Lou Muyan was stunned, she found that Ming Xiu's long and narrow phoenix eyes carried an unspeakable anger.

"Are you chasing me down?" Apart from this reason, she couldn't think of any other reason for the meditation to go deep into the lava pool.

Ming Xiu walked in front of Lou Muyan, reached out and gently stroked her chin with dried blood beads. Seeing her stunned for a while, he gave a low smile: "Naturally."

As soon as Lou Muyan lowered her head, she saw Ming Xiu's well-defined, fair and slender hand resting on her lips.

The strength of his hand was very light, and his fingertips had a thin layer of calluses left by sword training, but they were not rough. When they slid across her lower lip, his heart felt like being scratched by a feather, numb and numb.

"Why are you so bold?" Ming Xiu's hand continued to rest on Lou Muyan's tender face, and he sighed slightly.

Lou Muyan was stunned, "What?" How dare she? What's the meaning?

"You dare to absorb and refine the purple gold spirit fire when no one is there, do you think you have a long life?" Ming Xiu raised his eyebrows, the strength in his hands deepened a bit.

Lou Muyan frowned, she was not used to such an intimate act, she turned her head to avoid the pair of mischievous hands, and said leisurely: "Thank you very much for your help, but I did it when I was sure. "

Mingxiu used the wood-attribute Yuan force to help her with the burning pain of the environment, and to help her suppress the cluster of purple-gold spirit fire in her dantian, which indeed reduced the refining time and suffering for her, but without him, she would have spent more time Time can also succeed.

"I know, but if you are in such pain, I will also be in pain." Ming Xiu's boundless and deep eyes carried a trace of emotion, as if a ray of spring breeze wanted to blow into the depths of the opposite woman's heart.

Lou Muyan didn't expect that the evildoer Mingxiu would say such nasty words. Her face was covered with a layer of light powder unconsciously, and an indescribable feeling appeared in her heart. measures.

"How did you get down? What about the ice luan that fought with you?"

Ming Xiu didn't want to scare the little woman away, so it's better to take things slowly. He has already woven a big net, and while he is in the net, he will also pull this woman who makes him fall in love.

"After I cleaned up the bird, I felt that your breath was gradually weakening. When I arrived, I was so careless that you were shot down in the lava pool by that person, and I was afraid that you would be caught in an accident."

Ming Xiu really blamed himself in his heart. He extinguished the self-exploding fireball of flesh and blood, but he did not guard against the sudden appearance of the little character. In the end, it was half a beat and Lou Muyan was injured.

Speaking of Hu Fei, Lou Muyan's eyes froze. It wasn't that she didn't realize Hu Fei's killing intent at that time, but she was exhausted of her spiritual power and was powerless to face a sneak attack.

"Who would have thought that Hu Fei would risk his death to kill me. He was very close to me at the time, and the speed of the sneak attack was too fast. It is normal for you to have no time to stop it."

She didn't blame Ming Xiu, but she was grateful to him in her heart.

If it wasn't for his golden sword energy to annihilate the man in black, she might have used the Soul Blockade.

"By the way, did you deal with Hu Fei when you came down?" Based on her understanding of Ming Xiu, this man should not let Hu Fei go so easily.

Ming Xiu took out a black porcelain bottle from the space ring and handed it to Lou Muyan, "I smashed his body into pieces and threw his soul into this soul-holding bottle."

He was not worried at all that Lou Muyan would feel that his actions were cruel, he believed that she understood him.

Sure enough, Lou Muyan took the bottle without changing his face, opened it and probed in with his mental power, and found that Hu Fei's soul was very weak at this time and was on the verge of collapse.

She withdrew her mental power and smiled: "Can you keep his soul from being destroyed for the time being? I suspect that he has something to do with the group of men in black who assassinated me."

"Well, leave it to me." Ming Xiu thought the same way, so after torturing Hu Fei's soul, he did not die directly.

"Okay!" Lou Muyan nodded and smiled, believing that with this man's means, Hu Fei would soon be able to spit out the clues he knew.

When she finds out the culprit behind the scenes, when the time is right, she will definitely come to the door to settle the account in person.

Afterwards, Lou Muyan turned her attention to the Tianhan golden marrow scattered at the place where the Zijin Linghuo was located before, raised her eyebrows and said to Ming Xiu, "How about one person and one half?"

"Okay!" Ming Xiu swept the Tianhan golden marrow on the ground, and did not hide the fiery in his eyes. His temperament just didn't like being pretentious, and this thing was very useful to him.

As soon as Lou Muyan grabbed the place, the Tianhan golden marrow on the ground was divided in front of her and Ming Xiu, exactly divided into two parts.

The two put away one copy each, and then Ming Xiu took out the three Tianhan golden crystals that he had grabbed earlier, "You take this one."

"You are very generous." Lou Muyan knew that after Ming Xiu had the Tianhan Golden Marrow, the Tianhan Golden Crystal should not be of much use to him, so he accepted it politely.

With these Tianhan Jin Jing, she can arm the Lou family's relatives from beginning to end.

A clear and sexy voice came out of Ming Xiu's mouth, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and he was infected with a layer of evil spirits, "Didn't you do your tricks in this Tianhan Jinjing long ago?"

Lou Muyan glanced at him angrily, raised her eyebrows and said, "How can I make it difficult for you with my little formation?"

Yes, when Tianhan Jinjing was born, she added a spirit power condensation formation when Tianhan Jinjing was frozen.

Of course, she was sure that her formation and meditation could be unraveled. This was out of an instinctive feeling, and her intuition was always accurate.

Ming Xiu has a mysterious and noble temperament. She has seen people with this temperament in the spiritual world of the immortal clan or the sect's favored son.

This man has an extraordinary origin, and the forces or stories behind him may not be just a Pluto Chamber of Commerce.

However, Lou Muyan is not going to ask more questions. The more mysterious it is, the more challenging it is, right?

This man was able to go deep into the bottom of the lava pool despite the danger for her, which made her tremble and at the same time had a certain recognition.

"You are very accomplished in the formation method. Although I can crack it, I have to come up with some methods." Ming Xiu's eyes were filled with admiration.

The little woman's accomplishments in the formation method are stronger than those of the nine-layered hall's enshrined formation masters. If the cultivation base reaches a certain level in time, she will definitely bloom in the Tianling Continent.

He will incorporate her into his wings, but he will not hinder her free flight. His woman does not need to hide behind him, he knows that what she wants is to stand side by side.

The woman he cultivates is naturally the best, the stronger she is, the more he likes it.

Lou Muyan smiled indifferently, her attainment in formation was stronger than her talent in alchemy. After she becomes a baby, some formations and restrictions can be used. At that time, I am afraid that Tianling Continent will not be able to find two that can be cracked.

"Let's go out first. After staying here for so long, I'm afraid Big Brother and the others will be anxious."


Ming Xiu took a step forward and hugged Lou Muyan in his arms. A light blue water element shield enveloped the two of them. He tapped his toes and the two disappeared in this space.

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