Under the expectations of everyone, Lou Muyan threw a cluster of fire energy condensed into the green furnace.

She has not yet formed a pill and can't use Pill Fire, but there is one thing in this continent that is better than that of Xiu Xianjie, that is, Yuan Li Condensation, the Yuan Li flame that she has been promoted to the sword queen condensed and used to make pills is no weaker than Pill Fire. .

Of course, it would be the best if she used the Purple Gold Spirit Fire to refine the medicine pill, but she didn't want to reveal her trump card.

Shi Feng and the red-clothed old man stared at her for alchemy, and they were stunned when they saw her throwing the spirit grass into the pill cauldron one after another.

"This little girl is really nonsense, how can there be such alchemy." The old man in red couldn't help frowning and said to Shi Feng's voice transmission. After all, only the two of them are alchemists here.

Shi Fenghuan sat quietly with his arms in his arms, but his heart couldn't calm down, "Does she want to put the spirit grass together and fuse and refine it?"

"How can so many spirit herbs be fused together and refined? Even the ancestors of your Shi family can't do it. I really doubt if she is playing with us." The old man in red said angrily.

Lu Lao and him are close friends. After hearing that someone can treat Lu Lao's stubborn illness, he was excited and looked forward to it for a long time, but he didn't expect to see such a disappointing scene.

Alchemists need to follow the principle of step-by-step in refining medicinal herbs. After each spirit grass is successfully refined, they will continue to refine the second one, and finally, all the refined medicinal powders will be fused to condense the pill.

But what is the little girl in the Lou family doing? Randomly threw all the spirit herbs into the stove, did she think she was cooking? Cooking vegetables are also put in order of seasonings, right?

Lou Muyan's actions in Ye Chen and Ye Zhan's eyes also made them feel a sense of disappointment.

Although they are not alchemists, they have seen many alchemists refining pills. Lou Muyan's approach is simply not what an alchemist should do.

Could it be that she doesn't know how to concoct alchemy at all, but is teasing them?

But Lu Lao's condition was indeed controlled by her. Although she was disappointed, no one in the room stopped Lou Muyan. They wanted to see how this girl would cure Lu Lao's stubborn ailment.

Lou Muyan naturally felt the complicated and disappointed eyes of several people, but she didn't care, what others couldn't do didn't mean she couldn't do it either.

Her spiritual power is several times or even dozens of times that of other alchemists. Others can only refine the spiritual grass one by one slowly, but she can use it with multiple hearts, dividing her spiritual power into countless strands of wrapped spiritual grass to control Heat refining.

The most important thing is that she doesn't want to hide her clumsiness here, she needs to get the approval of these three aristocratic families in order to act in the future.

Lou Muyan's mind moved into more than ten clusters of flames in the cauldron, and they roasted the spirit grasses wrapped with spiritual power.

After a while, several small piles of medicinal powder of different colors appeared in the furnace, and they were separated by mental power.

"It didn't explode?" The red-haired old man was slightly surprised.

He originally counted the time to wait for Lou Muyan's Dan Ding because of the random refining and explosion, but after waiting for so long, there was no vision. The most important thing is that he smelled a kind of refining medicine powder from the Dan Ding. .

Shi Feng's expression didn't change, but she was extremely surprised. How did she manage to refine so many spirit herbs at the same time?

Ye Chen lightly tapped his fingers on his legs, and seeing Lou Muyan calmly continued to throw spirit grasses into the cauldron, he sent Ye Zhan a voice transmission: "Do you think she can really refine so many spirit grasses at one time? Under normal circumstances, she would have failed in refining, but I didn't smell the mush."

"Maybe, even though she is young, she hides it deeply." Ye Zhan had a feeling that he couldn't tell from the first time he saw Lou Muyan.

However, he did not regard her as the object to be removed. The faint sense of danger was just an instinct, but there was no such palpitation, indicating that Lou Muyan would not pose any threat to him.

Lou Muyan's methods are full of tricks, but as long as it is not detrimental to the Ye family, he can make friends.

A few people stopped talking and looked nervously at Lou Muyan's alchemy. Seeing that she was still throwing spirit grasses into the alchemy furnace, they couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth.

This kind of alchemy method was probably created by Lou Muyan.

About half an hour later, Lou Muyan refined all the spirit herbs in the pill furnace, and her mind moved, and more than ten clusters of small flames formed a cluster of large flames.

The powders of different colors are wrapped and fused together by spiritual power, and they are constantly changing with small fire, medium fire, and large fire.

In the end, her eyes flashed, and the fire was controlled to the extreme. The pills that had already formed in the pill furnace began to rotate, becoming shiny and shiny little by little.

"Get up!" After another quarter of an hour, she patted the cauldron with her jade-like hand, and five yellow medicinal pills flew out from the furnace.

A refreshing Danxiang also came out from the Dan furnace, lingering on the nose of everyone.

She took out a white porcelain bottle and waved her hand randomly in the air, and the five flying medicinal pills fell into the porcelain bottle one after another.

After removing the Yuan Li flame in the green furnace, Lou Muyan also put away the furnace, and when he looked up, he saw everyone looking at him with shocked eyes.

Especially the old man in red and Shi Feng looked at her as if they were about to burn through.

"Little girl, what kind of medicine are you refining?" The red-clothed old man looked at Lou Muyan with a questioning face.

He has been staring at this little girl since she made alchemy. All the spiritual herbs have indeed been used, and from the dan incense when she came out of the alchemy, he can judge that this is a second-grade medicinal herb, which has the effect of dredging the meridians and activating blood.

But it's obviously not enough to treat Lu Lao's stubborn ailments with only these second-grade medicinal herbs that clear blood and activate blood. He suddenly looked forward to the performance of the little girl.

Shi Feng's eyes were full of quest. Lou Muyan's method of refining medicinal pills was really unheard of. If other alchemists dared to refine them like this, this pot of pills would have been useless long ago.

In such a short period of time, a second-grade medicine pill that they have never seen before, it seems that there should be a mysterious high-level alchemist behind her.

"This is the second-grade Huoqi Dan, which is specially used to clear the meridians blocked due to sword qi or internal injuries." Lou Muyan explained with a light smile.

"Then how did you manage to refine and fuse so many spirit grasses together into a condensate pill?" The red-clothed old man was itching in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't ask.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Forgive me and have no comment!"

She can't tell them: My spiritual power is much stronger than yours, and you need to use one heart in alchemy, but I can use more than one heart.

If she really said that and didn't get shot to death, she would also be regarded as a mentally ill person.

Lou Muyan's answer instead made everyone present feel that she was mysterious, and it was normal not to say such a secret.

The old man in red also found himself abrupt, and said with a shy smile: "I'm sorry, the old man didn't intend to explore your alchemy method, just curious."

Lou Muyan knew that he was unintentional, "It's okay."

"Sister Muyan, you are so amazing. When Uncle Wu made alchemy, he didn't feel as relaxed and calm as you." Ye Qingle adored her face.

The Uncle Wu in her mouth was the old man in red who asked Lou Muyan just now, and he was also the chief alchemist of the Ye Family.

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