My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 647 Hoshinoya Taketomi Island

After lunch, Zhang Ping'an and Li Zhien were still wandering around the busiest area of ​​Kokusai Street, buying small commodities, sunglasses, Li Zhien's dresses, shorts, and her favorite trinkets, and of course the essential cosmetics for traveling in Japan. store, mainly to buy sunscreen.

When entering a drugstore, the ideal spot at the door is Sekkisei products, and the photo on the roll-up banner is of one of Okinawa’s representative beauties, ‘Yui Aragaki’.

Zhang Ping'an stood in front of Yui Aragaki's poster, looked at her smile and waved, saying: "Gakki~~~Hello, I see you again, and it's in your hometown."

Because Zhang Pingan spoke in Korean, Li Zhien, who was standing next to him, laughed instantly, and then pulled Zhang Pingan and quickly left in front of Yui's poster: "Don't be embarrassed here, what are you saying to other people's posters?" Crazy?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Isn't it because I saw Yui Aragaki in her hometown that I was very excited? Just like when I saw you inviting me to drink in a restaurant in Seoul, I will definitely drink two more drinks of."

Zhang Ping'an was describing the 'Jinro' advertising posters shot by Lee Ji-eun posted in restaurants in Seoul. One of them was an invitation to drink.

Li Zhien smiled and shook his head after listening to Zhang Pingan's words. The two of them walked around the drug store, bought almost everything, and returned to the car.

Li Zhien asked Zhang Ping'an: "Where did you book the hotel?"

"The south. Because most of the scenic spots are in the north, and the south is relatively quiet. Of course, the quietest ones are the outlying islands. We don't need to go to the surrounding islands today. We will rest here for a day and leave tomorrow. Go to the surrounding islands on this island. I booked a very quiet hotel, one of my favorite hotel chains, Hoshinoya Hotel in Japan, on Taketomi Island. If you are used to that kind of cleanliness. If you don’t get used to it, we can just come back here for another two days.”

When Zhang Ping'an talked about his favorite hotel, Li Zhien took out his phone and checked it. Hoshinoya's tranquility instantly unfolded before her eyes, but the hotel recorded in the travel notes she read was the one in Karuizawa, not the Taketomi Island that Zhang Pingan wanted to take her to.

Li Zhien fell in love with Hoshinoya's hotel model at first sight. The tranquility can really make you relax mentally. Well, well, that's in conjunction with the green vegetation around the hotel and so on. As for Taketomi Island, it is a place that is so slow that time stops. There are not many entertainment facilities, only peaceful and light daily life. A small island with a population of just over 300 people is so peaceful that it makes people feel comfortable even in a daze.

In fact, for the busy Li Zhien, such an elegant and quiet hotel is more in line with her taste. The daily life is too busy and the sightseeing is too tiring, why not sit under the eaves with Zhang Pingan and watch the starry sky.

Li Zhien looked at the hotel model and couldn't help but said: "Oppa, please call the hotel and ask if there are any vacancies if you go there one day in advance?"

Zhang Ping'an was surprised and pulled over and looked at Li Zhien: "Do you want to go there now?"

Li Zhien nodded and said, "Well, I looked at the photos and I really like this hotel."

"Well... the hotel in your photo is not the place I took you to. The one you are looking at is Karuizawa, not far from Tokyo, and Taketomi Island is..." Zhang Pingan picked up his The phone began to search for photos: "This is the hotel. The concept of the hotel is similar. They are to stay away from the hustle and bustle. Let the mind return to peace and tranquility."

Li Zhien took Zhang Pingan's mobile phone and looked at the hotel photos above, which showed an overhead view of the hotel, the furnishings of the rooms, etc.

Li Zhien smiled and nodded: "Yeah, I like this feeling. Let's stay for two days and see?"

"Oh well,

I'll call the hotel first and ask. "Zhang Pingan took back his mobile phone and communicated with the hotel... After a while, Zhang Pingan hung up the phone and made an 'OK' gesture to Li Zhien: "Okay, go over there. The hotel rooms are not fully booked. We are here today. It was also possible in the past. Let me check the ticket..."

Zhang Pingan once again started to book flights for the two of them to go to Ishigaki Island and got busy. When they arrived in Naha, Okinawa, they had lunch and bought some clothes and daily necessities. Then we headed to Hoshinoya Taketomi Island.


When we arrived at Taketomi Island, we got on the hotel's pick-up vehicle, a golf cart. Li Zhien smiled and said to Zhang Ping'an beside him: "Today, we are mobilizing by sea, land and air."

Yes, if you want to come to Taketomi Island, you have to travel by sea, land and air. Moreover, Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien came to Taketomi Island in the afternoon. Generally, tourists, as long as they do not choose to live here, usually come for a walk in the morning and then leave the island after noon. So when the two came over by speedboat, they were the only two people on the boat, and the two tickets they bought were like a chartered boat.

Taketomi Island is a very peaceful island. When they arrived on the island, they met no one on the way to the hotel in the car. Maybe it was because the sun was so strong in the afternoon that not many people were willing to come out to bask in the sun, right?

The quiet island made Li Zhien smile more on his face: "It's really quiet here. I really like this place. If I have a chance next time, I will definitely bring Inna with me."

At this time, she thought of her friend Yoo In Na instead of her grandmother, because for the older generation, they may have experienced such a quiet time many years ago. Therefore, compared to such hotels, the older generation may prefer the main island of Okinawa, because there are some beautiful scenic spots there, and there are also some cultural things waiting for them to visit, discover, and marvel.

Zhang Ping'an said: "Shouldn't Yoo In Na like the architecture in Europe or the freedom in the United States? Why would she follow you to such a quiet island to be in a daze..."

Li Zhien nodded and said: "She prefers shopping, and also likes to see the scenery. And I seem to like this kind of tranquility after being with you for a long time. Last time, I liked it when we were in Kyoto A peaceful and quiet travel experience.”

"You should be too busy on weekdays and rarely have the opportunity to relax your mind. Even if you don't go out at home, you can't really relax. So, whether it was our last trip to Kyoto or this time we came to Taketomi Island , in fact, it opens up the world in front of oneself. Instead of closing the curtains at home, the world in front of one's eyes becomes wider, and the mood suddenly becomes brighter. For example, after we got off the plane today, we looked at the blue sky. I feel refreshed. Didn’t you feel the same way when you and Yoo In Na went to the United States?”

Li Zhien smiled and shook his head: "Compared with traveling with Inna, I prefer the feeling of having you by my side."

Lee Ji-eun and Yoo In-na's best friend trip was all about shopping, eating and shopping. The journey with Zhang Pingan by my side is a kind of sweet and happy sharing. What is missing between best friends is the sweet happiness that grows in the heart. Because of the lack of this feeling, it has become the key to why people often think of "having love and forgetting friendship". It's impossible to say that you will feel sweet when you are with your buddies or sisters, right? Unless your orientation~~~

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I'm afraid Liu Inna will feel uncomfortable when she hears you say this?"

Soon the two came to the lobby of the hotel. When checking in, Zhang Pingan took out his Hoshinoya VIP card. When the manager registered Zhang Ping'an, he said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, our Hoshinoya Fujisan will open in October, and we look forward to your visit then."

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile: "Is it halfway up the mountainside of Lake Kawaguchi? I saw you building it when I went to Lake Kawaguchi last year."

"Yes, we will officially open in October. The main focus of the hotel there is camping mode. You can ride horses along the mountain trails, or go boating in Kawaguchi Lake. Of course, there are many seasonal activities."

"Okay, I'll go take a look if I have time."

"Please keep your ID and VIP card. I will take you to the room..."

The manager personally led Zhang Pingan towards the room. Walking on the path, the manager told Zhang Pingan the structure of the hotel rooms. These rooms were all remodeled from the original residences on the island, and were made of red tiles and stones. The wind-blocking wall and the stone lions on the roof are all the local residential characteristics of Taketomi Island.

Wind walls made of piled stones are on both sides, naturally forming a quiet path. Trees are planted inside the wind wall, with branches of vegetation extending out of the wind wall, and some ivy-like vegetation and flowers climbing on the wind wall, all of which add to the charm of the trail.

The unobstructed view of the blue sky, white clouds, etc. all speak of peace and comfort.

Li Zhien's smile never stopped while walking on such a trail.

Arriving at Zhang Pingan's room, the two of them passed through the wind wall and entered. What unfolded in front of them was a comfortable courtyard, with two casual coffee seats under a big tree, and a neatly built tree wall in the courtyard. Partition, and two bicycles parked quietly in the courtyard. The room is fully open, a very typical Japanese style, with panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing you to have a full view of the interior of the room while standing in the courtyard.

The manager told Zhang Ping'an about the restaurant and the opening time, and then left.

Li Zhien had already entered the room at this time: "Wow... I really like it here, oppa, this is the most peaceful hotel I have ever seen. This is the real resort hotel in my heart."

There are not many facilities in the room, not even a TV. The hotel allows you to completely let go of the hustle and bustle of the city and return to the most simple life. If you want, you can even turn off your phone and forget all your worries.

You can even stay in a daze under the big tree under the blue sky and white clouds for an afternoon, pay no attention to it, and forget all the troubles! !

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