Hearing the conversation between Lou Muyan and Yun Zimo, several other people listened carefully, and they found a very ethereal flute sound in the distance.

"This is Ye Family's animal control technique." Lou Mubai's eyes were far-reaching, with a clear look on his face.

A warm smile appeared on Lansi's handsome face, holding his hands in his arms: "Ye Zhan is really amazing, and only he can use such a handwriting. He is worthy of being a peerless genius in the Eastern Region."

Lou Muyan was noncommittal. She had seen a similar method of controlling beasts in the Beast Mastering Sect. many.

If her strength reaches the sword sect or the formation of pills, she can also achieve this realm of beast control.

Unconsciously, her hand caressed the ice bracelet again. She was strong and powerful, and a determination burst out from the bottom of her heart.

"This turned out to be the flute sound controlled by Senior Ye Zhan, what a bull!" Xiao Zi'ang couldn't help showing a look of adoration in his eyes. That man was the myth of the Eastern Region for nearly a hundred years.

Listening to Xiao Zi'ang's address to Ye Zhan, Lou Muyan suddenly realized that Lan Si's address to the sword sect powerhouse was not only a senior when he talked to Xin Bojian, and after that, no matter who mentioned it, he would directly call him by the name of his peer.

Even she faintly felt that Lan Siwenya's tone was indifference. Apart from his special appreciation for Ye Zhan, he didn't show any respect for the sword sect powerhouses at all.

It may not be easy for other people to find out, but she also has this kind of heart in her heart. She used to be a fairy in the spiritual world and she has no fear of the strong swordsmen at all.

In her eyes, they only represented a higher level of cultivation than hers at this time, and at most other than that, it was their appreciation for individuals, such as the same appreciation for Ye Zhan.

The strength of the Sword Sect is only equivalent to the cultivation level of the Core Formation Stage in the Immortal Cultivation Realm. She used to be like an ant in her eyes.

And she dared to conclude that Lance and she are definitely not the same type of person. He has a deep secret behind him, and his cultivation base should be hidden. I am afraid that even the usual gentle and gentle temperament is an appearance.

But who doesn't have a secret? Lance has no hostility towards her, that's enough, she has no intention of exploring other people's secrets.

Seeing that Xin Bojian took the disciples of the Xin family out from the other side to join the elite disciples of the other nine major families, and was about to rush to the foot of the high mountain, Lan Siyou said: "Let's go too. already."

"En!" The others followed him and jumped off the cliff, rushing towards the foot of the mountain.

Along the way, the monsters fought each other, and from time to time there would be red-eyed ones who would attack them when they saw them, but they were easily strangled by the two leading men, Lou Mubai and Yun Zimo.

Lou Muyan looked at the rainbow floating on the distant mountain, and a faint heart palpitation occurred spontaneously. She frowned, and it seemed that this time it was more fortunate than for luck.

However, she is not afraid, and she does not have the heart to move forward bravely, how can she rush to the road of the strong.

"Mo Yan, that seventh-order monster is hidden?" Lou Muyan found that since the fire ants attacked, the sense of oppression that enveloped the red forest gradually disappeared.

Mo Yan closed his eyes and lay on Lou Muyan's shoulders, without raising his eyelids, "It must be the appearance of the human sword sect that made him hide his figure, and the fire ant queen was also driven by him to besiege you. Yes. But the person named Ye Zhan must have discovered him."

"Why?" Lou Muyan asked with great interest.

"Self-conscious." After Mo Yan finished speaking, he didn't speak anymore, quietly rested his mind, a trace of spiritual energy quickly penetrated into his body from the outside world, and the demon power lingering in his dantian was much more mellow than before.

After being separated from Ming Xiu, Lou Muyan made several potions of medicinal pills for Mo Yan. The lost cultivation base of his blood essence was quickly made up by the medicinal pills, and the demon power in his body was almost accumulated.

If it weren't for the wrong time and place, he would have planned to find a secret place to condense the demon mansion.

Lou Muyan glanced at Mo Yan, intuition? She also has an intuition that the metamorphosis monster is definitely not easy to deal with.

Because the faint sound of the flute was still echoing in the sky, they basically reached the foot of the mountain without much hindrance.

At this time, the disciples of the ten major families had already drilled in from a vast cave at the foot of the mountain.

Lance looked at the entrance of the hole cautiously, and asked everyone to restore their energy and physical strength to their peak before entering.

After a quarter of an hour, he waved his hand and led everyone into the cave.

The inside of the cave is very bright. There is only one path leading to the depths. On both sides of the path, there are scorching magma rivers surging and rolling. met.

After another quarter of an hour, they crossed the path, and then a hillside of volcanic rock appeared.

The sight of crossing the hillside and entering the destination is surprising.

The elite disciples and powerhouses of the ten major families stood in the direction of Lou Muyan, and in front of them was a lava lake that was constantly bubbling with hot bubbles.

In the very center of the lava lake lay a slender golden liquid, which was slowly solidifying.

The most important thing is that on the opposite side of the ten major families, and also in the other direction of the lava lake, stood two men in different clothes.

Although one of them looks handsome, it has a sense of femininity. There is a thin cyan horn on his head, and the other is eight feet tall and burly, with a few scales the size of fingernails on his side face.

Behind the two of them were more than a dozen sixth-order monsters, and there were only two races. It was recorded in the mainland monster record, they were Tiantianmang and Lingxi beast.

Looking at the more than ten sixth-order monsters following them, it is not difficult to guess that the two people standing in front of them must be seventh-order transformation stage demon cultivators.

Lou Muyan's eyes swept across the burly big man. She felt the same repressed breath from the demon cultivator as the red forest. She could conclude that the big man was the demon cultivator who drove the Queen of Fire Ants to attack them. , is also a transformed rhinoceros beast.

Their arrival attracted the attention of two waves of people. People from the ten major families didn't care when they saw that Lans was bringing people. The other two metamorphosis stage demon cultivators swept their cultivation base, and their lips showed ridicule. .

Lou Muyan swept it secretly with his divine sense, and found the aura of Ming Xiu's servant, but he couldn't judge the position yet.

"Human sword masters, what do you guys want to break into this king's cave one after another?" The feminine demon cultivator in Tsing Yi retracted his gaze on Lan Si and his group, and looked at the ten major families coldly. asked several sword sect powerhouses.

An old man in the Yellow Clothes Sword Sect who Lou Muyan had never seen before sneered: "Hmph, I don't know when this volcano became a cave dwelling that swallowed the sky? You, who have always liked the cold, can survive in this high temperature for a long time? A joke. "

The femininity man exuded a coldness, and the big man beside him and the sixth-order monster behind him were all on guard, ready to take action.

The battle is imminent!

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