As soon as the two touched, the blue and red power instantly burst into a dazzling light.

The earth trembled and trembled a few times, and the overflowing power of the two swept all around, and everyone quickly mobilized the elemental shield and the double-layer protection of the defensive magic weapon.

"Kacha!!" All the trees around were toppled, and there was a loud cracking sound.

Lou Muyan stared at the light group in mid-air, and the fire dragon gradually disappeared. Although the blue flood dragon's light had dimmed a lot, it still broke through the red fog with a frightening power and flew towards her without stopping at all. come running.

Most of the spiritual power in her body has turned into a condensed fire energy, and the few spiritual powers have turned into a transparent aperture to cover herself.

With a flick of her finger, the jade-colored rune on the fire dragon turned instantly.

A palm-sized jade-colored transparent blue dragon emerged from the fire dragon that was about to disappear, and blocked Lou Muyan in front of him at the speed of thunder.

"Boom!!" Although the jade-colored Fulong is small, its bursting power is not weaker than the previous solid fire dragon.

After a few loud noises, the blue flood dragon followed the jade-colored talisman and annihilated in this world.


After all the light curtains dissipated, Lou Muyan spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his body was blown away by the last aftermath of the blue dragon.


"Mu Yan!"

"Lou Muyan!"

"Sister Muyan!"

Different voices sounded at the same time with anxiety and worry.

Her feet continued to slide backwards, her waist-reaching ink hair flew wildly, and a few mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and finally stopped at a distance of 100 meters.

She covered her chest, stabilized her figure, and a stream of blood flowed from her lips. She raised her head and her face remained the same, looking at Xin Bojian with an endless coolness in her eyes and said, "Today's blow, I have suffered, It will be repaid a hundredfold in the future.”

At this time, she was not well, and the blood in her abdomen was surging, obviously suffering from internal injuries.

If it weren't for the fact that the body training method was about to break through the second layer, and the body had a hardness comparable to that of a fifth-order monster, I'm afraid that today's ribs would be broken.

Since coming to Tianling Continent, this is the first time she has been so embarrassed, but she does not regret her actions.

What to be afraid of!

In this battle, she did not lose at all. From the fight with Xin Bojian just now, she learned about the strength of Jianzong, and she saw the gap between herself and the strong Jianzong, and her heart to become stronger was burning. .

Although Lou Muyan was injured at this time, the momentum on his body did not diminish at all. Instead, he unconsciously showed a domineering sense of arrogance in the world, which made everyone stunned.

This woman is definitely a lunatic, she dares to speak harshly to Xin Bojian even though she vomited blood and was injured.

It's just that most people also recognize Lou Muyan's strength in their hearts, and ask who dares to face the blow of a strong swordsman when he is a swordsman.

Although she was seriously injured, she was still like a snow plum standing proudly in the ice and snow, with a dazzling fragrance. Such courage is worthy of admiration.

And her Yuan Li's solid strength and the jade-colored talisman she used later also made many people completely recognize her strength.

Lou Muyan is not a fancy vase, she is no longer the trash that people once said.

Today, although she does not have the strength to fight the sword sect to the end, she has an aura that is not weaker than the sword sect powerhouse.

The gap in cultivation has opened an insurmountable distance, but many people think that she has not lost.

It was just a confrontation just now, even though Lou Muyan was defeated, he was still proud.

Xin Bojian obviously did not expect Lou Muyan to take over the water dragon that his Yuan Li Ningshi transformed into. He didn't use all his strength just now, but he also used six or seven points of strength.

What shocked him the most was not the solid Yuan Li fire dragon, but the jade-colored talisman that emerged from the fire dragon. That talisman actually gave him a faint sense of danger.

If Lou Muyan's cultivation is on par with him, or if he is after the Sword Emperor's middle-level cultivation, he would inevitably be injured in the fight just now.

This woman must not stay, this is the firm idea that came out of Xin Bojian's heart.

"Be presumptuous, go to hell!" Xin Bojian, disregarding the dignity of the strong, was provoked by Lou Muyan's words. He had a dark blue giant sword in his hand. Slash out.

An even more violent and raging sword energy erupted, which was even more powerful than the previous Shui Yuan force condensing Jiaolong, and the gust of wind swept the sword energy and slashed directly towards Lou Muyan's eyebrows.

"Mo Yan!" Lou Muyan touched the blood on his lips with his hand, and watched Xin Bojian raise his sword with indifferent eyes.

Mo Yan's eyes were cold, and the pressure of the royal monsters gradually spread out.

When he was about to use his innate magical powers to fight with Lou Muyan, suddenly a sword qi that was no weaker than Xin Bojian came from the side.


The two sword qi instantly contacted each other, and unexpectedly, no energy fluctuations erupted.

The sword qi on the side seemed to carry a kind of power that contained the heaven and the earth. In an instant, Xin Bojian's sword qi was fused together and squeezed out from a torn space crack, and neither of the two sword qi was affected. to those present.

Then the space crack that was forcibly torn closed quickly, and a voice came from Ye Qinghan's direction.

"Xin Bojian, let it be enough, don't lose the face of the strong sword sect."

At this time, a handsome silver-haired man suddenly appeared beside Ye Qinghan. He had a very soft smile on his face, as if he could accommodate all things.

Seeing that the crisis was temporarily resolved, Mo Yan immediately dissipated the imperial pressure that was about to take shape while people were not paying attention, and the demon power that had been tumbling in his body returned to calm.

Lan Si's hand choking on his sleeve also stopped instantly. He calmed down and forcibly took back the power that Dantian wanted to lift a layer of seal.

"Ye Zhan." Xin Bojian shrank slightly when he looked at the person who came.

Hearing Xin Bojian's voice, all the eyes of the people present turned to the black-clothed silver-haired man who had just appeared.

Ye Zhan, the youngest sword sect in the Ye family and even in the top ten families, only entered the ranks of the sword sect powerhouses at the age of twenty-six, and became a peerless genius that the ten families have rarely encountered in a century.

Compared with the geniuses and elites of the other three strongest continents, his talent and strength are even better. He is also an idol in the hearts of countless elite disciples of the younger generation of the ten great families.

"Ye Zhan, are you going to interfere?" Xin Bojian's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

He didn't expect that Ye Qinghan's siblings would invite Ye Zhan to help Lou Muyan. This man with a tolerant and gentle smile made him very resistant.

Although Ye Zhan, who has just passed his 30th year, has not broken through the sword sect, he can't even see the strength of this person. What he is most afraid of is that Ye Zhan has a spiritual pet of the seventh-order transformation stage. .

If he were to face Ye Zhan today, he would definitely not be his opponent.

"The little girl from Lou's family saved Qingle's life before, do you think I should take action?" Ye Zhan had a smile on his face, and his voice was as clear as spring water, but it made people feel a chill.

"Uncle, why are you so slow!" Ye Qingle was delighted to see Ye Zhan's face, with a hint of coquettish complaint in his tone: "Brother has sent a distress signal for a long time before you arrived."

Humph, otherwise Sister Muyan wouldn't have been hurt by that old thing.

"You girl, I'll be here as soon as I get the signal!"

There was a hint of helplessness in Ye Zhan's eyes, and he looked at the Ye brothers and sisters with soft and loving eyes.

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