Yun Tianchen and Lou Zhantian had different reactions when they heard their conversation.

Lou Zhantian exuded a coldness all over his body, secretly chasing and killing his granddaughter for a pill, those people should be damned.

There was doubt in Yun Tianchen's eyes, "If it's for washing the marrow pill, shouldn't Lou girl be arrested? Why do you want to assassinate her instead?"

The man in purple looked at Lou Muyan and smiled: "What do you think, little girl?"

"If someone in the enemy owns the Essence-Cleaning Pill and can refine the Essence-Raising Pill, but she is the granddaughter of the Grand Marshal and cannot use it for herself, what would happen to you instead?" Lou Muyan asked with a light smile.

Yun Tianchen said, "Of course he killed him."

Then he pondered for a while and said, "So it is, it seems that the master behind the power is undoubtedly the hostile country of Yan Zhou Kingdom."

"Uncle Huang, have you recently felt tired during the day, but you will be alive at night?" Lou Muyan looked at Yun Tianchen with a half-smile.

Yun Tianchen was stunned for a moment, then smiled a little awkwardly: "It's true that such a situation will happen in the past few months, isn't it wrong?"

He had long suspected that something was wrong with his body, but the physicians and alchemists of the empire had checked him out, and there was no serious problem.

"Of course it's not right." Lou Muyan continued: "Can you let me take the pulse for you?"

"Okay!" He had no doubts about Lou Muyan's medical skills. He had never told the public that he had such symptoms. If she could see the pathology at a glance, that must be something special.

Lou Muyan probed Yun Tianchen's veins, and frowned unconsciously, "There is a toxin hidden in your body, but it hasn't erupted yet, so other doctors or alchemists can't check it out. But if they can check it. When he came out, Uncle Huang's cultivation was completely abolished."

"What kind of poison is it?" As the ruler of a country, Yun Tianchen did have a heart that was not afraid of danger, even if he was shocked, he didn't show it.

"A kind of acacia poison." Seeing Yun Tianchen's puzzled expression, Lou Muyan added: "Uncle Huang, did you go to Concubine Gu when you felt energetic at night?"

Yun Tianchen squinted his eyes slightly and covered the dark light in his eyes. He didn't think it before, but now that I think about it, it really happened.

Every time he was full of energy, he would go to Gu Yanting's palace inexplicably. As long as he turned upside down for one night, he would feel refreshed the next day. The situation seemed to be out of control.

The only person he loves in his heart is Lou Mozi, but he is very obsessed with Gu Yanting's body. This is already in line with the static qigong method he practiced. It seems that there must be a hidden meaning in it.

"You mean Gu Yanting poisoned me?"

"I once smelled this kind of acacia poison on Gu Guifei's body, so I just saw that Uncle Huang had abnormal bloodshot eyes in your eyes, and the circles of your eyes were blue, so I guessed that you were poisoned by this kind of poison."

Lou Muyan took back the hand on Yun Tianchen's wrist, "After checking the pulse now, I can be sure that you are poisoned by acacia."

Hearing Lou Muyan's words, Lou Zhantian and the man in purple couldn't help but feel cold in their eyes. There are indeed many dark and dark matters in the palace, but Gu Yanting stepped on Yun Tianchen's acacia poison. their bottom line.

It is undeniable that Yun Tianchen is a Mingjun of a generation, and the cultivation of a middle-level sword king can at least live to two or three hundred years old.

After he came to power, he made great efforts to manage the country, the country was rich and strong, and the territory of Yanzhou Kingdom expanded a lot. If there is no accident, he will rule and manage Yanzhou Kingdom for another hundred years. He is also the best candidate for the king.

But if the poison in his body erupts and his cultivation is completely lost, he will die after living for a hundred years at most.

"Kacha!" Yun Tianchen's teacup was crushed by him, and his face was slightly annoyed.

Lou Muyan glanced at the teacup that was broken into powder in Yun Tianchen's hand, and the corners of his lips hooked and continued: "Losing one's cultivation base is only a symptom of the initial attack of the acacia poison. , those who are poisoned will gradually become puppets and will be controlled by those who are intoxicated."

When Hua Fan was studying medicine in the human world, she once went deep into a continent where the Gu technique was prosperous, and where she learned the art of Chinese Gu decoupling, she happened to know the Acacia poisonous Gu in Yun Tianchen's place.

"You know so much about this Acacia Gu, do you have a way to solve it compared to Lou girl?" The man in purple turned the beads in his hand much faster.

Yun Tianchen is his grandson, that girl from the Gu family dared to make such an idea, damn it.

"It does." She came to do business, and this was a bait before the transaction.

"Is it difficult to understand?" Yun Tianchen still had a smile on his face, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

Lou Muyan replied: "Now the acacia poison has not attacked for the first time, so it's easy to solve, but it will be difficult if the cultivation base abolishes the infestation in the future."

"Actually, Uncle Huang, you can ask the imperial physician to examine the heart of your foot. There must be the first signs of poisoning on it."

"No, the little girl will detoxify this poison, and I will naturally ask you to detox it." Yun Tianchen's face showed a look of trust.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "Then I have to go back and prepare some herbs, and I will detoxify you in a few days."

She added in her heart: I will give you enough time to check for this kind of poison.

"Okay, we will rely on Lou girl for detoxification. After the detoxification, Uncle Huang will be very grateful."

Yun Tianchen is also anxious in his heart. If it is true as Lou Muyan said, then he will face a complete loss of cultivation and be controlled by Gu Yanting. Naturally, he will not be reconciled.

Originally, Gu Yanting was just a bait that the royal family placed on the water. She wanted to drop the big fish in the lake, but who knew that she was poisoned by the bait after a bad move. He was really ironic.

"Girl Lou, you said before that you wanted to make a deal with the royal family, shouldn't it be just to detoxify your uncle?" The man in purple smiled inscrutable.

This girl is more thief than Lou Zhantian's old boy and Lou Moyu's slickness. If you bring up the matter of Yun Tianchen's poisoning first, I'm afraid that she wants to have more bargaining chips in the future.

If Lou Muyan knew about Old Ancestor Yun's guess, he would definitely clap his hands and say, "Jiang is still hot."

"Naturally it's not just about the poisoning of Uncle Huang, it's just incidental." Lou Muyan smiled sweetly and blinked at the man in purple, "Ancestor Huang, what if I said that I still have the Essence Washing Pill?"

"Haha..." The purple-clothed man raised his head and laughed aloud, restraining the shock and joy in his eyes, "I knew you were a thief better than your grandfather."

"Tell me, how do you want to trade?"

Although he suspected that Lou Muyan still had the Susui Pill in his hand, he was not sure. After all, it was unbelievable that such a heaven-defying pill could have so many pills.

It seems that the master who hides behind the little girl Lou really dotes on her very much. No matter what conditions she puts forward, their royal family will not lose too much.

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