flowers blooming!

As live broadcasts have become more and more popular, various side projects have also appeared one after another. Many people have begun to enter the platform to burn money, and even some company accountants have begun to embezzle public funds. Various news about earning over 100,000 yuan a night appeared frequently in the news, which made many young people see the power of live broadcast to attract money, and also caused waves of newcomers to invest in the live broadcast industry.

Live broadcasting has grown, with competition between hosts and competition between platforms. Including "Zhang Pingan" has also become a star of the younger generation with the anchor and the Korean TV series broadcast at the same time!

The topic of Zhang Ping'an is not limited to China's live broadcast industry. It is also deified in South Korea and FNC. Especially when Han Shenghao looked at Zhang Ping'an's method of pushing Kim Seol-hyun behind his back, he was so surprised that he couldn't find any words to describe it. ‘Kim Seolhyun, SK Telecom Humanoid Board’ has been at the top of the hot search list for three consecutive days! !

This made Han Shenghao call Zhang Pingan during the meeting so horrifying! Yes, this person is really amazing. Within a week, Kim Seol-hyun has become one of the most hotly discussed topics at the moment. This is the love that has dominated the personal hot search list for the longest time after EXID's 'Haney'. bean! Seolhyun has become a talk among men after dinner, and has also become a fitness goal for many women.

With the introduction of ‘Solhyun’s dolls’ into SK Telecom’s business halls, incidents of ‘Solhyun’s dolls being stolen’ have been happening one after another. There are even people selling human-shaped boards on second-hand websites, which are worth up to 100,000 won. SK has also followed Seolhyun on the hot search. They have stated on their official website many times that citizens cannot take away promotional signs at will! !

'SK Telecom' couldn't laugh or cry after something like this happened. The business office sent news of stolen human-shaped boards every day. Within three days of the distribution of the human-shaped boards, none of them were gone. All were stolen.

The figure displayed by Seolhyun's figure board has been touted by various media as an unmodified figure, a famous figure, and the best figure in Korea. When Seolhyun logged into the hot search for three days, advertisers came one after another. Seolhyun became the hottest endorsement star at the moment, and she instantly became the darling of advertisers! Seolhyun’s personal endorsement value has skyrocketed in less than a week, faster than a rocket! !

Seolhyun's personal endorsement initially cost 200 million won, but now the price has increased to 500 million! At present, she has won ten endorsements, and she is currently negotiating with more than ten manufacturers lined up!

Seolhyun's outburst pushed up FNC's stock price. Although it didn't skyrocket, Han Shenghao couldn't believe it. Because in the past, Seol Hyun was almost thrown into the cold palace, but after Zhang Pingan and Seol Hyun hooked up, it didn't take long for her to soar into the sky!

The teammates all looked at Seolhyun with envy. What kind of job is the most profitable for an artist? There is no doubt that it is an advertising endorsement! In many variety shows,

There are celebrity idols who express the deep love of advertisers. Because the normal program remuneration, except for Yoo Jae Suk's level, is hundreds of thousands or millions of won, but an advertisement is at least 50 million, or even 100 million!

During Zhang Ping'an's leisurely week, a lot of things happened in both South Korea and China. He was the only one taking a break from the busy life of Bali and Yui Aragaki.


After dinner, the two returned to the room and began their final romance.

Afterwards, Yui lay in Zhang Pingan's arms, enjoying the purity of the night and the peace of mind. Everything became much more comfortable with him by her side. But the two planned to go back, and Yui said happily: "You're not going to South Korea? Are you going back to Japan with me?"

When the two decided to go back, Zhang Pingan booked air tickets, and they were two flights to Tokyo. This made Yui feel extremely happy. She originally thought that the two of them would say goodbye at the Bali airport. She would go back to Japan, while Zhang Pingan would go to South Korea. After all, his main career was always in South Korea. I just didn’t expect Zhang Ping’an to go back with her this time?

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and said: "There is nothing in South Korea that I need to deal with personally, so I went back with you, and I can't bear to be separated from you."

"Hehe." Yui Aragaki smiled sweetly: "If it doesn't delay your work... let's go back together. If you really have something to do, don't delay. I don't like that either. Clingy person.”

Zhang Pingan reached into the quilt and touched her thigh that was resting on his abdominal muscles: "Aren't you still clingy? Look, aren't you clinging to me?"

"Hahaha, I'm just clinging to you. What's wrong? Don't you like it?"

"I like it~~ So we continue to stick together?" The night became longer, and the moon in the sky was so embarrassed that the two of them hid in the clouds.

Late at night, the two checked out and headed to the airport. First class, heading to Tokyo, because the direct flight to Tokyo is a late-night flight and the arrival time in Tokyo happens to be in the morning.

I slept comfortably on the plane, but before I woke up, I was woken up by the stewardess because the flight was about to land.

After landing in Tokyo, Zhang Pingan pushed Yui Aragaki's suitcase out of the airport together. The smile on Yui's face bloomed even more beautifully after reading the familiar text. At this time, she put on a mask, sunglasses, and Zhang Ping'an was also wrapped up by her. Because there are too many people at the airport, Yui must be careful about being recognized here.

Zhang Pingan pulled the suitcase and asked Yui: "Take a taxi or take the tram?"

Yui immediately opened her eyes and said, "Take the train. Taking a taxi back will cost at least tens of thousands of yen. It's not cost-effective."

Yes, Yui Aragaki is very frugal, and there is not even a single luxury item of clothing in her home. Unless it was a gift from the manufacturer, she would never spend money to buy luxury goods.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Okay, take the tram and let's go."

When Zhang Pingan pushed the box forward, Yui stepped forward and pulled on his arm out of habit, but she soon let go. Because she remembered that this was not Bali, which no one knew, but Tokyo!

After Yui put down her hand, Zhang Pingan turned to look at her, smiled, and then took the initiative to lead her towards the tram. Yui understood what Zhang Pingan wanted to express. He seemed to be saying, "I don't mind being photographed." In fact, this also means that he loves her. With this heart, Yui is very satisfied.

Of course, the holding hands did not last long, and the two let go of each other's hands because they had to buy tickets and take the bus.

There are still many flights landing in Tokyo in the morning, and there are many people in the two-person carriage heading to the city. They didn't take off their masks and sunglasses all the way, but anyone could tell at a glance that they were dressed as travelers, so they naturally classified them as tourists coming to Tokyo and stopped paying attention.

The tram quickly entered the city. After getting off the tram, the two took a taxi home. Zhang Pingan and Yui returned to her home together.

When he got home, Zhang Pingan didn't hear the dog barking, so he said, "By the way, you are going on a trip this time, who will take care of you?"

Yui smiled and responded: "I asked my sister to help take care of it. I will pick it up tomorrow. Do you want to change clothes?"

Because the temperature in Tokyo was definitely not like that in Bali, Zhang Pingan changed into his own suit. Now that I'm home, suits are definitely not as comfortable as casual clothes.

"Give me a set of sportswear. You and I are not much different in height?"

"How is it possible that it's not much different? I'm wearing women's 170cm. Are you wearing 180cm?"

"185. You must have loose clothes at home. Find me a set, and I won't go home to get it."

After a while, Yui found a sweatshirt and a pair of loose sweatpants for Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan directly sat on the sofa and changed clothes. After he changed, Yui burst into laughter: "Hahaha, this... I don't know this either."

The sweatpants are a little shorter, and Zhang Ping'an looks like he is wearing a pair of nondescript 'sports nine-point pants'. Since the clothes are large in size, they fit well. But the pants... made Yui burst into laughter.

Zhang Ping'an looked down at his short pants and said relaxedly: "It's okay, typical otaku clothes, just comfortable."

Yui smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Change it, change it, and go shopping later."

"Okay, let's go to the street to have a meal. We won't do anything at home at noon. By the way, do you want to eat at home or out in the evening?"

"Anything is fine. Do you have any food you want to eat?"

"There's nothing in particular that you want to eat. By the way, don't you like barbecue? Let's go have barbecue tonight. Why don't you go change clothes?"

"Well, change."

Zhang Pingan stood up and carried Yui's suitcase and walked towards the bedroom on the second floor. After going upstairs, when Yui started to sort out the souvenirs of this trip, Zhang Pingan lay on her bed and watched her sitting Sorting things on the floor, the two of them lived a very comfortable life~~

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