My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 561 Dinner Appointment

Zhang Pingan knew from the beginning that Luo Yingshi would definitely not be able to pass the TV station after submitting the program, because Li Xiugen's problem was a very serious illegal issue. In addition, Zhang Pingan remembers that the first season of "New Journey to the West" was broadcast on the Internet "A Long Time Ago".

What Zhang Pingan needs is this network traffic, because with this traffic he can better package and sell his platform.

The program makes money, and the traffic platform makes money, and it can also add a good valuation to the platform. In addition, after the show is broadcast, Zhang Pingan can gain a good domestic reputation.

Because "The Showdown between Rivers and Lakes" is being aired during this time, there is a little bit of discussion when it is aired in China. After all, the program produced by Zhang Pingan is an authentic Chinese food culture program. It is equivalent to Zhang Pingan promoting China in South Korea.

This time it is no longer just Korean culture that has an impact on China, but Chinese food culture has begun to have some influence on South Korea, so Zhang Pingan has also gained some good reputation. This also caused South Korean entertainment programs to be shown on his live broadcast platform, and relevant units turned a blind eye.

You must know that live broadcast and film and television are in two different fields. Live broadcasting belongs to the Internet Department, and film and television entertainment belongs to the Radio, Film and Television Bureau. The regulatory and review departments of the two things are different.

Zhang Ping'an's live broadcast platform is not qualified to broadcast some film and television entertainment content, just because live broadcast is a new place, and for now, the direct supervision department has not yet officially implemented it. But, it’s coming soon, because some platforms have begun to play “edge ball”, which accelerates the speed of management’s whereabouts.

However, Zhang Pingan is not worried at all. His Jianghu Showdown and New Journey to the West with Luo Yingshi are both programs that promote China. Even if such programs are broadcast on the platform, supervision will not interfere. After all, Zhang Pingan is using the influence of Korean Wave to promote China, which has a considerable promotion effect on China's tourism industry.

However, Zhang Pingan's pace must be faster, and even faster, there will be less than a year left for him. In the remaining time, he can still use the influence of "Korean Entertainment" to increase the valuation of his platform, because the "ban" will come down in another year.

Luo Yingshi's program was stuck on the TV station, so he chose another method, three-party cooperation. It is produced in the form of network broadcast. Of course, this "network" is added to the Korean network. And Zhang Pingan happens to be a person who plays online, so he was thinking about it at this time...

Luo Yingshi smiled and said: "PD Zhang, I know you are also in the Internet industry. What do you think of us moving the program to the Internet this time? The TV station is afraid of being scolded, but the Internet platform is not afraid. They themselves are the battlefield. 'Well, who cares about this?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Hahaha, yes, the Internet itself is a 'battlefield', and I happen to have a good relationship with Station N. How about I go discuss it with Station N, and we can just have a tripartite meeting Investment. As for your station... are you sure you can convince Li Minghan? You are the head PD and the programs you produce will be broadcast on the Internet."

"Isn't there nothing we can do about it? Anyway, our variety show bureau's share will be enough. And the editing of the online version has the advantage that we can make it into a 15-minute short film, which can insert more advertisements."

Zhang Ping'an immediately gave a thumbs up after hearing Luo Yingshi's "ghost suggestion": "Hahaha, 15 minutes, a wave of commercials, we produce a 60-minute program, and there are four commercials. You are really awesome." ah!"

"No, we plan to have a period of '75' minutes." Luo Yingshi smiled sinisterly. Seventy-five minutes, then users have to be forced to watch five waves of ads.

"You have already imagined it, what else can I say? OK, you go and convince Li Minghan.

I'm going to discuss cooperation with Station N. By the way, have you made the program quotation list? "

"It's done." After saying that, Luo Yingshi turned around and handed a folder from his backpack to Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan did not look at the detailed quotation, but directly turned to the last page and looked at the estimated total: "OK, I understand. I'll go to 'N station' in a moment."

"Well, I'm going to talk to Lao Li too. So that's it for today?"

"Okay! Let's go together." After discussing, the two came out of the coffee shop together.


Just after he came out of the cafe and sat in his Rolls-Royce, Zhang Pingan's cell phone rang. He raised his eyebrows as he looked at the incoming call and answered the phone: "Hey, Huang Meiying, why did you remember to call me?"

"When did you come to Seoul? If I hadn't seen someone posting photos of you and Na Yingshi on the Internet, I wouldn't have known you had come to Seoul. Are you a little wandering now?"

Listening to Pani's joke, Zhang Ping'an responded with a dumbfounded response: "Why are you floating? I've always been in Tokyo, don't you know?"

"Of course I know, but I didn't expect that you wouldn't report your whereabouts now? What? You don't take me, uh, Taeyeon seriously."

As soon as Pani finished speaking, Zhang Ping'an heard Taeyeon's voice coming from beside him: "I know he's coming back. He sent me a message when he came back today."

When Pani heard Taeyeon's answer, she looked at her in surprise and said inexplicably: "Uh... why didn't you tell me?"

Taeyeon responded: "What's there to say? We're not going to pick him up at the airport."

Taeyeon's words really made Pani choke. Yes, what can she say to an outsider? It's okay for Taeyeon to know.

Zhang Pingan held the phone and listened to the conversation between Taeyeon and Pani. After Taeyeon's last words came out, Zhang Pingan knew that Pani might be a little sad.

So he said, "I'm not the leader of the country. Do I need to promote it in a big way when I come to Seoul? And Taeyeon said, you have been participating in the album styling discussions recently. I was afraid of disturbing you by sending a message, so I came back." I haven’t sent you a message since I wanted to have dinner together tonight.”

With Zhang Pingan interjecting, Pani finally got an explanation. She nodded and said, "Oh, do you want to have Chinese cuisine tonight? Can you make a reservation at Chef Li Lianfu's restaurant? I'm a little obsessed with watching "The Showdown" recently."

Zhang Pingan responded: "Haha, even if you can make a reservation, you won't be able to eat some dishes that need to be prepared in advance."

Pani said with some regret: "Hey... Chef Li Lianfu's restaurant now has to order food two months in advance."

“Do you really want to go to Chef Li Lianfu’s restaurant?”

Pani responded: "Of course, there are so many delicacies that make me greedy. Can you order them?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Yes, but maybe we will go later. They stop ordering at 8:30 pm. If we go at that time, we should be able to ask Chef Li Lianfu to get us a table."

"Okay, then we will have dinner later tonight. By the way, do you and PD Luo meet because of the new show? Or is it three meals a day?"

"The new program has been approved by tvN."

When Pani heard Zhang Ping'an's words, he felt very puzzled and said, "Isn't it true? Your and PD Luo Yingshi's plans were rejected? Is it because the cost of filming was too high?"

"Let's talk tonight...I have something else to do now."

Thinking that Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi might still have a headache about this matter at this time, Pani was too embarrassed to pester Zhang Pingan to chat: "Uh, okay, okay, I won't disturb you anymore."

After hanging up the phone, Pani turned to Taeyeon and said, "Can you believe it? The plan of PD Luo Yingshi and Zhang Pingan was rejected?"

Taeyeon smiled sweetly: "It's normal. As a planner, how could you not experience these things?"

"I think it's incredible. The program proposals of two major producers were rejected?" Pani really found it very strange. Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi are both top program planners. The program they produced was actually rejected. No one can understand this, right?

After all, the ratings of "Three Meals a Day", the first collaboration between the two, are there. A cable channel can achieve a ratings of close to 10% for a variety show. This is a very proud achievement. Now the cooperation for the second show has been rejected. This... is simply unbelievable!

Taeyeon just curled her lips to show that she didn't know. And Pani immediately whispered: "By the way, Zhang Pingan and Sika..."

"Don't ask me, I really don't know."

Pani nodded and responded: "Yes, Sika has been filming variety shows in China recently, but Zhang Pingan is staying in Tokyo. The two..." At this point, Pani stopped what he wanted to say, because Pani I really feel that the problem between the two of them is a bit big this time, maybe they really separated.

Pani thought she could inquire with Zhang Pingan tonight, but... thinking of this, Pani looked at Taeyeon...

Soon the sky turned dark, and Zhang Pingan successfully negotiated the investment intention from 'Station N'. As Pani said, the programs produced by Luo Yingshi and Zhang Pingan were wanted by countless TV stations. It’s a collaborative project, and it also includes the original cast of “Two Days”!

Moreover, participating in this program will only benefit Station N. Not only will it learn from the experience of the two, but it will also generate five waves of advertising revenue. This is a big cake.

As for Lee Soo Geun’s problem, it may have an impact on the TV station, and will it have an impact on their online platform? No, to be precise, do they care about the yelling? Even if Li Xiu Geun's gambling problem reaches the point where it becomes a hot search topic again, they can completely delete the traffic and not give it a hot search spot!

Yes, Korean portals are such rogues!

After coming out of Station N, Zhang Ping'an looked at the time, then took out his cell phone and called Taeyeon: "Where are you?"

Taeyeon's voice on the phone was particularly sweet. She responded softly: "We are in the dormitory. We can just have a meeting during the day. There is no need for us to stay in the company all the time."

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