For nearly a quarter of an hour, the corpses of fire ants were piled up into hills around Lou Muyan.

Many people's body energy is almost exhausted, but the surrounding area is still densely packed with crimson ant colonies.

Lou Muyan kept shuttling through the fire ant colony with calm eyes, thinking that the time was almost up.

Sure enough, a piercing scream suddenly echoed in the air, with a whimper and the coercion of the late sixth-order monsters, which was many times stronger than the previous calls of the fifth-order monsters.

"Chichi!!" The surrounding fire ants heard the high-pitched and desperate voice and immediately stopped the pace of attacking Lou Muyan, and the sharp and ferocious fangs gritted their scalps with a tingling sound.

The leading fifth-order fire ants in the fire ant colony had red eyes, and raised their heads and hissed a few times in response to the shrill sound.

Then one by one high-level quickly lowered their heads and got into the red soil, and those low-level fire ants scattered away without hesitation.

There was a shrill scream from their mother emperor, and the voice of calling for help was louder than a cry. All the fire ants were anxious to rush to the mother emperor's ant nest, ignoring Lou Muyan and others.

The ant colony came fast and walked fast, but after a few breaths, they all burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

Some unidentified disciples held the swords that were still waving and watched their opponents disappear, "Hey, what's going on? Why did they run away?"

"The elders have successfully found the fire ant queen that controls the fire ant colony. They are going back to rescue." The middle-aged man who knew Lance had a slightly better face, and finally got over it.

Hearing his words, many people couldn't help but feel relieved, and slumped on the ground, panting and resting. Although they are all elite disciples of the ten major families, they have encountered many dangers during the trial, but this is the first time this has happened.

"The disciples of the ten major families quickly counted the number of people and reported the death list to me." The middle-aged man sighed after scanning the corpses that were eaten by fire ants and left with bones. This time the loss was a bit serious.

After his words fell, many people showed lingering fears in their eyes. When they found that their companions were missing a lot of people, they felt a strange sadness in their hearts. Some people who lost their brothers and sisters even couldn't help crying faintly.

At this time, Lou Muyan was also sitting cross-legged on the ground and poured a bottle of medicinal herbs into his mouth, quickly recovering his original strength, so that he could always maintain his peak state.

Seeing that she was still pouring medicinal pills into her mouth without any money after the battle, Xiao Ziang couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Lou Muyan, why are you still taking medicinal pills after the fight? Can you not be a loser like this? ?"

Lou Muyan glanced at him, with a rare trace of tiredness in her voice, "Naturally, it is to prepare for battle at all times."

After entering here, countless dangers awaited them. Although the sixth-order fire ant queen was killed by the sword emperor elders of the top ten families, the oppressive aura of the seventh-order transformation stage monster has not disappeared. Never let your guard down.

"Those fire ants won't come back, right?" Xiao Zi'ang's face was startled, if that happened again, he really didn't want to fight again, even if he kept replenishing his Yuan force, his body couldn't keep up. Exhausted to death.

Lou Muyan frowned and said speechlessly, "Are there no other monsters here except fire ants? Can you stop asking such idiot questions in the future?"

Xiao Zi'ang slammed his mouth, leaned over to Lou Muyan and said with a smile, "How many medicinal pills do you have on you? Let's get some more and we will also replenish Yuan Li."

Although he is a first-rank alchemist, the success rate of pills is too low. There are at most two pills in one pot, and it is not necessarily guaranteed that every pot will not be smelted.

The second-grade Zengyuan Pill they used before was a resource given by the family, and he couldn't refine it himself, let alone be as extravagant as Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan has always been generous to those she recognizes. She took out more than ten bottles of Spirit Replenishing Pills from the space ring at will, and threw them to Xiao Ziang and others, and also threw a few bottles to the Ling family and Ye family.

Xiao Ziang opened the bottle cap and counted the five pills in it. His eyelids couldn't help but jump. Why was the extremely precious pills in their hands so worthless in hers? Really more popular than dead people.

He carefully poured one into his mouth, meditated to restore his original energy, and he was no longer a loser like in the previous battle. That luxury was refreshing, but it still hurts in retrospect.

The conversation and actions of the two naturally attracted the attention of others, and they couldn't help but support Lou Muyan's casual behavior of throwing out the medicine pill.

Does this woman know the value of the pill? Can you not be such a loser? Even if they want to lose their family, give them some!

Standing not far away, Shi Feng kept staring at the white porcelain bottle in Lou Muyan's hand, his eyes darkened, he walked up to her amid the envy of the other clan disciples, and said bluntly and expressionlessly: " Lou Muyan, can you show me the medicine pill in your hand?"

When he was fighting just now, he felt extraordinary when he smelled the medicinal incense, and he had never seen this kind of medicinal pill that replenished his vitality so quickly, unless it was a third- or fourth-grade medicinal pill, but he accidentally saw that the quality of the medicinal pill was very similar to the second one. He was looking for medicine pills, so he couldn't stop the longing and quest in his heart and stepped forward to ask.

Lou Muyan thought that apart from Ye Family and Ling Family, Shi Feng was the first person to lead the disciples of the family to help the battle, and he didn't want the Xue Family and Xin Family to deal with it like that, so he nodded and smiled and took out a bottle of medicine pill Handed it over: "Send it to you!"

"..." Xiao Ziang looked at Lou Muyan speechlessly, can this prodigal woman not be so generous?

Shi Feng's paralyzed face also showed a bit of surprise, but he didn't like to ask questions in other respects except for his passion for medicinal pills.

He opened the mouth of the bottle, poured out a plump and round white elixir, pinched it with two fingers and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it, frowned deeply, and then put it into his mouth, and suddenly there was a look of difficulty in his eyes without much emotion. Shocked.

Looking at his expression, everyone knew that this medicinal pill was extraordinary, and they all turned their attention to Lou Muyan.

"Young Master, Young Master Shi can get a bottle. We went up to help just now, why don't you try it too?" A young man beside Mu Yi squeezed his eyes and urged.

Mu Yi smiled in a low voice, an inexplicable arc evoked on his handsome face, "Okay!" After saying that, he walked straight towards Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan looked up at Mu Yi, who was walking over, and knew what he wanted to do, so he took out a bottle of Spirit Replenishing Pill and handed it to him, "I'll give you a bottle too."

Mu Yi took the white porcelain bottle playfully and said with a smile, "Lou Muyan, you are very interesting, thank you!"

Lou Muyan was too lazy to guess what was interesting in his mouth, she just glanced at the surrounding changes, she found that the heads of several major families were all about to move, and took out six bottles of medicinal herbs and stuffed them to Xiao Ziang and said, "Go and put these six The bottle of medicinal herbs was given to the families other than the Xue family and the Xin family."

"Are you crazy?" Xiao Ziang held the porcelain bottle like a hen guarding her baby, his eyes widened.

Lou Muyan glanced at his stupid look displeased, and said in an impatient voice, "Don't be so short-sighted, you won't be able to find the east, west, north, south, and south with so little medicine? Go quickly."

Xiao Zi'ang was afraid that she would plot against him, so he stood up reluctantly and went to dispense the medicine pill, but just after he finished dispensing it and went back to sit down, he heard an angry voice.

"Lou Muyan, are you looking down on our Xin family?"

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