Lou Muyan rode his horse and went straight to join Yun Lan outside the imperial capital.

She asked Lou Zhantian and Lou Moyu to carefully select 200 potential swordsmen from the Lou family's army for a while, and after returning from the Ye family, she personally selected 100 as private army training.

The news that she was not damaged in the Frigid Mountains was temporarily blocked. Except for the reliable people in the Lou family, only a few high-level officials of the royal family knew. After the trial and selection, the royal family and the Imperial Academy also reserved one for her.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the imperial capital, she happened to rush to Ye's house to detoxify Lu Lao and Ye Qingnuan. Yunlan wanted to go to Ye Qinghan for a discussion, so she asked him for a company.

When Lou Muyan arrived at the appointed place outside the Imperial City, he saw a tall and straight man riding on a pure black wind-treading horse waiting.

"Cousin, I kept you waiting." Lou Muyan rode his horse to Yunlan's side and said apologetically with a smile.

Yun Lan turned her head sideways with tolerance in her eyes, "It's okay, I just came."

"Let's go." Lou Muyan galloped away on horseback.

Seeing this, Yun Lan quickly followed, and while rushing on her way, she asked, "Yan'er, how is eldest brother?"

"Already awake, but because the blood spirit technique used to hurt some origins, it will take some time to recover." Lou Muyan's eyes were full of coldness, she must make those behind the scenes pay a heavy price.

Originally, Lou Mubai had to follow the plan of going to Ye's house this time, but because she was seriously injured in the extreme cold mountain range and needed to recuperate, she had to give up. Fortunately, she had learned some ways to regulate the source in the world of cultivating immortals. After three years and five years, his eldest brother could not recover.

"That's good." Yun Lan breathed a sigh of relief, "Yan'er, what are you going to do with the Gu family?"

The methods used by those men in black to forcibly increase their strength are exactly the same as Gu Yanran's performance. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no connection between the two.

"Waiting to see them reveal themselves, I always feel that the Gu family is very strange, and what they want is not trivial." She decided to lead the snake out of the hole to see what the Gu family's purpose was.

"If they really collude with other countries, the Yanzhou Kingdom will be in a disadvantageous position, and I don't know if the royal father is alert." Yun Lan sighed.

Lou Muyan chuckled, "Uncle Huang is shrewd. He has been indulging in the growth of the Gu family. I'm afraid it is also to use bait to catch big fish. In the future, he will be able to use the wealth and resources accumulated by the Gu family over the years for his own use."

It's a pity that it was almost destroyed by the bait, but she had already detoxified Yun Tianchen before she left, and I believe Gu Yanting will not succeed again.

"You mean that the royal father already knew that the Gu family was impure?" Yun Lan had an epiphany.

Lou Muyan nodded: "I guess Uncle Huang is playing a game of chess, and the Gu family is a key piece."

"It turns out that it is no wonder that some of the actions of the father and the emperor made me puzzling. Now I think about it, it is normal." Yun Lan thought for a while and said.

Lou Muyan didn't tell Yunlan about the acacia poison in his father's emperor, "How is auntie recently?"

"My mother has recently become fascinated by the formation, and I have been studying the formation all day long. I look good." Yun Lan's expression softened a lot when she mentioned Lou Mozi.

The former mother revolved around the father and emperor, without self, now she has something of interest, and it seems that the whole person has the brilliance that was lacking in the past, with a strange charm.

"Well, aunt knows what she wants." Lou Muyan also smiled gratified. In this continent where strength is respected, women cannot rely entirely on men.

The two chatted while they were on their way, and ten days passed quickly.

The ten major families are the first-class strength in the Eastern Region. They are distributed in ten large cities next to each other, and they are located in the core area of ​​the Eastern Region.

The prosperity of each city of the ten major families is not weaker than the imperial capital of Yan Zhou Kingdom, and even more prosperous than it.

When the two approached the night's Luoxi City, the sky was gradually darkening.

Entering Luoxi City and Extreme Cold City are the same, they all need to pay a certain amount of gold coins, which can ensure the safety of life in the city, and fights are not allowed, otherwise, they will be punished by the Ye Family of the City Lord's Mansion.

After entering Luoxi City, the two did not live in the inn, but went directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is located in the golden position of the southernmost section of Luoxi City.

There are two teams of guards guarding the gate. There are no other unicorn statues at the entrance of the mansion, but there are two tall and majestic fourth-order white lion lions guarding the house.

The two monsters have their own arrogance and righteousness. They squatted on one side without squinting. As long as someone approached, they would cast fierce eyes, and the timid people would not dare to go over.

"As expected of a well-known family of spirit beast masters in the entire Eastern Region, even the gatekeepers are fourth-order monsters." Yuan Lan rolled over and dismounted and looked ahead and sighed involuntarily.

Lou Muyan smiled: "How can you be ranked second without some means and ability?"

"Roar!" When the two white lions saw an outsider approaching, they gave them a warning roar.

Lou Muyan had a smile on her face, the animal control magic was running in her dantian, and she pulled Yun Lan and walked straight forward.

Since she was promoted to the Sword King cultivation base, some secret techniques can be used, and the first level of the Beast Control Art can also operate, as long as the cultivation base is lower than her, the monsters can be appeased.

The two white lions immediately felt a sense of comfort from her, and instantly became quiet.

The two teams of soldiers guarding the gate watched in amazement as the two walked safely in front of the white lion. The two lions had some reactions at first, but at this time they squatted on the ground in a daze. disappear.

The captain of the guard looked at the two of them with more eyesight, and greeted them with a smile: "Excuse me, why are you two coming to our City Lord's Mansion?"

Lou Muyan took out a jade pendant engraved with the word "night" and handed it to the captain of the guards with a smile: "I am a friend of your young master Ye Qinghan, if you give him this jade pendant, he will naturally know about us. Who is it?"

The chief guard took a look at the jade pendant, and he couldn't hide the shock in his eyes. This is the token of the young master, and now it has a lot to do with this beautiful looking woman.

"Miss, please wait a moment, son, I'll report immediately." The head of the guard's attitude was much more friendly, and after speaking, the two of them were brought into Ye's living room to wait.

Lou Muyan and Yun Lan looked at each other and walked into the door of Ye's house with a smile.

In the Yejia City Lord's Mansion, there is a clear view of jade carvings, Yaotai Qiongshi, Zhu Zhuobi tiles, pavilions, pavilions, and water pavilions. The most important thing is that every scene will be separated by a formation. If you know the formation method, you will be trapped by the group and will not be able to find your way out.

After the guard brought the two to the parlour, they first served two cups of tea, and then stood aside like an old monk.

Lou Muyan took a sip from the blue and white ink bamboo tea cup, and suddenly there was a burst of hurried footsteps from outside the door.

"Mu Yan!"

There was a strange feeling hidden in Ye Qinghan's voice, and a tone of surprise poured out and echoed in the hall.

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